Monday, February 6, 2017



It was one hour left to complete the 24 hour cycle of a day and bid goodbye to one of the usual tiring day of my daily work schedule, and I was all set to hog on everything my refrigerator had to offer, I took a long yawn to depict my exhaustion and lifted my finger to close my lappy, and suddenly saw a new notification on Skype, with eagerness I clicked the icon, found it to be one of my clients, who had written,” how to get UDID on my iPhone”? , it was late, so I thought to reply a little later, after serving my appetite desire, but the 2 ‘?’ after the first comment from the client, forced me to keep the thought of my dinner a little aside and serve his query first. Well, not so surprisingly, I ended up the Skype chat + call with him after 45 minutes of tiring session, where to explanation consumed a little more time, and I pity myself being starved to death, but had to calm myself down, with a smiley received from my client at the end. My next destination was absolutely fridge, where I finished the leftovers without a delay and while munching on the pizza slice, a thought came into my mind.
I realized that most of the clients are from non-technical background and to expect them to understand the technical aspects of their iPhone, is little too much to ask for. So why not inform all of them the basic requirements of iPhone technicalities from our blog portal, with a determined thought process of writing a blog on UDID of the iPhone, I hit the sack to be awaken in next 7 hrs. Today, am here writing the blog, let’s proceed and handle the technicalities with little expertise to make it more convenient for the clients, who can access this relevant piece of information, across the globe
  • What Is UDID
The UDID is the abbreviation for Unique Device Identifier (UDID) and are unique to every individual iPhone and iPad. It consists of 40 characters and has a mixture of 40 letters and numbers, for illustration, will look something like this 2g7k7cc806d345be8e8928923f6573089b116577. The combination of numeric and alphabets is unique for every device and can never be similar to another.
  • Why UDID Is Needed
Your iPhone can only install programs that are approved by Apple. Applications in the App Store have been approved by Apple for general distribution, but beta customers get to try the app before it’s in the store. We register your UDID with Apple so they can approve your application, especially for your iPhone.
  • What Is The Use Of UDID
As a user, you would have wondered, that’s why you have been asked for the iPhone’s UDID, and it leaves you little distressed. For your relief, let us bring the reason, why UDID is asked from you, with a relevant UDID, a developer can register your device and give it access to non-official (non-App-Store-vetted) software. The UDID carries a huge database to track app installed on your iPhone based on your UDID and they use that data to target ads. UDID might also be attached to a username, password, and social network login, and technically, it’s merely a number, but if it’s put together with a database of other information it becomes the info bank which holds all that information together.
  • How To Find Out Your iPhone’s UDID
The word UDID, sounds so tricky and complex, but eventually the process to find it out is extremely easy and requires few steps. The steps to find out your iPhone’s UDID, follows:
  • Step 1
Open iTunes not on your iPhone, but connect the iTunes on Mac or PC app
  • Step 2
Plug in your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad
  • Step 3
Click its name under the devices list
  • Step 4
Make sure you’re on the Summary tab
  • Step 5
Click on the text “Serial Number” , it will change to show your UDID
  • Step 6
That is your UDID, just select Copy from the Edit menu
  • Step 7
Your UDID is now in the clipboard; paste it into an email or message
So this was all about getting the UDID from your phone, and I think it sounds so easy and non-technical to proceed with. With this hope that it would benefit you all out there and you would not be dependent on your developers to guide you with the process. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app development solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Sunday, February 5, 2017



The year 2014, encountered a major breakthrough made by Twitter, since Twitter launched Twitter Fabric, for the developers to create enticing mobile apps, and the year 2017 has witnessed much bigger tech news; Google has acquired the Twitter fabric to join its Firebase team.  To explain it further, the Twitter Fabric will have the same products to function, such as ; Fabric, Crashlytics, Answers, and any other related products, the only difference it will mark in the year 2017, will be the name managing them, earlier it was Twitter, and from 2017 it will be Google.
