Showing posts with label mobile app development companies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mobile app development companies. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

How Users’ Feedback Help Your Mobile App

A mobile app’s success largely depends on the users’ preference and the feedback they share on your mobile app…User feedback, which might sound an automated aspect on your mobile app, can eventually help your mobile app to gain success and thus it is highly significant for your mobile app to control the behavior of your users so some great feedback can be taken onto your mobile app platform.

You would be surprised to know that users’ feedback is highly significant for your mobile app, and it triggers the success rate for your mobile app to a large extent.

Now you must be wondering why and how????

Hmmm., a very obvious question, and to answer you on this, I have come up here today with this post…just read ahead and explore the ways feedback can actually shoot your mobile app’s success…
Customer Satisfaction is the key to success for your mobile app development, with a feedback you steer your product roadmap to make the changes your mobile app is in dire need of making, instead of juggling with what exactly went wrong with my mobile app…and also with the right set of mobile app feedback strategies, you can explore the functional and the engaging app product for your users.
Also, the feedback helps your mobile app to…

ü  Create a successful milestone plan
ü  Work and implement the changes in accordance with the users’ taste
ü  Help you gain more monetary benefits
ü  Your business gets more positive feedback to gain more number of users

Apart from this, when you decide to work on your users’ feedback, it ultimately creates a loyalty and trust factor between you and your users, and they start building a relationship with your services, which consequently leads to better revenue growth for your business.

You only need to compliment your mobile app feedback strategy with the right functionalities and the features with an efficient app development process, so your users would cherish the app experience for longer.

Monday, April 16, 2018

How A Promotional Website Helps Your Mobile App

My mobile app, my rules…I really wish these tactics could work, but unfortunately, it does not since an app does not work according to your wishes, but has a lot more to do as per the users’ choice and preference.

This is shocking and quite rude as well…but can't help it, since if you want your mobile app to survive in the app market, hence if you want your mobile app to get noticed and picked by the targeted audience then you need to indulge into the marketing strategies which really suits the users’ taste and fits their needs as well.

Considering every factor, you must make sure that even the pre-app marketing strategy would be planned according to the users' taste, and nothing fits better on this requirement panel, that a promotional website

A promotional website, as the name suggests is all about the promotion of your app, through different means, much before the app officially gets launched.

But this is not exactly what explains the promotional website, but there are numerous benefits which are associated with a promotional website and can bring a huge round of attention to your app.

I know some of you must not be still convinced that how a promotional website can help a mobile app, so I request you to read ahead and explore…

ü  You can blog anywhere & anytime
ü  You can release app video teasers
ü  Let users take a look at your app’s feature
ü  You create curiosity among the users
ü  Help your users to understand the features and the functionalities deeply

These are some of the benefits you receive from a promotional website on your mobile app, but you must ensure that you get your mobile app developed from a leading iPhone mobile app development company like Techugo, which has every required technical expertise and the skills to transform your just an app concept into the sizzling app.

Monday, March 5, 2018


I know the moment the mobile app idea strikes in your mind, there are many factors which revolve and make your thought process to go on an adventure ride with constant hiccups, which make you have many confusions, fear, and doubts to go along with.

On this journey one factor which scares you the most is the app development cost, since being a non-technical person, you are always in a fix, about the technicalities involved in the app development process and you are not completely sure of that what and how these technicalities would take place, and how is it beneficial for my mobile app, and in this confusion, you are bound to accept whatever your developer is selling off to you, and you can even cross the set-limit for your app budget, and can end up paying extra…

You would be surprised to know that this issue is very much in your reach to get resolved, only if you are able to consider few simple points.

Yes, it is very much possible…

Don’t trust me?????

Hmmm, well to answer your doubt, I would request you to please read this article further and help your mobile app development coast to stay in your budget only….let’s read further…

Selection of App Platform

When a mobile app comes into existence, along with many other goals and expectations related to your business also get the reality platform and to make this happen business owners don’t want to leave any stone unturned to make the mobile app really become a huge hit and wants to make the app available on every possible platform so a larger audience base can access the app effortlessly.

Although the idea is quite considerable, but you would be shocked to know that development of a mobile app on different app platforms, can lead to higher app cost, because every app platform OS has its own specific requirements and development varies from one to another.

Thus if you want to control your app cost, it is advisable to pick only the required OS for the development and this you can analyze with an ease after analyzing the users’ requirements.

