Showing posts with label mobile app design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mobile app design. Show all posts

Monday, February 1, 2021

Do Brands Need To Invest In UI/UX Designs During App Development

 Mobile app development is a time taking process, and one of the parts that need precise attention is UI/UX designs. Let us learn why companies need to focus on it more.

Mobile applications are the modern-day digital platforms that help brands to sell their goods and services online to a large number of the global user base. In a short time of 10 years, the app industry was able to establish a strong foothold in the market and became one of the top-most business choices for both small and large-scale entrepreneurs.

With time, the application industry expanded with the introduction of various technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Blockchain, Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, Chatbots, and much more. Honestly, the list keeps on extending. They now act as a bridge that eradicates the space present between the users and the process. Apart, from delivering utmost convenience to the audience, apps also ensure that they trigger a company’s sale. 

There are a lot of advantages that make apps ideal for the transforming digital world. That is why brands from different industries are moving ahead and embracing technology. But the harsh reality is that not all of the companies succeed in creating an impactful business. There are a lot of applications on stores that do not get downloads and eventually lose the grip.

For any company, it is a huge nightmare. Does it concern you too? If you are interested in creating your own business app, then you need a technique with which you can lock your success and growth. Today, in this blog we would be talking about UI/UX designs and why one needs to invest in this to achieve goals. Read the points thoroughly to eradicate all the doubts.

So without any further ado, let us initiate our journey of learning!  

1. Fetch better insights from user engagement

High user engagement is directly proportional to high sales. These metrics are important because they give better insights for finding out the techniques that impress your audience. One of the sure-shot ways to boost user engagement is through focusing on the design of your application.  

2. Relish better revenue generation opportunities

When you start planning a visitor’s journey on the app, you can easily figure out and optimize the opportunities to convert them into a loyal customer base. UI/UX designs will allow you to plan all the possible interactions and enhance the call to action for better sales.  

3. Optimize resources, cost, & development time

Investing in the UI/UX designs will allow you to solve a lot of usabilities issues, which might emerge after the creation of your application. Designing teams can smoothly anticipate the needs of their audience before moving to the development phase. Also, ensuring the scalability and flexibility of the app design would deliver better opportunities.  

serverpoint hosting banner

4. Increase user loyalty and acquisition

In order to achieve a vibrant competitive edge in the market, it is necessary that you naturally attract and retain the audience on your application. For this, you need a platform that creates a more aesthetic vibe and delivers better solutions to the audience.  

5. Decrease troubleshooting and associated costs

There are a lot of errors that pop up later after the app has been made live. These problems can easily be avoided during the early stages of development. For example, some faults are simply the wrong assumptions about user behavior or navigation. There are also a lot of features that aren’t required and their inclusion does nothing but confuses the users. The efficiency of the UI/UX designs can help companies jump over this problem altogether.    

In A Nutshell

These are the major reasons why companies need to invest their resources in UI/UX designs. But this is not all, as there are several other aspects of mobile app development that one needs to master in order to deliver an excellent platform to the users. If you want to learn more about them, then make sure you reach out to the experts. The team that you would be collaborating with for your app’s creation will play a huge role in enhancing your market growth. Therefore, you need to make sure that connect with a brood of professional experts.

Applications are becoming the best options for businesses to reach out to their potential customer base in a short span of time. It also helps them to boost the user experience by simplifying the process of buying goods and services. Because of the pandemic, a lot of brick and mortar stores have shifted their process online with the help of an app or a website, and are gaining a lot of benefits.  

If you want to boost your online sales, make sure you embrace the app tech with open arms. So what are you waiting for, just jump on the bandwagon right away and explore the growing digital era!

If you have any doubts, then make sure you drop them in the comment section present below. We would love to help you out by guiding you to the best path. But until then, stay tuned to this space for more tech-related updates from all around the world. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Common Mistakes You Can Avoid In Designing The App UI

User Interface design is one of the very important aspects of the mobile application. It seems that most of the people who worked in the UI/UX of the design field consider the app design is the simplest part of the development. But the reality is very different, designing the app UI is much more difficult than it seems at first sight.

