Wednesday, November 29, 2017

How To Write A Great App Description

The app does not rank on a popularity chart overnight, but requires a series of precautions to be taken so it can be taken to the next success level.

In this run, the app description also counts and has a worth, which you cannot avoid.
The app description is all about your app and its functionalities coupled with features and it is really not an easy task to jot down the complete set of functionalities into few lines, which would be attractive and engaging at the same time.


But the question arises, that how to write down this app description?

How to make it sound attractive?

What to write and what to avoid in this league to make it successful?

Well to get you the answer to these questions, I have brought this writing today for you so you can take a deep insight of your app description requirements.
Let's find out more about this article…

Choose App Name Appropriately

The app name which might look to you a very trivial aspect of app development actually has the maximum worth and the relevance.

The very first aspect your users get to see in your app is the app name and the icon, thus these both elements have the relevance and you cannot opt anything randomly.

The app name needs to have the descriptive layout of your app’s functionality and must be competent enough to beat the competition.

App Description
The very next aspect comes what and how to write the app description.  This is not going to be an easier task for you, and you may require investing your creativity and passion combined together to write short, crisp and relevant information in the app description.

When I myself get indulged into writing the app description for one of our clients, I was very confused initially, but then I conducted some research and came on the conclusion, which turned out to be a winning strategy for our client’s app, and helped the app to gain massive downloads…

And the strategy I followed stated:

*      Mention achievements and reviews

The app description consists of certain word limit, in iOS 3690 letters, and in Android 4000 letters only for the long description, which makes it tougher for you to set every feature and functionality of the app to be mentioned in there.

Thus mention the achievements and the reviews which your app must have received.

Like you must have noticed in the movies, wherein it states clearly that this movie is developed by the director of (some popular movie), this strikes a chord in your users’ mind, that something already known is behind this app, and trust the app’s usability.

In this same manner, if your app also has something similar to offer like a known brand, then flaunt it and express it largely.

*      Highlight the app’s characteristics

This is the most significant part, and you need to divulge the every app functionality and feature in a way which your user can relate to most.

For instance: Free app, free delivery, order tracking, add favorites coupled with the app functionality to make it more engaging.

Also, if your app is launching its new version, then don’t forget to include every information to be associated with the new version.  Like what’s new in version 1.3- smaller improvements, fixed and New…with this written material you let your users know what new your app has to offer and how it is different from the last version.


§       Don’t write big and confusing sentences..keep the content SLAP (stop, look, act and purchase). Assume your description to be a mannequin on the showroom glass window, instigating the passersby to stop, look, act and purchase.

§      Don’t indulge in writing vague aspects which your app does not even contain. Keep the content simple and easy to be understood.

§       Don’t let the users get a confused feeling, that how this app would be of their benefit through your app description. Make every writing element of app description to be helpful enough for your users to assure the users how this app would help them.

In addition, keep the dosage of right screenshots, to be accompanied with the app description, and make sure the app screenshots also are speaking clearly the app functionality, since both the app platforms offer the screenshots limit, so utilize it smartly.

On the other hand, if you have not get your app developed till date, and still finding the best iOS Mobile App Development company for your app concept then getting in touch with the Techugo team would really help you in tons.

Techugo is one of the top iPhone app development companies and has already developed some of the most successful mobile apps across the globe.

So why not get in touch with the Techugo team and get your app designed by a celebrated app development company.

You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Monday, November 20, 2017

How To Control Your App Development Cost

Yes, an app helps your business in many ways, beyond your imagination even.

The apps do bring the hidden benefits out of the closet for your business revenue and open the new window to opportunities.

But the major concern which hangs around the business owners, before picking an app solution is the cost of the app, which gives the jittery feelings to the maximum people, considering it something to be larger than life sort of…

Is the app development cost really that biggggg????

Maybe, answering it by bifurcating it into different segments, would help in real…
Unable to understand?

Why not stick around, and keep reading the blog further?
A better choice indeed… let’s begin the voyage…
The app development cost is highly affected by certain factors, which are unknowingly avoided while picking the app development, such as..