Number of App Functionalities

Yeah, it is absolutely obvious and expected that you want your mobile app concept to turn into a huge success, and you want every sort of feature to be there on your mobile app.

It is a fact that your features describe your app’s nature well, but this is also a fact that too many features included in the mobile app only distract the users at a first glance, and they don’t get used to of every available feature o your mobile app.

Also, the inclusion of many features on your mobile app, makes your app cost to rise up and affect your app cost budget largely. So considering both the given points it is suggested to include only the required features in the mobile app and keep the rest of the features for the later version of the mobile app.

Selection Of An App Development Company

You might have thought that why I have included this point even, so my lovely readers,  this point has a very valid and direct connection with your app cost. Lemme explain how…

When you decide to proceed with a mobile app concept, you would find an ocean full of app development companies in the app development market, and out of those, some would charge you peanuts for the development process, while others would give you a different project cost, which indeed makes you sway your decision and inclined towards the least costing app development company.

But here you have to be attentive, because most of the time the least charging mobile app development companies are inefficient and incapable to handle your app’s requirements due to their lack of exposure and experience in the app development field, which in return, make you abandon your app to leave in between the app development process, and you end up hiring a professional app development company to complete your app project.

Which as a matter of fact raises your app budget to a different range, so it is highly recommended to pick a right app development company not the least charging one to get a successful app for your business needs.

By following these tactics you can control your app development cost and get a successful app ready for your mobile app concept…. J

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

How To Make Your Content Go Viral

A healthy content and its popularity largely depend on various factor, which ranges from quality to the engaging factor, and in between this range, there are many other segments which complete the process accomplished fully.

Your content can only go viral, only if your readers find it engaging enough.

Then what are the aspects which help your content to gain popularity…the answer to this question has many different versions, and one of the most obvious ones says that in order to make your content go viral, you must make it ENGAGING…

OOPS, I got your point, but unable to understand how to create it????  L
It is one of the most obvious questions raised by the marketers, since capturing the market with the best possible techniques, is always at the top of their minds, and abandoning the most crucial part of the marketing – Content is nothing less than a sin.

With this post, I am going to bring your attention towards some the best-practiced measures, to help you win the users’ hearts, so let’s read ahead…

Create A Community

The most beautiful aspect of the content is that it contains the power of the word, which can withdraw or attract anybody’s attention if used correctly.

If you are good enough in playing along with your words, then please make sure to create some posts, where you let the readers come up with certain inputs to share…

It can be in the form of tweets, hashtags or even the comment as well, but by doing this, you would give the authority to the users to voice their opinion through your content.

Be A Listener

The best conversationalist always turns out to be a great listener, so here you need to follow the same trick, you merely not need to be a writer or a speaker, who would only throw his/her opinion, but you also need to play ALL EARS to your readers’ comments.

Even if some harsh words are written there, don’t feel offended, but try to address the situation, this would not just help you build a loyal community but you also reflect to your users that how much you do care about their opinions.

Include Videos

I know it doesn't sound anything unusual to you, but believe me, this is one of the best ways to make your users stay hooked to your content.

Now the question comes, how to integrate the video within a written content, so here is the solution…
Let your blog filled with the pertinent videos related to that blog’s content, and make sure it is placed at one of the most attention-catching places within the blog.

Recruit Audience

It sounds so interesting to know that you can recruit audience as well to read your content…yes this is very much possible and you need to stay alert and active both to help this process comes into reality.

The moment you start your posting your blogs on different blogging websites, then don’t expect your audience ratio to explode, because there are very clear indication which suggests that your audience can not only on the blogging sites, but there are other social media channels as well where your targeted and potential set of audience is, thus it is very important to bring all the audience to your blog, you must utilize the different micro blogging websites to help you in finding the audience.

Don’t Speak But Talk

No, I am not aiming to be a grammar nazi to make you fall into searching out the difference between speak and talk.. J

But just for a quick introduction speak is more a formal and is supposed to be a one way of communication whereas talk, serves the complete opposite process.
Hoping back to my topic, in your blog piece it should clearly state that you are talking with your readers and trying to help them understand every bit of your writing in the simplest and the easiest way.

