Friday, January 13, 2017


LinkedIn UI

The New Year 2017 has finally and happily crossed the mid-life of its very first month and has given an exciting plethora for our yet-to-be filled promises, hopes and dreams to be achieved; I welcomed this year with the hope of everything to turn from better to stupendous. I don’t want to sound overrated with the flow of my words, but am helpless since my job role of a CEO of Techugo- a top mobile app  development company in India, always pushes me forward to attain the excellence, which can be crooned afterwards through the success graph. Social media handling has been a ubiquitous part of my profile, since it is the most convenient and comfortable medium to communicate with the clients. Certainly, I have reached to a level in my career and experience, where I can never be taken as neophyte, although there is always a room for more learning, but my indulgence with the social media channel, almost for 24/7, has made me understand the accurate usage of technology with social media.
LinkedIn and Its affects
Somehow, the quintessence within me always shouts for more and beseech me to not to settle for anything better than perfect. I want everything to be impeccable enough to meet my level of expectations, maybe I might sound a little cynical with my approach to most out there, but this approach is not at all incapacitate in any aspect. Everything needs refurbishing to meet the standards of current demand, every technology, gadgets and devices need the change and get the constant renovation. To illustrate my point further, let me take the example of FB, YouTube and many other social media channels, which have received a remarkable overhaul, fitting the taste of their user’s demand. I always yearned my favorite social media channel: LinkedIn, also to change its look for something better. LinkedIn has been one of the most vital elements for every industry professionals, boosting the career graph, hiring and getting hired, as well as for business-to-business (B2B) activities. I feel proud to admit that I have gained and earned lifetime relationships through LinkedIn and has remained in touch with people in my industry and niche, also, I have built strong, long-lasting connections with them only through my LinkedIn account.
The NEW LinkedIn UI
I read it somewhere, “If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies “, which actually implies assertively on every situation and digs out the optimism hidden within us. In the month of September, 2016, I read an article stating that LinkedIn is all set to change its appearance next year 2017. My demanding schedule almost left me with zero visible memory of LinkedIn overhaul, until I came this morning, and enjoyed myself being amused. Although the changes have occurred at the moment for the Premium account, but it may cover the basic account type too.
The new UI is a perfect amalgamation of insight, strategy, fresh ideas, and resources designed to gain the reinforcement and results. The new change is not something which can be let passed, but is a phenomenal change, which can never be missed. When I opened my LinkedIn profile I was absolutely stunned to see the transformation it has got, the new desktop design, reflects the app launched on your mobile, on an honest note, I had to re-check, on the right top corner icon, whether I have clicked LinkedIn account or some other website is opened. But to soothe me down further, I found the most fascinating feature of messaging, which comes as a drop down icon in right below corner of the page, the other features, such as: Ads, more, Jobs, home, etc., are designed so well with the interactive symbols and icons, would instantly give you a feel to click on the icons without a delay. To summarize it further, let’s take a look at below mentioned points:
  • Profile View
profile view
The profile view has taken a new turn with new LinkedIn UI, not just with a look, but the way new expressive content has been utilized to add a section to the profile, is commendable. The alignment of the profile is in the left but is wide and the font style and the new tags make it different place to land on.
  • Menu Icons 
The other striking feature is new Menu Icons, which are replaced with some new features, such as: jobs, ads and the most interesting ME icon, at the third left icon from the left, which on being clicked, takes you directly to the profile view.
  • More Icon
One other added icon in the menu bar of LinkedIn is More, which has ample of new features, like : learning, post a job, groups, ProFinder, lookup and slideshare, which allow the users to access to numerous services with a mere click from your homepage only. The show more option at the below of more icon, has different service option to be relished by the users.
  • Messages
With the previous version of LinkedIn, you had to click on the message box at the right corner to access the read/send messages, but the new LinkedIn has changed the game of messaging, making it exclusive and classy enough. Now users can access the messages section to read/send/new chat everything involves in messaging, as a drop down feature at the below right side corner of the page. It will not be wrong to say, this feature will gain the maximum popularity, since it is designed from the user’s perspective.
  • Language No Barrier Anymore
On the home page, now LinkedIn lets the user to ‘add profile in another language’, so language is no more a barrier to reach your potential customers globally.
  • My Network Notifications
This section has also overhauled completely, unlike the previous version, the new LinkedIn, offers the same information with some new added icons and changed language, which makes it irresistible for the users.
For a new user it would be a pleasing affair to use, but for an existing user, this change is actually beyond the contentment, which can never be explained further in words. I am all set to spend some time learning and exploring the new layout and structure to share my valuable experience further and enjoy the NEW and exciting UI of LinkedIn. For sure, the UI has been incorporated very well within the NEW LinkedIn and you feel eager to understand the features quickly, am positive about replenishing the new business opportunities and building the brand, with the new LinkedIn outlook.
I am so very thankful to the entire LinkedIn team, who put their sheer efforts to create a sensational experience for all the LinkedIn users across the globe, and my team at Techugo, who takes pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups, would certainly benefit to grow exponentially to gain the new heights of success.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Thursday, January 12, 2017