Selection of an App Platform

The app platform is not something which you consider as an app cost deciding factor because that is thoroughly a technical segment, but it would be tough for you to believe that your selection of the app platform, actually affects you app cost largely.

Every OS such as iOS, Android, Windows, and Web have their own specific targeted audience,
But many business owners in order to gain instant popularity opt for many OSs in the very first go.
No, I am not judging your choice, but I am here to tell you that by selecting many OS your app development cost goes higher, because the development essentials and requirements vary from one to another.

What is the solution?

The best practice here suggests that don’t pick many OSs in the very first go but look out for the user's demand and requirements.

For instance, if your user base hails from the US then selecting purely iOS would be a better deal, and if your users are from the Middle East then picking the Android and iOS together would help.
Thus conduct a research plan and explore which app platform is in demand by your specific audience.

Your App functionalities matter

It might sound little unusual but what is most disturbing here is that the enormous set of app functionalities make your app budget spike up.

Every app is a dream concept and a solution for the business needs, but the overdose of functionalities not just increases your app budget, but also is time-consuming.

What is the solution?

The solution is very simple to cut down your budget from the functionality department.

But how?

Yes, I know every functionality is needed, but not in the very first stage of your app launch.
Your users need some time to get educated about your app functionalities and you cannot expect your users to comprehend everything from the initial phase.

Sit and analyze that which app functionalities have to be a part of your app’s very first version.
Understand and implement only the required functionalities in the first app version.
This step does save you from financial drought and also your users receive suitable mobile app functionalities to get comfortable in the first go.

Section of an App Development Company

Am I kidding or what?
No, believe me I am not kidding and not even in the mood of playing any prank on you.
This point digs out some of the most bitter and harsh facts of app development company selection.
As a business owner, your first and the foremost aspiration is to cut down on the app cost through any means.

In this run when an app development company offers to charge you below than the market cost, your happiness no bounds and you instantly say yes…

It is disturbing, but an app development company which charges lesser amount, often lands your app into the pool of hot water, due to their inefficiency of handling the app project
As a consequence, you end up looking for a different app development company to complete your incomplete app project and end up paying more than the app budget.

What is the solution?

Do not pick the app development company on the basis of cost, but on the basis of their exposure, technical experience and the variety of clients and the industries served.
This set of information can easily be taken from listing websites, like ClutchAppFuturaGoodFirmsAppDexa, Skilled and Extract to name a few.

These portals carve out the unbiased reviews from the clients and give you a genuine approach of client testimonial with a detailed interview.

By observing these tactics you can easily control your app development cost and in return get a perfect app solution to accentuate your business requirements and get your app developed by a top iPhone application development company.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Why Your App Needs A Landing Page

My app concept is a masterpiece itself and the functionalities and the features are the picture perfect to attain the huge popularity and SORRY, but I don’t need any other marketing tactic to sell my mobile app…I think this is a very common communication which happens between an app developer and a client when app marketing strategies are explained to the app owners. No, I didn't mean to offend anyone out there, it is definitely and perfectly fine to think like that until the time you are not aware of the actual benefits marketing brings to your mobile app.

A marketing is a healing stage for any product, to overcome the cloud of confusion and fear and the stress of the respective market, which are associated with the launch of a new product, worth to mention a mobile app is also not an exception, and it has an equal right to marketing and promotion to reach the targeted audience, despite having an impeccable set of functionalities to compliment it with.

The saddest fact of the SANS marketing strategy is that a mobile app has to go through a torturous process of survival in the market, amongst the ocean of mobile apps, and finally bid goodbye to the app world, without making enough and deserving recognition under its belt. Without a marketing plan, a most systematic app also gets tangled in between the mess of competition and dies a premature death. Thus, avoiding the marketing is nothing less than a SIN for your mobile app.
Marketing is a vast subject and has lot more to do, then meet the eyes. Every business and every industry has its own demand and its own marketing plans. For a mobile app indeed the ingredients get differ according to the app demand, but the recipe remains same, with one main and magical ingredient- A landing page or a Promotional Website for your app. With this blog I am going to discuss the magical effects of a landing page on your mobile app, so without wasting any moment just read ahead and experience the difference.

