Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Li-Fi - The Future Of Internet
Somewhere during the school days, I watched, Steven Spielberg’s flick ‘Minority Report’ and ended up imitating the Tom Cruise for next few days, the movie had created a huge impact on a teenager like me and I mimicked many interesting scenes of changing the screen with 3D Technology helplessly. Even after more than a decade the movie has not lost its charm and has made worthy impressions on our minds. Surprisingly, the many technologies discussed and practiced in the movie have already found the ground of reality, such as facial recognition, voice-automated home, driverless cars and much more.
Having said that the future is all about technology can never be wrong and interestingly technology has originated some of the most interesting features around, which have not just made our life easier but convenient as well. When you discuss the internet, the world of possibilities gets opened in front of you, where you can access what you require in a way you prefer. Due to the Wi-Fi internet facility, to access the internet, on your bed, in a cafĂ© and even at the most cozy areas of your home have become possible. Wi-Fi has been a blessing to access the internet facility, although it comes with its own baggage of limitations, like cost, speed, limited area connectivity and security issues followed by many others. On the contrary, there is another internet facility offered through Li-Fi. Hey, it does not sound so familiar? Well, many of us already know about Li-Fi but for some, it is all total new concept to be discussed. Let’s dig into the facts related to Li-Fi further.
What Is Li-Fi
The first time I heard this term, I thought my friend is playing a prank on me by calling it Li-Fi, but actually, he was not, although I had to dig the internet for 2 consecutive hours to learn more about it. Li-Fi or Light Fidelity is an internet providing wireless communication which runs on the household LED light bulbs to transfer the data 224 gigabits per seconds. This invention was made by the physicist Harald Haas, a Professor of Mobile Communications, School of Engineering / Institute of Digital Communications at the University of Edinburgh and Chief Technical Officer (CTO) in the year 2011. Li-Fi, unlike the Wi-Fi, runs on visible light.
How It Functions
Li-Fi also works on transmitting data, except one fact that it uses visible lights to run, it works as per the photo-detector to receive light signals and the signal processing converts the data into ‘stream-able’ content. It is a little technical, but just to explain it further in a non-technical way, a LED light bulb is a semiconductor light source, which means the current of electricity supplied to a LED light bulb can be dipped and dimmed, without being noticed by humans. The data is fed onto the LED light bulb through signal processing technology and then it is sent further at rapid speeds to the photodetector (photodiode). The tiny changes in the rapid dimming of LED bulbs are then converted by the ‘receiver’ into electrical signals, which convert into a binary data stream to run on the internet enables devices.
Advantages of Li-Fi
The Li-Fi is actually a mind-blowing technology and has stirred the world of wireless transmission since it does not require any router, wire or devices to help transmit the data. We all love technology and it would be a blessing to get connected to internet services at a larger level, with this technology you merely need a LED light bulb and start the transmission. Let’s understand the advantages associated with the usage of Li-Fi:
  • Network Congestion at An Arm Distance
Unlike the Wi-Fi, the Li-Fi technology integrates the use of light instead of radio waves to transmit the data. The spectrum of Wi-Fi is getting chaotic as the days are passing due to the number of users connecting every second, on the contrary, the Li-Fi spectrum is around 10,000 times bigger being compared to Wi-Fi, so Li-Fi has much more to offer.
  • Pocket & Infra Friendly
Li-Fi totally depends on LED bulb technology, which consists of fewer components and does not make holes in your pocket. Also, setting the infrastructure of Li-Fi involves a LED bulb, which is equivalent to switching on your drawing room lamp.
  • Optimal Speed
Due to the use of LED bulb in the Li-Fi technology, the data transmission rate is approximately 10 Gbps, which could even cross the 100 Gbps if use lasers. With such a high speed, a user can download an HD full movie in the fraction of seconds.
  • Security Is Not A Concern
The signals in Li-Fi technology, are carried by optical light, which cannot penetrate the brick & mortar structure, it further makes the security a much safer aspect. It also does not interfere with radio signals, due to the technology, which is based on the technology of Visible Light Communication (VLC) and comes into action within nanoseconds by switching on the LED bulbs.
  • Goes Well With IoT
IoT is certainly the most compelling aspect of technology and Li-Fi accentuate the demand of IoT gadgets fully since it works on LED bulb, and within every premise, getting a LED bulb is not challenging.
Albeit, Li-Fi has a great number of advantages, but there lies the crux of the story in the limitations shared by the Li-Fi technology. Let’s learn about it further:
  • Due to LED light, on which the Li-Fi technology is based upon, the light cannot penetrate the walls, but it explains that once the user moves out of the room, would lose the connection.
  • The light as a basic resource for this technology limits the usage to some particular locations and regions only.
Due to the upsurge demand of the mobile app, our mobile phones have become everything we need. It has become our compact assistant, which fits our pocket size; whether we want to call people, play music, click the pics, share on social media and our wallet followed by much more to be written here. With such demand, a Li-Fi can be a blessing to fit the size of your requirements.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app developers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Tuesday, March 7, 2017