Although, no information on the deal has been made yet, but one factor has been cleared by both of the companies, that the mission of this collaboration is to help the developers, build better apps and understand their users to expand the business opportunities. As far as the Twitter developers are concerned, they will come aboard with Google and during the transition period Twitter will manage and control the Twitter Fabric. You can read more about today’s announcement on Google’s blog.



If my product is worthy it does not need any promotion, if this thought ever crossed your brain mistakenly, then you need to install an auto-correct device within your thought process, since thinking something like this is equivalent to a punishable crime in the today’s time where even thinking to sustain without marketing is the undesirable dose of venom, to be gulped without a pause. So a mere thought of abstaining from marketing is a major sin to commit. The current tech-scenario deals with technology at a level, where denying its relevance is out of the question, many of us still live under the misconception of thinking marketing as one of the most expensive parts, but they are least aware of the tech invasion in the marketing field, which has calmed down the cost factor in the marketing strategy and has made it cost-efficient and highly accessible. Today I shall discuss the relation shared between the technology and app marketing.
What is App Marketing
Every business depends on the profit, and the profit is the last step of the app marketing cycle. App marketing is the place where your mobile app’s success lies; with a successful app marketing plan, you can achieve the heights of success in your business. The app marketing umbrella covers advertising, public relations, promotions, and sales. It is a medium through which your product or service gets acknowledged by your targeted customers. In the absence of successful app marketing plan, your sales will deplete and as a consequence, your business will never meet its destination. You might have thought that it sounds so much a part of Greek tragedy, but sadly it is like that only. App marketing is the one word for researching, promoting and selling your services/ products to your targeted customers. Technology has indeed eased down the pressure of reaching to your potential customers, without a hassle, with a major breakthrough in technology in every field; the world is shrunk to one axis, where one technology tool helps meeting the demand of customers. To understand it clearly, let’s take a dive into the interesting world of app marketing.
Benefits of App Marketing
  • Let you shout your presence
  • Compete With Global Competitors
  • Source of Income and Revenue
  • Brand recognition
Technology & Marketing Are Interwoven
To call technology the soul of app marketing, is not worthless, rather technology is no more an option but has turned into a mandatory aspect to understand who your customers are, what they want, what they believe in, their behaviors, and their likes and dislikes and finally give an output which will be relished by your entire user base. Technology has made a strong impact on the app marketing strategy, in many ways, let’s take a look:
  • Social Media Channels
You need to understand your users are humans, who need a source to get informed about your mobile app, if your mobile app is highly tasteful but lacks social media marketing, then it is nothing but a waste of energy and money for your mobile app. People are hooked to Smartphone and use social media channels addictively; promoting your mobile app through the technology of mobile phones over the social media will garner a more genuine set of users across the world. Also, with the integration of social media connectivity within your mobile app will help you to get users connected with each other and build a community enhancing the popularity of your mobile app.
  • Online PR
Online PR is an innovative technology piece helps you attain quick and effective marketing strategy for your mobile app. You can spread a good word about new products and/or services you’re introducing, important changes in your business plan, special milestones you’ve achieved, and substantial new client association, this range of information would help you reach target audiences.
  • Content Marketing
“Content is the king”, I think we all can relate to this statement very well. In the today’s era of technology, there are various options for an app to get acknowledged through the content marketing, it can be in the form of blogs, press release, guest post, articles and other written material based on your mobile app. The written content, with the help of technology, can be made available to your targeted users through technology. So the user base will outgrow to a larger base rather shrinking to one region or country only.
  • Website Ads
A website can also be an interesting platform for your app marketing, the web browsers run advertisements, which are based on text, and advertisers only pay when users click on them. This is a unique way for advertisement and promotion of your product or services.
