Monday, November 7, 2016


Mobile apps are getting wildly popular, so the competition is rising at a heating speed. To make a mobile app sustain in the app stores, you need to opt for a more robust app marketing strategy. App marketing does not limit to a particular segment, but is a vast method and content marketing, is the most significant part of app marketing, it can surface out to description content, image content, video content, user review content…and more and more. Content marketing can be proven quite effective, if planned and initiated much before the launch of the mobile app.
Why Content Marketing
Content marketing is a proven technique. It includes app-related blogs, news, video content, infographics, podcasts, guides, slides, ebooks and white papers and any other type of content. With the right pieces of content ready at the right time to fit your content marketing strategy, you can make people aware of your upcoming app product and will get it noticed by the targeted customers and it will make you appear to be an expert in your field and you would have the appropriate users available to download and engage with your app beforehand. SEO and content marketing complement each other so well and the content can be shared via social media and encourage your targeted audience to share your content with others. As an app marketer, you always look for new users for your app, to make it functional you need to plan your content in a way to make it an exceptional piece so it can leave a positive print on your reader’s mind and they would rely more on your services.
Content marketing is a proven technique. It includes app-related blogs, news, video content, infographics, podcasts, guides, slides, ebooks and white papers and any other type of content. With the right pieces of content ready at the right time to fit your content marketing strategy, you can make people aware of your upcoming app product and will get it noticed by the targeted customers and it will make you appear to be an expert in your field and you would have the appropriate users available to download and engage with your app beforehand. SEO and content marketing complement each other so well and the content can be shared via social media and encourage your targeted audience to share your content with others. As an app marketer, you always look for new users for your app, to make it functional you need to plan your content in a way to make it an exceptional piece so it can leave a positive print on your readers mind and they would rely more on your services.
How To Do It
App marketing can be performed through various ways and many benefits can be availed from content marketing. It aides to app downloads, with the app store link or app landing page link in the content, it will encourage the users to download the app. You can be more creative with content and come up with something that will attract the audience. To know the content marketing strategies, you can select your distribution channels carefully and your target audience for each of the following content marketing options:
Social Media Channels
Social media channels are the top-selling marketing plan to distribute your content and build a good level of social media engagement. While distributing your content via social media, write interesting and short posts to encourage your users to share the content with others.
Email Marketing Content
Email marketing is a content strategy to be followed, which has various interesting features, you can share oodles of content with your users, like videos, screenshots, blog articles, user reviews, etc. Make it a mobile-friendly template for the ease of the users and make sure that the content would deliver the value.
Guest Blogging
Guest blogging is an interesting initiative to call for external bloggers to post their blog content. Guest blogging is free but is posted once found original and useful, you can hire an expert content writer as well, and who can write app related blogs to get your app higher exposure.
AdWords Content
With AdWords, you need to play safe about the content of your display ads and the content of your landing pages. The landing pages must call directly to download the app along with supporting content such as user reviews, screenshots, and videos. Adwords, help you to analyze the data for mobile user acquisition and engagement.
If you are curious enough to know more about App Marketing, You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your mobile app concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement and will help you market your app with appropriate app marketing strategies.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your mobile app concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement and will help you market your app with appropriate app marketing strategies.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Thursday, November 3, 2016

7 Benefits A Mobile App Can Offer To Your Business

Mobile App.png
We are the oldest manufacturers in our field, our business is 25 years old, we already are a brand, our customers are very loyal to us…..we don’t need the mobile app to promote our business, our customers  are way too much satisfied , these all claims we usually get to hear as an adage from some of the business owners. Are they really right? Well, it’s not hard enough to answer this question, but to answer it with logic is something, which is needed. Some of the business owners from various industries still live with this misconception that loyalty of their customer would stick to them, even if the rest of the world goes digital, they might sound clichéd to most of us, since we know it’s the digital era, and we are too much well occupied with our daily chores. They might be correct with their thought process but the world has already shrunk at the axis point of technology, covering our lives under the tech-umbrella.
