Friday, December 30, 2016


top mobile app development company

To get a mobile app for a business has become a top priority for any business owner to attain, to survive in the industry and beat the competition, but have you ever stopped to think, that what all does it take to make a mobile app? We all know to create something, requires concept, planning, and a strategy, but to make a mobile app, it takes a little bit more from just concept and planning, it needs a complete strategy to pre and post mobile app launch. Today, I would discuss the nitty-gritty involved in developing a successful mobile with a top mobile app development company in India.
Mobile Apps Are A Necessity
We all need the fastest way to get our work done, no we are not lazy, but our work schedule is way too demanding, which leave us with zero-hours to pamper our needs. Be it booking a cab to work, ordering a scrumptious meal on one of the lazy Sunday afternoons or the hustle-bustle last-minute need of shopping for a cousin’s wedding, we all need a solution which can work in our favor and at our convenience. Undeniably these situations, coupled with some more, are the daily and usual jerks in each of our lives, where we go clueless to manage them, mobile apps have sorted most of such situations with a mere need of one touch on the mobile app icon, which let us shop, eat, travel, explore, book the hotel/ cab and much more in the interactive yet technically innovative way, known to be a mobile app. When I first heard about mobile apps, a giant and more technical infused character my brain had visualized, which could be used only by the tech-geeks, but after using I found it easy enough to be used by any non-technical person, without even knowing the actual technical stuff involved in building them. From the first day of mobile app introduction, today our mobiles are filled with every useful mobile app to manage our diary, tracking our health, booking a hotel and list is never ending and they are developed for big brands to startups by some of the top mobile app development agencies.
Why You Need It
The very first requirement for creating a mobile app is to know that why your business needs a mobile app and how it will boost the sales. To help you, I can relate few points here, so you can consider the mobile app for your business effortlessly. Every business has a competition and apart from quality and service if you are unable to reach your targeted customers, then even if your product holds the excellence of quality, it is null and void. Mobile applications work as a medium, to let you connect with your customers more deeply and understand what they want, with a mobile app you can upgrade your mobile app with time as per the demand of your customers and can let them voice their reviews and feedback on an online platform to attract more customers. Once you are sure of your requirements and the need for a mobile app, you need to approach a top mobile app development company to materialize your dream concept into a successful mobile app.
Strategies to Pick The Right Mobile App Development Company
Finding a mobile app development company might be an easier task, but finding a right yet top mobile app development company India, needs research and intellects. With an ongoing demand for mobile apps, the mobile app development companies have outnumbered all of a sudden, making it tougher and stiff to pick the best out of all. You have to judge the right app developers through many screening phases, such as:
Reviews on Listing Website
Listing websites are the perfect tool to know more about the mobile app development companies because the reviews and feedback mentioned here are unbiased and are based on an actual client call. So look for the company’s review on these websites and read and explore more about the company before nodding yes to it.
Don’t Get Swayed Away With Pricing
I agree, mobile app development cost is the topmost priority for everyone to consider, before taking a productive decision for your business, but don’t let the pricing solely to decide the fate of your business. The mobile app development agencies India, are filled with numerous tempting offers of less pricing, but the less pricing will be proven way too expensive for you in the later stages, so it is better not to depend on mobile app development cost factor while thinking to develop a mobile app solution.
Look For A Development Partner
The top mobile development agencies India, let you offer to develop your mobile app, but very few offer a development partnership, where they would guide, help and advice how to develop and improve your mobile app to attain the height of business profits. Apart from the above-mentioned points, there are the number of points to be considered to pick a top mobile app development company to deliver your desired result.
On selecting the top mobile app development company, you can proceed with the flow of app development process, and after the launch, the true essence of app marketing is dipped in the mobile app promotion to work in your favor.
App Marketing
The distribution of mobile app to the right set of customers is the most crucial yet toughest part of the app development process, it has been observed that many a time, even a plain concept mobile app has received maximum downloads but the app with the most innovative approach doomed to destruction. Nobody wants to lose their mobile app to fail to make a place in the user’s heart, with all the efforts in time and money invested in the mobile app, huge expectations also relate to it, but at times these expectations become a distant feature from the Mars, yet to be discovered by NASA. To avoid such situation, there are a few strategies to be worked upon religiously, like Aid referrals, Content-blog/posts/ articles, social media connection, listen to customers and upgrade the services based on ratings/ reviews.
Top Mobile Development Company
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Monday, December 26, 2016