In the nutshell, everybody spends more time on their mobiles, tablets, and laptops; the biggest advantage of technology is to connect the users with the brands while creating the real-time marketing campaigns that work across social media, display advertising, and e-commerce. If you are targeting global markets and hit the targeted audiences, the marketing embedded with technology is very much required to achieve high-quality results. App marketing when combined with technology, offers top of market value, to attain the immediate and apparent benefits from your mobile app efficiently. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Thursday, February 2, 2017



Every app development process can be a worthy experience, if you get the right mobile app development company, which can handle and judge your mobile app requirements accurately. The role of a mobile app developer within the mobile app development services, works as oxygen, without which the existence is out of the question. As an iOS developer, I have a standard to meet the expectations set by the Apple Inc., which is quite relishing, to achieve the best output for the users. Undeniably, the Apple regulations help the developers to offer a crystal product to the users and maybe that has been a reason behind, why people opt for iOS app development, to know more, you can explore further through my last blog “IOS APP DEVELOPMENT – A PLATFORM TO MEET YOUR BUSINESS REQUIREMENT “
  • Why Is It Needed
Albeit, Apple shares a very robust and healthy app regulation system, due to which none of the developer can skip the guideline and have to abide by the rule book of Apple, but there has always been a glitch where iOS app developers can never respond to the reviews published on the app. If you wonder, it would never be beneficial, then let me clarify that there are certain points which every iOS app developer go through and knows where the shoe pinches. As an iOS app developer, you receive the mail from your user base if they want to grouse about a bug or a shoddy design, till now there had not been a suitable solution for this problem, where developers can respond to the user’s reviews directly.
  • How It Will Help
Customer interaction is a tool to touch and stay at the pinnacle of success, this formula is not only applicable on mobile app development, but it is a sure-shot key of success for every business. If you can’t respond to the concern with your user base than you fail to create a trust factor with your users. Unfortunately, Apple had never allowed the iOS developers to respond to their user’s query and concerns. Though there is not always a bag of complaints oozed out by the users, but at times it can be the most useful information for the developers to incorporate what is needed to boost the sales growth. So if a developer is able to interact and address the concern of a user, which could either be a negative statement or a positive, it would certainly aid the developers to improvise the required changes to attain a much better mobile app for the targeted users.
  • What Is iOS 10.3 Update
As an iOS app developer, you need to stay abreast of the latest developments in the field of iOS to make a healthy pace with the cutting age technology offered by the Apple. It always works in the favor of the iOS app developer since it helps you to remain prepared any future challenges that come as an unavoidable package with iOS updates and avoid the surprise shock.
As we all know, Apple is famous for providing the updates to its users, as a part of the iOS 10.3 release notes in the late January’17; Apple has taken a vital step in the favor of iOS developers and users. As per the Apple,” When iOS 10.3 ships to customers, you will be able to respond to customer reviews on the App Store in a way that is available for all customers to see. (This feature will also be available on the Mac App Store.)”. This news indeed is a blessing for the developers, who have been longing for a suitable source to interact with their customers. The feedback shared by the developers will be publicly available on the AppStore, making it enough unbiased. This update is still in the beta stage and will be made available for the users and the developers in the next couple of months. iOS 10.3 will bring the innovative API for the rating system, where unlike the previous system, users will be able to quickly rate in-app through a simple and beautiful overlay and the user will not get to lose their on-going work or landing on the Apple App Store screen. The iOS 10.3 will be an impeccable experience for the developers with the improved app store and rating experience; the integration of Siri into native apps will open the boundless possibilities for voice-control of the app and OS functionality. The iOS 10.3 update would improve the overall quality of App Store ratings and the app related interaction between a developer and the users. The best part about this update would be that if the developers want to commit a bug-fix or correct the mistake, they can do it on a sheer platform of the public forum.
