Monday, July 9, 2018

Unleash The Benefits Machine Learning Will Provide Your Business

When the high tech machines, technology, computers, and the internet were invented, all had a basic reason behind these inventions and that was to make our life easier and simpler.
Every invention took place so that our work could be completed, without us (the humans) doing it physically.

No doubt all the leisure time we enjoy nowadays is due to all these inventions that took place all these years.

Since, the time one thing gets invented, it is updated again and again so that it could meet the demand of new technological world and it is an endless process as with time new inventions will take place and demand of people will change accordingly.

We know that, for a business to achieve success, the demand and supply need to be equal. One aspect sees a fall, other has to bear the consequences. So, to keep up with demand and supply you need to stay up to date with the changes or new technological trends.

One such invention took place which will help in our lives a lot and that is Machine learning.

So, what is machine learning?
The power of machine learning is without any doubt a very remarkable one.
Machine learning refers to the technology that allows the computer to process the data, to identify the patterns or trends and helping the user to take any action.
This technology is expanding faster and industries are adapting to it and it doesn’t even affect the expenditure to a larger extent.

With the help of ML, machines can extract information from the raw data and learn the information and teach it to themselves. It is a process which says learn from doing.

Now, let us discuss the benefits machine learning will provide businesses:

1.       Customer Lifetime Value Prediction:
These days businesses have lots of data, they have access to huge amount of data and this data can be useful in analyzing the audience. Customer lifetime value prediction is the major challenge faced by the businesses. With the help of ML, you can predict your customer's shopping pattern or behavior and it can be utilized smartly by your business.

2.       Maintenance:
The manufacturing companies tend to do such practices through which their task becomes a lot of expensive but, with the help of this technology you can cut down on the extra cost and work more effectively and efficiently.

3.       Eliminates Manual Data Entry:
With the help of this technology now you don’t have to record the data manually which decreases the mistake of doing the data entry wrong. As when data entry used to be done manually, there were times when things used to be recorded wrong or might even be skipped, sometimes the data used to be manipulated, but now since businesses will be using AI, all these errors will never take place as you can not manipulate a machine and the data collected by the machine would be correct.

4.       Detecting Spam:
When you use machine learning in your business, it helps in detecting the spam in your business or data, it helps you recognize the errors and correct them. With the help of machine learning your data gets checked automatically and if there is any spam it is taken care of automatically.

5.           Product Recommendations:
Since, machine learning is like a mother taking care of the baby, same way with the integration of machine learning your business mobile app development, it takes care of your business like it’s baby. It will recommend thing which can be changed or the things which can be integrated so, that the developed products match the requirements of the customers and product receives huge success in the market.

6.         Financial Analysis:
When nowadays, population is increasing at a fast speed, the record is also increasing and keeping the record of all the financial data becomes very hectic as it doesn’t stop with just collecting the data, you need to analyze it properly, so that all the money which is given to the customers can be collected on time and properly.

Thus, we know now that integrating machine learning in your business is quite important so that your business can be handled properly and all the work can be finished accurately without any error or lack of anything.

So, you should integrate the machine learning in your business mobile apps, so that your business can be under your control and your business follows a proper procedure without your supervision. No matter where you are, you will feel relaxed and will be ensured that everything will be taken care of.
Thus, to get your business mobile app developed you must contact TECHUGO, the top mobile app development company in Canada.

Monday, July 2, 2018

How SMO Services Can Gain You Customers

Around the world, there are millions of users on various social sites and the rate of these users is increasing rapidly and with this rapid increase in the users on social sites, your business social presence becomes utmost important.

So, to be an effective SMO expert you must keep the following points in mind:

Establish a team:
Dedication is the most important thing, which is needed when you start doing a work and the dedication will lead you to do hard work and achieve success. Thus, make a team which is dedicated to work for your company. So, that your company will achieve success with the positive and healthy environment.