The definition of being a good student is not bound to any explanation, rather it needs a well-boiled and concentrated knowledge and skills to make a good student, but in today’s world, where everything deals with technology, it is not easy to carve the best out of the intellects, without being touched by technology. It’s not a new thing to discuss that technology has already made its intervention in every possible field, and education is not an exception. A major breakthrough in the education industry has been made by of course the innovative mobile apps in the education industry, which have made the studies accessible and affordable for all.
Although there have already been enough of technology aiding the students, but recently to upgrade the tech-infused education further, Google has decided to launch the new HP Chrome book x360 11 G1 Education Edition especially designed for the schools. Google has stated on the blog recently, that this interesting piece of technology would be available in the market by the mid-April.
This chrome book is indeed something different from others, it has different functionalities, such as the new HP Chrome book x360 11 G1 Education Edition laptop hybrid has the 360-degree convertible mode, it can be converted into tablet mode. The tablet has USB charging and a rear facing the camera. The best part about the Chrome book is its design, which makes it highly accessible for the IT department to repair. As far as other features and the functionalities of the Chrome book is concerned, Google has not revealed much about it.
We all know the technology has covered the larger part of our lives and has made our life far easier than before. Due to technology students get in touch with the rest of the world and explore the unrevealed dimensions to a larger extent. Mobile apps technology has also helped the students to get access to their desired content to explore the limitless possibilities, the world has to offer. Mobile apps for education have changed the complete learning cycle. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the education  mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of education mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo



It was a mere resume, which I casually looked at while discussing the new openings in my company, Techugo- a top mobile app development company. It was just another day, when a sudden chit-chat with our HR turned into the most serious issue of how people make their resumes these days, although it was not something for me to care about, but I was forced to think that why a resume is supposed to be all filled with the needed ingredients to sell yourself, then I realized, my question held the answer, SELL, yes the way we promote movies through conferences, press-release, media and the way a company advertise its product through advertisements, all have a common motive behind, which is to SELL their product, services or skills. It is harsh and bitter but without a proper channel of marketing, you can’t success and can’t reach to your users.
Although, the word marketing, seems very small with one word letter, but actually it can take hours to days to understand it deeply, since it is a very broad topic with the most vital aspects integrated within to make a business happen successfully. Let’s explore the factors which make marketing a much needed aspect of your business, although there are quite many factors which lead to the increase the sales for your business, but since I am associated with a top mobile app development company-Techugo, and my job role is of BDM, so am finding it more convenient to discuss the need of marketing to increase the sales growth in the mobile app development industry, so let’s begin the interesting voyage of marketing essentials:
Research Your Market
As the adage suggests, practice makes a man perfect, in the same way a properly channelized research can make you excel and hit the right button of marketing. Research is the key aspect of marketing strategy and can’t be left out from any angle. Many a times we get to see unwanted calls coming our way from the inbound marketing team, the basic marketing concept these inbound calling agencies forget to implement is to do a thorough research of their targeted customers, failing to which leads to chase the wrong set of users and wasting time and energy. You need to enhance a very robust market research strategy to save yourself from the future grief. As an app development company you also need to do proper research on what is required and at where, which would help you save from the horror of ‘Selling ice to the Eskimos’.
Speak About Benefits
The first time when you see an advertisement on TV, for hair care, what you most look out for is that how that product would benefit you, rather than what it offers. If people can’t relate to your product in any ways they will never use it, no matter how many good features it consists of. The same rule applies to mobile app development process as well, instead of focusing more on what features your mobile app offers, and you need to show your users that in which ways your mobile app would benefit them. The way your users feel connected to your mobile app speaks a lot for itself and helps you win the major battle of marketing with this step only.
Talk Real
Just by simply saying that your app development company is best in the world, does not make your app development company at top charts. Your work speaks for itself, you have to inform your users through the app case-studies, you have developed in the past and how it benefitted your client’s end users. Offer a factual, not the fictional information to your users, because users have become very smart today and can judge what is wrong and what is right for them, so play a role of a smart and intelligent marketer and showcase your work to your users in the best possible manner to accentuate your work strategy and the app development process you follow.
Build a Relationship
For most of the users, using the word ‘to build relationship’ is just a marketing gimmick, and they always have a pre-conceived notion that the term relationship is just temporary, and would evaporate once the mobile app would go live. As a mobile app Development Company you have to ensure that every promise made should be an eternal commitment and you will stand along with your client in every need of your client related to mobile app throughout or even after the development of their mobile apps. You have to play proactive to listen to their concerns, problems and must pay a heed to their requirements. In doing so, you don’t just make one client happy, but also open the door for the million others potential clients, who would like to utilize your app development services, based on the other client’s genuine feedback.
Your Body language Speaks For You
There are quite many people existing in the world, holding the delusional thought that no matter what is your tone or the body language, but if your work is good, people will hire your services….wake up day dreamers, such thought is a period. If you don’t have positive body language and confident tone, then even though you are too good at your work, but your services will never be hired due to your attitude towards your client. You have to work on your tone and body language, and making them more confident, since if you sound diffident, which means you are unsure of your services, so how can you expect a client to trust your words and offered services.
If your marketing strategies are efficient then your sales chart would grow exponentially, don’t think that marketing is a superfluous segment to promote your business, rather it is a very strong channel helps you getting brand recognition. As an app development company you must hear the problems by your client’s end user and give them an absolute solution and give more focus to your marketing planning to grow your business further and will offer a perfect mix of opportunities to you to meet your business goals and create a path for your further success.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo 

Saturday, March 4, 2017


artificial intelligence

Discussing the latest trends in the technology has become a fad these days, even the people who are least involved with technology, grab the information to remain updated and upgraded. The very latest of all technologies is AI, which is commonly known as Artificial Intelligence, and it is crossing the limits of our imagination, when it is coming to innovation. Although many times a bad thought always accompany with this, that robot stealing our jobs, but on the other hand, there is a very beautiful side of the life associated with AI, which surrounds our lives with comfort and ease. Let’s learn something more about AI and how to make a robust mobile app using AI.

What is AI
As the name suggests, AI stands for the intelligence handled by the machinery, confused? With AI, we aim to measure the intelligence of a machine in understanding the concept of any given task. Artificial intelligence aims to create intelligent machines and make them an inseparable part of the technology industry. Artificial Intelligence comes up with a huge deal of advantages and disadvantages associated with it, which are as follows:
  • Efficiency of the work increased
  • Technological growth rate
  • Machines don’t get tired
  • Machines functions are limitless
  • Lack of human touch
  • Human health issue would increase
  • Dependency on machines would increase
Why To Apply AI to Mobile App development
AI is all about innovation, creativity and also experiencing the new concepts. As per a research conducted, it has revealed that 70 % of mobile apps are abandoned in the first 7 days of downloading, since they expect something new at every stage and want an impeccable user experience; they want something smart, something extraordinary to come their way all the time. By implementing the AI within the mobile app development process. It will follow the simple logic of creating an appealing experience to a bigger chunk of users and increase the user base incredibly.
  • Dig out the latest trends of AI technology
Never force yourself to do something, without understanding it fully; the same theory applies to AI integration in the mobile app development process. You need to get highly familiar with the concept of AI, and what it all involves, since the AI platform is still developing, so you need to make a valid and logical decision to pick which segment of AI would help you increase your mobile app popularity. Also, ensure that how the chosen technology would help your mobile app, you can take the influence from the existing mobile apps using AI.
  • Automated Reasoning
Algorithm functionality within the AI holds it stronger. At times humans are unable to make the best decision for their life, due to certain factors, which can range from emotional to comprehension. On the other hand, automated reasoning helps the users to complete their work task more efficiently.
  • Search Analysis
The search analysis is the most demanded functionality of a mobile app, which suggest the users on the basis of their last purchases or visit, what to pick this time. Users require something which can offer them a perfect business solution and save their time, if your mobile app can offer such suggestions to your users on the basis of AI system search analysis, your users would receive the required and specific information of their choice.
  • Human Touch
AI is just the intelligence of your machine, you have to segregate the data and prioritize it as per your requirement. AI system only works on the data fed to it, as an app developer, you need to analyze the data and its requirement, because machines can fulfill your command as you want and will help you to analyze the end user’s requirements but only according to your choice, so don’t expect AI to prioritize the data on your behalf. This analysis would help you figuring out that where your app lacks in and you can concentrate more on the improvement required by your mobile app.
  • Recommendation Services
We all love to be recommended and when this recommendation comes from a channel, which knows and understands our picking habits, then it works as icing on the cake. It is the simplest and most effective aspects offered by AI in mobile apps. The most common reason behind the fail of every app, is to unable to engage users, but with the AI system, user’s choices are monitored and inserted into a learning algorithm, helping the users to pick the next available option based on their choice and preference.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Friday, March 3, 2017