Expected Benefits
  • Would add a degree of comfort to users and developers
  • A key platform to indicate how responsive developer is
  • Developers can stay more closer with their customer base
  • Curb the “harming reviews” posted by the unethical players
Other Challenges Faced By The iOS Developers
  • Limitations in performance and memory
  • Application compatibility
  • Performance and battery consumption
  • Networks speeds
  • Apple’s app store approval process
  • User experience design
  • Apple watch and VR connectivity
  • App Security
The release date for iOS 10.3 has not been decided and would be available in a month or two for the developers. I believe, for the iOS developer community, the upcoming 10.3 update will be a harbinger of joy and happiness. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo


Mobile App Development Services

As per a recent survey conducted, Mobile app development services in India is much cost efficient being compared to other countries. Do you doubt the authenticity of this report? Even I felt the same and analyzed the report further, and the conclusion I got was, something unbelievable but highly logical. Most of the businesses around the globe are embracing the mobile app technology very fast and have reached to a level, where it can never be denied. Technology integrated into the mobile app is the major tool to attract customers for your respective business domains, and if this technology is not handled dedicatedly then rather being a harbinger of prosperity for your product, can destruct its existence. You need to be a little cautious before choosing a top mobile app development company for your product, a company which can provide the top mobile app development services combined with your budget demand. This all sounds like a dream, where you get all that you want at your condition, well this dream can be a reality if you choose a mobile app development company from India, although there is no magic behind it, rather there lies a pool of valid logics. Although cost is not the only factor in selecting India for the mobile app development services, but there is a pool of valid reasons to justify the need of app development services from India. Let’s learn more about the logics further.
  • Tech-savvy Brood
The younger generation of India is all set to explore the new possibilities offered by the technology to stay ahead. They pick mobile app development as a chosen career with a élan since they understand the growing number of Smartphone users, will multiply further in future, and the demand for a mobile app will also increase simultaneously. Due to the career choice, app developers take their passion to a next level by creating and developing the innovative concept in the mobile apps, to attract a number of customers. The unique features allure the users and the developed mobile app can become an instant hit.
  • Global Competition
The breakthrough in the technology made by mobile apps has been noticed and observed more deeply by the rising entrepreneurs from India. The per hour cost for the mobile app developers in the US is approximate $250 but when it comes to India the mobile app development cost is reduced to $20 – $5o. , there is no doubt that India has abundance of tech-skilled bandwidth, and when this bandwidth gets associated with the rising tech-startups, it gives an ultimate consequence of top mobile app development company, which does not compromise on quality and services, and dedicate its efficiency to offer the top of the world mobile app development services at the lower cost being compared to other countries.
  • Global Smartphone Market
If reports to be believed then, India has the fastest-growing Smartphone market in the world, accounting for 27.5 million devices sold in the second quarter of 2016, up 17 percent from the previous quarter, according to IDC. Mobile subscriptions are expected to hit 1.4 billion by 2021, according to the Ericsson Mobility Report, released in June.  So being a promising platform for the global Smartphone market, Indian Govt. has invested in the IT sector, since it is one of the highest revenue earners for the Indian economy. So app developers get a robust platform to ensure the increased revenue and explore their skills and set them to practice.
  • Mobile Apps For Diverse Platforms
Mobile app developers in India are not dedicated to one single platform of mobile app development; rather they invest their intelligence, handling comfortably all diverse range of app platforms. So within one company, you can meet the different app platforms developers without paying anything extra and you will be able to achieve a satisfied customer base.
As the mobile app ecosystem has expanded its branches to capture a potential user base, it becomes a Hobson’s choice for all the companies to grab the mobile apps for their products as a fundamental tool for success in today’s competitive world. Based on all above-mentioned factors, it can easily be calculated the reason behind choosing India as a promising mobile app development platform. A mobile plays the different role to increase your customer base and boost your sales, but its growing popularity has made it challenging for the app developers to compete in the overly crowded market of mobile apps. In such scenario, mobile app developers from India, prove to be a blessing, due to the high-quality outsourcing services offered to the clients across the globe. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Sunday, January 29, 2017


retail mobile app
People often go berserk about the mobile apps, wonder why? Technology has taken the mobile apps to a level where it can be customized to fit the user’s pocket. The crowd of mobile apps on the app store has led to a different attitude to be harvested among the users, and that attitude is fondly called ‘Being Picky’ about the selection of mobile apps. The need of retail apps for any business is under NO DENIAL stage, due to the strong circumference of technology around us. It is the most ubiquitous term in every business to convert every lead into sales, but the on-going competition, pressure of the user’s demand and technology stir, make it all a little tricky and challenging.