Give A Meaning To Your App Concept

The moment you initiate the mobile app, it has lot more to do with it. The first page of your landing page needs to speak the maximum of your app’s functionalities and must compliment the real concept. This page has to be designed with a strategy to promote the app and its features in a unique and engaging way to the users.

By doing this you would make your app a most preferred WISH-LIST item for your users and have an evening outlook look, you let your users discover the app. Thus you need to pay attention to app’s typography, color palettes, iconography, and logo, and o make it more engaging you should include introductory teaser items and an email sign-up form. Also, something which really influences your potential users is the crispy slogans, which are reflected on your promotional website or landing page’s splash pertaining to the app genre.

Garner Feedback from Beta Testers

Once you are done with the requisites to make your app landing or website an irresistible enough, the very next thing you need to get it indulged into is getting the significant feedback for your app. You must initiate with the video teasers to give more details about your app's features, a few screenshots, and additional materials. Also, the promotional content of your app must integrate with interactive graphics or short video promos.  Also, you must build the social media channels and include every social media link to make an efficient presence on the web. You need to have a seamless outreach to social media channels, so the potential people should be reached to get new perspectives to know what works and does not work for your app.

This task is easy to be achieved with the social media buttons integrated onto your landing page or website for your mobile app, through which the users can interact with you effortlessly.  Also, th other set of feedback can be gained from analyzing the visitor’s traffic on your landing page or website, by indulging into different marketing strategies. This would help you analyze that what your users are enjoying and what are they skipping on, regular basis. There are various tools to analyze these analytics through Google Analytics, SumoMe, SemRush and many others to analyze how people are using the site.

A Robust Plan For Your App Launch

A mobile app is launched with different aspects, such as details about your app, including support and documentation, pricing plans, a press kit, and a link to download your app in the app stores, but in order to gain further attention, you need to include the relevant reviews, client’s testimonies and the shot of content marketing in the form of Blog, Articles and any other relevant content form.
A landing page brings you loads of advantage for this set of information to be put systematically on the landing page.

These are some of the benefits you would receive from a landing page, which make the landing page or a website a must for your mobile app, so I would suggest you get in touch with a top mobile app developer like Techugo if you are looking for a mobile app for your business requirements.
At Techugo, we fall in regular practice to create a landing page or a website, for each of our app project, which help the mobile app to get considerable amount of app download just after the launch of mobile app, by creating a stir in the market amongst the targeted users through the effective integration of landing page as a robust marketing plan for your mobile app.

Thus, if you are willing to get your app developed by the hands of Techugo, then you should get in touch with the Techugo team. But beforehand you must get to know more about Techugo and you can visit and get in touch with the Techugo team at :
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Friday, November 3, 2017

How To Create Effective App Features To Stand Out In The App Market

Every app is built with a significant purpose behind its development and to cater the needs of a specific business, but what irritates further, is to know the amount of competition the mobile app has to go through in order to beat the odds of survival. Yes, it is not a cake-walk to get the best result for your app and every new arrival in the particular genre makes the app survival rate minimal to lowest.
But there should be certain aspects which make the app a successful product ….are there really any such aspects?

I don’t know but the content specified on the internet suggests so, and it is a fact too….
Let’s jump down from my sarcastic tone, and hit the reality ground…the apps are in abundance in the market in each of the genres, and you cannot skip from this harsh reality, but you need to accept that unless your app gives the OOMPH factor to your users, they would more need to identify it as a UNIQUE version. So rather following the pigeonholes of pre-existing app features, why not grab something new and different and let your app scale the success meter?

Yes, it is a good idea as long as we know those features which help the mobile app to carve a niche for itself amongst the thousands of pre-existing and millions of more to make an entry in your specific app business domain. This writing is going to be your advisor, so you can pick the best of features for our app, which can make your app a distinct piece in the app market…


We all spend most of our time on the social media through different means, and now social media is no longer a source of mere entertainment, but a lot can be expected and integrated with social media. It is now a source of information, entertainment, being in connection, improve business possibilities, get new connections, meet new people and much more…So don’t let your app go abstain from the social media buttons, it would help your app tremendously to reach to the potential and targeted audience without a delay. The social media integration can be in the form of YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn depending on the genre of your business domain you can add more…

App Features For All Internet Speeds

A mobile app is used by different users with different devices and of course with different internet speeds, if you think that your app would only be used by a specified set of users with pre-defined internet usage, then you are gonna lose big time of your users.

