Tuesday, February 28, 2017


 Google Assistant
 My current company Techugo- a top mobile app development company, has robust working structure, which gives the equal and fair chance to every employee to go and grab the chance of being a face of the company in front of the client, so it was my day, when I had been given this opportunity, which I accepted with a grinning smile. Although I am very extrovert by nature, but it was a Fri evening and we had a video conference with our overseas client, being new to the organization, it was but obvious for me to get all the butterflies of the world to come and get accumulated in my tiny stomach and I was feeling to throw up due to nervousness, but had to remain calm and quiet and pose as relaxed as possible. The only question from my CTO Preeti Singh, “Gunjan , all ready?”, brought me into the frame of the Monalisa portrait made by Leonardo DA Vinci. I can laugh at my situation now when I am writing, but a month ago this situation was gruesome for me and I wanted to remain invisible…Well the meeting started and I was introduced to our client, my name ‘Gunjan Manral’ is not as tough to pronounce or maybe this was a mere thought of mine only, since our client repeated my name as ‘Gooojan Menrahl’, although he was told again but he couldn’t attain the correct pronunciation, so in order not to annoy him further, we decided to let the meeting move on, no prize for guessing for the next few days I was tried with my patience, since my colleagues kept on calling my name with the same pronunciation.
This all is quite much obvious when an Asian name is usually being pronounced by native English speakers, but when your name is also pronounced as “Gooojan” by Google Assistant, then you feel little helpless to curb the antics of your friends. A machine is expected to work according to your desire, but unfortunately, the advancement of technology has reached the extreme, but yet in mobile technology, a most common problem faced among all voice assistant is they sound unnatural and the pronunciation of names are almost suicidal. But Google has come up with a solution to fix the issue of mispronunciation of your name through two different techniques…quite a reliever isn’t it…yes, and especially for me, it is…so let’s know those two different ways to escape you from being mortified in front of your friends and colleagues.
Way 1 : Your Nickname
As a child, you are called with different and lovely diminutives, which sound so ecstatic and cute during the childhood, but sooner you cross that stage, such names are not always sooth down your ears. I too have a nickname, and fortunately very cute still, so without divulging the name, I would like to talk about the process. With Google assistant you can set your nickname (if you still like it) to be used, it is easier for the technology to grab the shortened form of your name, you can follow the process:
  • Open the Google Home app on Android or iOS
  • Click on More settings
  • Click on Personal Info
  • Click Nickname
  • Enter your nickname
  • Tap Play to test out the pronunciation
Now, all the time Google Assistant would address you by name, either through Google Home or Assistant on Pixel phones, but it will be that short and cute name filled by you.
Way 2: Phonetic Pronunciation
If you are not willing to pick your nickname, then there is one other way for you, that is Phonetic Spelling of your name. Phonetic chart sound more like a V&A practice made in the call center, but it is not, rather it would help the Google to understand your name through the phonetic spelling and it would never be wrong. Let’s learn how to do it:
  • In the above-mentioned menu option
  • Click on the option to spell out how your name
  • Click the radio button to the left of Spell it out.
  • Here type the phonetic spelling of your name, using English alphabets only
  • Click the blue Play button to test it
You must add spaces to break up the syllable and carry out the exact functioning of the syllable stress, like for my name, I would spell it: Goon-Jan.
This technology was earlier available with Cortana on Windows and Siri on Mac, but with Google, you can imply this technique in two different ways, as per your convenience. Google indeed has brought relief to many like me, who want to keep their name to be pronounced clearly. On the other hand, I am an Android app developerwith Techugo, worth to mention, if you want your Android app development concept to get the wings of reality then Techugo is the right destination for you.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. 
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo
Source: http://www.techugo.com/blog/teach-va-to-google/

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Top Mobile App Development Company in UAE

UAE, the name stands for grandeur, luxury and royalty and the seven cities: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Quwain, Ra’sal Khaymah and Fujairah, simply extend the magnificence further. No wonder, technology has deeply affected the every possible phase of any business domain in gulf region deep and UAE is aiming to be the world hub for technology. Mobile app technology has brought the world to an axis, where you can access the desired information and make a buy from one continent to another without delay. With the help of mobile app technology, the business owners from UAE are able to promote their brands to a global platform.
Everybody wants to get the integration of mobile app technology within their business domain, but to choose a top mobile app development company in UAE is challenging. You need to look out for a top mobile app development company in UAE to boost your sales growth chart exponentially and create brand awareness for your brand/product/service. A top mobile app development company needs to fulfill the basic requirements of mobile app development process, for instance, must offer the seamless app interface to the user, unique and simple design and off course an innovative concept to grab the attention of the users to the maximum. Do you think it is too much to ask for in a mobile app development company, and then we have the answer for you; Techugo- is a top mobile app development company in UAE, which delivers what promises. Our team of top mobile app developers in the UAE is full of creative designers and developers who live and breathe mobile app technology. Our mobile app development process is based on the ideology to increase your business efficiency and enterprise mobility with rich mobile app development services in UAE.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team in UAE,  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers in UAE is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo: 
Source: https://topmobileappdevelopmentcompanyblog.wordpress.com/2017/02/24/top-mobile-app-development-company-in-uae/