If designers get to know the struggles and how to manage then it becomes easy and interesting. You just need to ask your clients for the opinion, so that you can make the app as convenient for them as possible.

What users generally expect from using an application?

Non-user friendly design is the worst nightmare for any designers because if a user fails to understand how to use it then he or she will delete your application. They prefer to download another app which is simple to use and attractive.

Generally, users are annoyed by the constant necessity of entering personal information such as likes and dislikes, so it is necessary to ask only once and save for future reference.

The primary goal of any mobile application is to meet the user's requirements. That's why it requires design optimization and following adaptive web development principles.

These are the points you have to consider when designing the app user interface. Now, we are going out to point out the common mistakes that can be easily avoided.

Inappropriate button size
This is the first thing that user notice in your app and if your button size is not appropriate then it is the most annoying thing. If the call to action button is too small to click, then it is going to frustrate your users. Clicking on something and getting redirected to somewhere else is very disappointing and especially if the person is performing important task.

So, while designing the app user interface pay attention to keep all the call to action buttons of appropriate size to allow proper functioning.

Typographical hierarchy
Typographical hierarchy is the system for organized typed text that established the order of importance within the data, allowing the reader to easily navigate through the content. If the hierarchy is not maintained within the design then it becomes difficult for the user to find what he or she is looking for.

So, pay special attention to these aspects during the application development so that the app does not look heavy on content and confuses your user.

No micro interaction
Micro interaction is the small design elements on the app that interact with the users. For example, when you hover over the button, it slightly vibrates or change color, this is called as micro-interaction. These small elements enhance the user experience.

They encourage the greater communication and also drive more actions. So always include these tiny elements in your design to enhances the developer's hard work.

Color contrast
If you want to draw the users attention on to the particular segment, then use the high-level color contrast. This is generally used for the call to action buttons, but remember that if they are too many on a single screen, then they will affect the user experience.

Use the low contrast color for less important content or less used buttons, this eliminates the confusion. To keep the UI simple and attractive use color contrast smartly.

Neglected white spaces
White spaces are actually the spaces between two design elements and needs to be white. Actually, white spaces are important to organize the content on the app and it also balances out the designs. If you want to maintain the strong sense of the brand throughout the app, then use the white spaces smartly in that way cannot be neglected.

Faulty alignment and grouping
Having apps that are heavy on design elements and content will need better grouping and alignment for a calm experience to your users and alignment is not limited to your elements being right or left aligned, but goes deeper.

Placing all the elements properly with the respect of content is very important, it creates a lasting impact on the users. But it is totally in the hand of the designers to align them properly and most of the users prefer the grid system while others find it restrictive.

Development Feasibility
A lot of times designers thought something very interesting or out of the box but the development team is not on the same page. So make sure that design must be compatible with development point of views. It requires lots of communication between developers and designers.

System-centric features
Design the app users interface to solve the problems of the users and make it more convenient. In other words, we can say that all the features should be centered on a solution to these problems and not be system centric. These type of approach will attract more users with different level of expertise.

These are the mistakes you have to avoid during the designing of the app user interface. Now, we are discussing the constantly evolving trends.

Minimalist design
Nowadays mobile application is more often treated as the perfect mix of form and functions. People shifted from apps overcrowd with different stuff to sophisticated and contextual ones.

Explain to their users how they can reach their goals using the application to prevent them from leaving it. You can also say that your app design should be convincing enough to keep them using it. One of the techniques used for onboarding is the creation of empty states.

These are the constantly evolving trends in UI/UX designing. If you want to design the best application for your business then you have simple and attractive UI, then consider these points. At Techugo, we are developing the mobile application with flawless design and amazing user interface. So, if you are looking for the best mobile app development company, then contact us now.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Mobile App Design Errors For App Landing Page

As we all know that the first impression is the last impression, so if the homepage of the app is impressive than half of the goal to attract the users is fulfilled. If you want to get the impressive introductory page for your app then the best option is to contact a renowned top mobile application development company to get the work done. It is not less than a challenge for the developers to come up with some distinguished design pattern for every project that can please the users.

