Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Mobile App Reviews 

Mobile apps are the biggest source of entertainment today and its existence and relevance are beyond the expression of words, but the success of a mobile app does not only count on merely on one factor, rather there is a huge number of reasons to make an app successful and get noticed by your users. The positive app reviews are indeed one of those significant factors to make your mobile app a success. It is a proven strategy that we all get influenced by other’s reviews and feedback, which is also a reason behind why celebrities are asked to endorse the brands, so their followers can trust and buy the products. A very common phenomenon revolves around every single client is that my app should start creating the revenues, just after the launch, which is next to impossible, without a proper app marketing strategy to be followed.
You need to understand that a very crucial part of app marketing is app reviews, which let your users choose and make a decision to download your mobile app. The reviews given by your loved ones are necessary coupled with the genuine feedbacks shared by your users. Unfortunately, the positive reviews are not always experienced by every mobile app but the bad reviews, whenever a user faces a problem in the mobile app they start venting out their frustration in the review section, which is indeed not good for the health of your mobile app in the long run. You need to collect more numbers of positive reviews as much as you can, do you think it’s beyond the bounds of possibility, then you can get a sure curve line on your lips, because it is very much possible, to know more let’s read further.
  • Why App Reviews Make A Difference
It is a well-known fact that people around the world trust the reviews before making a purchase, and when it comes to a mobile app, then app reviews work as a loyalty bonus for your users to download your app and trust its content. As per a study conducted around 80% users quit the download process after reading a negative mobile app review. So, on a larger scale, the reviews somehow decide who would download your mobile app or would make in-app purchase. The other relevant factor is that users generally trust the apps which come first in their app search, and the positive reviews only help the app to secure the first place in the app store.
  • Your App Matters
It might sound boring, but unless your mobile app is good enough, garnering the positive reviews, is a far distant affair. You need to get an app, which is perfect from idea to conception, be it its interface, design, app concept, content and every single aspect related to a mobile app, failing to which you can never expect your mobile app would carve a niche for itself. Users have turned smart today and have loads of options available if your mobile app fails to meet the demand, then no fake review or app marketing can help the app to sustain in the market. So the very first thing you need to understand is to make a remarkable piece of mobile app, to attract the users.
  • Integrate App Review Plugin
I personally have noticed, when we achieve a hard task or a project in personal or professional life, then we can accomplish the most hated or time-consuming another task in a jiffy, it simplifies the equation, if you are going to add app review plugin within your mobile app, and ask your users to review you or give rating after the completion of some task or clearing a hard level in game mobile app, would certainly attract the maximum good reviews or ratings. Both iOS and Android have an easy and simple approach to adding an app review plugin, try this and you would be amused to see the results.
  • Offer Prompt Reply
To have flaws is not a bad thing, but not to improve it, is a sin. When it comes to a mobile app every user comes to your mobile app, with certain expectations and if those expectations are not met, the frustration to ooze out of them is not surprising, they would hurl the most acerbic and hurtful language in the feedback section, but if you reply them promptly and resolve the issue and then inform them again on the same feedback wall, would create a difference. You would not only pacify your angry customer but would also create an image for other customers that you are always ears to their issues and put your efforts to resolve them. This strategy would win you over the existing customers and would bring more potential users, who would read the feedback section before downloading your mobile app.
  • A Proven Strategy- Gamification
We all love gifts, just like the incentive technique, this technique also promotes the reviews, which can be earned through various promotions and contests. Once a user reviews your application, they would be offered numerous discount package and cards, you don’t need to offer a big deal on these packages initially, but you may start with less and get the users review your mobile app.
  • Timing Should Be Accurate
Imagine you are sleeping, and suddenly somebody shakes you to review your last watched movie of your favorite star, no matter how well-defined that movie had been or your love for your actor is, at this stage, you would only give a bad review or would avoid the situation, the same is the case for the app review timing in your mobile app. If you ask the users to review your app just after downloading or when the app crashes, then you can never expect the favorable outcome. The timing matters a lot when it comes to get a positive mobile app review from your users, the inappropriate time-slot for the app review would irk your users further and you might receive an uninstall then a positive review.
Above all, remember one satisfied user brings 100 more and one unsatisfied user creates an aversion for another 1000, so you need to make your mobile app perfect from every angle and it should not be that your app does not deliver what your users yearned for, else you would always starve for positive app reviews. Never ever opt for the fake reviews, since it might lead to app suspension and the user will decrease if they don’t find what they are looking for in your mobile. You must follow the above-mentioned app review strategies to help your app creating a niche for itself.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo
Source: http://www.techugo.com/blog/strategies-increase-mobile-app-reviews/