mobile app testing
Oops, I did it again the song sung by Britney Spears, crossed my mind several times, although I crooned it with too much of aggression and of frustration, because the mobile app I downloaded, was crashing constantly at some particular point and was halting my work flow system. With the utmost frustration, at the end I uninstalled the app and opted for a different way to complete my task, I agree it was the harshest step I took, but that was my last option. The situation might deem similar to most of you, when you download a game, or a useful mobile app, and it crashes on a regular interval, then the final step taken is always the uninstall, which I think is not an adverse step, due to the set of circumstances created by the app bug. The face of the mobile app, for a user is always the brand company not the development company, and we vent out all our frustration on it and declare the company unreliable and unprofessional, on the contrary the brand company has very little share to the agony of the users, but the major credit goes to mobile app testers, who test the mobile app to carve it further.
Why App Testing Is Needed
App testing is a process of sifting the wheat from the chaff, which means, they need to check out the every single bug or issue associated with the mobile app, to make it an impeccable piece, which can be utilized and enjoyed by the users extremely. But many a times, it has been noticed, that an experienced brood of testers, leave some room for error unknowingly and don’t realize their mistakes until the final output is available for the use. As suggested by the adage, “ Precaution is always better than cure”, so why to wait for the last moment to strike at you to be hammered by the user’s comment and reviews, it is always a preferred and accepted option to work on the flaws before making them live for the public. Here I have compiled a few of the mistakes to be avoided in app testing and gain an insightful mobile app for your users, the set of mistakes is followed by:
  • Features Should Never Be Taken For Granted
Looks do matter, I agree on this, but the app success does not solely depend on UI/UX, but there is a broader picture lies behind the UI/UX, which has the starting and ending all summed up with app functionalities. For a user to get attracted towards your mobile app UI/UX, is an unavoidable aspect , but if the same user finds the app functionalities filled with bugs and issues, then even the best of the world’s UI/UX cannot save your app from the horror of uninstall. As an app tester you need to work upon the mobile app as a whole total, it should not be a mere UI/UX to be tested, but the functionalities also need to be sifted properly.
  • Let’s Be Geo-Realistic
Every tester has a misconception of all the users accessing the same bandwidth speed from every corner, on a factual note, not every user access the same internet speed, since they can use your mobile app from any corner of the world, which would mean to carry the offload baggage of low bandwidth data speed always with your mobile app. Do not reserve yourself to one particular region or country, rather explore the network on the most realistic geo locations, sooner you would realize the network issues faced by different regions and countries, and would make it much better for you to attain the accurate and healthy testing environment for your mobile app load, you need to gather some information with the assistance of your marketing team, who would escalate the information of mobile app marketing and the locations covered in.
  • Learn A-Z Of The Codebase
Many testers are testers out of no choice, not out of passion, do I sound naïve? But actually am not, because most of the testers don’t have all the knowledge about the internals of the code and building a test suite and face the music afterwards. As a tester you need to understand every single bit of testing, unless you know how the code works you may never get the actual essence of the codebase. To understand the codebase work with the developers to identify the parts of the application that should be tested based on the way the application is built. With a healthy communication channel with the development team on a regular basis, you can work upon the major sections of the mobile application, which needs to be tested.
  • Right Device At The Wrong Time
Let’s not play a blind game, by favoring device or emulator testing too deeply while testing mobile applications. When you give importance to either of them on another, then you miss the key information about performance, quality, and user experience. Check and utilize the emulators with simulated browsers and browser capabilities for your automated functional testing and regression testing. Don’t misjudge to carry the wrong mode of testing with a blindfold, rather, be intelligent enough to carry the right device or right testing which would give a boost to app downloads.
  • Missing Communication Bridge
A long ago, I was taught in my school, not to let the communication a barrier for you to reach the heights of success, then I considered it to be referring to a foreign language, which create obstacles in reaching and spreading your wings, but my professional front taught me, the true essence behind it, a missing or broken communication cycle between a tester and a developer can bring the most undesirable flavor of misconceptions, which can give birth to a deteriorating condition for the mobile app. It is always noticed that developers struggle in explaining things to testers and vice versa. So let there be a well-built communication bridge between the app developer and you as a tester to avoid the superfluous set of mobile app bugs, which could be resolved with a mere touch of communication.
  • Maintain The Crash Logs
App crash is a ubiquitous thing to happen during the app development process, but the most heart-wrenching thing happen when it keeps on occurring even after the app launch. As a tester, you need to maintain a complete and proper crash log, which may help you to understand that which crash took place at what level, so the bug can be rectified promptly and offer a well-balanced and a memorable experience, in the form of mobile app, to your users to be cherished forever.
To wrap, I know a successful app is not created within a jiffy, but it takes a lot, which is even beyond what all have ever been written for the mobile app development process. You can reach to the heights of success if you follow the given advice and your developed mobile app will be acknowledged for some good reasons, among the users. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