Why Mobile Apps For Your Business
We all want special tech-bricks to fill the wall of our lives with the comfort of conveniences. Looking for the special time to shop or look offline for grocery, cloth, cars, house rentals and many other things, is a PERIOD now, we all look for the things to be at our fingertips, mobile apps have helped the consumers in many ways, so the business owners. The cycle of benefits has worked so well for both the sides; business owners and customers, so just to understand the concept of mobile app benefits for every kind of business, let’s take a dive into the technicalities involved in garnering the better business revenue.
  • Remain Available 24/7
Whether you have a small, medium or big business, opting for a mobile app is never a bad choice. People are busy and love to spend time on mobile devices to browse any sort of information around the globe. In order to grow in business, you need to remain available to your customers not depending on a particular time zone, but as per their time zones too, which means your presence to the customers should be 24/7, regardless of day or night. To achieve this, with brick & mortar business space is not possible, on the contrary, with a mobile app, it’s not just convenient but possible as well. This helps build loyalty with customers because your business is in front of them at all times.
  • Accessibility
Being compared to websites, mobile apps provide a much faster-required result and works offline as well. So your users don’t need to spend their precious moments, struggling to access your web browser by entering a URL and waiting for the site to load. It increases the customer engagement because with mobile apps they can quickly connect with businesses they most commonly want or need.  The point of a mobile app is to seamlessly connect and interact with customers, making it a valuable tool for the modern business.
  • Reputation Management
A mobile app is a signal broadcaster of your image as a brand, by sharing the real-time feedback and reviews from your customers. Also, it would help your business to identify the pertinent issues cropping up in the product or services and handle them before it turns an untreatable chaos. The mobile app used for review or discussion forum let you know what is liked and disliked by your customers. It will help you generate the productive vision for your certain product or service, either to increase the manufacturing more or for slow-selling any particular product item.
  • Cost Saving
Mobile apps reduce costs of SMS messages and paper newsletters. They make the entire notification process secure, instant and personalized. If you are in a service business, such as fitness center, art studio, salon etc., then your targeted customers can make appointments or sign up for their sessions through a smartphone or tablet.
  • Mobile Payments
Mobile payment is a big time saver for the customers, they can shop and pay for the required services via phone, tablet. Mobile apps come with the mobile payment feature, lets the customer stick to your services for longer and experience the benefits come along with the use of your services.
  • Social Media Features
Mobile apps incorporated with social features such as comments, likes, or even in-app messaging, let the users connect with a larger number of people around the world. Once other people beyond your existing users start using and download the app, it will turn into a social platform. Social features motivate the users to spend more time in the app. Mobile apps which integrate social interaction features receive the boost in engagement, retention, and monetization. Your users would get the benefit of a successful combination of mobile app and social platform and would pick your services over others since social media allows a connection to be created between your customers and business and they can reach you anywhere and at any time.
  • Logo Branding
Mobile apps let your users have your logo on their mobile phone screens by default; consequently, it will help to create logo recognition for your brand. Facilities provided within the mobile apps, would let your logo recognized as a brand and will place your business at the forefront of your industry.
With mobile apps, business owners can take more control on their customer’s likes and dislikes. Mobile apps are the perfect medium to interact with the customers in a completely new way. Mobile apps are the surest way to secure a strong presence in the industry, you as a Brand; through mobile apps, customers can appreciate your services and demand for the changes they expect to see in your services.
If you are looking for a mobile app for your business, you can get in touchwith our team to discuss further your mobile concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your mobile app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


I woke up in the morning with my window blinders opening automatically, when my alarm 4th snooze went off, I tried but could not sleep anymore the warm and cozy sun rays had drenched my face and all I could do was smile and opted for my daily routine, by the time I landed on the road, I was already late for 15 min, and all the credit goes to my sleep dragon. Sooner I started my car, the alternate route was suggested to me by the tech gadget since there could be road traffic in the stretch of 2kms, I almost felt kissing the gadget, then I realized how much technology has improved and has reshaped and revolutionized our day-to-day lives and technology has expanded to IoT.
We love it when we get personalized treatment, but feel exquisite if technology can interconnect our bodies with our homes. This is only possible with IoT, to understand IoT and its effects on our lives, read further.