Monday, February 20, 2017


iPhone App Development Company

Apple has won the hearts of many through its quality, seamless transition and innovative ideas. iOS is certainly a one of its kind, which has turned the game of technology from every aspect. To get an iPhone application for your business can give an instant hit to your sales chart, the only factor you need to focus a little more on, is the selection of choosing the top iPhone app development company for your business domain. You have to pick the top iPhone app development company on the basis of a few factors, such as, considerable solution experience ranging from developing the engaging iPhone mobile apps with the most powerful UI/UX to attract the users.
You should not get swayed by the cost-factor, although it is an important aspect for every client, but choosing an iPhone app Development Company for your business solution on the basis of pricing, is not a favorable task. Rather, you should explore the services offered by the iPhone app development company to render the business-centric iPhone mobile apps, which would satisfy the ever-increasing demands of your customers. To proceed with your iPhone application development, you may choose Techugo- a top iPhone application development company and specializes in developing innovative and robust iPhone mobile apps for our clients across the globe.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the iPhone mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our iPhone mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of iPhone mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top iPhone mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your iPhone mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market iPhone mobile apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our iPhone application development team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your iPhone mobile app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo
Source: http://www.techugo.com/blog/iphone-app-development-company/

Friday, February 17, 2017


app development

My house construction was on the full verge when I suddenly realized that there is no wash-basin on the ground floor, now everything was so perfectly planned that no room was there for a basin, which was indeed an inevitable demand of life. My architect, mason, even friends tried their level best, but there was nothing which could actually make me feel happy. I was all ready to settle down for what I was offered but then something happened, which changed the game, I was on my way back to home from work when I saw a roadside food corner selling the snacks, with an average shop but the very hygienic look of the place. It was the sink which was fitted just next to the stairs, which caught my attention, it was all sea-green in color, not the porcelain, but made up of fiber to keep the disposable plates, I suddenly realized why I can’t have something like this at home, something different by the look, so instead of heading to my home, I turned my car towards the nearest Jaguar showroom, shown on my Google map. Worth to mention, I got beautiful options thereof glass basin and something which could be a piece of art in a corner of my entrance. I picked the color and the art matching to my wall shades and got it fixed where I thought of, needless to say, on the day of house-warming party, my decision was appreciated as a mastery of art, and unbeknown to them the real reason.
I mentioned it for a reason, that idea can happen to anyone and at any time, it does not look for a specific degree or qualification, but an idea depends on that strike which can occur due to the clash of innovation and necessity. Many times I have been asked by the clients or designers from my company that I am not getting a perfect idea, oops, I forgot to mention my company I am associated with, its name is Techugo- a top mobile app development company, where we deal and play with innovation, imagination and technology, but at times we all go blank, about finding a suitable app feature or idea for the client’s product or services and depend on some miracle to happen. With this blog, I intend to showcase the ways how to get the profitable mobile app ideas.
  • Observe Others
How do we get the solutions, the answer is obvious, only after facing the problems. Most of the apps in the market are just the cut-copy-paste options of each other, which only gives more options to the users to select the better out of them, but not all of them. If you want to create a wonderful mobile app for your business, then you have to take out the problems faced by you in daily life, for example, if you think you are not getting the medicines 24/7 and there should be an app for it to address the issue, then you are on the right path, the problems faces by you, convert into a successful mobile app idea. You can get yourself involved with the people surrounding you to know what the day-to-day basis problems they are facing and whether these problems can be transformed into an app. Mark my words only a countable number of days invested in judging the problems, would help you to dig out the best mobile app idea.
  • Assess Yourself
People usually fall into the trap of looking at others, but forget to assess their own qualities, which is a major setback to get an app idea, do you wonder how? There had been numerous examples in your vicinity, which can help you understand this fact more deeply, where they followed their dreams rather than moving ahead with the other’s footsteps. You need to assess what skill sets do you have that can be leveraged to scale into a big business, you can list down your top six skills, strengths and interest and the business ideas related to them. Maybe if designing is your interest, then you can offer the service of freelance designing services to the clients and mobile apps are indeed an interesting source of selling your skills. Only one thing you need to check that what is the existing competition in your chosen field to compete and offer a successful mobile app solution.
Although, there are many other app idea solutions, but these solutions are one hundred percent certain ways to get you a profitable mobile app idea. These two steps if followed religiously can turn out to be a success ingredient for your dream app. No surprise, but the success of your mobile app depends on many other factors, which you can explore further with another blog “APP ENGAGEMENT METRICS- A RECIPE FOR A SUCCESSFUL MOBILE APP”. A mobile app idea can bring profit to your business only if it is conceptualized well with the appropriate and profitable mobile app ideas.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo
 Source: http://www.techugo.com/blog/nail-winning-mobile-app-idea/