These techniques if followed well can help your content to score a well-deserving recognition and would make your users stay engaged with your content…
Content marketing strategies are proven worthy for every business domain and app technology is also not an exception in this league, but if you want your mobile app to be developed by one of the top mobile app development companies, then you must get in touch with leading iPhone application development company only.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

How To Expedite Your App Development Process

My app is still in process, it has crossed the delivery timeline long ago, I don’t know how long more my app will take to get developed…these are some of the most common statements which we all get to hear from the people surrounding us, and it leaves us with one doubt to live with forever that does the app always get delayed?

Indeed the app delay is nothing but a concern, which needs to be addressed with a plan to execute the best ever policies to make the app get delivered on time.

But how to make it happen, because every single aspect of the app development is filled with the technology, and a most common belief suggests that something which echoes the technology can never be paced up fast, because a little haste play with technology, may lead to something catastrophic.

Getting your app delayed is something which is quite common and largely happens due to the halt which occurs in-between resulted from the technical hiccups, thus expecting the series of delay while utilizing any new technology, is something which is common and is expected.

But you don’t need to worry, there are ways which can really help your app development process to get expedited and nothing gets hampered, and in return, you receive a mobile app faster and no delays.

Here I have mentioned a number of steps if taken into consideration, can change the development time for your mobile app on a fast-track journey.

Grab A Hold On Wireframe

The wireframe works just like a blueprint for your mobile app, which lets you get a pre-planned strategy and give you a clear understanding of what your app needs to plan ahead by the team members involved in the app project.

The wireframe of the app works as a guidance tool for your team, which would help them to proceed with the step-by-step plan and keeping everyone involved in the app project to be on the same page.

Pick Native App Platform

Many times, it has been noticed that when a client approaches the mobile app development company, then most of the app development companies, come up with a pre-defined option to be suggested to the client, of Hybrid app development.

I seriously have no idea, that what makes the app development companies suggest the option of Hybrid, but eventually the perfect app platform for the app development is Native only.
Although there are numerous reasons which make Native mobile apps to take an edge over the Hybrid mobile app, out of which please find below some of the most obvious reasons to pick the native mobile app, please take a look:
  •   Lots of design options
  •   Optimal utilization of hardware and operating system
  •  Wonderful App Performance Speed
  • Gives more control on the size, resolution and even orientation on every device
  •   Cuts in development time and increases the odds of fixing the nastiest of bugs 
  •   Native apps are natural extensions of the platform that smell, look and feel like the default     apps
  •   It helps to utilize the specific functionality as well as design patterns like zoom and multi-touch, back button location vary according to the devices

I hope this all can help you a bit to understand the advantages Native Mobile app has to offer.

Security Testing

The violation of the security is the concern, which disturbs the every business owner and the users, and is one of the most vital concerns of the mobile app developers when they choose to develop the app.

The app has to be worked upon many aspects and security is the major point, to be worked upon, so the app needs to be reviewed from every possible angle for any type of welcoming security threats.
In an expedited process, the app needs to rely majorly on the automated testing and if possible then let the manual testing also happen simultaneously.

Focus on MVP

It is a very obvious fact that every business owner wants to integrate the best possible functionalities and the features in the app to gain the attention of the users, but the more number of functionalities always lead to a maximum time to be consumed on the app development process.

Thus, if you are looking for the faster app development process, then you need to work only on the most significant app features, which can help the end-users to understand the app functionality and compliment your business revenue generation goals, rest of the features should be kept as a part of the next app version release.

This strategy would serve two purposes: first your app would be built a little faster and second, by keeping only a few and relevant features you can get a great grasp on what your users actually are looking for and according to their choice and preference, you would be able to modulate the app features and functionalities as per the taste of end-users.

These are some of the steps if you consider and integrate into your app, then believe me your app would not just get developed on the faster mode but you would also be able to release your app on time to meet your business revenue goals.

Also, worth to mention the role of a right Android application Development Company plays the BIGGERR role in this league, wherein they can understand your app requirement and build a mobile app fitting to your business goals without leaving any stone unturned to create an impeccable app piece fitting and accomplishing your business goals.