Sometimes the efforts to make a home page better ends up creating something worst. Certain aspects are there which can ruin the whole efforts of the developers so it is advisable to keep these aspects in view while designing the landing page. Let’s have a look at them…
 Complex designing of the home page
 Usage of too many images for advertising
  Too much information, just on one page
  Use of Humorous content in excess
  Images used are not articulating the purpose
 Slow responsiveness of the home page
Henceforth, if you wish to make your mobile app landing page impressive and productive then you must avoid these mistakes and pick a team of professionals who is well versed with every aspect that can hamper the home page. This kind of concept clarity comes with the experience and exposure and if you are looking forward to hire an experienced company then you must get in touch with a leading mobile app development company , which hold the enriched ideas of home page designing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

How Does An App Influence Your Revenue Generation?

The relevance of mobile app is visible to all, but yet there are many business owners, who hesitate to proceed further with the app technology, as they always live with a constant fear that an app might turn into a risky business for their revenue goals.

This very thought stops them to proceed ahead with the app technology and their brand as a consequence fails to mark a considerable significance in the market.

With this post I want to draw your attention towards the impact your business gets through the app technology, let’s read ahead…
 An app helps your business to get widely accepted by the masses with just a click on their Smartphone, eliminating the efforts of visiting your store physically.

     You get to create value for your business through the app technology, as you offer something convent and tending to your users.

     This helps your business to enhance the accessible factor 24*7*365 effortlessly, where your targeted customer base from across the world can access your services at any point of the day hassle free.

        You can market your products efficiently, as the app works as a great marketing tool for your business, letting the users know more about the new products through the app platform.
       The feedback option helps you to improve your services, consequently eliminating the chances for your competitors to draw your customers’ attention.

These are some of the benefits your business can receive through the app technology, hence you must not delay any further, and if you are really looking forward to getting an app to boost the revenue generation for your business, then you must get in touch with a leading mobile app development company  and help your business to scale a steady growth in no time.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Can ASO Tactics For Your App Be Easy And Convenient?

I know thinking of ASO, always make you think of dealing and managing the technical capabilities of your application and it makes you feel sick in your stomach, as technicality is not always enjoyable, and one MISS can send your application to destruction pool in no time.

But the other part suggests that you can jump off from the ASO wall, given any situation, as it helps in various aspects which can upgrade your business visibility and reach to a wider and unimaginable platform.

You would be surprised to know that ASO can be done with convenience only if you decide to move ahead with the strategies, which are going to be a part of this post, just enjoy reading further…

    Before you knock you selected app development partner for the successful ASO plan, make sure that you have followed a very focused plan, which suggests that never ever pick the IRRELEVANT app name.

If your business deal in food then there is no point in giving it a name like tech-glam, it might sound extraordinary to you but it does nothing but only withdraws your users from the application.

The utilization of the screens, is not what always appreciable in certain apps, as these apps show the screens, not the functionality through the screens.

Pick only the pertinent and functionality focused app screen within your app.

 Description of the app is generally about what the app is??? Is this what you think??? If you think, then you are wrong, because if an app shows what it works, it falls flat on users, as they don’t want something which works, but something which works as per their needs.

Hence include the functionalities within your app description, so your users can relate to them and would find the application to be an unavoidable aspect of their lives.

I believe now you can understand that how ASO can be a convenient plan for your application, you just need to ask your mobile app development company  to help you with rest of the ASO aspects and help your application throw the fireball of competition effortlessly.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Win Back Lost App Users With The Retargeting Strategy

Of course, an app can never be once developed and forgotten concept, and you always need to be on your toes to keep the users stay engaged and glued to your application.

Rather if you really want your application to gain views and download constantly, then you need to feed your users with something special can extra all the time.

The strategy of giving users something extra comprises of retargeting the app users.
I know some of you must be getting confused enough to understand the very concept of retargeting your app users.

Don’t get panic, there is enough number of steps to be taken to perform this task efficiently.
Just read this post further to know more…


Before giving you an insight into the ways the retargeting gets done, the basic process behind the retargeting must be understood.