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Mobile App Development Strategy
To say, “world belongs to technology” is not wrong, because technology has revolutionized the way we talk with others, the way we live and the way we manage our work. Mobile apps are one of the most innovative and pleasing inventions of technology, which have not just made our life convenient enough, but also have brought a relief to the financial aspect of any organization, through attracting the massive number of potential consumers from all across the globe. When you pick the mobile app development for your product or services, the very next thing as a question, you pop-out to your mobile app development company, that what is your mobile app development strategy. It is not the easiest question to answer, because every mobile app has its own set of requirements based on its targeted users and domain, so the mobile app strategy involves a process which needs the complete information, that what is your mobile app requirement and why you need a mobile app.
You need to ensure, to pick a best mobile app development agency to cater your mobile app requirements, failing to which the mobile app marketing strategy would not be constructive enough to get you the desired results.  At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups through the practice of our best mobile app development strategy specifically designed for your mobile app to help you with generating the pleasing business revenue. Our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Source: http://www.techugo.com/blog/mobile-app-development-strategy/

Monday, February 13, 2017

How much does it cost to make an app?

Mobile App Development Cost
Mobile App Development Cost
The technology adoption in today’s time has affected every business domain and has opened the new transition for the business opportunities. To decide for a mobile app development process is a little tricky, where you need to let your intelligence work faster, but many business owners mistake the COST as the most swaying away factor in the mobile app development process. We agree that the cost factor affects the mobile app development process for you, but mobile app development cost should not be the only reason to affect your decision. To explain it further, a mobile app is must for your business today, not for the sake of survival but to excel, since a perfect mobile app would drive potential traffic to your business and you need to understand every business has its own demand, own limitations and own user base, so you can’t expect a ready-made mobile app to be shown in the window of the mobile app development company...read more.

How To Promote Your App Through Social Media

Mobile app marketing
Mobile App Marketing Strategy

Social Media, the word somehow depicts the lack of privacy within and denser pressure of maintaining your identity, but the irony is, that it is used by every single individual either with genuine identity or fake, but all use it except a very few who still have not taken a dive into the pool of social troubles of social media. Just to curb my thought process to escape myself from turning this blog into a satire, I would like to share the most significant role of social media play in the app marketing today.

Why Do You Need Social Media For App Marketing

Mobile apps are an unavoidable part of our daily life schedule; we need them to keep a tab on our needs & requirement at every single second. The process of the mobile app is exciting and fast if picked a right mobile app development company for the mobile app solution developed for your product or services. Unless there is a correct marketing adoption for your mobile app, no matter how wonderful your mobile app is, but if it does not reach to your targeted audience through the medium they prefer to communicate, then it is a complete waste. You need to market your app through every possible resource available for marketing. Social Media is one of the most cost-effective sources of marketing available today and the best part about this method is that it is highly accessible across the planet Earth.