Indeed there is a pool of Android App Development Companies uae, but you need to pick only the leading app development company which has the sufficient online presence, impressive client list, positive reviews and most importantly the required technical exposure and experience to handle your app requirement.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Mobile Ux Design Tips To Boost Your Mobile App Success

Studies reveal that almost 35% of mobile app engagements last less than a minute due to app UX at large…it clearly speaks that


When I install a new app, the very first aspect much before its usability even mesmerizes me is the app UX, something which helps me to connect with the mobile app with a visual language. The visual language works directly on your user’s psychology and helps your mobile app to create a bond with your users. I have largely observed that visuals work faster than content, or in other words, visuals create a platform for the content to be read further. If a mobile app fails to catch the attention of its targeted users, then no matter how well the app features and the functionalities are imbibed within the mobile app, it would fail to gain the attention it deserves. So you need to spend your efforts and need to be specifically dedicated to create a strong laying foundation for your mobile app. Following I have picked some of the essential factors, helping your mobile app to get a praiseworthy UX…

Give A Reason To Your Users

Your users are actually very smart, they cannot accept anything which you offer to them, since they have plenty of options with them to proceed with and they want something best, so as a priority you need to ENGAGE your users, and need to create a reason so your users can use your mobile app. A reason which allows your users to get attracted to your mobile app, but you don’t need to turn evasive with your approach rather try to be succinct to portray your creativity in UX. So, it is advised to do a thorough research of your target audience and then devise a strategy to deliver the most delightful experience. 

Minimum Is Maximum

When it comes to a mobile app, users look for something which is minimal, but speaks the app interface clearly. Try to keep the design as clean as possible with no cluttered look. Users prefer a mobile app which has least, but worthy design elements, the more number of designs only confuse your users and they would not prefer to use it further, so let there be a seamless transition between practicality and purpose, this would let your mobile app to raise the user experience to the next level.

On boarding Experience

A mobile app is a playground, wherein your users come and judge the quality before hitting on their favorite game, which means your mobile app has very limited number of time to slay the completion with the first impression. The very first few seconds your users spend on the mobile app after the installation process gets over is called ‘on boarding experience’ and works on breaking and making the life cycle of your mobile app on their mobile phones. Unfortunately, around 80- 90% of the downloaded apps are used once to be deleted further, due to poor on boarding experience. Keep this experience simplest, do not stuff the app intro with huge numbers of screens, this would only irk down your users and they would not remember everything your app tutorial has tried to teach them. Also, it is always better to follow better ways to welcome users instead of bombarding them with tutorials, like guiding users to the next actions they need to do for performing some specific tasks within your app, it is an interactive way to connect with your users.

Let There Be A Confirmation

I personally like the two blue ticks, which pop-out on popular social media platform WhatsApp, when somebody reads your message, it gives a very personalized treatment, that a mobile app is helping you out to reach others, as a matter of fact, a mobile app has no role in forcing the reader to convert that one tick into two blue ticks, but it helps a lot in confirming. In the same way, you also need to think of a way to give the confirmation to your users, when they finish a task, it can be in the form of visual hints and messages to speak the confirmation. This actually helps your users to come to know how your application actually works.

Choose Smartly

I personally have felt that certain mobile apps with high usability consume more battery than others, this happen due to the amount and choice of colors you have picked and background services such as location detection are the major culprits behind the battery drain. Your users can never be willing to use your mobile app by keeping their mobile battery life on stake. So keep the UX simple with the color theme, short navigation, and limited background services.

Don’t Make A Clone

At times, many apps are just the clone of others and it is expected that these apps would carve a niche for themselves. HOW? I think it is a crime even to expect, that two different mobile apps, with two different names, but same looks and functions would gain popularity. Remember, it is good that you study your competitors, but you don’t need to adopt everything your competitors have to offer, invest your creativity in the UX and try to find a sensible balance between your app and your competitors’ mobile apps to provide a compelling user experience to your users, to stay one step ahead in the competition race.    

You need to understand that mobile app UX is never a one-time process; rather it is a progressing work, which needs to be upgraded on the basis of users’ likes and dislikes. You need to be proactive to conduct the requirement analysis of your mobile app’s usability and improve the UX accordingly. It is sad to know that in today’s time a very limited number of mobile app development companies pay serious attention to UX and its significance, which usually lead to app failure. So you need to pick a right mobile app development company, which is filled with every required ingredient of mobile app success, I know it is tough and stressful to choose such mobile app development company in this competitive era, so I have brought down the solution for you in the form of a leading mobile app development company – Techugo.

Techugo team consists of top mobile app designers to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. Their team members are dedicated to consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market your mobile app in the best possible way. You can get in touch with the Techugo team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.