What is IoT
As per the Wikipedia, “The Internet of things (stylized Internet of Things or IoT) is the internet working of physical devices, vehicles (also referred to as “connected devices” and “smart devices”), buildings and other items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data.” Oops, that sounds too technical to be handled by a common man, let me ease it down for you, in a layman’s diction, IoT , is all about connecting devices over the internet, letting them talk to us, applications, and each other and it includes everything from mobile to the car engine. As per the McGill, IoT technology is “narrowing the gap between the physical and digital worlds.”
Why IoT for Retail Business
With the ever growing technology, consumers demand seamless experience with their shopping way, has also increased. It can be a physical shop, an e-commerce website, a mobile app or a door-to-door service; customers always look for the more. In order to come across the consumer demand, IoT technology has a myriad of options available to convert the user experience into most satisfactory. Studies have further proven that the market size and growth potential for the retail industry and how it is making substantial revenue through IoT adoption in the areas of supply chain monitoring, inventory management, product tracking, and payment processing. IoT is the future for the retail business and would grow very fast in the next few years and will completely change the consumer experience.
How Retailers Can Benefit From Internet of Things
IoT is a robust technology that improves the lifestyle and business at a higher speed. Consumer adoption of IoT devices is expected to rise quickly; following are the benefits retailers may attain from IoT:
Keep A Check On Inventory
The basic and the foremost important job every retailer has to perform is to track the inventory from production to warehouse and warehouse to store shelves, with IoT it can be the easiest job in the world, through sensors, such as Beacons and NFC tags. A retail business can take much advantage of the radio frequency tags to track and manage the inventory since the collected data is real-time and would provide the accurate inventory estimation.
Hassle-Free Delivery
Technology rules everywhere and the GPS devices have been used for tracking delivery trucks, but with IoT, the delivery process of goods has reached to a next level, users can predict the easy delivery route, transporting speed, storage temperature adjustment and alerts rising. With this feature retailers can minimize their expenditure like fuel costs, reduced theft, tracking the product and reduce loss risks and would gain accurate delivery time.
Vending Machines
Vending machines around the corner for the customers can be a major deal for the retail business owners to attract a mass of potential customers, who simply want to grab your services at their convenience. As per the demand of targeted customers, a vending machine installed with IoT technology can offer a magnificent deal to convert prospects into customers, changing shopping experience for both- customers and retailers. IoT helps in analyzing the real-time data of customer history and their demands and provide the business prediction and be competitive enough.
No Delay In Maintenance
Post-sale service can turn the customers into loyal customers in retail business, but keeping a tab on service record can be precarious with a huge database to deal with. The post-sale service can be tracked easily with IoT resulting real-time data, by sensors. IoT technology lets the information goes back to the retailers and required action to be taken.
IoT, more or less is a Tech-Revolution, with a focus on IoT would result in positive returns on investment for retailers. IoT creates a platform of opportunities for the retail industry to achieve efficient business solutions, by addressing the right person, right content at the right time and right place. A Markets and Markets report estimated that the global market size of the retail IoT, including hardware, software, and services which would increase from $14.28 billion in 2015 to $35.64 billion in 2020, representing a 20.07% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). To conclude with, IoT is not just confined to sensors and connectivity, but it’s a new era for business outcomes, creating new customer experiences, generating revenue with every possible opportunity to engage every customer with the product.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your mobile app concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your mobile app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Technology is evolving rapidly and every single industry is adopting the new ways of technology to market their product and improve customer experience. Tech giants like Facebook and Microsoft have discussed chatbot impressively in their latest conferences, making the chatbot the rising star of the year, but the chatbot was born a decade ago and could not garner enough attention. With the latest technology clubbed with chatbots has led it to pick by most of the industries, as a new opportunity for their business. It might sound one of the easiest and simplest parts of the technology, but actually, the chat bots involve a serious business of technology and cannot be avoided.
A curious child settled permanently within us, always has a pool of questions, like what are chat bots? Why are they such a big opportunity? How do they work? How can they be built? To quench down the thirst of this ever-curious child, we would like to answer the questions right here:
What Is A Chatbot
The chatbot is a much-needed user interface which clubbed with a huge data through APIs and uses machine learning to pick up on conversational medium, it mimics the human conversation and reacts to spoken or written prompts to deliver a service. The chat bots service could be any number of things, starting from functional to fun. Chatbots are micro applications that are infused within the chat app platforms like Facebook Messenger, Slack, and Telegram.