How Social Media Benefits Mobile App Marketing
  • Your Customers get a personalized touch
  • Global publicity
  • Increase brand awareness
  • More inbound traffic
  • Improve search engine rankings
  • Higher conversion rates
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Brand loyalty
  • Cost-effective
App Marketing Through Social Media

Some people have a doubt that Social media is restricted to Facebook only, but what they fail to comprehend that there is a broad horizon of the Social Media platform’s possibilities to market your mobile apps and get them acknowledge by the potential users across the globe. You can’t deny Social Media marketing is the blessing for the developers who are on a tighter budget and have not many other ways to get the mobile app promoted. As per the research conducted, Social Media marketing helps your mobile app reach a much wider, sharply targeted audience, who are keen to take what you offer through your mobile app. As every coin has its pros and cons then Social Media marketing can also go wrong if you miss to follow certain Do’s and Don’ts, let me take you on a voyage to explore it further.

Remain Active on Facebook

We all love Facebook, for various reasons, like to chat with our distant cousin/friend, to post daily pictures, to post quotes, to share our thought process, etc. etc. etc. the list is huge. Facebook is indeed an impeccable platform to market your mobile app, the only thing you need to understand is that your presence on the Facebook should be strong enough and you are highly active on it, once you start promoting your app on FB, you would get a heap of comments, chats, and queries. You must reply the chat or queries coming through FB instantly or within the hours of the gap. It should not be days long distance to check and reply the chats.

Videos Increase The Views

The charm a video creates, it can never be picked by another medium. It creates a much alive connection between you and your audience and makes them aware of your activities. You should focus on creating interesting videos of your mobile app; introduce the functionalities of your mobile app, its UI, and how it will benefit them. Do not simply upload the video, but provide the detailed but interesting content for your app in the detail section and ask your users to give comments and feedback. This strategy will work on your user’s psychology that you are willing to improve your app as per the views shared.

Hello Tweets

Every single hour you get news that some celeb twitted this or that, which became instant media hype. Apart from FB, Twitter is another social media channel, which grabs the attention of users across the world. For your app marketing, you can utilize the Twitter platform to share what’s new at your end related to app, celebrations and feedback, all related to your mobile app or company. Through this you will create a loyalty factor between you and your app users and they would feel connected with you. Don’t make a standard message to reply every query, rather reply everyone personally, because anything said on Twitter can build or destroy your customer base.

Content Should Be Engaging

I agree, your mobile app is like your baby and you can do anything to chart up on the scale, but it does not mean that you would speak unnecessarily about anything, if users don’t find your content on Social Media, interesting and crisp enough, then sorry, but no one is ready to read your autobiography there. Put efforts to make the content interesting, informative and a little funky, so all age groups can relate to your mobile app. Bring some innovation within your content and don’t use Grandma’s dictionary in the search of the heavy words, rather use the language your users can relate to.

No Negativity To Cross Your App Way

Social Media is a hub of free speech, where users troll down the celebrity for uttering a wrong spelling, so don’t expect you would be saved. No, am not scaring you, but making you aware of how to handle the rejection more carefully. It’s a human nature we all take negative comments somewhere deeper in our hearts than the positive comments. You would also find yourself in a situation, where people would post negative comments, sometimes due to a reason, sometimes just to flaunt their unnecessary knowledge of the domain. You don’t need to lose heart, set a strategy for yourself, whether there is a genuine negative feedback or unwanted, you have to make sure that you reply to both, do not delete them, the genuine negative feedback adds a touch of reality to your user base, you should inform the dissatisfied users, when the issue is resolved.
On the other hand, the malarkey of unwanted users should not be taken as an ego hassle, just reply them once in a diplomatic way and thanks them for their review, don’t exaggerate the chat into a discussion, else other users would get diverted to the superfluous chat.

Smartphones and mobile apps are going to stay here forever, yes you heard me right, mobile apps and Smartphone technology would evolve with the time and users would have mind-boggling exposure to the options of mobile apps, so you have to pull your socks up to market your mobile app maximum, so they would not be isolated in the crowd of mobile apps.

At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.

