Thursday, April 18, 2019

Common Mistakes You Can Avoid In Designing The App UI

User Interface design is one of the very important aspects of the mobile application. It seems that most of the people who worked in the UI/UX of the design field consider the app design is the simplest part of the development. But the reality is very different, designing the app UI is much more difficult than it seems at first sight.

If designers get to know the struggles and how to manage then it becomes easy and interesting. You just need to ask your clients for the opinion, so that you can make the app as convenient for them as possible.

What users generally expect from using an application?

Non-user friendly design is the worst nightmare for any designers because if a user fails to understand how to use it then he or she will delete your application. They prefer to download another app which is simple to use and attractive.

Generally, users are annoyed by the constant necessity of entering personal information such as likes and dislikes, so it is necessary to ask only once and save for future reference.

The primary goal of any mobile application is to meet the user's requirements. That's why it requires design optimization and following adaptive web development principles.

These are the points you have to consider when designing the app user interface. Now, we are going out to point out the common mistakes that can be easily avoided.

Inappropriate button size
This is the first thing that user notice in your app and if your button size is not appropriate then it is the most annoying thing. If the call to action button is too small to click, then it is going to frustrate your users. Clicking on something and getting redirected to somewhere else is very disappointing and especially if the person is performing important task.

So, while designing the app user interface pay attention to keep all the call to action buttons of appropriate size to allow proper functioning.

Typographical hierarchy
Typographical hierarchy is the system for organized typed text that established the order of importance within the data, allowing the reader to easily navigate through the content. If the hierarchy is not maintained within the design then it becomes difficult for the user to find what he or she is looking for.

So, pay special attention to these aspects during the application development so that the app does not look heavy on content and confuses your user.

No micro interaction
Micro interaction is the small design elements on the app that interact with the users. For example, when you hover over the button, it slightly vibrates or change color, this is called as micro-interaction. These small elements enhance the user experience.

They encourage the greater communication and also drive more actions. So always include these tiny elements in your design to enhances the developer's hard work.

Color contrast
If you want to draw the users attention on to the particular segment, then use the high-level color contrast. This is generally used for the call to action buttons, but remember that if they are too many on a single screen, then they will affect the user experience.

Use the low contrast color for less important content or less used buttons, this eliminates the confusion. To keep the UI simple and attractive use color contrast smartly.

Neglected white spaces
White spaces are actually the spaces between two design elements and needs to be white. Actually, white spaces are important to organize the content on the app and it also balances out the designs. If you want to maintain the strong sense of the brand throughout the app, then use the white spaces smartly in that way cannot be neglected.

Faulty alignment and grouping
Having apps that are heavy on design elements and content will need better grouping and alignment for a calm experience to your users and alignment is not limited to your elements being right or left aligned, but goes deeper.

Placing all the elements properly with the respect of content is very important, it creates a lasting impact on the users. But it is totally in the hand of the designers to align them properly and most of the users prefer the grid system while others find it restrictive.

Development Feasibility
A lot of times designers thought something very interesting or out of the box but the development team is not on the same page. So make sure that design must be compatible with development point of views. It requires lots of communication between developers and designers.

System-centric features
Design the app users interface to solve the problems of the users and make it more convenient. In other words, we can say that all the features should be centered on a solution to these problems and not be system centric. These type of approach will attract more users with different level of expertise.

These are the mistakes you have to avoid during the designing of the app user interface. Now, we are discussing the constantly evolving trends.

Minimalist design
Nowadays mobile application is more often treated as the perfect mix of form and functions. People shifted from apps overcrowd with different stuff to sophisticated and contextual ones.

Explain to their users how they can reach their goals using the application to prevent them from leaving it. You can also say that your app design should be convincing enough to keep them using it. One of the techniques used for onboarding is the creation of empty states.

These are the constantly evolving trends in UI/UX designing. If you want to design the best application for your business then you have simple and attractive UI, then consider these points. At Techugo, we are developing the mobile application with flawless design and amazing user interface. So, if you are looking for the best mobile app development company, then contact us now.

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