Sunday, January 29, 2017


retail mobile app
People often go berserk about the mobile apps, wonder why? Technology has taken the mobile apps to a level where it can be customized to fit the user’s pocket. The crowd of mobile apps on the app store has led to a different attitude to be harvested among the users, and that attitude is fondly called ‘Being Picky’ about the selection of mobile apps. The need of retail apps for any business is under NO DENIAL stage, due to the strong circumference of technology around us. It is the most ubiquitous term in every business to convert every lead into sales, but the on-going competition, pressure of the user’s demand and technology stir, make it all a little tricky and challenging.
As a retail app, one needs to acquire a series of mandate features, failing to which, any app, no matter what concept it carries, will doom to failure. To save you from the horror of depletion, one must give attention to some of the most important features to be integrated within the retail app to make it successful and survive in the Odd River of competition. Your app features will extract the good apps from the jungle of bad apps and this filtration can only be achieved, if your dream concept meets the right guidelines through the top mobile app developer. Following are some of the important and much needed features for the retail mobile app, take a look:
  • Don’t Stick With One Payment Option
I read it somewhere ‘Variety is the spice of life’ and this adage justifies well the retail mobile app payment option as well. When you go for shopping, your indulgence does not limit to one particular shop or an option, rather you look for more variety to suit your taste and convenience, same applies to retail apps as well, you should not restrict the payment option to one only, but let the customers pay the way they want to. The recent demonetization act in India has already uplifted the cashless movement, so integrate mobile payment options like Google Wallet, Apple Pay and PayTm Wallet, along with the debit and credit card payment options. You should follow these options religiously within your mobile app, because, if your users fail to find their convenient payment option, then chances are higher that your competitors will be picked over you.
  • No Tech-Hiccups In Purchasing Experience 
Users want to take a full usage of the mobile apps and the options erupted out of competition, lead to more demanding nature within the users. You have to be extra careful while providing the retail mobile app for them, because any loophole or delay in the transaction process would mark a bad experience for the users, and they would feel cheated and consequently would avoid your retail mobile app from every angle next time. Remember, any technical glitch in the transaction process would make you lose the sales, so make sure that your retail mobile app will create a happy purchasing experience for your users which will be smooth, quick and error-free to make the users visit your retail mobile app time and again.
  • Let The Users Track
The ultimate fear of a user is to never receive the product after buying online. The better way to win their trust is by letting them to track the product delivery. Online Shopping should be an experience with your retail mobile app, then a nightmare. Your mobile app need to give a discovery process to your users where they can get the actual information about the product, which is not showcased to rave about your product line, but to give them a factual condition to know what is available and what not and how long it would take to deliver.
  • Location Intelligence
This era speaks technology, designed for the user’s convenience, so as a retailer, you need to make sure that your user would get the sense of comfort, while using your app. You can enhance their experience by allowing customers to find the products easily, integrate the product location with mobile coupons and price comparisons to get the maximum attention of your users. You can also add another exciting feature of call for service directly to the users, where they can directly call from their Smartphone and find out about the services, such as: real-time product availability, physical store locations (if any); product suggestions; and integration with the customer’s personalized shopping and cart lists.
  • Let Them Feel Special
Early in the morning when you login to Google on your birthday and Google shows, Happy Birthday Greeting with your name, you feel top of the world, although the feature is all about certain technology which grabs the information from your Gmail account, but the feeling it gives, is beyond expression. I agree, with the competition claws getting tighten on you, it gets a little difficult for you to achieve this task, but if achieved can make you an instant hit amongst the existing and potential users. Learn about your users buying preferences and provide suggestions on the basis of user’s unique and individual tastes. This will involve your back end to manage the data, which will give the information based on the user’s particular style and brand choices.
The coming years will bring more competition to the retail industry and the smart retailers will see the value of investing in a power-packed mobile app for their business needs. But unless the mobile app serves the purpose which is based on the customer’s requirements, then it would be a complete waste. You need to be little extra wise, while picking the mobile app developer for your retail app, who cannot just be your developer but would turn your partner in development. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