iOS App

During my career span, I have noticed many a developer making a hue & cry about app rejection at the Apple store and they consider it to be no reason for the rejection, on the contrary, what they fail to understand that, Apple does not reject any ios app just for a lark, rather there are some reasons for this footfalls. Today I am going to share those reasons only which, if taken and considered well in time then can save you from the app rejection at the Apple Store.
Your app process is completed, today is the launch day and what you are getting by evening, that your app is rejected by the Apple store, it is the most dreadful thing to hear from your app developers and quite disheartening as well, but a harsh fact too. To get the app maximum attention, is every developer’s and business owner’s dream, but when the app does not get approved by the Apple store, then something within you gets broken, I speak from my own set of experience, where I have seen all sorts of ups and downs from a developer’s perspective.
Apple Strategy
The perfection is the word which correlates well with the Apple working strategy; Apple is very particular about its rules & regulations and works in a perfect manner to submit any mobile app. Apple’s highly selective review process ensures that all apps that appear on their store are perfect and well-balanced in terms of content, usability, and design. So the rejection is very much obvious for the mobile apps, which encourages the developers to improve their app and resubmit it, but unfortunately, the exact process of Apple’s review policy is not known to everyone, yet there are the most prominent reasons which can lead to app rejection on the apple store, read further to know it better and save the horror of rejection for your mobile app:
  • Incomplete Information
 The incomplete set of information is the topmost reason for app rejection, while filling up the details, makes sure to fill in all the information required for review. Make sure that every app feature is mentioned fully coupled with a demo video if the installation or the configuration process is different from the usual mobile applications. When it comes to special configurations, include the specifics required and this step will help you to gain positive attention from the Apple review process.
  • Fix The Bugs
As an app developer your job does not stop at the development, rather it incurs other processes as well to be followed up with the development process and the app bug fixing is one of those features. Apple instantly rejects any app which contains bugs or crashes at the regular intervals. You need to be very particular with the testing system, to test the bugs beforehand and then submit the app.
  • Don’t Copy
Apple is famous to encourage the unique app concepts and different from others. So it is always advisable to avoid duplicity if you create something which is similar to something else, Apple review process has a sharp view to check out such similarities and would reject your app on this basis only. You should provide unique features to your app and then submit it for reviewing.
User Interface
Unfortunately, not a single app comes with a manual guide to using it, hence your app needs to be logical, convenient, and polished, and so your users can understand how to use the app effortlessly. The best practice to save your app from being rejected is to understand the interface guidelines offered by Apple, before developing a mobile app and your app can be selected without any hurdle.
The content plays a vital role in the Apple review process, as a developer make sure that your developed app has followed all the terms and conditions stated in the Apple trademarks and copyrights guidelines and Apple trademark list. Also, your app content should not bring a yawn to your users, which means it needs to be engaging enough to motivate your users to keep using your app.
While testing your apps to make sure that every ad featured within your app are displayed properly, and to leave no room for error, test it on several devices. Also, integrate the IDFA (Advertising Identifier) within your app, to serve advertisements along with ad functionality.
Be Cautious With Your Words
Apple wants a more organized, systematic and clean product in Apple store, so anything mentioned with “beta,” “demo,” or “test” will mark a point, that your app is incomplete and is not finalized, as a result, Apple rejects your app, considering these words. So make sure not use these or any such words which show your app is still in the development stage and has put for review by mistake.
Don’t Mislead the Users
If you have mentioned some features within the app, but actually your app does not contain, then Apple considers it to be highly misleading and as a consequence, your app gets rejected at the very first moment it is placed for review. So make sure that your app should deliver all the features and functionalities mentioned.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the perfect iOS mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our iOS mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique variety of iOS mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top iOS mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your iOS app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