Industries Using Chatbots
  • Weather Bots
  • E-Commerce Bots
  • Food Bots
  • News Bots
  • Banking and Trading Bots
  • Sales and Marketing Bots
  • HR and Operations Bots
  • Customer Service Bots
Why Need chatbots
We all use language to interact with each other. We are quite spontaneous when it comes to interacting with anyone. Technology has helped us to adapt the current trends of technology, today chatbots are used to order food, check the weather, and find information about your favorite singer, conduct banking transactions and every possible thing to make your life convenient enough. In a more basic and non-tech term, a chatbot is a primary version of AI, which can converse with humans to answer questions or talk to us in a way humans do.
  • Chatbots are not expensive to build
  • You can build a basic chatbot really fast
  • Simpler interface makes a chatbot easy to use
  • Better interaction with your users
  • Speak the real language
How Do Chatbots Work
Chatbots mimic humans and can take the task of text-based messaging. With two different ways chatbots can comprehend the text-based messages from the users:
A very few of the chatbots depend on the stringent sets of commands. They respond to only well-formed commands, to help them recognize the program.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Chatbots that depend on NLP are more intelligent and based on machine learning. A strict set of commands to interact with them are not required, rather a normal set of conversation can be carried out with them like a real person.
Technology Used To Build chatbots
Let’s find out which technologies are used to create chat bots. There are two kinds of varieties: APIs and Machine Learning technologies.
  • APIs
For an e-commerce website, the site requires two different interfaces to engage your users.
GUI (Graphical User Interface)- It has buttons, hamburger menus, tab bars, which is followed by website visit, product browsing, selecting the item and after the payment wait for the delivery.
TUI (Textual User Interface)- this interface works with chatbots, letting the user interact with a service using text commands. To get the product information, the user needs to use TUI and will save a lot of time. API connects the chat bot with the app and makes it possible to respond to a user’s requests and perform tasks. So to make a bot functions within an app is integrating its API.
  • Machine Learning
Machine Learning is used to create smarter chatbots, which can respond to more natural language commands. Machine learning technologies allow bots to recognize speech and data, learn patterns of natural language, and interpret data based on previous interactions.
How To Build Chatbots
To build a chatbot, you don’t need to be super-intelligent; you simply need to understand what you plan to do with bot creation. Choose which platform your bot will do justice on (Facebook, Slack, etc), and pick the required resources to be used to build your bot.
Here is a ton of resources to get you started.
Platform Documentation
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Slack
  • Discord
  • Telegram
  • Kik
Other Resources:
  • Botlist, an app store for bots.
  • The Secret To Building Your Own Facebook Chat Bot In Less Than 15 Minutes – by Jerry Wang
  • Go Library for Facebook Messenger Bots – by Harrison Shoebridge
  • How To Build Bots For Facebook Messenger –  by Facebook
  • Building Your Messenger Bot [Video]- by Facebook
  • Creating a Bot – by Rob Ellis
  • Botwiki
  • Org
Future For chatbots
The future of bots is very vast and holds a promising future, the huge variety of tools would let every botto be built without a single line of code. Developers feel that chatbots can replace the native applications altogether, since creating, maintaining, and updating native application costs huge money, on the contrary, chatbots don’t need UI and can be learned from users. Bots are accompanied in one-to-one marketing at scale, which means the millions of people can talk about your brand without there being a human on the other end. The chatbots would surely achieve the business goals, Messaging platforms are coming of the age, and Chatbots are the entire new trend now.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your mobile app concept with the chatbot to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your mobile app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141          
Skype: ankit.techugo

Friday, October 28, 2016


In the morning when I start my day, I depend on the apps, available in my mobile to commence my day; it’s not hard for most of us to relate to mobile apps and can’t deny that apps are everywhere, mobiles can never be ignored. But at times users find a saturation point in their day-to-day life when they pick mobile apps. As somebody famously said, there’s an app for every need, but there’s no need for every app. Unknowingly due to a repetitive version of concepts and ideas we drown ourselves more to “app fatigue”, which happens due to the least interest incurred since users don’t find anything new in the fresh stock of mobile apps.