Let me take you on a ride, which can explain the best ways to demonstrate the process…so let's begin…

When a potential customer lands on your app, the expectations are always associated that this visit would end up in making the final purchase, but what you see suddenly that users leaves the app and abandons the process.

OOPS, what happened???

It is a very common phenomenon which is commonly sighted amongst the app engagement and it really creates a void in the business revenue generation for your business.

Here the beloved retargeting magic works and stops the users to procrastinate the buying decision.
When the user is on some other website doing some action online or simply searching on Google, the magical wand this process spreads the pixie dust of magic and your app’s ad pop-up, by clicking the ad brings those users back to your app and…rest I don’t need to mention even…
Now let’s understand the ways to retarget…

Other Site Retargeting
The very first type of retargeting is site retargeting, as the name suggests this type of retargeting lets your app gets promoted on the different website.

Here you need to choose the relevant website fitting your app’s genre, for instance, if your app deals in baby products, then putting the ad on the mother-to-be website would entice the users.

Social Media Retargeting
The social media promotion and social media retargeting are tow different aspects, don’t confuse them with each other.

In social media promotion you try everything to promote the application, but with this method, you need to pal safe and need to sound more engaging while considering the users’ behavior.
Yes, just like the promotion, don’t leave any social channel barehanded from the publicity of your app, but invest a good deal of time in developing the content for this plan.

You need to understand that users would not be interested to entertain any existing or boring content, hence you need to give a shout to your users through the right means of content marketing.
Let your words play the game and help your mobile app to win the battle.

Product Video Marketing

As the report suggests, 47% of approximate users love to spend their time watching YouTube videos.

These stats further prove that if you are going to address the app retarget aim with engaging video then t would only help the users to find it more engaging.

Now the biggest question comes HOW???

The app video has to be very succinct, meaningful and does not need to revolve around the app, but can also be around the products.

Have you seen the different products ads, which create hype on the social media and gain the users’ attention, for instance, L’Oreal Paris advertisement featuring celebrity ‘Eva Longoria’?
In this ad, the product is shown as the most significant factor used by the human face.

If you already have tried the video snippets of your app, then now this is the time to HIT the users with the product video and how it can benefit the users.

The model of development can be different fitting your app’s genre and your budget, but it must revolve around the product only.

I really hope that you must have got some valuable information pertaining to the steps which can win-back your app users.

But remember, mobile app development is a process not just the event and it must evolve to present something better to your targeted audience always.

Monday, July 30, 2018

In-App Marketing Blunders Are Enough To Kill Your App

Recently while attending an entrepreneur talk on app development, I was curious being told the gaffes app marketing strategies can bring to the app portal.

Although I was shocked to hear at the first but as they say one thing leads to another, so I decided to dig deeper in finding out the best possible reasons for this mass murder of every feature of the app.
So here are my findings…

Before I kick-start my discoveries, just for the quick update, I would like to draw your attention towards the other and beautiful side of the in-app messages marketing.

Basically, the in-app messages open the tunnel for further user engagement with your app and help the app to convert the free users into the loyal customers. It can be done through push notifications or the offer messages.

But in this journey, many hiccups are administered, which create a jeopardizing jerk in the path of your marketing success plan.

The basic reason behind this flunk is all about the right message sent to the wrong person at the wrong time.

This is one of the success-absorbing glitches, which causes enough spark of a nuisance in the expected success journey of your app. Thus I am going to mention further in this post how to deal with this, just read further…

§  Making All Users Sail In One Boat
An app is never limited to a specific age group, but it is largely been observed that apps have a wider audience base hailing from different age groups.

So what works and really fits the bill is creating every user base as per their specific demand and needs.

Albeit, it would be a difficult journey to send ten different messages and organize them, but this journey has an incredible destination, which is filled with users’ appreciation and consequently into a successful app product.

To attain the benefits from this, study your users’ behavior and bifurcate them into groups on the basis of product preferences, their app interaction and specific demand.
Accordingly, keep the users updated for any new offer or services which can benefit them further.

§  Don’t Follow ANY TIME Strategy
Your app but your users’ rules…
Yes, don’t take me wrong, but I am speaking the factual situation here and that includes the timing of your app messages as well.