As a retail app, one needs to acquire a series of mandate features, failing to which, any app, no matter what concept it carries, will doom to failure. To save you from the horror of depletion, one must give attention to some of the most important features to be integrated within the retail app to make it successful and survive in the Odd River of competition. Your app features will extract the good apps from the jungle of bad apps and this filtration can only be achieved, if your dream concept meets the right guidelines through the top mobile app developer. Following are some of the important and much needed features for the retail mobile app, take a look:
  • Don’t Stick With One Payment Option
I read it somewhere ‘Variety is the spice of life’ and this adage justifies well the retail mobile app payment option as well. When you go for shopping, your indulgence does not limit to one particular shop or an option, rather you look for more variety to suit your taste and convenience, same applies to retail apps as well, you should not restrict the payment option to one only, but let the customers pay the way they want to. The recent demonetization act in India has already uplifted the cashless movement, so integrate mobile payment options like Google Wallet, Apple Pay and PayTm Wallet, along with the debit and credit card payment options. You should follow these options religiously within your mobile app, because, if your users fail to find their convenient payment option, then chances are higher that your competitors will be picked over you.
  • No Tech-Hiccups In Purchasing Experience 
Users want to take a full usage of the mobile apps and the options erupted out of competition, lead to more demanding nature within the users. You have to be extra careful while providing the retail mobile app for them, because any loophole or delay in the transaction process would mark a bad experience for the users, and they would feel cheated and consequently would avoid your retail mobile app from every angle next time. Remember, any technical glitch in the transaction process would make you lose the sales, so make sure that your retail mobile app will create a happy purchasing experience for your users which will be smooth, quick and error-free to make the users visit your retail mobile app time and again.
  • Let The Users Track
The ultimate fear of a user is to never receive the product after buying online. The better way to win their trust is by letting them to track the product delivery. Online Shopping should be an experience with your retail mobile app, then a nightmare. Your mobile app need to give a discovery process to your users where they can get the actual information about the product, which is not showcased to rave about your product line, but to give them a factual condition to know what is available and what not and how long it would take to deliver.
  • Location Intelligence
This era speaks technology, designed for the user’s convenience, so as a retailer, you need to make sure that your user would get the sense of comfort, while using your app. You can enhance their experience by allowing customers to find the products easily, integrate the product location with mobile coupons and price comparisons to get the maximum attention of your users. You can also add another exciting feature of call for service directly to the users, where they can directly call from their Smartphone and find out about the services, such as: real-time product availability, physical store locations (if any); product suggestions; and integration with the customer’s personalized shopping and cart lists.
  • Let Them Feel Special
Early in the morning when you login to Google on your birthday and Google shows, Happy Birthday Greeting with your name, you feel top of the world, although the feature is all about certain technology which grabs the information from your Gmail account, but the feeling it gives, is beyond expression. I agree, with the competition claws getting tighten on you, it gets a little difficult for you to achieve this task, but if achieved can make you an instant hit amongst the existing and potential users. Learn about your users buying preferences and provide suggestions on the basis of user’s unique and individual tastes. This will involve your back end to manage the data, which will give the information based on the user’s particular style and brand choices.
The coming years will bring more competition to the retail industry and the smart retailers will see the value of investing in a power-packed mobile app for their business needs. But unless the mobile app serves the purpose which is based on the customer’s requirements, then it would be a complete waste. You need to be little extra wise, while picking the mobile app developer for your retail app, who cannot just be your developer but would turn your partner in development. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...