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Wallet App

Since the demonetization act sneaked into our life with a bang sound, there has not been a single individual who is still remained alien with how to deal with the financial matters through a mobile app. When it comes to mobile apps, we know and relate to them most with a gaming apps, beauty appseCommerce apps and now mobile wallet apps as well. A payment gateway app or mobile wallet app is not a new concept, yes, you heard me right, these apps are very much available and existing in the app market for a longer time, but a very limited number of people from the society used it, in India specifically, but demonetization has turned the game and now every existing mobile app offers the payment gateway integration within their apps.
How this broad change has occurred, worth to mention, all the credit goes to our honorable PM Modi, whose decision not just helped to remove the black money out of the Indian economy, till some extent, but now even an 8 year old knows apart from the gaming apps, that what is the PayTM and the cashless movement is the latest fad and talk of the town. It’s a well-known fact that when it comes to manage the financial aspect, we all play extra cautious and curious, so the monetary aspects can be handled with brains not the hearts. It is indeed a dream come true, where even a local tea-hawker is able to accept payment for your daily hot cups of tea, through wallet app, but unfortunately many a times these mobile payment apps create technical issue, which gives at times an unwanted feel to quit the app and opt for another option, but there are certain features responsible for such glitches to occur in the wallet app, which, if taken in consideration in advance, during the app development process, then your wallet mobile app can do wonders, so let’s begin the discussion further:
Location Based Service
What is the first thing which comes to your mind when you use a mobile app, but of course everything under one roof? In the same way, when your user picks the wallet mobile app they should be given enough shop hunting options, which can elaborate it further that which shopping destinations support their mobile apps, it will not just help in the favor of your mobile app, but will also create the popularity of your mobile app amongst your potential users.
Sheer Status
The basic doubt every customer has, that how would I know what happened to my money in case of transaction failed and how much I spent, it is a very basic but logical query raised, so be transparent and clear to your users, and integrate the functionality in your mobile app which would give them a sheer status of their transactions, it would help the users develop trust factor with you.
Light Weight
FB is a heavy application and we all know it requires sufficient data, so it can work well on 3G and best on 4G, but the same Facebook when rolls on in Kenya, has the light version, which can run seamlessly on 2G network as well. Is it surprising? For me it was which meant that a same app can be heavy or light also, depending on the demand. The same theory is needed to be applied on your mobile payment apps as well. You have to ensure within the development cycle that your app is easy and light weight, so would not take more time to display. Maybe you have hit the bull’s eye by creating a wallet mobile app, but if your mobile app fails to be easy and lightweight it would never reach the hearts of your users.
Security Should Be Your Priority
Security and money always go hand-in-hand; you can never miss either. Although technology has made the most favorable advancement, yet the threats related to security have cropped up from every angle, such as:  hackers and Cybernetic attacks. With a wallet mobile app you need to play extra safe, due to the constant money cycle remains connected to your bank account, so security must be the prime concern of every mobile app developer while developing the mobile payment apps to keep the existing data and money transfer a security checked concept.
Digital Coupons
Everyone loves to be rewarded and if the reward comes from a payment mobile app than it is the icing on the cake. You must offer coupons, discounts, daily deals and promotions via mobile apps. Through these coupons, your users can carry and redeem the coupons easily, without a fear of losing them and can avail the discounts offered by your mobile app, this would increase your user base and also your app popularity would get multiply sooner.
Investment made in mobile payment apps, would be worth to look out for, which would continue to increase your business revenue by the passing time. The ongoing demand of online shopping has made the mobile wallet or e-wallet one of the hottest payment technologies. If you have concept related to mobile payment app, then you should not delay it further, rather pick the stream and let the technology play the role in your monetary demands. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo
Source: http://www.techugo.com/blog/makes-successful-wallet-app/