Social media presence:
When you are present on social sites, make sure that everyone register that presence. You should not be hiding, in fact, your business should be making a positive Impression in front of everyone.

 The content you will be posting for your business promotion should be in relevance to your business promotion and it should be making an impact on readers. It should influence the people in such a way that they get excited and interested in buying your business products or services.

Choose the channels:

When you decide the channel or the medium or the social site on which you will be posting your content. Your marketing company should make sure that you have a strong presence there because posting something where you don’t have strong presence is of no use as no one will be reading or seeing what you will be posting, that is why it becomes necessary to have strong presence over the social sites.

Listen first:
You should not just be so focused on promoting your business that you are just posting, posting and posting, you should also make sure that you listen to the audience. Sometimes audience gives very valuable tips to enhance your products and services and you should always reply with positivity to the negative content.

Be alert:
Always stay alert and be updated with the latest trends and adaptation of these trends.
So, if you want your business to become a brand and have the strong online presence, you must contact TECHUGO, the best digital marketing company.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Why On-Demand Mobile Apps Are Gaining The Maximum Attention

You can wait on this stand to get a taxi for your destination….OMG, its 11 pm and too late to order food, now will go empty stomach… ever been to such situation???

I think numerous times, and really those were the moments where you felt helpless and tired due to the efforts invested in there…but such situations or many more others like them are…now PERIOD!!!

Yes, and that could only be possible with the intervention of technology in our lives, which has opened a glut of opportunities and calmness with the help of app technology.
The app technology is nothing uncommon and we all are very much accustomed to its features and the number of functionalities which have made us access every required service, with a tap on our Smartphones.

The limitation of app technology is not limited to one particular industry or business, but it has extended its wings in the horizon of unknown destinations, and somehow has brought the world to an axis point, where everything can be accessed effortlessly.

On the other hand, when it comes to discussing the topic of mobile apps, something which garners our attention further is the on-demand mobile apps.

I know some of you might be unaware of the term On-demand Mobile apps, but must be fully aware of the technology of on-demand mobile apps, so lemme explain a little more for you the on-demand mobile apps.


The very concept of such apps, is quite recognizable from the name itself, but in a more technical and practical manner, If I have to explain then, an on-demand mobile app is something which eases the users’ day-to-day needs, all packed in a fully-functional mobile application by a specific service provider is called on-demand mobile app.

Now you must be aware of the on-demand mobile apps basic concept lying behind, now the second most significant point for on-demand mobile comes, that what is the basic functionality of the on-demand mobile apps…

If I have to jot down the basic functionalities of the on-demand mobile apps, then I can easily scribble it down in the points mentioned below, such as:
üFirst and the foremost the on-demand mobile apps offer an easy-to-use interface, wherein the service providers can sign-up, log-in and portray their services and products to the targeted audience effortlessly

ü  Users can order their required products with just one click
ü  Vendors or the service providers can create value by understanding users’ demands and complaints
ü  Also, vendors can control the quality with order tracking and delivery management
ü  The online payment system enables a secured and much accessible platform for the audience

Hmmm, it sounds great, but even now, are you not so much convinced that why an on-demand mobile app development process takes the leverage on the existing revenue-boosting solution…
To start with I would like to suggest that

80% Of Business Owners Trust The On-Demand App Development Services

I think this stats is quite obvious to explain every bit of your queries but to satiate your hunger of inquisitive nature, I have brought some more points which can draw your attention towards the reaping benefits fountain from on-demand mobile apps, especially for your business domain.
Let’s read further…

*      It Is Flexible

Undeniably if you want to reach your users’ hearts then you must offer something which is different from the usual service providers. In this need of the hour, flexibility factor is something which brings the attention of the users, wherein users can reach you at any point of time, regardless of their time and zone barrier.

This hurdle is beautifully bridged by the on-demand apps, which allow the targeted audience to access your services, without being daunted for the time zone.