App Boredom
We all live in the world which is flooded with technology and with so many people using uncountable apps, to gain monotonous with app usage is very common. To beat the boredom blues, we always look for a reason to stay connected or engaged with our app usage. To overcome this problem, there is a brood of measures to be taken to let those potential entrepreneurs to manage the future of technology with a baton of organic growth for their business. Here are few steps mentioned to help you with surviving the App boredom.
Enterprise App Development
Enterprise mobile application refers to a mobile application platform is a software platform, which is large and complex and the application made on this platform are designed with the intention of deployment of many different networks, devices, and operation systems. As the report suggests the enterprise application software would increase to more than $201 billion by 2019. To avoid the app boredom, you must provide the value of an enterprise app and must check its ability to save time and achieve specific business goals. Enterprise app must act like a second phase to perform the official tasks. These apps have a very vast circle of app choice to develop from and can have a maximum number of users, looking for your services.
Hit New Markets
Entrepreneurs need not limit their client base to European and North American markets since these two markets have a robust channel of mobile app sales. On the contrary countries from Asia and Latin America have a bigger market for smartphones, but their app development is still in developing stage, so the more business can be generated.
Survival of Fittest
The experience a user attains after visiting the mobile app is needed to be suave and interesting. As Smartphone usage has gone up in recent years, consumers are becoming more particular with their set of choices about which apps they’ll use. The future of app can never be confined to App Store, but in multi-functional apps that can sustain in the app business.
To sustain in the app business, entrepreneurs need to work according to their customer’s needs, a mobile app created for your clients should focus on optimizing the user experience, personalization, and the maximum app downloads, so it would have some serious advantages and would beat the app boredom. Even if the catered client is not from a social network, a media outlet, or an addictive game, as an app developer, you must fathom, that which aspect included within the app would show the value to the users very clearly. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your mobile concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your mobile app requirement.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your mobile concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your mobile app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Thursday, October 27, 2016


E-learning or most commonly known as M-learning is the modern way of learning; it is performed through computers and online education. Lately, this technology has already been adopted by many educational institutions like schools and colleges, training institutions. We all love to gain knowledge, but the demanding schedule, traveling distance; despite the fact, we all want to gain the education in the most effective way possible. E-learning is not the latest trend, but the necessity of today’s time; people get the relevant study material and training as per their convenience. E-learning is a business activity and a huge industry.
Why need e-learning
Mobile learning or e-learning has vast benefits. The first benefit you receive is the instant access to the material; your staff can easily access training resources, whenever they need. It helps the employees to learn anywhere, anytime as per their convenience and they would not be solely dependent on offline study material. The technology used can be given to students like videos, more practical information with “augmented reality games” and “social learning”.
When an educational body wants to incur the e-learning method within their system the first question pops out, “How much does e-learning cost?”, it’s not at all an invalid question since we all have encountered many a times situations, where we are either over-charged for the services or don’t get the quality. To know beforehand the estimate of your e-learning cost would help you in many ways. The first-time app development costs are generally high and the ongoing costs are lower. The total costs include the software applications used to create the mobile app, the additional features added, content creation (which is an ongoing process) and the convenient user interface. The answers to cost questions cannot depend on one factor are usually broad and rough at the outset and become clearer once the final output is delivered. E-learning creates a value to the business, a start-up cost, and running costs. Even if you have a pre-defined set budget figure in your mind, yet you must know how much the eLearning costs. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself to make sure you know what you’re paying for and what you’re getting.
How to Develop The e-learning Development
When an educational body wants to incur the e-learning method within their system the first question pops out, “How much does e-learning cost?”, it’s not at all an invalid question since we all have encountered many a times situations, where we are either over-charged for the services or don’t get the quality. To know beforehand the estimate of your e-learning cost would help you in many ways. The first-time app development costs are generally high and the ongoing costs are lower. The total costs include the software applications used to create the mobile app, the additional features added, content creation (which is an ongoing process) and the convenient user interface. The answers to cost questions cannot depend on one factor are usually broad and rough at the outset and become clearer once the final output is delivered. E-learning creates a value to the business, a start-up cost, and running costs. Even if you have a pre-defined set budget figure in your mind, yet you must know how much the eLearning costs. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself to make sure you know what you’re paying for and what you’re getting.