The development of app features depending upon the internet speed, give you a strong hold over your users while giving an edge over your competitors. Your users would vary from one region to another and it is not guaranteed that every user would have a  4G or a higher internet speed accessibility. Thus your mobile app must address this issue in the app, by designing the app features in accordance with the 3G or a slower network as well.

Once you design an app with features, which can work on the 3G or slower network, the step which would come into practice is testing the app on different internet speeds, various networks, and signal strengths.

App Performance

Although I consider this segment one of the most significant one out of all, yet I have to give it an entry after a while, so the relevance of others would not be empowered by this segment.
The very first time I load an app, if I don’t find the app loading faster, then I totally find it a waste and look for the replacement without even waiting the last one to load first. This is also a very common aspect which your users also go through when they find your app loading time consuming more 5 seconds, yes you heard me right, an ideal loading time for an app is 5-6 seconds, depending upon the functionality, graphics, design and features of the app, but it must not cross beyond 8 seconds, because it only irks the users and they invest their energy in grabbing the most suitable replacement, instead of wasting their time with the existing one.

Users are least bothered and concerned to know that your app performance is getting hampered due to certain functionality, they are only concerned about the app performance and without giving a try to your app functionality which hampers the performance, they abandon your app instantly.
So without wasting any effort do make sure that your app has an efficient app loading time and in order to achieve this, you need to get the mobile app functionalities and features only to the  LIMITED and REQUIRED one, without integrating MANY and not-so-required features in the very first app version.

Also, keep the app graphics light and must not consume more time to load, because the another fact which leads your users to ditch your app is the drainage of the battery due to the app features.
Although many app developers are keeping a note of the given facts, but there are still many app concepts, which are in the market, but despite having a great app UI/UX and features, these apps fail to mark a presence in the market, completely destroying the purpose and the concept of the app. so why to waste your app concept and a mobile app when you can manage the users attention getting directly diverted to your mobile app.

At the last, I would only say that Readers, follow, these minor but crucial steps to carve a unique app concept, and believe me these steps would help your mobile app to get a HUGE audience. Also if you must get your mobile app catered by the mobile app development company offering the top mobile app development services so your mobile app concept can turn into a REAL-TIME experience for the users.

As always, keep yourself tech-updated and keep reading and loving my blogs…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

How To Find A Right Technology Partner

Indeed, mobile app technology is a precious possession to interact with your targeted audience and boost the revenue growth. But selecting a right mobile app development company which can actually understand your needs and can deliver the best app solution based on your business goals is a tricky job.

With an ever-expanding numbers of mobile apps in the market, it is not an easier task to get a technology partner, which understands your app requirements and delivers the final outcome depending on your end-users’ expectations. You need to be very smart to pick a right option for your app, but if you are finding it hard to get a perfect app development company, then you must get in touch with a leading app development company Techugo.

Techugo has earned recognition as trusted technology partner due to the remarkable app solution it has provided to some of the top brands and startups across the globe. Techugo team comprehends the customer requirement and develops the mobile apps, which are the fusion of unique ideas and designs helping your business to gain visibility. Techugo is a pioneer of unique mobile app development and has brought a revolution in the field of innovation by lining up creative & unique apps on the apps store.

The mobile app development services offered by Techugo are very competent in mobile app development field due to the creative vision of Techugo app designers. Techugo is a hub of the intrinsic app makers; our team provides solutions that are affordable and let you create professional-looking apps without any complexity. Additionally, our team consists of app makers who are passionate about creativity and don’t get settled on anything which is least innovative.
To know more about Techugo visit and also you can get in touch with the Techugo team at:
Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Why Does Your App Need An Effective App Marketing Strategy

The sighting of Smartphone, iPad, Tablets and any other advanced technical devices, is quite pervasive nowadays being compared to the last decade. The usage of these smart gadgets is ever increasing and this demand has led to a massive number of mobile apps developed and published daily. Every commoner does spend a quality time on mobile apps, to perform a big belt of their daily tasks, and are tech-hungry for more number of mobile apps to come on their Smartphone.