If you picked the sending time as per your convenience then 99.9% chances are that they will be dumped without seeing, and in the worst situation, it would even lead to app uninstall too.
Consider these aspects before making a shout out to your users in their inbox.

  Conduct a research.Understand which day and time user remains active with your app?  Is there a different time zone?

You might have to invest HUGE time and patience in looking out for the right ways to reach your users at the RIGHT time. But the efforts invested here would really help you in abundance.

§  Lazy Content Stops The Growth
Many marketers find it a lazy day job to write new content, so they practice the CUT, COPY and PASTE guilt-free.

To them, it is an easier an effective to pick something from their own old-aged written content but eventually, this all sums up to the lazy marketing tactics and goofs up the succession plan.
Every in-app message you share with your users must have something UNIQUE and something NICER mentioned within.

The in-app message content must be able to encourage the users to come and make a purchase. Hence use the best words, to make it really work in your app’s favor.

Don’t stay in a shell, that everything is all well, with your app message, but take a look from the users’ perspective and ask yourself a clear question that whether it really drives you to BUY and if there is something in the content which you find as a user “new or interesting”.

If not then the simple option you have is to change your content strategy without letting any further delay.

If you really want your app to have a successful in-app message service, then take more suggestions and set of advice from the team of marketers of your selected mobile app development company , and help your app receive its deserving recognition.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Challenges Faced By The App Developers

In the wake of technology, every new mobile app is coming pre-filled with the advanced technical aspects to help the users to experience the best technology in the form of a mobile app.
A mobile app which is supposed to offer the abundance of convenience and the comfort to the different users while accessing the required services is not just all about coding, but there is much more which lies beneath the very concept of mobile app development and believe it is way beyond the coding only.

The mobile app development is indeed a process not an event and every leading mobile app development company understands this well since it requires a series of technological practices to be integrated into it, and this integration process makes the app developers go through the acid test.
Yes you heard me very much right, even app developers have to go through a series of challenges and after beating the odds of those challenges a unique and a seamless mobile app comes to the users.
With this post I am going to draw your attention towards the number of app development challenges every mobile app developer goes through, please take a look...

Crafting Apps Which Can Be Noticed Easily
Solution- Develop the apps which looks great, include graphics, usable features, and intuitive design. Make sure your app is offering a wholesome experience to the users.

Creating Interactive Apps
Solution -App interaction must remain your prime concern since the initiation of the development process. Integrate the various buttons with click options and include interactions like titling, shaking and flipping.

Performance vs Battery Life
Solution- This issue must be taken care of while running the beta version on run test cases, wherein you can analyze which feature or functionality consumes the battery faster.

I hope these solutions would help you to craft a successful mobile app solution while overcoming the challenges…and you clients would keep on receiving the best app solutions for their business needs. J

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

How Users’ Feedback Help Your Mobile App

A mobile app’s success largely depends on the users’ preference and the feedback they share on your mobile app…User feedback, which might sound an automated aspect on your mobile app, can eventually help your mobile app to gain success and thus it is highly significant for your mobile app to control the behavior of your users so some great feedback can be taken onto your mobile app platform.

You would be surprised to know that users’ feedback is highly significant for your mobile app, and it triggers the success rate for your mobile app to a large extent.

Now you must be wondering why and how????

Hmmm., a very obvious question, and to answer you on this, I have come up here today with this post…just read ahead and explore the ways feedback can actually shoot your mobile app’s success…
Customer Satisfaction is the key to success for your mobile app development, with a feedback you steer your product roadmap to make the changes your mobile app is in dire need of making, instead of juggling with what exactly went wrong with my mobile app…and also with the right set of mobile app feedback strategies, you can explore the functional and the engaging app product for your users.
Also, the feedback helps your mobile app to…

ü  Create a successful milestone plan
ü  Work and implement the changes in accordance with the users’ taste
ü  Help you gain more monetary benefits
ü  Your business gets more positive feedback to gain more number of users

Apart from this, when you decide to work on your users’ feedback, it ultimately creates a loyalty and trust factor between you and your users, and they start building a relationship with your services, which consequently leads to better revenue growth for your business.