  • Content Creation
Content creation is the trickiest job since it does not approve the mediocre approach. If your e-Learning company handles the content part than it incurs the additional money to learning cost, since the e-Learning company would have to source, write and review the content. On the contrary, if you provide the content from your end, then you can save a lot of money, in the latter situation your e-learning company would take your raw content and create SCORM compliant eLearning.
  • Attractive content
In today’s time, we don’t have enough time to read the theory with no interesting feature set in, such as graphics, narration and easy to relate language. Not every e-Learning developer comes packed with these required features, but you need to put extra efforts to find the one because such developers are hard to find and do not come at a low price. In order to make your e-learning an investment you need to concentrate a little more on the attraction of your content, so the dual task of delivering the learning objective and telling a compelling story, can be confined to your e-learning portal.
  • A Global Approach
With the current technology, turning globalized, you would not restrict your platform in your region only; you would market your product as much as you can generate the favorable revenue for your business. You need to pick the developing company, who is well-versed with a professional translation agency, so your content can be translated into different languages. Whichever vendor you choose, you’ll need to make sure that they deal with a professional translation agency. Don’t let your developers rely on Google Translate, although it’s the most favorite tool for most of us, but when it comes to translating the detailed points, are failed to be translated. With this feature, your product would attract a huge number of customers around the world and since you would provide the content in their language, they can build the trust factor with you.
  • Different Functions are needed
People find any product more interesting, when it comes exciting and engaging feature, a plain e-learning module would not grab much attention. to make your e-learning module you should include video, animations, and gamification features, and you need a team of eLearning developers with the requisite experience. To imply these features, it would require the services of various minds, who would be skilled in gamification, Instructional Designers, developers, graphic designers, videographers and proofreaders, video presenters, researchers and voice-over artists. Albeit, a simple e-learning module can also be successful, but to add some of the features would attract more customers for an engaging experience. The number and type of courses you will offer that includes video lessons, & texts, etc. You can decrease app development cost by giving preference only to the core features in the first version of the app.
  • App Design
A most significant and vital point to decide the cost factor is App Design. A good design (UI & UX design) always motivates the learners to engage with the content and spend more time on the app. It would surely cost a little more, but it would be worth to spend this much amount.
  • App Platform
In order to reach vast numbers of audience, create the e-learning platform not focusing on one major platform only, but try to cover as many as possible in the second version, it may cost but you don’t limit your product to the distinct users.
Tools for Developing Web Apps
  • IUI
  • jQT
  • iWebkit:
  • Adobe Captivate 7
  • Claro
  • Lectora Inspire
Tools for Developing Native Apps
  • Articulate Storyline
  • GoMo Learning
  • Phonegap
  • Rhodes by Motorola
  • Titanium
  • Upside2Go
The e-learning trend has changed globally and all the educational or training bodies offer the distance education since it’s not only convenient but also cost-effective as well.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept of e-learning development to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your e-learning development requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo



E-learning or most commonly known as M-learning is the modern way of learning; it is performed through computers and online education. Lately, this technology has already been adopted by many educational institutions like schools and colleges, training institutions. We all love to gain knowledge, but the demanding schedule, traveling distance; despite the fact, we all want to gain the education in the most effective way possible. E-learning is not the latest trend, but the necessity of today’s time; people get the relevant study material and training as per their convenience. E-learning is a business activity and a huge industry.
Why need e-learning
Mobile learning or e-learning has vast benefits. The first benefit you receive is the instant access to the material; your staff can easily access training resources, whenever they need. It helps the employees to learn anywhere, anytime as per their convenience and they would not be solely dependent on offline study material. The technology used can be given to students like videos, more practical information with “augmented reality games” and “social learning”.