You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Thursday, February 9, 2017


 Mobile App Startup

Having a mobile app for your business, is not a big issue anymore, a lot has been written and said about how to develop a mobile app for your business and how to choose a perfect mobile app development company, but a very limited space on the internet is shared by what makes a successful top mobile app development startup . There is no magic potion to be drunk, or some e-pills to be ingested but a certain strategy to be followed to make a successful top mobile app development startup.
It is quite obvious to feel exhausted with the pressure of excelling in your startup and prove your worth to your near ones; I don’t scream the fictional details but have soul proof reasons to advocate my words, delightfully called experience, but with a bullet-proof version to my old and hard-earned scars, I would like to focus more towards the key factors help in making the successful mobile app startup. Undeniably, there is no better teacher in the world rather than your own experiences, but as it says, ‘Precaution is better than cure’, so to take a grasp over the prevention list, always work in your favor. I would not be divulging the details about how you can arrange the investment for your startup, but my nucleus of writing would move around how your entrepreneur experiment can end up become an assertive aspiration for others.
  • Learn From Other’s Mistakes
To err is human, but if you don’t learn from the mistakes, then it is threatening for your mobile app development company’s health system. That best part about the mobile app is that you get to learn more from other’s mistakes than from the perfection of successful mobile apps. Since the mistakes create a personal Wikipedia for you, with a heading “What to Avoid in Mobile Apps” and the content keeps on increasing with the passing time. If you want to judge what is wrong, do not stick to the successful mobile apps only, but wider your circle by studying and sifting the least ranking and worst review mobile apps as well. The comparative study of successful mobile apps and worst mobile apps would assist you to detect themes, design trends, and game mechanics that separate the good mobile apps from the bad one.
  • Multitasking Team
Being a startup, you can’t rely on a huge team base from the initial phase, since it affects your budget and if your startup would take more time to get established than the usual timeline, then it can be a little tumultuous to justify the growth of your startup. You need to hire multi-talented employees with a great efficiency to reach out to your clients as & when required. The small team with multi-skilled heads working within would emphasis on the strong collaboration of the team, which would lead to a healthy work environment and expanding the team size further.
  • Be Well-versed With The App Market
There is no harm in gaining the knowledge and your homework before you initiate your tech startup. Due to the increase in demand, the technology is transforming and bringing the innovative changes at the speed of light. You ought to comprehend the relevance of staying focused. You need to inhale technology like oxygen and must become proficient in knowing the consumer demand and what they look for, in the mobile app. You should be well learned about the particular mistakes opted by other mobile app and what to adopt and what to avoid in your app development process to allure a potential chunk of clients and their consumers.
  • Requires Constant Efforts
The another fact you need to get accustomed to is that no start-up can work with 9 to 5 working hour cycle, and especially as a mobile app development company, you need to be on your toes every time, because the technology can make a breakthrough from anywhere at any time, regardless of your particular time-zone, so for your startup to be successful, when you wake up then you start and when you sleep then your mailbox receives the message, so you remain available to your clients 24/7 without a blink.
  • Sell Yourself
It might sound a little offensive, but the harsh core fact is that you need to let the world know about what you deal with, in the way your targeted customers understand. Don’t expect one happy project would do enough marketing for you; rather, you have to catch the winning vibrations from the project and escalate it to your targeted customers. Don’t spare any social media portal to speak about your existence, let the SEO and content do the magic for you. Apart from marketing, focus on the app quality without any escape, since one happy customer leaves a genuine review on the app store, which attracts an enticing number of potential users. Remember app quality and your marketing must go simultaneously to create a dazzling effect for your startup to grow further.
Although there are many other factors lead to the success of your startup and indeed more said is less, but I hope the given suggestions would help you get an insight of what all blood and sweat and app startup requires. It certainly does not need the dose of hard work, but an excessive dose of smart work, which helps you with establishing a successful startup and receive accolades from your competitors as well. The current organization, am associated with is- Techugo, which is a top mobile app development company and also a startup, but has flourished incredibly and within a year’s time the team size has expanded to 120+ developers aboard and much more are yet to be a part of our success.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo
Source: http://www.techugo.com/blog/build-successful-mobile-app-startup/

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...