You only need to compliment your mobile app feedback strategy with the right functionalities and the features with an efficient app development process, so your users would cherish the app experience for longer.

Monday, May 7, 2018

App Launch Mistakes Which You Must Avoid

Your app concept is marvelous, your app development process was accomplished by a leading mobile application development company, you invested your time and effort in the app development, but now it is the time for the official launch of the app, and you have every reason in the world to feel nervous about the app launch.

Yes, it is a very common aspect, that if certain points are mistaken, or taken for granted during the app launch strategy then the entire cycle of efforts and the passion invested on the app platform, will go waste and will help your mobile app to get rejected from its targeted audience.

Thus it is highly recommended that you must take care of certain aspects during the app launch and avoid certain mistakes to be a part of the app launch strategy.

Now you must be confused that which app launch mistakes am I referring to…then you don’t need to get tensed any further, and you must read ahead….

ü  Don’t skip targeted users’ market and their specific demands

ü  Delaying the app marketing for no specific reasons

ü  Crafting a poorly designed mobile app, which is highly complicated for the users to use

ü  Not giving importance to app launch strategies

ü  Not picking a leading app development company like Techugo, which can help your mobile app to become a success through its experts and skills

If you consider these points while launching your mobile app, then believe me your mobile app concept will turn into a huge success and will beat the odds of competition without any further ado.
So pick a leading app development company and help your mobile app to gain the success with a unique mobile app concept and its sizzling app functionalities

Monday, April 23, 2018

Can A Color Theme Make Your App Successful

The moment I saw the app, I don’t know why but I instantly fell in love with the app, since the app had some magic in it, that even without using it any further, I realized that I am in love with but….I don’t know why…

Has it ever happened to you??? When you opened an app, and you realized that app is very special to you or somewhere deep within you feel related to the mobile app, without even experiencing the app features…

Well, it happened with me, and the only thing I could recall that the moment I saw the app screen first time, I felt I must use it…do you wonder why this happened ???

It has been said and discussed for a long time that color theme on your app design holds the significance and to cut the long story short, I want to inform you that, the app color theme works on your users’ psychology and plays a vital role in the app interaction.

Really this theory brought many revelations on me and I understood that app’s color theme helps the users to see and interpret the app’s content, interact and connect with the app’s functionalities and understand what exactly the app is made for.

OMG !!!!!

I never knew an app’s color theme has this much in store, and it can influence the users’ buying choice as well, but do you know this VERY MUCH significant aspect is mostly overlooked by the users and as a result of an app which could make big in the app stores, fails to impress even a handful of users.

A sad fact!!!! L
Then how to make the app’s color thee really work in favor of your mobile app’s future???
Well this is indeed a concern, and I cannot explain it in a mere line, thus you are requested to read this post ahead with me and explore the ways to get a perfect color theme for your app.

To start with, I need to explain few things, like every color holds its own significance and cannot be replaced with another, just for the sake of change, rather you must remember that every color denotes its own worth, thus you must pick in accordance with the app’s genre.

App Icon Color

The color of your app icon cannot be a simply 'first come and picked', rather it needs to be well-thought and researched color since it not just make the icon unique, but it gives an identification to your business and your brand.

Though many popular app icons are in blue shade, such as; Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter to name a few but it does not carve out a strict line that your app icon also need to be in Blue colour only, but you can pick any other color theme fitting your app’s functionality and believe me the moment you would be researching more about the business, ultimately one color fit for your app icon would occur to you.

Selecting The Right Color Scheme
I know the process of selecting the right and perfect color scheme for your app design is not a cake walk and it requires a series of different aspect to be considered, for instance, there are different types of color schemes used, like:

MONOCHROMATIC - The Simplest color scheme to create, it goes well with blue or green hues and offers a soothing effect.

ANALOGOUS- It is created from related colors that don’t stand out from one another; where one color is used as a dominant color while others are used to enrich the scheme.

COMPLEMENTARY- These are opposite colors, which contrast strongly, and can be used to attract the viewer’s attention.