When an educational body wants to incur the e-learning method within their system the first question pops out, “How much does e-learning cost?”, it’s not at all an invalid question since we all have encountered many a times situations, where we are either over-charged for the services or don’t get the quality. To know beforehand the estimate of your e-learning cost would help you in many ways. The first-time app development costs are generally high and the ongoing costs are lower. The total costs include the software applications used to create the mobile app, the additional features added, content creation (which is an ongoing process) and the convenient user interface. The answers to cost questions cannot depend on one factor are usually broad and rough at the outset and become clearer once the final output is delivered. E-learning creates a value to the business, a start-up cost, and running costs. Even if you have a pre-defined set budget figure in your mind, yet you must know how much the eLearning costs. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself to make sure you know what you’re paying for and what you’re getting.
How to Develop The e-learning Development
When an educational body wants to incur the e-learning method within their system the first question pops out, “How much does e-learning cost?”, it’s not at all an invalid question since we all have encountered many a times situations, where we are either over-charged for the services or don’t get the quality. To know beforehand the estimate of your e-learning cost would help you in many ways. The first-time app development costs are generally high and the ongoing costs are lower. The total costs include the software applications used to create the mobile app, the additional features added, content creation (which is an ongoing process) and the convenient user interface. The answers to cost questions cannot depend on one factor are usually broad and rough at the outset and become clearer once the final output is delivered. E-learning creates a value to the business, a start-up cost, and running costs. Even if you have a pre-defined set budget figure in your mind, yet you must know how much the eLearning costs. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself to make sure you know what you’re paying for and what you’re getting.
  • Content Creation
Content creation is the trickiest job since it does not approve the mediocre approach. If your e-Learning company handles the content part than it incurs the additional money to learning cost, since the e-Learning company would have to source, write and review the content. On the contrary, if you provide the content from your end, then you can save a lot of money, in the latter situation your e-learning company would take your raw content and create SCORM compliant eLearning.
  • Attractive content
In today’s time, we don’t have enough time to read the theory with no interesting feature set in, such as graphics, narration and easy to relate language. Not every e-Learning developer comes packed with these required features, but you need to put extra efforts to find the one because such developers are hard to find and do not come at a low price. In order to make your e-learning an investment you need to concentrate a little more on the attraction of your content, so the dual task of delivering the learning objective and telling a compelling story, can be confined to your e-learning portal.
  • A Global Approach
With the current technology, turning globalized, you would not restrict your platform in your region only; you would market your product as much as you can generate the favorable revenue for your business. You need to pick the developing company, who is well-versed with a professional translation agency, so your content can be translated into different languages. Whichever vendor you choose, you’ll need to make sure that they deal with a professional translation agency. Don’t let your developers rely on Google Translate, although it’s the most favorite tool for most of us, but when it comes to translating the detailed points, are failed to be translated. With this feature, your product would attract a huge number of customers around the world and since you would provide the content in their language, they can build the trust factor with you.
  • Different Functions are needed
People find any product more interesting, when it comes exciting and engaging feature, a plain e-learning module would not grab much attention. to make your e-learning module you should include video, animations, and gamification features, and you need a team of eLearning developers with the requisite experience. To imply these features, it would require the services of various minds, who would be skilled in gamification, Instructional Designers, developers, graphic designers, videographers and proofreaders, video presenters, researchers and voice-over artists. Albeit, a simple e-learning module can also be successful, but to add some of the features would attract more customers for an engaging experience. The number and type of courses you will offer that includes video lessons, & texts, etc. You can decrease app development cost by giving preference only to the core features in the first version of the app.
  • App Design
A most significant and vital point to decide the cost factor is App Design. A good design (UI & UX design) always motivates the learners to engage with the content and spend more time on the app. It would surely cost a little more, but it would be worth to spend this much amount.
  • App Platform
In order to reach vast numbers of audience, create the e-learning platform not focusing on one major platform only, but try to cover as many as possible in the second version, it may cost but you don’t limit your product to the distinct users.
Tools for Developing Web Apps
  • IUI
  • jQT
  • iWebkit:
  • Adobe Captivate 7
  • Claro
  • Lectora Inspire
Tools for Developing Native Apps
  • Articulate Storyline
  • GoMo Learning
  • Phonegap
  • Rhodes by Motorola
  • Titanium
  • Upside2Go
The e-learning trend has changed globally and all the educational or training bodies offer the distance education since it’s not only convenient but also cost-effective as well.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept of e-learning development to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your e-learning development requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo


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