hybrid mobile app development

Every mobile app has three different perspectives to create a mobile app: native, web or hybrid. When it comes to mobile app development, everybody gets delusional, due to the variety of app platforms available and it gets hard to understand and choose the one perfect solution for your business requirement. Many naysayers are sitting to divert and misguide you from your goal but to brighten up your way of app development process, we have decided to give you the fair comparison and the solid reasons to get a perfect hybrid mobile app development for your business needs.
When you are suggested by any app developer to pick one platform for your business requirement, you don’t need to get sulked after listening to the most technical terms, but what you need to understand the difference, which is mentioned below:
  • Web-based apps run on your browser and are easy to build and maintain. They are compatible with all mobile devices and operating systems, be it iOS, Android or Windows, but very sadly, are unable to incur the great user experience, due to its own set of limitations and restrictions.
  • Native apps are developed specifically for each different OS. These apps can utilize the inbuilt device features, like GPS, Camera etc. These apps are faster and greatly responsive, but they consume time & money, since the code base required, is different for each OS.
  • On the other hand, hybrid apps are a cusp of web-based and native apps, because they inherit the uniform functionalities of web-based apps and the ‘native’ code base of native apps. Hybrid apps have various benefits, such as they are economical and take less time to develop; also, these apps can work on various OS without any hassle.
Benefits of Hybrid Mobile App
Every business owner wants to gain maximum profit from the developed mobile app for their domain, but at the same time, they want their customers to be highly satisfied with the developed product to achieve the customer satisfaction and revenue generation, for their all needs, Hybrid app is the best solution, since it provides a number of benefits with the hybrid app development process, which can’t be ignored. Following are those benefits:
  • User Experience (UX)
User experience is the top reason for the success story of any mobile app. At times when we are getting issues in using the app, the first step picked is to quit the mobile app and later uninstall it. So the user experience needs to be smooth enough for the users, so they can enjoy every bit of it and to the fullest. A hybrid app allows your customers to experience the functionalities of their mobile device while using the hybrid mobile app. The hybrid mobile app offers a unique system of UX, which can fix the app on all platforms using a single update and the UX remains untouched, even when the user switches the mobile device to another.
  • App Integration
Hybrid mobile apps utilize the programming system of every mobile device to keep it in sync with other mobile apps, via a wrapper or overlay. This superb functionality lets the hybrid mobile apps to use effortlessly the inbuilt features of mobile devices, such as GPS, cameras, messaging and other device information to provide a better service to your customers.
  • Offline Support
The internet is everywhere, but there are places in the world, which do not have the liberty of enjoying the fastest internet speed around the clock, so to consider all sorts of users across the globe, the hybrid mobile app offers a better solution for this problem. Hybrid mobile apps use the device’s API to store some data offline, which turns into a big advantage for the users who want to access the internet with poor connectivity.
  • Cost Effective
Hybrid apps are more cost effective and have higher quality and diverse sets of libraries coupled with tools to reduce its development time. A hybrid app is needed to be developed once to be submitted to different platforms, which ultimately will save your time and cost as a super-priority.
  • Maintenance
Hybrid mobile app is easy to be maintained with a right framework such as: KendoUI, jQuery mobile, Ionic, etc., so a developer needs to be wise enough to choose the right framework for the development of the Hybrid mobile app, failing to which it can lead to disaster, where hybrid mobile app cannot be maintained.
Like any other app platform, Hybrid mobile app also has its own set of restrictions and limitations, which have to be considered, before picking this platform for the app development process. Hybrid apps offer a variety of benefits for the users and the developers, but followed are some of the limitations in Hybrid mobile apps, and these limitations are:
  • Animation Use
Hybrid apps do support the animations within the app, but till some extent only. There are certain boundaries, where designers have to take a back-seat and curb and mold their creativity into some different direction when it comes to full-fledged integration of animation within the hybrid mobile app.
  • Tools and Debugging
The native app development provides the better tooling to test and debug the work, which makes it into a less time-consuming to find and fix the app bugs, on the flip side, hybrid app do not provide reliable hybrid app development tools to debug and fix the issues, which at times consume a little more tie for the developer to identify and fix the bug.
Undeniably, Hybrid mobile applications have their own advantages over the issues, where cost, time and every platform is targeted, as a high priority. Yet there are a few limitations as well, which if planned to be tackled beforehand, cannot be an obstacle in developing a unique hybrid mobile app for your business requirements. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Thursday, December 22, 2016