Thursday, February 23, 2017


mobile application marketing
Having said that the micro-moments of our daily lives are highly affected by the mobile apps today would not be wrong, since technology is the most trending feature and has given birth to the most beautiful aspect in the form of mobile apps. Mobile apps are not minutely handled by the development only, but the actual story starts when you start to market your mobile app and you find something is wrong. Well, it’s not always the scenario that whatever you cook would always be relished by your users, unless it is in their interests and off course served on their favorite plate.
I might have confused you further, by offering a soup of mix and unknown ingredients, just to expand it further, your mobile app needs marketing after the launch and you can’t expect your guardian angel to save you every time, but would expect you to utilize your brains and implement what works best for your mobile app. We all love creativity and trying it in different ways to fit our needs is actually a need of today’s time, you create the best mobile app with in-demand concept, but when it came to inform users, you missed it and let the luck favor the best. You need to comprehend and accept this fact very wisely that even if your mobile app is the most happening mobile app, but if it is not marketed well, and then it can never create a stir in the market. There are certain Don’ts to be followed religiously while opting for a healthy app marketing strategy. Let’s explore further…
Don’t Speak Too Technical
You are an impeccable technical guy, your technical expertise cannot even be challenged, but what you forget here, that your users are not as technical as you are, so speak in a language which they can relate to. The content integrated in your app marketing should be user friendly and must not focus only on what the features your mobile app offers, rather it should also focus on that how users can benefit from it, for instance, if you have restaurant mobile app, then it should not speak what are the features offered by your mobile app, but also that how a user can benefit from those features.
Don’t Bug Your Users
We understand that app marketing, is a vast field and yet to be explored further by most of us and it has created some of the best possible solutions for your business, but what is the most painful aspect of any app marketing is, when you get a feedback stating that this app sends unnecessary messages, oops, something was broken within, but is a harsh fact, so accept it. Just brush your memory and re-think, why do you choose for DND service from your mobile operators, reason is simple you get bugged, although some other people around the world must be opting for the offered services also, but those who don’t want they opt for DND. Unfortunately, your mobile app does not support DND service, but uninstall or notification off for pop-up messages only, although sending messages is a part of your marketing strategy, but if you fail to identify the targeted user base, then your app will never gain the positive image.
Don’t Let Your Heart Rule
A very famous perception amongst the app developers is, that they trust their gut feelings more than the reports and research. Every app developer creates an emotional bond with their mobile app, during the process of app development, and most of them treat their mobile apps as their babies, where they eat, drink and even sleep the mobile app and make the final excellent output, but at times they make the app marketing decisions on the basis of their gut feeling or past experience, but not on the basis of the research result, which most of the time gets clashed with their beliefs. So just take a deep breath, it is 100% true that you can never think wrong for your mobile app, but you need to trust on the opinions and views shared by your marketing team, since they combine their marketing tactics with the demand of your mobile app, to give a final app marketing strategy.
Don’t Avoid Testing 
I downloaded an app few months ago and found it full of bugs and I ended up uninstalling it, later I was told by my colleague that it was in testing mode not the final and now the final version is available, I was appalled to know that why the developer let the unfinished mobile app to get uploaded on the app store. Remember your mobile app if not finished, then is not required to be published on the app store, it will only create further ruckus for your mobile app health, since due to bugs, users will only leave the negative comments, to destroy the future of your mobile app before even it may start.
App marketing might sound an interesting term, but is very sensitive as well, if not handled with care it can damage or create your mobile app image in a jiffy. You need to pick the app marketing strategies, very carefully, don’t simply think that what worked for your last mobile app would work in your recent mobile app also, it is not always possible, due to the individual demand of every mobile app and its users. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.
“You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement. “
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo
Source: http://www.techugo.com/blog/avoid-mobile-app-marketing/


When you are developing mobile apps you have a dream to make it big, your app marketing crash down your dreams. App marketing if not taken seriously can cause sales slump and would affect your expected overall return on your investment. This infographic would help you to entail the expected result from your mobile app, just follow them carefully.