CUSTOM COLOR SCHEME-  It makes you customize your own color scheme. You can add a bright accent color into an otherwise neutral palette to create a visually appealing design.

ADOBE COLOR CC-Also, known as Kuler, is extremely easy, where every color on the palette can be individually modified or chosen as the base color with a few simple clicks.

Compound Color Scheme - Another name split-complementary scheme, adds the base color with the analogous colors. It is contrasting but has no visual appeal.

What You Need To Keep In Mind???

You need to keep in mind the impact of Color Contrast because this is the area where color theory is crucial to the usability of a design and the readability of the content suffers. So in order to beat the odds, follow this…

ü  Small text must have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 against its background.
ü  Large text (at 14 pt bold/18 pt regular and up) must have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against its background.

 I know there are more factors which have to be considered while selecting the right color theme for your mobile app design, but I really hope these points would also help you get a clear understanding of the app color theme ecosystem.

BTW, I forgot to mention the app which really mesmerized me with its looks, was developed by a leading mobile app development in australia Techugo, which indicates, developing your next app from their team would be a beneficial decision.

Friday, March 23, 2018

How To Create That Impeccable UI Design For App’s Success

Mobile apps are everywhere and as the time will progress the popularity and the existence of the mobile apps, would increase and this is not going to stop anytime in future. On the other hand, the demand and the supply are two different aspects and either can disturb the existence of other, if not managed and handled well.

But in the race of offering many mobile apps to the users across the globe, it has somehow created a monotonous job for the developers to provide the same types of apps with the same type of mobile app design, which is not well accepted by the users, and as a consequence the app fails to mark a presence on the respective stores and FLUNK through the failure tunnel…
Isn’t it sad enough???

Hmmm, eventually it is sad and disheartening both at the same time, but a harsh fact as well, then how to take control on it?

Many marketers and developers suggest different ways to achieve success, but often a most significant feature of a mobile app is overlooked and causes a big-time hurdle in the success road of your mobile app…this feature is none other than UIdesign for your mobile app, which can turn the heads of your app users, if integrated efficiently.

I know the very next question would be that how to do it??? Thus to address this question, I have brought this article for you, let’s read ahead…

Design Clarity Must Be The Prime Focus

When an app designer picks to design the app, the major concern which clouds them, is how the users will communicate with the app and build a connection. On an honest note, this is one of the toughest parts of the app development, wherein you have to explain the connection of users with the app, through the mobile app design.

The clarity factor is one of the prime factors of a successful UI design, which adds the impeccable visual elements in the mobile app design. Your app design must be clear with no ambiguity involved in it. The app interface needs to be clean and clear, and also the app design must be as easier as possible.

Many app designers, add unwanted visuals and design elements in the app, which only overtly crowds the mobile app, so make sure every unnecessary element is cut off from the mobile app design.

Accurate Font Size

The app fonts might sound a very simple factor to you, but you need to remember that fonts placed in your app, are equally important and cannot be given a miss.

Make sure that every font used in your app, is appropriate from the size and color perspectives and your app users must be able to read them with an ease.

Avoid the cursive or other stylish fonts and keep the font size complimenting the app genre and background color.

Follow Trends

Technology is ever-evolving and the design trends too, keep changing for the betterment. So it is always suggested that you must follow the current trends in the market and worth to mention this strategy is proven the method to get an edge over your competitors.

Familiar Buttons

UI designing is all about infusing the creativity and the innovation in the mobile app design, but in this league, you need to remember that nothing should go beyond the limit, and it must remain very much simple and familiar.

If you are planning to add the innovation in the app UI design, it is a good factor, but you must remember that it should be well comprehended by the users.

For instance to go back an arrow with left scale is the perfect fit, since users can easily connect with it, but if you want to integrate some new design, then it must be well tested from the usability perspective.

Any app which comes on the market must be a perfect piece of technology, innovation, and creativity so the users can accept and download the app massively. Unfortunately not every mobile app designer follow these techniques and ruin the future of mobile app, so select a right mobile app development which will integrate the right app development strategies to make your app idea become successful.

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