beauty mobile app

We get up early in the morning to catch the latest update on WhatsApp or to see the latest post on FB, this is not uncommon but very much common in today’s era. We are highly driven by technology and there is nothing to be ashamed of. We have embraced the technology as a piece of cloth which is interwoven with our daily schedule and is inseparable. Mobile apps are one of the remarkable inventions of technology and have helped us in every aspect, whether we want to book a cab/hotel, online shopping, online food ordering, name it and the service based apps are there in the respective play stores. Mobile apps save time and are fun to use.
With the above saying, it gets crystal clear the revolution brought into our lives by mobile apps and most interestingly mobile apps have almost changed the way our beauty regime takes place. We all want to look stunning when it comes to getting ourselves clicked, with the help of beauty mobile apps, with just a tap on a button, we can virtually ‘try on’ cosmetics with or can brighten up the eyes. Indeed, these apps are blessings for every female on the planet earth. The beauty apps are full of convenience and wonderful features and can transform our looks in a fraction of seconds and we can try the different products without going to the brick & mortar shops of some of the top cosmetic brands.
Top Beauty Mobile Apps
Although mobile stores are flooded with the numerous beauty mobile apps, we have collected a few of them for your convenience, which can be downloaded and installed on your mobile phones and you may get benefited with the features of these great apps just within your mobile phone.
  • Sephora To Go
  • YouCam Makeup
  • BeautyPlus
  • Beautified
  • L’Oreal Makeup Genius
  • TryItOn Makeup
  • Misfit Shine
Key Features Needed For Beauty Mobile Apps
Every app has its own targeted customers, and those customers have specific requirements, when you think to create beauty mobile app, there are a few points you need to consider before developing the beauty mobile app, such as:
  • Users can buy products online
  • Loyalty stamps to reward your customers
  • GPS locating
  • GEO auto-PUSH messaging to attract customers when they are near your store
  • Share on social media
  • Photo gallery and customer reviews
  • Automatically send reminders to customers before their appointment or booking
Benefits of Beauty Mobile App
There has been a significant growth in mobile beauty app usage over the past few years and users have increased in numbers due to the pool of benefits they have received from these apps, Followed is some of those benefits, take a look:
  • Personal Beauty Guide
Beauty mobile apps are not just meant for products, but these apps are your one-stop destination for makeup, fashion, and style. Users can get a sample of the information related to beauty from the top beauty publications, top cosmetic brands and users can read, pin & share this information on social media channels with their loved ones.
  • Connect With the World
Social media rules the world today, to make new friends or to share any information social media channel is the best medium. Beauty mobile apps allow the users to get connected and share the information with other beauty lovers across the globe and also, they can build their own community to share and explore how-to tutorials, makeup looks, and much more.
  • Selfie King
Selfie is no more an alien stuff to be performed in an isolated place, rather the recent fad of the selfie has led it to be taken in public with a élan. The beauty apps let the users enjoy cute filters, stickers, share a live video recording or a selfie with your friends instantly. The technology is integrated so well into these mobile apps that user gets the real-time experience while clicking the selfie with the beauty apps.
  • Virtual Cosmetics
 With the beauty apps you don’t need to go to the cosmetic stores and smudge off the every color you try, rather you can try the virtual cosmetic kit, which provides the most accurate facial mapping technology for a true-to-life virtual makeover. The user can apply numerous cosmetics products in real-time and save the images in the gallery
  • Shop Instantly
If you want to buy some beauty products, then you can go through the ratings and reviews of the product enable you to make a right decision, if satisfied, you can buy the product with the assigned payment options within the mobile app.  Also, you can get the user points or rewards associated with that product and check out exclusive products, special offers and products.
  • Other Services
The beauty app is not restricted with their approach to providing only the make-up and beauty tip, but they can be your personal beauty assistant and offer nail art, hairstyles, fashion guide for you and let the product reviews and tutorials work in your favor, so you can try and buy.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Friday, December 30, 2016