*      Creates A Value Bridge

The most significant part of any service emerges, when the service provider is able to comprehend the users’ needs and the requirements without a fail, but with an offline services, it is hard to collect such a huge data, but with the on-demand mobile apps, your users can leave the feedback and the reviews or any other need through the app platform, which simplifies the process of offering the valuable services to your customers.

Your targeted audience can leave their needs or feedback on the app and accordingly you can shape your services to fit the requirement bucket from your users.

*      Opens A Floodgate of Business Opportunities

The best part of the on-demand mobile apps is that it offers you a valuable database of the targeted and potential audience, which would consist of users’ contact number, e-mail address, any specific preference or any interest which would help you to take a walk-through to your users’ minds and access their preferences.

With this data, you not just enhance your business model, but you also connect with your potential and targeted audience base to support you to grow further.

*      You Can Retain Your Customers

A successful business lies on the platform, where there is a REPEAT business from your existing customer and that same customer never knocks on your competitor’s door.

With an on-demand mobile app, you allow your customers to open their hearts and discuss what improvement they are looking for in your services, which as a consequence would help your customers to get retained.

Also, worth to mention but this strategy helps you to increase the conversion rate to an extent which is next to impossible to be achieved with any other business model.
Remember, when you offer something exclusive and specially designed for your targeted audience, then ultimately you help your business to achieve the best possible ROI through the on-demand mobile app.

Thus you must include the app intervention in your business model and help your business to experience the value as per their expectations.

On the other hand, an on-demand mobile app, which offers your business to grow with a streamlined customer conversion rate, can only be possible when you decide to proceed with a leading mobile app development company in the USA.

What happened???

You got confused again with the right mobile app developer term??? L

If you are still confused about the selection of a right app developer for your on-demand mobile app, then talk with Techugo- a leading app development company and receive the best app development consultation to kick start your app development process with the leading and the experienced app development experts.
At Techugo, you will receive the best app solution services to meet your business expectations and goals efficiently.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How To Test Your App Concept

Am getting an app for my business, but not sure that whether it would help the users or will it really become a sensation in the market???

These are the thoughts which disturb you quite many times when you decide to initiate the process of technological intervention to your business needs through a mobile app. Although the number of benefits associated with the mobile app technology is no more hidden from you, yet there are many fears and insecurities also involved into it.

The biggest fear of the time is the rejection of the mobile app, for the users, for any given reason…and the worst of all suggest that your app concept is not exactly what your users are not liking the app concept at all since it is not fitting their needs…

Yes, this is one of the most common rejection ground question every business owner faces, which states that your app is not at all as per the users’ expectations and therefore it is rejected further…

Why does it happen??? What are the main causes behind it???

The major reason behind is the lax during the app concept validation, which majorly goes missing during the app development process.

But do you know you can easily conquer this battle???

Really but how???

It's simple and easy, you only require to take a note of certain steps which will be helping you to validate your idea beforehand and will help your app concept to grow successful…so please just read ahead…

The very first question in this context you need to follow is...

Is my app really going to solve the users’ problems???

It is very easy for a company to start the very process of their app concept from the initiation with a leading app development company, and integrate every possible feature and the functionality as the part of the mobile app.

But what you need to understand that your mobile app is not going to be consumed only by you, but there is a large group of users sitting across the table who would be using your mobile app, thus you must invest your time and efforts in testifying the app concept not from the app owner’s point of view, but from the view of the end users who are going to use your mobile app.

The best strategy to follow in this context is by checking the needs of the users and understands what exactly they need and how this app is going to solve those problems.

If you get the answer than it clearly indicates that you are on the right path to creating the right mobile app.

Create An App Landing Page

No don’t take me wrong here, the app landing page which is largely been taken from the marketing perspective has a lot more to do here as well and that is for testing your app concept. For instance when you are creating a landing page for your mobile app, then you instantly create a platform for your targeted audience not just to check the app’s features and the functionalities, but also check how is it going to help them.