social media app

I will post it right away, did you check his latest post, and are you on insta? These are quite common things to hear these days, in our social gatherings, office lunch hours or casual phone calls, the next moment you are clicked or covered by the press, you are available to flaunt your talent & skills to the world, through social media app. To discuss further, now social media rather being a fad has become a necessity for all of us, and used on a wider scale. Social media is a reason for the people to meet online, to grow business opportunities and to get information. Social media app is not a platform to be enjoyed by a specific age or section of the society rather it is used widely and has become an instant sensation for the people around the globe to meet, discuss and share from any place without any hassle, and it is not merely dedicated to enjoying and share but it has also become a tool for every business to attain benefit from.
Benefits of Social Media App
The number of benefits associated with social media app development cannot be described in few words, there are ample of benefits every business can achieve from the social media app. It is a great medium to know more about your customers, engage them to make your brand into a well-known brand. Following are some of the more benefits you can get from social media app:
  • Social interaction
  • Information seeking
  • Entertainment
  • Relaxation
  • Sharing information
  • Expression of opinions
  • Run targeted ads with real-time results
  • Generate highest converting leads
  • Increase website traffic and search ranking
Social Media App Development Process
Any app for any business can never be designed without any research or essential features while developing the mobile app. For social media app the development process needs an instructive guide of development procedure, followed are some of the features to be considered, before opting to build the social media app, you should consider:
  • Fewer Numbers of Steps
  • Personalized Treatment
  • Choose the correct network
  • User-Centric Content
  • Development Social Media App

Every app which is built on a strategically planned structure has to go through a few steps. These steps not just help the app to attain a wonderful and unique structure, but also let your users experience the never-before app platform. These steps, accumulated create a critical phase in creating a successful social media app, the steps are:
  • Build a Strategy
A well-built strategy for your mobile app can help you to achieve your target in a more systematic way. This step involves understanding the concept and its related strategies, followed by the market demand and its requirements, after analyzing the requirements, market competition, and target audience, a final strategy is built to cover the concept with a fabric of unique app strategy.
  • Designing the App
This is another very significant step in the app development process, which decides the successful future of your mobile app. Designing the app involves sketching, wireframing, prototyping and app screens.
  • App Development
Social media app development process can be more successful if the development and design process runs together and are not rigid with a stagnant approach. Since the social media app is used by all age group people, so bringing the innovation and creativity at every step of development and designing is a must. At the completion of prototyping of social media app, you need to develop servers, databases, and APIs.
  • Quality Assurance
The social media app is considered to be the most utilized app by the users daily, so it is necessary to leave no scope for error. You need to provide manual and automatic testing of every part of the program and their correct interaction in the program, so the built app would turn out to be a masterpiece.
Metrics for Social Media Application
Developing and running a mobile app is a serious business and needs a lot more care and attention to survive the app on the scale of user engagement and user acquisition. Not a single user would continue using your app if they find it complex, boring and not of their use. To achieve the goal of a successful social media app, you need to follow a set of metrics, which can analyze the off and on demand of your user’s requirement to fit into the shoe of the most downloaded app on the app store. Some of the key metrics are mentioned below:
  • App Retention
  • In-app Referrals
  • App Performance Analytics
  • App Ratings and Review Analytics
  • Targeted User
The social media app helps you to connect with your targeted customers more deeply and efficiently, it works as a two-way channel for your business, letting you echo your sales pitch on social media platform and also giving you an opportunity to reinforce the healthy relationship with your customers. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way.
Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your social media mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your social media app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Thursday, December 15, 2016