top mobile app development company

To get a mobile app for a business has become a top priority for any business owner to attain, to survive in the industry and beat the competition, but have you ever stopped to think, that what all does it take to make a mobile app? We all know to create something, requires concept, planning, and a strategy, but to make a mobile app, it takes a little bit more from just concept and planning, it needs a complete strategy to pre and post mobile app launch. Today, I would discuss the nitty-gritty involved in developing a successful mobile with a top mobile app development company in India.
Mobile Apps Are A Necessity
We all need the fastest way to get our work done, no we are not lazy, but our work schedule is way too demanding, which leave us with zero-hours to pamper our needs. Be it booking a cab to work, ordering a scrumptious meal on one of the lazy Sunday afternoons or the hustle-bustle last-minute need of shopping for a cousin’s wedding, we all need a solution which can work in our favor and at our convenience. Undeniably these situations, coupled with some more, are the daily and usual jerks in each of our lives, where we go clueless to manage them, mobile apps have sorted most of such situations with a mere need of one touch on the mobile app icon, which let us shop, eat, travel, explore, book the hotel/ cab and much more in the interactive yet technically innovative way, known to be a mobile app. When I first heard about mobile apps, a giant and more technical infused character my brain had visualized, which could be used only by the tech-geeks, but after using I found it easy enough to be used by any non-technical person, without even knowing the actual technical stuff involved in building them. From the first day of mobile app introduction, today our mobiles are filled with every useful mobile app to manage our diary, tracking our health, booking a hotel and list is never ending and they are developed for big brands to startups by some of the top mobile app development agencies.
Why You Need It
The very first requirement for creating a mobile app is to know that why your business needs a mobile app and how it will boost the sales. To help you, I can relate few points here, so you can consider the mobile app for your business effortlessly. Every business has a competition and apart from quality and service if you are unable to reach your targeted customers, then even if your product holds the excellence of quality, it is null and void. Mobile applications work as a medium, to let you connect with your customers more deeply and understand what they want, with a mobile app you can upgrade your mobile app with time as per the demand of your customers and can let them voice their reviews and feedback on an online platform to attract more customers. Once you are sure of your requirements and the need for a mobile app, you need to approach a top mobile app development company to materialize your dream concept into a successful mobile app.
Strategies to Pick The Right Mobile App Development Company
Finding a mobile app development company might be an easier task, but finding a right yet top mobile app development company India, needs research and intellects. With an ongoing demand for mobile apps, the mobile app development companies have outnumbered all of a sudden, making it tougher and stiff to pick the best out of all. You have to judge the right app developers through many screening phases, such as:
Reviews on Listing Website
Listing websites are the perfect tool to know more about the mobile app development companies because the reviews and feedback mentioned here are unbiased and are based on an actual client call. So look for the company’s review on these websites and read and explore more about the company before nodding yes to it.
Don’t Get Swayed Away With Pricing
I agree, mobile app development cost is the topmost priority for everyone to consider, before taking a productive decision for your business, but don’t let the pricing solely to decide the fate of your business. The mobile app development agencies India, are filled with numerous tempting offers of less pricing, but the less pricing will be proven way too expensive for you in the later stages, so it is better not to depend on mobile app development cost factor while thinking to develop a mobile app solution.
Look For A Development Partner
The top mobile development agencies India, let you offer to develop your mobile app, but very few offer a development partnership, where they would guide, help and advice how to develop and improve your mobile app to attain the height of business profits. Apart from the above-mentioned points, there are the number of points to be considered to pick a top mobile app development company to deliver your desired result.
On selecting the top mobile app development company, you can proceed with the flow of app development process, and after the launch, the true essence of app marketing is dipped in the mobile app promotion to work in your favor.
App Marketing
The distribution of mobile app to the right set of customers is the most crucial yet toughest part of the app development process, it has been observed that many a time, even a plain concept mobile app has received maximum downloads but the app with the most innovative approach doomed to destruction. Nobody wants to lose their mobile app to fail to make a place in the user’s heart, with all the efforts in time and money invested in the mobile app, huge expectations also relate to it, but at times these expectations become a distant feature from the Mars, yet to be discovered by NASA. To avoid such situation, there are a few strategies to be worked upon religiously, like Aid referrals, Content-blog/posts/ articles, social media connection, listen to customers and upgrade the services based on ratings/ reviews.
Top Mobile Development Company
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...