iOS App Development

The year end unleashed many new and beautiful facts of life, professionally and personally, on me. Do you wonder how? On a professional front, I got employed with Techugo- a top mobile app development company in India, which has helped me to come out of my shell and enhance my tech-skills to a larger extent, in a very short span of time. I am an iOS app developer, and worth to mention, every second, I have spent and spending is opening a new learning phase of the iOS development process and is sure it will continue to do so. With my recent job, I get many opportunities to carve my skills to be perfect enough. It is always easy for all of us to choose the perfect handset for us and utilize the mobile apps, served by that particular platform, but actually, it takes a lot for any business to pick the most suitable mobile app platform for their business applications.
Why Choose iOS Platform For Your Business App
Most of the business owner these days, do pick iOS application as their preferred and chosen platform for their business needs. Don’t take me wrong, am not here advocating the iOS due to my career choices, rather I am sharing my views based on the recorded views and reports collected and cited by the tech-pundits across the globe. To understand it more deeply, let’s talk some facts; mobile technology has evolved at an emerging rate and has changed the game of, how businesses work. With the dose of technology, every business has turned more prompt, connected and receptive and is able to quickly interact with all their customers, employees and partners. The technology has made it easier and convenient to work on the go with mobile phones and apps.
The wild popularity of Apple devices has engulfed the mobile market and have sustained very beautifully the ups and downs of the Smartphone market. It would not be wrong to admit, that many people using different mobile platforms out there, dream to own an iOS device, which is not just because of its sophisticated UI/UX but also there is a brood of benefits associated with iOS platform. To know further, let me take you to a tech journey while preserving the aesthetic appeal of my words.
  • Specifications
The first and the foremost aspect, we all scroll down on a webpage while looking for a new mobile app, is the ‘Specs’ section, which clearly indicates that how much a phone specification, matter to us and can decide the exponential growth in the selling chart cycle of a mobile phone. There had been a long and heated discussion between iOS and Android app, and it is always concluded that iOS apps are the most beneficial apps, since they offer better features. The features set within the iOS are clear, sophisticated and very prĂ©cised which attract a number of customers.
  • Better App Quality
When it comes to app development process, Apple is quite stringent about its quality standards, and always ensures that there no compromise is made to attain the excellent software quality and leading hardware, quality of devices, hardware and their operating systems. The unmatchable quality of Apple mobile apps, make the cost even as a no bar for the users, who in return receive leading design and bleeding edge software and hardware features.
  • In-app Purchase
This striking feature is another reason for the users to pick the iOS as their favorite development platform. iOS is not a blessing for the known brand, but also it is a proven formula for success for every startup as well, which can get you some extra money, are you confused?, let me clear the air; iOS devices are usually being used by the industry leaders, top ranking managers and by the people who have no qualms in proceeding with the monetarily involved features, so the in-app purchases within your app can offer you an inbuilt app feature to generate the exposure and revenue.
  • Security
Every company wants its data to be highly secure, and can’t afford it to be invaded while adopting a new app or software for their business requirements. An iOS app offers a sure shot level of security because Apple does not let any functionality or feature to fiddle with the security reasons of an iOS development process. Apple has made a strict guideline for the developers, failing to which the app can be rejected without any hassle on the Apple store.
To know more you can read, WHY APPLE REJECTS YOUR APP 
Every Apple app is immune to malware and viruses. iOS is a blessing for the eCommerce market since it takes care of every single object identified as a threat to the iOS. So, every business opts for iOS as their preferred platform for secured transactions over mobile applications.
  • Specific Advantages For Your Business
  • Apple’s all-in-one IDE can be accessed for the functions such as Graphical Interface Contractor, Syntax Aware, and the Compiler Aware.
  • Developers can utilize Xcode and can move the app from the phone to tablet with an ease.
  • A customized iOS app development for your business may reach the clients directly.
  • A well-planned iOS app boosts the brand value among targeted audiences.
A business without a Smart Phone is an out of the question task in the recent scenario, which is not just impossible, but also very challenging to even think about. To stay in the competition and not to eat your own dog food, it is always advisable to proceed your business innings with the winning strategy. The iOS app certainly offers a wide array of possibilities to improve your business efficiency. The iOS exposure can indeed be a blessing for your business dream, you only need to pick the top iPhone app development company, and Techugo is the best answer for your query. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the iPhone mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of iPhone mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top iPhone mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your iPhone mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your iOS app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Monday, January 23, 2017

Mobile App Development Process | Techugo

Getting a mobile app for your business can be challenging, but if you know the process, it can be a lot more fun... take a look at the mobile app development process with Techugo.