The quest for looking for a number of mobile apps has increased the competition in the app development field, and every business and industry have embraced the app technology beautifully into their business mechanism to boost their business revenue. But the explosive number of mobile apps has led to another drastic consequence, letting the users choose from any mobile app from the bigger well of mobile apps.

To sustain this competition with the flying colors, a mobile app needs to be good enough to garner the attention from the users and it must convey a real-time solution to all the users, apart from the app concept and app design, another factor which is highly significant, that is the marketing for your mobile app.

90% of time on mobile is spent only on Mobile apps

Many app developers live in a delusionary space, considering the mobile app a sufficient medium to market itself and any other marketing gimmick, as per them only destroys the marketing essence thoroughly. Unfortunately, this thought indeed is a futile version, since, without the full-proof marketing behind the mobile app, it is next to impossible to attain the umpteen success for your mobile app.

If you follow a stringent policy for the app marketing, it gives you many advantages, and some of the most significant ones, I am going to mention in the below writing, let’s read ahead…

Beat The Competition

Competition exists in every field, and living in denial is not a good strategy, rather picking the right tools to beat the competition, makes your business to get an edge over your competitors. This can easily be attained through an effective app marketing strategy, wherein you can let your targeted users realize, that how you are different from your rivals and why users must pick your services.

Social Media Usage Is Prevalent

The app marketing does not suffice to one marketing channel only and the social media marketing is the best and the easiest way to shout aloud about your mobile app. When you market your mobile app on various social media channels, then your targeted brood of users would get to know about your mobile app and it will help your mobile app to get word-of-mouth publicity hassle-free.

People Love To Shop Online

A mobile app offers the convenience of accessing the services through online, since they don’t have enough time to access the offline or brick and mortar shopping more frequently, in this scenario a mobile app comes as a blessing, and combining it with the accurate marketing strategy would help the app to gain its deserving recognition in no time.

Lets You Bond With Your Customers

Mobile apps speak and represent your business and henceforth it is expected from the mobile apps to deliver exactly what the users are looking for. At the same time the bonding between the customers and the businesses. The app marketing lets you interact with your customers, and listen to their problems, and if you follow the right marketing strategy it will manage to bridge the gap between users and business owners, so users can be served in the best possible way.

Marketing is a much-needed aspect of every product or services, and thinking merely the quality of the product can sell the mobile app, is a wrong approach. Even if your app concept and the design is a complete WOW factor, yet you need marketing strategies to promote the mobile app and get noticed by its potential user base.

On the other hand, the constant evolution of app stores and the remarkable increase in the users’ expectations, it is very much needed that you get a mobile app developed from the skilled and experts’ hands, with the required exposure and the expertise in the app development. It is not an easy task to get the best out of the existing HUGE number of mobile app development companies, so we have brought a solution for you, with a tried and tested approach, and the name is Techugo- a top app development company, which has a team of experts to handle your app requirement and has delivered some of the top ranking mobile apps across the globe.

You can get in touch with the Techugo team to discuss further your business requirement and get a better insight of your app requirement.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Top 10 Best Steps To Create Successful Mobile Apps

Mobile Marketing Checklist
Best Steps To Create Successful Mobile App 

Can you check off each step in this mobile marketing checklist?

Building an app can mean big business. But, it also requires having a proper plan in place for reaching your target market and standing out against millions of apps already successfully positioned in the market.
There can be many similar apps available in the market that can resemble your app, so it is important for you to build a unique app for the users as there is a tough competition for your app already in the app market.
It is not easy to build and market an app. It is a step wise and organized process that needs to be handled with care in order to market the app successfully in the app market.
Here is the checklist for you to build and market a profitable mobile app:

1. Come up with a Unique Selling Point

It is important to determine the selling point of the app. The selling point should be kept unique because the customers will always go for the brand name that is unique and attracting. The platform on which the app is to be launched should be per-determined along with the revenue model of the app.
Determining the monetization strategy is an important part during the launch of the app as at the end, the only thing that will matter is the success of the app along with its profit.