Techugo team is full of top mobile app designers to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.
“You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.”
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Mobile App Development Process
Mobile app, this word strikes a balance of technology and innovation within us, but this balance can bring disaster if not followed appropriately. As a user, before downloading a mobile app, we go for thousand more other ways to satisfy our pool of requirements and check the feedback/reviews, star ratings before downloading. Undeniably, the app stores are flooded with different mobile apps, and you name a service and an app related to it, is available on the app store, but there has been a bigger number of mobile apps available, which are not even downloaded for a long time, although the app developers had put efforts on those apps and also the reason for which those apps were developed were never met. The crux of the talk is, if mobile app development process is not picked carefully, then your mobile app can never see the sunshine of the success. I don’t mean to scare you; rather I meant to get yourself prepared. Prepared for the betterment of your mobile app future and survival, many a times an app is developed and get extinct without being noticed by anyone in the app market. There are certain methods, if followed religiously can turn the game in your favor.
App Platform Selection
Every app developer needs to understand one common app platform can never fit the need of every user. Only by considering that Android would work for the mobile app requirement, then let’s get the confusion clear, that users of every app platform exit in the market, so you need to develop your mobile app on more than one platform, depending on your targeted audience demand. So research and check which mobile app platforms are mostly used by your audience, accordingly pick the suitable options, don’t make your decision on the basis of your last client’s choice or your choice, because every business has its own set of requirements.
App Needs To Meet The Demand of Customers
We agree, its way too hard than thought of, to keep the users hooked to your mobile app. If users don’t get what they want, even though your mobile has the best UI/UX, your users will never be attracted to your mobile app. The formula is simple, when you walk in the market and you don’t get what you want, and then rest of the stuff, even of the superior quality would never catch the glimpse of your eyes. Every user downloads an app for a reason behind, if that expectation does not come across after the downloads, so it is very much obvious that your app would be uninstalled and would get a bad word from your users. The app functionalities/ features must be made only after sifting down their demand and proper planning channel should be created to meet that demand in the most constructive way of mobile app.
A Well-Planned Version is Required
I will share my personal example, my 8 year old niece downloaded a cooking game, but the app had no proper way to showcase the information, the menu buttons were hidden inside the guide section, for sound settings, the game had to be re-started and many more other problems. Once she complained this to me, I found the game app functionalities very tricky for 8 years old, so I deleted the game instantly and downloaded the other options available in the app store. The same can happen with your mobile app as well, if users will find no systematic approach within the app and would quit the usage of your mobile app. Remember, users have a huge demand, they want the mobile app to serve their purpose and should have a seamless interface, where they don’t need a help of a third person who can decode the usage efficiently. Ensure that your app offers the information easiest way.
Don’t Overload
Many app developers flaunt their unbaked knowledge and integrate millions of different features within one mobile app only, which force them to neglect the required concentration on selected and few features. What they fail to understand that unless the app has a clean look and have less features, it can never be successful. Other features need to be introduced to your mobile app gradually with the app updates. Just for an illustration, WhatsApp on its launch had minimum features, which helped the users to get accustomed to its usage and existing functionalities, later stages WhatsApp received many other features, on the basis of users demand and expectation, had they launched all the features with the first version of the mobile app, then the app would never have gained such a huge chunk of user base which is increasing at every second. Do not implement the unnecessary features in the first go, rather study your user’s usage and demand and accordingly make the feature integration in the upcoming app upgrade.
App Icon
The app icon is your brand image management tool, users see your app icon on their phone screens and it works on their psychology to remember you as a brand every time they click on your app icon. Your app icon should be created precisely to create a global identity for you, do not pick the design randomly but let it be carved out to attain the perfection, avoiding it would be a disaster for your mobile app in the long run.
An app development process begins with a concept, but completes with app developer’s efforts, skills and experience. You need to ensure that you have picked a right mobile app development company for your product/service, failing to do so, can create a major problem in the mobile app existence. The perfect strategies picked for your mobile app development help in the ‘Survival of the Fittest’ in the app market. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo
Source: http://www.techugo.com/blog/mobile-app-development-process/


best mobile app development agency
The coffee shop down the street or the spa 2 blocks away, are all offering their services to you 24/7 through mobile apps. If you think that mobile apps are only an exclusive feature for the top brands then you are absolutely wrong and you need to understand and accept the fact that mobile apps are an integral part of every business be it small or a famous brand. You only need to focus on selecting the best mobile app development agency for your mobile app solution, and it will work wonders to shoot the arrow of your sales upward.
In order to pick the best mobile app development agency, you need to consider a few logical facts, like, smooth transition, simple interface, unique design, and relevant and succinct app content, combining these features; you can get a better mobile app solution for your product or services. You must look out for a best mobile app development agency for your business, which can provide an impressive and unique experience users to create an incredible online shopping a much simpler and seamless experience they ever have had. Techugo is the best mobile app development agency and has catered to numerous well-known brands from India and across the globe.
Team Techugo, takes immense pleasure in developing the top quality mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our best mobile app development team is highly dedicated to offer the mobile app development expertise and skills to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your mobile app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo
Source: http://www.techugo.com/blog/best-mobile-app-development-agency/

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...