Showing posts with label appdevelopment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label appdevelopment. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Top 10 Best Steps To Create Successful Mobile Apps

Mobile Marketing Checklist
Best Steps To Create Successful Mobile App 

Can you check off each step in this mobile marketing checklist?

Building an app can mean big business. But, it also requires having a proper plan in place for reaching your target market and standing out against millions of apps already successfully positioned in the market.
There can be many similar apps available in the market that can resemble your app, so it is important for you to build a unique app for the users as there is a tough competition for your app already in the app market.
It is not easy to build and market an app. It is a step wise and organized process that needs to be handled with care in order to market the app successfully in the app market.
Here is the checklist for you to build and market a profitable mobile app:

1. Come up with a Unique Selling Point

It is important to determine the selling point of the app. The selling point should be kept unique because the customers will always go for the brand name that is unique and attracting. The platform on which the app is to be launched should be per-determined along with the revenue model of the app.
Determining the monetization strategy is an important part during the launch of the app as at the end, the only thing that will matter is the success of the app along with its profit.

2. Determine the Competitive Edge of the App

It is important to analyze all the areas in the app so that there should be quality content along with an easy navigation in the app. All the features of the app should be kept simple enough so that the user can understand and use them easily. The user will only use that app which is user friendly; otherwise the app will not get success.

3. Create a Marketing Website

It is good to set up a website to present the app to the whole world. 60% of the users look for new apps or new products online. So it is better to create a website for the users that provide complete information about the app along with the launch date as well.
The launch date is very important to add to your website. This will make the users wait excitedly for the launch day. This is one of the best strategies to follow in order to get the potential customers before the launch.
90% of the users spend half of their time on the internet and creating a website allows you to reach more of your potential customers.

4. Integrate with Social Networks

Social networking has seen a tremendous growth in the past few years. Social media can add wonders to the app. The developer should keep in mind that the users will love to login into the app with their existing social network accounts and it will become easy for them to share the information on the app to their social networks. This is one of the best strategies to follow in order to increase the number of users in the app.

5. Understand the App Store

The complete knowledge of the app store is very important. It is important to understand all the policies and the agreements in the app store before uploading the app. If you are creating an Android app, it is particularly important for you to check the device compatibility as well.
The developer should also include call-to-action buttons for user feedback and reviews. This will help you to understand your users.
Proper optimization is very important for the app to be successful on the app store and this will only be possible after understanding the app store completely.

6. Release Test Versions

In order to get user feedback about the app, releasing test versions is very important and helpful. This will also help the developer to integrate the required changes in the app accordingly. Beta release versions are a successful step towards the creation of a successful app.
When the users use the beta version of the app, they will definitely give reviews and feedback about the app and this feedback and reviews about the app can be very helpful to make the app more user-friendly and more comfortable.

7. Get Creative with Marketing

This is the most important step during the launch of the app in the market. More than half of the world’s population like to watch videos online, rather than reading plain text. So it is a good idea to create amazing videos for your app that can give a complete insight of the app to the user.
Creative trailers will do wonders for the app. The visuals of the app should be wonderful in order to make the user use the app comfortably in the future as well.

8. Have a Social Media Strategy

Social media activities play an important role while marketing the app. Featured content on the app can prove to be very fruitful for the success in the future.
Communicating with the potential customers is very important. This is a unique way to interact with the customers. Giving updates through videos or other amazing tools to the users is very helpful. Developing healthy relationships with the customers by updating them on a regular basis is a great way to get attention from the customers.

9. Write a Press Release

This is the most important time for the app. The press releases are created in order to make the user have a complete detail about the app. The company profile is also important to be included as most of the people look for the brand of the app and use it for the brand. So if there is a complete brand profile, users will feel more comfortable in using the app after its launch. A proper press kit will help build trust with your users and should include links to the website of the app.
An eye-catching press release can prove to be very fruitful for the success of the app.

10. Decide the Marketing Budget for the App

Marketing budgets should be properly planned and organized in order to avoid any financial issues in the future. There should be a proper fund for every marketing step in this checklist.
Mobile advertising is also very important. 80% of the people in the world use smartphones and these people are the biggest users of the app as they are the ones who will be the first to use your app after its launch in the app market.
Bloggers are also the biggest outreach for your app. People love to read and follow blogs, so it is a great platform for marketing your app. Offline marketing can also be done initially for the app for some time.
Developing and marketing an app is not a matter of luck, it depends on the execution of proper strategy to build and market the app.
The aforementioned areas are the basis for successfully marketing any app in the app market. But these can also alter depending on the operations and marketing opportunities of the organization. The marketing strategy also depends on the type of the app that is being developed and launched. There are different types of customers for different apps and it is important for you to find your target audience.
About Us: Techugo is a fast-growing mobile app development company in India. We provide mobile app development services for iPhone and Android. Contact us today.