The USP of any mobile app is that what it sells and how it sells if your mobile app is not going to address these two points then you are on the wrong path.

Make sure that your landing page has the right CTA Call-to-action button which would help it in abundance to receive the users’ feedback and reviews much before the official launch of the mobile app and help your mobile app to get polished further.

You can also run a campaign to know that how many users are liking or disliking your app concept and what other features can be a part or can be replaced to get an app which fits the need of the hour.

Research More About Your Users

When it comes to users, and the business you are holding, you always feel that you know the best out of all, but do you know your users’ and their preferences are never constant but they keep on changing with time and you need to keep a pace with this information.

Before hitting the start button for your mobile app development process, you must hit at checking what exactly your users are looking for, form your mobile app, and what are their expectations.
You don’t need to play haywire with your app concept and its related functionalities; rather you must focus towards the needs of the users and how your mobile app can help it in achieving.

Interact With Your Users

It is little time consuming but effective ways to help you take out the information which will work in the favor of your mobile app. From the landing page, collect the data which would help you gain the users’ ids and other information and talk to your users and seek their suggestion about the number of issues they are facing in accessing your services.

In accordance with creating the features which would help your mobile app to grow further J.
These are some of the points which can help you to check your app concept, apart from the analytic report, you must put your efforts in understanding these factors more deeply, to help your mobile app to gain its deserving recognition.

Apart from the app concept testing validation, only more factor which is highly responsible for the success of your mobile app concept is the selection of the right mobile app development company, like Techugo.

If you are wondering that why have I named Techugo herewith, then you must know that Techugo is the sole reason behind the successful business expansion of many established brands and the budding startups, and has Fortune 500 and the Global 2000 companies under its belt as the clientele.
You must get in touch with the Techugo team, which is the fusion of experienced app marketers, app developers, and the app designers. Get to know more about Techugo at and help your app concept to get the wings of successful reality.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Do’s And Don’ts To Be Followed For A Perfect UX Design

As an app designer, the creativity and the innovation are supposed to be the primary facts of your profile and also for crafting a successful mobile app.

But at times, in the wake of creativity, something gets undone or overdo, which leads to a situation, which brings no god to the mobile app, rather it brings the further destruction.

Therefore your time, passion and the efforts go wasted and it irks you down to a larger extent.
In this view, I would like to bring your attention towards the some of the do’s and don’ts you must follow while creating UX for your mobile app, through this post…just read ahead…

Don’ts To Be Considered

Do not design for yourself, your app is going to be accessed by a huge number of audience, so keep their taste in consideration while building the UX.

Don’t mix UI and UX...although these both terms are inter-related, but both have their specific needs. UI suggests the navigation/buttons of any other feature of the app interface, but UX indicates the overall feel of the app.

Don’t make the sign-up process a battle, which users have to fight and win to access your app, keep it minimalistic and easiest possible.

Do’s To Be Considered

Understand and study your users’ behavior, and what exactly they are looking from your mobile app, don’t assume without studying.

Make sure your mobile app UX is simple and users don’t require the tutorial to access your mobile app.

The navigation must complement the overall look and feel of the mobile app, so the users don’t get confused or stuck with any step.

Pick a right mobile app development company which has the team of expert app designers, app, and app marketers to help your mobile app to get acknowledged and receive its deserving recognition in no time.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Challenges Faced By The App Developers

In the wake of technology, every new mobile app is coming pre-filled with the advanced technical aspects to help the users to experience the best technology in the form of a mobile app.
A mobile app which is supposed to offer the abundance of convenience and the comfort to the different users while accessing the required services is not just all about coding, but there is much more which lies beneath the very concept of mobile app development and believe it is way beyond the coding only.