Techugo is a Mobile App Development company, based in India & USA. We provide support for your brand to connect all the more profoundly with your clients through apps we create. We mutate your app concept into action. A few organizations have faith in easy routes. Some have faith in one-size-fits-most mobile arrangements. We're not one of those organizations.  We abandon the tried and tested approach; rather we inhale your imaginary app idea and exhale innovation in your designed apps.

Friday, January 20, 2017


There has already been written much about what to ask your developer before planning for an app, but internet shares a very limited space with the questions to be asked from your client. Yes, it is true, as an app developer, you also have the viable prerogative to query your clients, to satiate your understanding of the mobile app development process. The queries are many on the technical front, but today we are not going to take a dip into the technical perspective merely, since the technical approach and demand for every mobile app varies from one to another, on the contrary, we shall discuss the generic questions to be asked from your client to get a better hold on the app concept.
Why To Ask Your Client
If a project is started to meet the level of your expectations as a client, then you need to gear up to the questions raised by your app developers to gain a fruitful product in the form of a mobile app. The calculation is very simple; if you need a perfect mobile app for your business, then you need a platform filled with inquisitive souls who can mold the app development as per your requirement and concept bearing, but it can only be achieved if there is a valid and logical set of queries raised from both the ends. The series of pertinent questions here goes following, go ahead:
  • Why This App Is Getting Built
You don’t need to jump on the gun, after getting a lead from your marketing channel, rather you need to engross in various points to understand the mobile app concept and the reason for its development. Ask your client, the main motive behind developing the mobile app, whether is it an enterprise mobile to increase the workforce efficiency or is it an eCommerce mobile app to boost the sales process. If you feel this question set is futile enough to give you a clear indication of the app development process, then you are certainly wrong, because these questions would help you build an efficient wall of required features and functionalities, needed to develop that mobile app, which runs seamlessly.
  • Know The Targeted Users
The subsequent question after the previous question is to know the targeted users for the mobile app. You need to research and understand that which purpose the mobile app will solve for the users, how it will help. The targeted users have to be searched on a wider scale, like what is their need, which mobile platform they use, this complete set of information help you understand and know more about your targeted users and what actually the need to make your mobile app a successful product.
  • Can We Know Your Budget
No, you don’t sound pushy with this question, it is a common myth to not to indulge into monetary aspect, and certainly does not imply well with mobile app development process because there is technology involved. The monetary part is not discussed for any sort of negotiation from either end, but to know what your client wants and what his limitations are, maybe there are certain features required by the client’s end, which can spike up the budget, so it’s always better to have a clear understanding of the budget range. I understand mobile app development is a serious game to handle with care, which involves an ocean of unpredictable expenses to be involved with, the only sigh of relief you could get is from an estimated budget. The budget estimation from your client’s end speak a big deal, you need to ask them for a range in which they want their desired concept to take shape, for a new client this question works as one of the essentials, since if the client does not divulge the range, it is a clear sign that the project is not a serious boat to sail, rather just a vague idea of a client who is killing the time with you. The budget range would help you to decide on the cost involved in the initial build and get an awesome app that would get better and better.
  • Know The Key Individuals
A very common advice to all app developers out there, KNOW who you are working with? Who is the driving element behind the project, means who gives consent for every aspect? Who is the budget holder? Who is the Project Owner? Who makes the final call on the decision and very importantly; you need to know the concerned person who would be consulted at what stage to move from Ideation to prototype, to build, to test, to release. These all points if decided and discussed beforehand with your client can crack a major deal without creating any fuss about anything.
  • Who Are The Competitors
To know about the competitors, does not yell out, that you are gonna have every single feature ‘Cut-Copy-Paste’ option, on the contrary, it does not support the plagiarism, since once you know what is already being sold in the market, should not be repeated within your mobile app, so know your competitors and learn what you should not do and what functionality can influence your app features as well. After a complete research, you can discuss with your client and share your views on the mobile app development process.
You need to follow these question strategy quite religiously and ask your clients from the basic phase of mobile app development. It might sound a little harsh to some of you to bash your clients with these many questions at an initial phase, but trust me; this strategy will help you emerge as a promising mobile app development company, which does not negotiate for anything less than perfect. At Techugo, the same strategy is integrated and interwoven into the fabric of app development process for every client and it is followed by every single employee involved in the process of app development, whether it is an Android app development process or an iPhone app development process, but the strategy remains the same. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo
mobile app development