app engagement metrics
“Understanding is much deeper than knowledge”, I read this quote some time ago and realized that how beautifully it incorporates within the building strategy of any business, where customers have to be served as per their taste than our knowledge. To explain it further, lemme grab an instance from my experience and explain it further, I being a Business & Marketing Head, daily receive various queries from the business owners across the globe, to assist them in developing mobile apps for their respective business, some of them have never adopted the mobile app solution for their business domain, but there is a big chunk of those clients who have the mobile apps but don’t have appealing recurring traffic. All this while I have got queries from my prospects on how to make an app, how much would it cost or whether they should use native or cross-platform tool to develop, however to my surprise no one ever asked, how can they engage users to their mobile app, or about an app engagement metrics.
To attain the heights of business is the dream of every business owner, and to accomplish, they try everything and go above and beyond the call of duty, but at times the taken step is correct, but the way of integration is not, which leads to loss in business and many times a complete shutdown of the business. To save the horror of business shut, it is always advised to make a pace with the ongoing trends in the market but suiting your customer’s requirement appropriately. But it is not as convenient as it sounds; people fail to procure the customers quite rapidly, due to one wrong step. Engaged customer means repeat business and much more involvement of potential customers to garner more revenue. Albeit, there is no fixed customer engagement formula, rather it can only be defined with several metrics, which all combined make a secret sauce of success for your product. The ingredients of the success sauce are mentioned below to drive ultimate user engagement:
  • First Impression ALWAYS Matters
How many times you re-visited a shop or a restaurant, whose ambiance did not appeal to you at the first time. I am sure your answer would come as ‘Never’, well the same applies to the mobile apps, if you don’t get the worthy first impression, and then your mobile app would end in ruin and despair. Follow these tricks to make your app impression an everlasting image on your user’s head:
  • Offer a walk-through or guided tour to introduce the app, it will demonstrate to your users what all your app has in store for your benefits
  • Make the mobile app as simple as possible with an intuitive design, it might require a huge research and but time spent here would help you to lead in the business
  • Provide the overlay app screens to let the users understand the app’s features and interface
  • Your app needs a clear and informative landing page that informs users of the app’s top features
  • Include the push-notifications to add value to your app and enhancement of user experience, the set of push-notifications should focus on personalized and targeted customer base, failing to which users may opt for uninstall of your mobile app
  • Your Users Are Not Tech-Giants
Many app developers create a mobile with the most intriguing app onboarding process, but what they forget that users are not tech-geeks, who would solve the puzzle of login and account creation to enjoy the app features. You have to remember that your login process is needed to be easier and hassle-free. You can try these options:
  • Don’t stick to one option to log-in, rather utilize the various login options like social, email
  • Make the process time saving not the time consuming and reduce steps for signup
  • Research about Your Users
Many times, when we receive the superfluous SMS /calls from an outbound marketing team, think what we do, we choose for DND. Unfortunately, there is no DND for the app, but uninstall is the only option left for the users, to avoid the irrelevant and useless information through push notifications. General push notifications sent to the users on the daily basis, irk them most, so you need to be careful while sending notifications to your users. You must try these options:
  • Research about your users and create personalized and customized notifications
  • Keep a track on the analytics reports to, understand user engagement and identify high-value users
  • Provide targeted, customized, notifications to your users based on their in-app behaviors, context, time, preferences and demographics
  • Offer the flexibility of opting-in and out at any point in time
  • Don’t Hit Users to BUY
Allow your users to explore the mobile app at the fullest first and don’t directly jump on to the BUY option for the users. Mobile game and beauty apps integrate the same technique with their users, first they let them enjoy the free features, once the users have learned the value, and then they offer the paid features to enjoy the further levels or features.
  • Let users understand the value of your app before they can buy
  • You can utilize the analytics, user behavior, and listen to user feedback, to offer what your users want
  • Ensure the every update you are making in the mobile app is valuable to your users
  • All combined would tempt your users to use the paid features of the app
  • Offer App Rewards
Everybody loves to be rewarded and to drive the app engagement and retention aggressively, offer app rewards. It would not just be a center of excellence for the first time users, but it will also increase the app download and would boost brand loyalty and increases user retention. Offer the rewards, such as:
  • Provide mobile specific rewards, coupons, special promotions
  • For the old users, who have not returned to app latest, engage them by offering incentives or creating a reward-based or loyalty program.
Last but not the least, app engagement or retention does not come from the Harry Potter movies with a magic wand formula, rather it is based on a set of metrics & strategies, but you only need to be prudent enough to pick and analyze what works best for your app. The above-mentioned tips are some of those essentials to convert your users to loyal, long-term customers and it will, also, help increase the average lifetime value of your brand and ultimately for your mobile app, leading to more revenue for your business.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...