Thursday, April 13, 2017


Shopping is the most favorite activity for most of us and now it is all available on Google...To know more read this blog with Techugo- a top mobile app development company in India

Read more about this blog here: A GOOGLE BLESSING FOR SHOPAHOLICS

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Family Link App: An App To Link Our Future

family app 

Accessing technology is no more a stress causing factor for your family bonding. Family link app is here to give you a new and fresh aspect to straighten your family ties with technology... to explore further... read this blog with Techugo - a top mobile app development company 


Thursday, February 2, 2017



Every app development process can be a worthy experience, if you get the right mobile app development company, which can handle and judge your mobile app requirements accurately. The role of a mobile app developer within the mobile app development services, works as oxygen, without which the existence is out of the question. As an iOS developer, I have a standard to meet the expectations set by the Apple Inc., which is quite relishing, to achieve the best output for the users. Undeniably, the Apple regulations help the developers to offer a crystal product to the users and maybe that has been a reason behind, why people opt for iOS app development, to know more, you can explore further through my last blog “IOS APP DEVELOPMENT – A PLATFORM TO MEET YOUR BUSINESS REQUIREMENT “
  • Why Is It Needed
Albeit, Apple shares a very robust and healthy app regulation system, due to which none of the developer can skip the guideline and have to abide by the rule book of Apple, but there has always been a glitch where iOS app developers can never respond to the reviews published on the app. If you wonder, it would never be beneficial, then let me clarify that there are certain points which every iOS app developer go through and knows where the shoe pinches. As an iOS app developer, you receive the mail from your user base if they want to grouse about a bug or a shoddy design, till now there had not been a suitable solution for this problem, where developers can respond to the user’s reviews directly.
  • How It Will Help
Customer interaction is a tool to touch and stay at the pinnacle of success, this formula is not only applicable on mobile app development, but it is a sure-shot key of success for every business. If you can’t respond to the concern with your user base than you fail to create a trust factor with your users. Unfortunately, Apple had never allowed the iOS developers to respond to their user’s query and concerns. Though there is not always a bag of complaints oozed out by the users, but at times it can be the most useful information for the developers to incorporate what is needed to boost the sales growth. So if a developer is able to interact and address the concern of a user, which could either be a negative statement or a positive, it would certainly aid the developers to improvise the required changes to attain a much better mobile app for the targeted users.
  • What Is iOS 10.3 Update
As an iOS app developer, you need to stay abreast of the latest developments in the field of iOS to make a healthy pace with the cutting age technology offered by the Apple. It always works in the favor of the iOS app developer since it helps you to remain prepared any future challenges that come as an unavoidable package with iOS updates and avoid the surprise shock.
As we all know, Apple is famous for providing the updates to its users, as a part of the iOS 10.3 release notes in the late January’17; Apple has taken a vital step in the favor of iOS developers and users. As per the Apple,” When iOS 10.3 ships to customers, you will be able to respond to customer reviews on the App Store in a way that is available for all customers to see. (This feature will also be available on the Mac App Store.)”. This news indeed is a blessing for the developers, who have been longing for a suitable source to interact with their customers. The feedback shared by the developers will be publicly available on the AppStore, making it enough unbiased. This update is still in the beta stage and will be made available for the users and the developers in the next couple of months. iOS 10.3 will bring the innovative API for the rating system, where unlike the previous system, users will be able to quickly rate in-app through a simple and beautiful overlay and the user will not get to lose their on-going work or landing on the Apple App Store screen. The iOS 10.3 will be an impeccable experience for the developers with the improved app store and rating experience; the integration of Siri into native apps will open the boundless possibilities for voice-control of the app and OS functionality. The iOS 10.3 update would improve the overall quality of App Store ratings and the app related interaction between a developer and the users. The best part about this update would be that if the developers want to commit a bug-fix or correct the mistake, they can do it on a sheer platform of the public forum.
Expected Benefits
  • Would add a degree of comfort to users and developers
  • A key platform to indicate how responsive developer is
  • Developers can stay more closer with their customer base
  • Curb the “harming reviews” posted by the unethical players
Other Challenges Faced By The iOS Developers
  • Limitations in performance and memory
  • Application compatibility
  • Performance and battery consumption
  • Networks speeds
  • Apple’s app store approval process
  • User experience design
  • Apple watch and VR connectivity
  • App Security
The release date for iOS 10.3 has not been decided and would be available in a month or two for the developers. I believe, for the iOS developer community, the upcoming 10.3 update will be a harbinger of joy and happiness. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Friday, January 20, 2017