The mobile app development is indeed a process not an event and every leading mobile app development company understands this well since it requires a series of technological practices to be integrated into it, and this integration process makes the app developers go through the acid test.
Yes you heard me very much right, even app developers have to go through a series of challenges and after beating the odds of those challenges a unique and a seamless mobile app comes to the users.
With this post I am going to draw your attention towards the number of app development challenges every mobile app developer goes through, please take a look...

Crafting Apps Which Can Be Noticed Easily
Solution- Develop the apps which looks great, include graphics, usable features, and intuitive design. Make sure your app is offering a wholesome experience to the users.

Creating Interactive Apps
Solution -App interaction must remain your prime concern since the initiation of the development process. Integrate the various buttons with click options and include interactions like titling, shaking and flipping.

Performance vs Battery Life
Solution- This issue must be taken care of while running the beta version on run test cases, wherein you can analyze which feature or functionality consumes the battery faster.

I hope these solutions would help you to craft a successful mobile app solution while overcoming the challenges…and you clients would keep on receiving the best app solutions for their business needs. J

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Latest iOS App Development Trends To Be Followed In The Year 2018

iOS has always been the perfect choice of the users, no matter which other OS made an entry in the app development market, but iOS has always remained one of the favorites for the users across the world, and despite having cut-throat competition, iOS has marked a relevant place in the hearts of the users, that could only happen due to the latest iOS development trends, which are integrated into the iOS app development process with the assistance of a leading iPhone app development company.

There had been various changes and the development trends, which have made the entry into the app development field, and have stayed there for a longer time, since the very inception of these trends and no prize for guessing but these trends have transformed the face of iOS app development completely.

To carry the legacy of iOS app development trends, I have come up today with this post, to keep you posted with the set of new trends in iOS app development in the year 2018, which are going to stay longer in the market and will certainly change the game of iOS app development…let’s read ahead…

Augmented Reality Will Rule iOS

The very mention of AR in the Apple conference last year, had cleared the speculation that AR will be leading the iOS app development trends and the upcoming apps will be much more integrated with the latest AR technology.

The ARKit has already opened a floodgate of opportunities to the app developers; letting them carve out the best iOS mobile apps integrated with the Virtual Reality and Augmented-Reality fused 3D ration installed iOS apps to rule the app market.

SWIFT 4 Is The Future

The usage and integration of SWIFT technology in the iOS platform is the floodgate of support to iOS platform and the Linux system. Just to make Swift more promising and compatible with latest technical advancements, Apple has brought Swift 4.

With Swift 4 iOS app developers will be able to craft the more robust iOS mobile apps and it would expedite the development process of the iOS app and it would also not put the security of the app at risk.

Apps For Watch OS

Apple Watch is indeed a glut of new technological invention offered by the Google and users across the globe preferred to access the Watch OS to track their health and fitness, since it only allows the workout and health apps to be utilized on its OS, but with the launch of OS4 for Apple Watch, this limitation has crossed and users can access new mobile apps on their fitness Apple watch.

iOS App Will Be Integrated With The Core ML

Who doesn’t want to access the smart and intelligent mobile apps, which could understand the user behavior and do many other things to bring convenience in abundance in our lives.
This demand is well-accepted by the Apple, and it has launched the Core Machine Learning framework for the iOS app developers, which would help them to craft some of the most intelligent mobile apps of time filled with the series of features.
It will also ease down the work for the iOS app developers as well, where they would only be required to write only a few lines of code with the framework code to design and develop the unique mobile apps.

Undeniably the Core ML would take the iOS apps to a new level of extreme technology access, where it will help the users to detect the faces, access AI integration, which would transform the way users would interact with the mobile app.

These latest technical advancements in the iOS development process are going to change the face of iOS app development, and it will help the users to experience the best out of all.
If you want to get the latest iOS app development trends to be a part of your next iPhone app, then you must get in touch with a leading iPhone app development company like Techugo, since it has the required experience and the exposure to help you in gaining the recognition for your business.
Get in touch with Techugo team today…

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...