2. Determine the Competitive Edge of the App

It is important to analyze all the areas in the app so that there should be quality content along with an easy navigation in the app. All the features of the app should be kept simple enough so that the user can understand and use them easily. The user will only use that app which is user friendly; otherwise the app will not get success.

3. Create a Marketing Website

It is good to set up a website to present the app to the whole world. 60% of the users look for new apps or new products online. So it is better to create a website for the users that provide complete information about the app along with the launch date as well.
The launch date is very important to add to your website. This will make the users wait excitedly for the launch day. This is one of the best strategies to follow in order to get the potential customers before the launch.
90% of the users spend half of their time on the internet and creating a website allows you to reach more of your potential customers.

4. Integrate with Social Networks

Social networking has seen a tremendous growth in the past few years. Social media can add wonders to the app. The developer should keep in mind that the users will love to login into the app with their existing social network accounts and it will become easy for them to share the information on the app to their social networks. This is one of the best strategies to follow in order to increase the number of users in the app.

5. Understand the App Store

The complete knowledge of the app store is very important. It is important to understand all the policies and the agreements in the app store before uploading the app. If you are creating an Android app, it is particularly important for you to check the device compatibility as well.
The developer should also include call-to-action buttons for user feedback and reviews. This will help you to understand your users.
Proper optimization is very important for the app to be successful on the app store and this will only be possible after understanding the app store completely.

6. Release Test Versions

In order to get user feedback about the app, releasing test versions is very important and helpful. This will also help the developer to integrate the required changes in the app accordingly. Beta release versions are a successful step towards the creation of a successful app.
When the users use the beta version of the app, they will definitely give reviews and feedback about the app and this feedback and reviews about the app can be very helpful to make the app more user-friendly and more comfortable.

7. Get Creative with Marketing

This is the most important step during the launch of the app in the market. More than half of the world’s population like to watch videos online, rather than reading plain text. So it is a good idea to create amazing videos for your app that can give a complete insight of the app to the user.
Creative trailers will do wonders for the app. The visuals of the app should be wonderful in order to make the user use the app comfortably in the future as well.

8. Have a Social Media Strategy

Social media activities play an important role while marketing the app. Featured content on the app can prove to be very fruitful for the success in the future.
Communicating with the potential customers is very important. This is a unique way to interact with the customers. Giving updates through videos or other amazing tools to the users is very helpful. Developing healthy relationships with the customers by updating them on a regular basis is a great way to get attention from the customers.

9. Write a Press Release

This is the most important time for the app. The press releases are created in order to make the user have a complete detail about the app. The company profile is also important to be included as most of the people look for the brand of the app and use it for the brand. So if there is a complete brand profile, users will feel more comfortable in using the app after its launch. A proper press kit will help build trust with your users and should include links to the website of the app.
An eye-catching press release can prove to be very fruitful for the success of the app.

10. Decide the Marketing Budget for the App

Marketing budgets should be properly planned and organized in order to avoid any financial issues in the future. There should be a proper fund for every marketing step in this checklist.
Mobile advertising is also very important. 80% of the people in the world use smartphones and these people are the biggest users of the app as they are the ones who will be the first to use your app after its launch in the app market.
Bloggers are also the biggest outreach for your app. People love to read and follow blogs, so it is a great platform for marketing your app. Offline marketing can also be done initially for the app for some time.
Developing and marketing an app is not a matter of luck, it depends on the execution of proper strategy to build and market the app.
The aforementioned areas are the basis for successfully marketing any app in the app market. But these can also alter depending on the operations and marketing opportunities of the organization. The marketing strategy also depends on the type of the app that is being developed and launched. There are different types of customers for different apps and it is important for you to find your target audience.
About Us: Techugo is a fast-growing mobile app development company in India. We provide mobile app development services for iPhone and Android. Contact us today.


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