You can reach the Techugo team at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Friday, December 30, 2016


top mobile app development company

To get a mobile app for a business has become a top priority for any business owner to attain, to survive in the industry and beat the competition, but have you ever stopped to think, that what all does it take to make a mobile app? We all know to create something, requires concept, planning, and a strategy, but to make a mobile app, it takes a little bit more from just concept and planning, it needs a complete strategy to pre and post mobile app launch. Today, I would discuss the nitty-gritty involved in developing a successful mobile with a top mobile app development company in India.
Mobile Apps Are A Necessity
We all need the fastest way to get our work done, no we are not lazy, but our work schedule is way too demanding, which leave us with zero-hours to pamper our needs. Be it booking a cab to work, ordering a scrumptious meal on one of the lazy Sunday afternoons or the hustle-bustle last-minute need of shopping for a cousin’s wedding, we all need a solution which can work in our favor and at our convenience. Undeniably these situations, coupled with some more, are the daily and usual jerks in each of our lives, where we go clueless to manage them, mobile apps have sorted most of such situations with a mere need of one touch on the mobile app icon, which let us shop, eat, travel, explore, book the hotel/ cab and much more in the interactive yet technically innovative way, known to be a mobile app. When I first heard about mobile apps, a giant and more technical infused character my brain had visualized, which could be used only by the tech-geeks, but after using I found it easy enough to be used by any non-technical person, without even knowing the actual technical stuff involved in building them. From the first day of mobile app introduction, today our mobiles are filled with every useful mobile app to manage our diary, tracking our health, booking a hotel and list is never ending and they are developed for big brands to startups by some of the top mobile app development agencies.
Why You Need It
The very first requirement for creating a mobile app is to know that why your business needs a mobile app and how it will boost the sales. To help you, I can relate few points here, so you can consider the mobile app for your business effortlessly. Every business has a competition and apart from quality and service if you are unable to reach your targeted customers, then even if your product holds the excellence of quality, it is null and void. Mobile applications work as a medium, to let you connect with your customers more deeply and understand what they want, with a mobile app you can upgrade your mobile app with time as per the demand of your customers and can let them voice their reviews and feedback on an online platform to attract more customers. Once you are sure of your requirements and the need for a mobile app, you need to approach a top mobile app development company to materialize your dream concept into a successful mobile app.
Strategies to Pick The Right Mobile App Development Company
Finding a mobile app development company might be an easier task, but finding a right yet top mobile app development company India, needs research and intellects. With an ongoing demand for mobile apps, the mobile app development companies have outnumbered all of a sudden, making it tougher and stiff to pick the best out of all. You have to judge the right app developers through many screening phases, such as:
Reviews on Listing Website
Listing websites are the perfect tool to know more about the mobile app development companies because the reviews and feedback mentioned here are unbiased and are based on an actual client call. So look for the company’s review on these websites and read and explore more about the company before nodding yes to it.
Don’t Get Swayed Away With Pricing
I agree, mobile app development cost is the topmost priority for everyone to consider, before taking a productive decision for your business, but don’t let the pricing solely to decide the fate of your business. The mobile app development agencies India, are filled with numerous tempting offers of less pricing, but the less pricing will be proven way too expensive for you in the later stages, so it is better not to depend on mobile app development cost factor while thinking to develop a mobile app solution.
Look For A Development Partner
The top mobile development agencies India, let you offer to develop your mobile app, but very few offer a development partnership, where they would guide, help and advice how to develop and improve your mobile app to attain the height of business profits. Apart from the above-mentioned points, there are the number of points to be considered to pick a top mobile app development company to deliver your desired result.
On selecting the top mobile app development company, you can proceed with the flow of app development process, and after the launch, the true essence of app marketing is dipped in the mobile app promotion to work in your favor.
App Marketing
The distribution of mobile app to the right set of customers is the most crucial yet toughest part of the app development process, it has been observed that many a time, even a plain concept mobile app has received maximum downloads but the app with the most innovative approach doomed to destruction. Nobody wants to lose their mobile app to fail to make a place in the user’s heart, with all the efforts in time and money invested in the mobile app, huge expectations also relate to it, but at times these expectations become a distant feature from the Mars, yet to be discovered by NASA. To avoid such situation, there are a few strategies to be worked upon religiously, like Aid referrals, Content-blog/posts/ articles, social media connection, listen to customers and upgrade the services based on ratings/ reviews.
Top Mobile Development Company
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can...