There has already been written much about what to ask your developer before planning for an app, but internet shares a very limited space with the questions to be asked from your client. Yes, it is true, as an app developer, you also have the viable prerogative to query your clients, to satiate your understanding of the mobile app development process. The queries are many on the technical front, but today we are not going to take a dip into the technical perspective merely, since the technical approach and demand for every mobile app varies from one to another, on the contrary, we shall discuss the generic questions to be asked from your client to get a better hold on the app concept.
Why To Ask Your Client
If a project is started to meet the level of your expectations as a client, then you need to gear up to the questions raised by your app developers to gain a fruitful product in the form of a mobile app. The calculation is very simple; if you need a perfect mobile app for your business, then you need a platform filled with inquisitive souls who can mold the app development as per your requirement and concept bearing, but it can only be achieved if there is a valid and logical set of queries raised from both the ends. The series of pertinent questions here goes following, go ahead:
  • Why This App Is Getting Built
You don’t need to jump on the gun, after getting a lead from your marketing channel, rather you need to engross in various points to understand the mobile app concept and the reason for its development. Ask your client, the main motive behind developing the mobile app, whether is it an enterprise mobile to increase the workforce efficiency or is it an eCommerce mobile app to boost the sales process. If you feel this question set is futile enough to give you a clear indication of the app development process, then you are certainly wrong, because these questions would help you build an efficient wall of required features and functionalities, needed to develop that mobile app, which runs seamlessly.
  • Know The Targeted Users
The subsequent question after the previous question is to know the targeted users for the mobile app. You need to research and understand that which purpose the mobile app will solve for the users, how it will help. The targeted users have to be searched on a wider scale, like what is their need, which mobile platform they use, this complete set of information help you understand and know more about your targeted users and what actually the need to make your mobile app a successful product.
  • Can We Know Your Budget
No, you don’t sound pushy with this question, it is a common myth to not to indulge into monetary aspect, and certainly does not imply well with mobile app development process because there is technology involved. The monetary part is not discussed for any sort of negotiation from either end, but to know what your client wants and what his limitations are, maybe there are certain features required by the client’s end, which can spike up the budget, so it’s always better to have a clear understanding of the budget range. I understand mobile app development is a serious game to handle with care, which involves an ocean of unpredictable expenses to be involved with, the only sigh of relief you could get is from an estimated budget. The budget estimation from your client’s end speak a big deal, you need to ask them for a range in which they want their desired concept to take shape, for a new client this question works as one of the essentials, since if the client does not divulge the range, it is a clear sign that the project is not a serious boat to sail, rather just a vague idea of a client who is killing the time with you. The budget range would help you to decide on the cost involved in the initial build and get an awesome app that would get better and better.
  • Know The Key Individuals
A very common advice to all app developers out there, KNOW who you are working with? Who is the driving element behind the project, means who gives consent for every aspect? Who is the budget holder? Who is the Project Owner? Who makes the final call on the decision and very importantly; you need to know the concerned person who would be consulted at what stage to move from Ideation to prototype, to build, to test, to release. These all points if decided and discussed beforehand with your client can crack a major deal without creating any fuss about anything.
  • Who Are The Competitors
To know about the competitors, does not yell out, that you are gonna have every single feature ‘Cut-Copy-Paste’ option, on the contrary, it does not support the plagiarism, since once you know what is already being sold in the market, should not be repeated within your mobile app, so know your competitors and learn what you should not do and what functionality can influence your app features as well. After a complete research, you can discuss with your client and share your views on the mobile app development process.
You need to follow these question strategy quite religiously and ask your clients from the basic phase of mobile app development. It might sound a little harsh to some of you to bash your clients with these many questions at an initial phase, but trust me; this strategy will help you emerge as a promising mobile app development company, which does not negotiate for anything less than perfect. At Techugo, the same strategy is integrated and interwoven into the fabric of app development process for every client and it is followed by every single employee involved in the process of app development, whether it is an Android app development process or an iPhone app development process, but the strategy remains the same. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo
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