Monday, September 9, 2019

How A Right Mobile App Development Agency Helps Your App To Grow?

Your dream of a successful mobile app suggests, an app which is liked and accepted largely by the targeted audience and consequently really makes it BIG in the app market.

Does it sound so surreal to you?
Yes, you might feel it a complete imaginary situation because it is very hard to survive in the mobile app market, due to enough number of pre-existing mobile apps in the market, which makes it next to impossible to sustain the odds of competition…

But surprisingly, this is very much POSSIBLE, the only aspect you need to keep in mind is…

WAIT WAIT WAIT…you said it is possible …REALLYYYY???
Yes, it is possible and to continue my last set of conversation; the only aspect you need to keep in mind is the selection of right mobile app development agency…
Now the very next thing disturb you is HOW???
So if you want to get the answer, please read ahead…

Technical Exposure
A mobile app is not just a piece of coding, but there involves different segments as well, which help the mobile app to get liked by the users. This plethora of different skills includes the app design, app functionalities and the features, and many other aspects, which are designed and developed in accordance with the users’ expectations and requirements.

A naïve app development company would never be able to do justice to this factor, because it does not carry the relevant technical exposure to handle this demand, thus hire an experienced app development company to help you achieve success.

Variety of catering different industries
You need to know that a right and the experienced mobile app development company has the huge variety of skills as such companies get to serve different industries in the span of their work tenure, so they have the experience and exposure to tackle the different industry demands. This ensures to give you ample number of opportunities to try the variety of features & functionalities from the tried & tested model.

Offers relevant guidance
An experienced mobile app development agency has all the required exposure to help your app concept to get shaped into something impeccable and offers the relevant set of guidance and the suggestions to create a worthy and seamless user experience for the targeted audience.
These points clearly dictate that you must pick the right app agency like Techugo to help you transmute your concept into a major success.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Node.js Is Making Enterprise App Development More Efficient

Enterprise application development is in vogue due to the outreach it is providing to businesses. Besides, The market is advancing at a faster pace, owing to that the competition is growing. Therefore, businesses have to become more efficient & innovative. In such changing scenarios, it has become very essential for enterprises to ensure swift and flexible application development.  

In the middle of all of these, the use of node js is being appreciated a lot.  
Since enterprise businesses' list includes efficient mobility on top priority with decision-making skills, real-time intelligence. Node.js has proven as an excellent app development platform that provides to all needs.   

Though, businesses are still wondering why this technology should be opted for enterprise app creation. To understand this, let's dive into it benefits that make node.js a perfect fit for app development to make enterprise work more efficiently.   

Benefits Of Node.js In Enterprise App Development
High Performance & Scalability  
The language behind Node.js is C++ language and this technology is built upon V8 runtime of Google Chrome. Besides, It works on multiple OS and which is known worldwide for its express speed.

While Node and V8 get updates frequently. It gets frequent performance optimizations, security patches, and support for securing modern JavaScript features. Besides, this technology is capable of managing several simultaneous connections with great efficiency, and the single-threaded architecture is behind all of this.  

While other popular platforms handle new requests by generating an addition thread. This requires more use of RAM and takes more time to process. While node uses single thread by optimizing the callbacks and i/O operations. Not just this, Node.js provides higher scalability with more advanced features like cluster module that enable managing load over several CPU cores.  

Cross-function Teams
This technology enables the team to function throughout the project. In this way, every member of the team is responsible for all the stages of app development like coding, deploying, testing, hosting and maintenance.  It is more effective in comparison of skill-set silo team.  

Thus team includes the experts from all relevant areas such as front-end experts, Q A expert, back-end engineer, and infrastructure engineer.  

This work style is greatly popularized by agile methodology. This method is known for agility, innovation, and collaborations. In this style of work, everyone works in collaboration to achieve a common goal by giving their prospective in different problems.  
This technology is a wonderful tool for the cross-functional team, as JavaScript fills the gap between both frontend development and backend development skills of developers. In result, developers can become a full-stack developer without learning any new or extra language.

Long-term support  
There is a huge developer community that backs this technology stream and obtains huge support. While this technology is new, it is expected to secure long-term support and boom in the industry faster. 