google map

Technology is beautiful and has unfolded any unknown and yet to be discovered aspects on us. We enjoy, relish and somehow have gone addicted to its inevitable fragrance. Technology has made us utilize certain aspects, on which we are completely dependent and can’t imagine our life without it, one of such is Google Map, whether it is to chase a new destination, feel lost on the way or even discovering the new ways to reach, it is the Google Map, which always lead the way for us. Technology always comes with a price which we have to pay either through our addiction or the errors it causes, as a relief it is more in the number of addictions and ironically, it is always the technology which comes for our rescue in the form of regular updates.
The updates in the mobile apps are nothing new to experience, but at times the updates open a new chapter in the book of innovation for the end user. This exactly has happened the same way with the Google Map, which has received the updates for the further betterment. I scrolled down the tech news and one piece of news caught my attention was something related to Google Map, I got more inclined to read it further, since with Google Map I share a daily relationship from home to work and vice versa. It has become my trained chauffeur, informing me about the shortcut, traffic and many other interesting facts related to my daily to and fro. The recent update has indeed brought many new features to this app, let’s discuss and elaborate further:
What Is Google Map
Although it’s a very insane to put a heading ‘what is Google map’, but just to satiate some hungry brains of those who are still new to Google Map and its functionalities, this is a much needed explanation. Google map is a search engine for you to search out the streets, roads, nearby shops & traffic and an interesting appetizer for your local business to increase the productivity. It is a location based service and helps you anywhere and at any point of time.
What is The New Update All About
The new Google Map update is all about speeding up your journey. This specific update is dedicated to iOS app users, which includes latest software updates, coupled with certain new and exciting features and also the bug fixes. The one of the most prominent feature this update has received is the addition of 3D Touch shortcuts. The 3D Touch update is all set to make your journey much faster and much earlier.
How Does It Work
On updating Google map on your iOS device, the 3D Touch to any location on the map would expedite the action and any location marked on the map would launch faster. The 3D touch is the brain child of Apple with iPhone 6S, which let the various responses to occur depending on the amount of pressure marked on the screen, henceforth making the iPhone 6S, 6S Plus, iPhone 7, or 7 Plus, noteworthy platforms to quickly launch the Google Map functionalities at a much faster speed.
With the new Google Map update, you can relish the 3D Touch more beautifully and a menu of useful shortcuts can be created with a pressure on the iOS icon on the Home Screen. You can add an abundance of interesting features in the hidden menu, such as fast access to Directions to Work, and Directions to Home. You can also get a short summary of the latest travel conditions around your current location.
You can create the list quite simply with Google Maps, and tap on the place you want to include, followed by a tap on the new “Save” icon. Within this you can save and store the location to one of several pre-made lists, such as ‘Favorites’ or ‘Want to Go’. You can also create your own customized list and name it anything of your preference and share with your friends via text, email, social networks and other apps and make it sound more personalized.
The other exciting feature the new Google Map update has to offer is that users can follow the lists made by other Google Maps users, which means any new club or restaurant opened in your vicinity, you will remain updated.
To use the new features of Google Map, are highly convenient to use, you may take a look at the saved places, by opening the Google Maps side menu, and tapping on ‘Your Places’, which will display all your saved locations on the map. Your saved preferences would be available to all mobile and desktop devices, and can even be checked offline.
In a nutshell, Google map update is a true enjoyable experience, you only need to check and mark the difference. If you also have a concept to get a mobile app for your business and integrate the location based services within it, you certainly need an expert’s advice on it, and Techugo is proud to offer its services for your app development process and be your app development partner.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Usable Mobile Apps 