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


iOS app development

An app does not build just by a thought but needs a sack of successful ingredients to make the app a qualifying app in the app market. We all use mobiles and the Smartphone is not something to be escaped from easily, the demand, the need everything in total, requires a mobile app, which can work according to our own convenience and provide the complete information in a succinct way to match our taste buds efficiently. Having said that I have got an app for my business, is not sufficient because it needs the efforts and dedication of a team, which can only be incurred if passion combined with positive energy and right guidance is invested in the ios app development process.
Why do you need an iPhone app?
A business flourishes, when it reaches the door off its targeted customer, as per their convenient way. People around the world are grasping the technology at a faster pace and are quite happy about it. People use a variety of mobile phones, but you need to do a market research on it that what kinds of mobile devices your target audience is using such as Smartphone or tablets.
Once the research is performed, search out the answer to another relevant question: Is There Demand for Your App? Most of the business owners simply get diverted with the idea of an app for their business, without even determining whether an app is actually needed for their business domain or is it just a spark for the lark. To ascertain the factual answer for this problem, speak with your customers and your marketing team, about the necessity to integrate mobile apps for your business domain.
Don’t drink the Kool-aid, rather research for an existing app like what you have in mind, on matching the parameters of your app idea, find out how many downloads it has, how people use the app, and what they say about it in the comments. Are there any pitfalls or gaps in the existing apps that can be worked upon? Take all these points into consideration when determining whether you should pursue the development of your app.
Finding An App Development Partner
The best formula to win this race is always to get the information about the iPhone app development companies, from the listing websites, such as Clutch, AppFutura, GoodFirms & Extract, where there is a bunch of unbiased information about these companies, about the projects undertaken and real-time client reviews. Your main motive should be to find out the best app development partner, so don’t get swayed away with the money factor; rather let the cost a secondary thing but the quality as your sole priority.
Set The iOS App Strategy
There are various marketing terms to be utilized during the app designing and programming process. You need to be sure about these strategies since the beginning of your app development process. You can discuss it with your iOS app developer to pick out the best app strategy process for your mobile app. It can be either from this list:
  • Paid apps – Direct app selling
  • Free App – In-app purchase
  • Freemium app
iOS App Development Process
iOS app development process is slightly different from other platform’s app development process and requires specific programming technologies, development tools, and integration that only Apple approves. Following are the iOS development requirements:
  • IDE
The first and the foremost requirement of iOS Development environment are Mac computers and Apple Xcode IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with the iPhone and iPad SDKs, without which the iOS app development process can never be initiated.
  • Framework
The framework for iOS development is Cocoa Touch and it lets the integration of Objective-C and Swift programming languages as iOS programming technologies. One another top-level framework is an Apple UIKit Framework, which helps in UI development. For the low-level framework for graphics, app developers use Core Graphics and for the animation part Core Animation is used, for the data and audio section Core Data and Core Audio are used respectively.
  • MVC Paradigm
iOS app development process has its heart at MVC, which stands for Model, View, and Controller paradigm. The Model represents Data Object, View represents User Interface (UI)and the Controller represents App Behavior
Quality Check
Once your iOS app is ready to be launched, make sure that it has gone through the complete testing process. Apple is very particular about its testing guidelines, failing to which, your app can receive an instant rejection from the Apple, no matter how perfect the UI is made or how well the app is developed, if your app does not comply all the rules and regulations set by Apple, then your app would never see the light.
Your selected app development partner should be able to integrate Apple Testing regulations, which would include unit tests and functional tests. Also, the UX guerrilla testing and in-depth testing practices help your app to receive the required user feedback before deployment of mobile to save the horror of negative customer reviews.
iOS App Marketing
The development of a mobile app does not suffice the requirement of reaching to your targeted audience. No matter how big is your brand, but unless your mobile app gets a positive exposure, it can never boost the product sales. You need a medium to market your iOS app so your users can increase your brand recognition. To know the perfect app marketing strategies for your mobile app, you can select your distribution channels carefully and your target audience for each of the following app marketing options:
  • Social Media Channels
  • Email Marketing Content
  • Guest Blogging
  • AdWords Content
 Post-Development Support
The iOS app development process does not halt on designing, programming, and testing, but there lies the actual support required for the lifecycle of your mobile app, which includes maintenance, support, fixes, upgrades, etc. These points are proven vital for the best output for user engagement, user retention, and user loyalty to cover high ROI and positive stability in the app market.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...