Every mobile app is not sold and demanded as diamonds are, some have the worth of gold, but due to their outer persona, are discarded in Do Not Touch again zone, it might sound so philosophical, but it is the harsh and bitter fact. To sell a mobile app to your users, you require a bunch of in-demand features, a unique concept and the usability standard. Don’t think your app has an innovative concept so users would compromise with the app features, today’s users have a huge variety available for them, if your app does not fit their demand then they would move on to the next option available for them.
The app usability works as oxygen, for the app life, failing to offer the ventilated app usability cycle, your app can suffocate to extinct. It is very much important for every app developer to think deeply before proceeding with the fact of app usability and give some extra and cautious thoughts about it. Here I have collected certain usability features from various sources, polished further with my own experience, which would certainly help you gain a better and charismatic mobile app experience to your users. Let’s proceed:
Screen Resolution
The first and the very foremost usability feature I would like to discuss today is Screen Resolution. When we go to buy a mobile phone in the market, even with the same app platform, there are numerous mobile phones available with different features, display screen sizes, resolutions and much other exaggerated functionality. So just in-between the chaos of mobile phones flood, it would be very hard for you to identify the accurate resolution for your mobile app, and on top of it when you integrate different mobile app features, it would sink the ship of your mobile app a little deeper in the water of struggle. Do you wonder how to crack this hard nut, well mobile phones will keep on outgrowing in number more in future, so here is the solution you need to keep your display screen less with information as much as it is possible and make it expand further in subsequent screens. This strategy will help you to tackle the screen resolution and also would give your mobile app a neat look.
Let The Color Make Contrast
The time when I hold the new iPhone in my hand , I was left mesmerized with its impeccable color and contrast features, at the same time when I used my own Galaxy note, I found a slight change in the color and contrast, and or my shock, every single brand with their respective models stand out from each other. Every new Smartphone in the market has distinctive LCD screens come with amazing color and contrast features. As an app developer you use various colors, with a slip from your mind that these mobile phones would be used in every possible light condition, so in order to avoid the further problems, developers need to use high contrast color schemes and various widgets utilizing the solid color. Imply simple and neat graphics to enhance the utility value of your mobile app.
App Buttons & Font SIZE
As an app developer, most of the time, we have a misconception that our users understand every aspect of the mobile app without a fail, and the list includes the app buttons also. App buttons, no matter how simple they sound, but can be challenging if not explained and integrated well within the app functionality. The app buttons need to make a pace with the app functionality deeply, if they fail to make connection with the required sense, then you would lose your end-users. Ensure that every single button has instructions to exemplify the button functions, to have a seamless app experience. For managing the font size, is little complex, since every mobile device has their own font size, from a developer perspective, keep your app’s font size as large as possible to enhance the usability of your mobile app.
Avoid Drag & Drop
When I was first introduced to computer’s functionalities, I liked most to change the cursor button, but unfortunately when it comes to the Smartphone, there is touch screen functionality to handle the phone data. If your mobile app offers a tremendous amount of ‘Drag & Drop’ objects on the screen functionality, so make sure to minimize such functionalities, unless it is unavoidable, rather allow your users to the features such as: clickable and enlarged on the screen to enjoy the mobile app experience.
If these features are followed beautifully then can increase your app usability at a level where users would return to your mobile app, even if there are other options available in the market. You need to remember one harsh fact of the life, while developing the mobile app, just imagine yourself in the place of a user and then realize which functionality you really enjoy and which annoys you further. You simply understand the user perspective and not just the developer perspective, if considered more aggressively then would increase your mobile app usability to a new level of success. At Techugo, we make sure to consider the user perspective as a prime objective and we leave no stone unturned to achieve our set bench mark. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way.
You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...