Cross-Platform Development  
JavaScript enables the development of application for multiple platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac and more. The application developed through this can run on almost all major platforms,  

Apart from these, there are many other aspects that make node.js best for application development. However, this technology can really impact enterprise application development. All of these benefits can help enterprises secure high-grade applications without much hindrance.  

Application created with node.js works more efficiently and enable businesses to do tasks in an environment with higher performance and capabilities, and it is integrating ease and convenience in doing various things remotely. If you want to improve your enterprise workflow. You must ensure, application development with node.js.  

We at Techugo, create applications with this technology and deliver high grade solutions that help businesses in completing various processes and operations. Being a mobile app development company, we help businesses in securing solutions that help them reaching to a wide range of customers and generate profit. With our team, we deploy great features in the products by using modern technologies like blockchain, IoT, AI and more. Our clientele includes enterprise leaders, and we have got appreciations for our work. To get your app build, reach us.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mobile Health App Development- Keen On Creating A Constant Stir

Mobile health app development is the first milestone in achieving global health.”

The day when the entire world started witnessing the popularity of the mobile apps, was the day when every single industry set their mind to fetch as many advantages as possible. Yes, it is true. Whether it is e-commerce, finance sector or any other on-demand services, they all are keen on making the most of this flourishing trend.

And that is the reason why we have apps for everything from dating and shopping to cooking and exercising. To be honest, when it comes to applications, the sky is the limit.

Maybe that's why organizations and industries are leaving no stone unturned for branching out their capabilities. One such organization is healthcare. Mobile health has completely transformed the healthcare industry for a greater good. And the changes are evident, irrespective of the field. Whether it is for patients and physicians or office staff and executives, the fact is that these apps have simplified their lives at every stop.

How Mobile Health Apps Are Bridging The Gap?
When we talk about convenience there is no doubt in the fact that applications can make the entire process a cakewalk.

        They allow a doctor to monitor, diagnose, prescribe the required treatment. There are situations when the provider starts the treatment without even seeing the patient in person.
        If a consumer wants to take control of their own health then these apps are their best bet. Patients can accelerate their participation and play a knowledgeable role in their own healthcare.
        With such apps, it is possible to keep the channels of communication open. Both patients and providers can contact each other in case of any medical emergency.
        And that is not all! It is also possible to save time and money during the entire process. That too without even compromising the safety and privacy. 

What Are The Different Types Of Mobile Health Apps?
According to the experts, by 2022 these apps are going to generate business of more than $ 100 billion. Maybe that is why the market is flooded with the ideas of such applications. Let us have a closer look at the different categories that are present in the market.

1. Remote Monitoring
We know that not every condition requires a clinical setting. These apps permit the patients, to still remain under the inspection of their physician, despite being at home. Doctors can keep track of their patient's health. That may include their oxygen level, heart rate, blood pressure, sugar, and whatnot.

These applications provide complete care without even visiting the doctor's office.

It is also useful for mobile health providers. This app may include electronic visit verification (EVV). The task of EVV is to store the information about who provides which services to whom.  

2. Clinical And Diagnostic Apps
They allow practitioners to collect, evaluate, and share their data about the patients. These apps might also include the capability to provide easy access to electronic health records (EHRs). Users can also view the lab results or perform digital imaging.

The symptoms checker help users figure out the injuries and illnesses as soon as possible. But that is not all, these apps provide seamless scheduling too.

3. Clinical Reference
With mobile health apps, there is no need to carry around huge reference guides. This is because all the information that is required can be provided at your fingertips. They provide digital access to the reference materials. These apps are focused on creating huge convenience.

4. Applications For Healthy Living
The idea behind its creation is the patient's engagement. Apps build for supporting a healthy lifestyle keep track of different verticals such as heart rate, diet, sleep, exercise and much more. For example, pregnant women can also use them to figure out more information about fetal development. And also, patients with heart disease or diabetes can also make the most out of such tailored facilities, by monitoring their regular progress.

5. App That Enhances Productivity
Two things that are directly proportional to each other, especially in the field of mobile health, are efficiency and productivity. And there are a colossal number of apps that are being created for the same purpose. These may include apps for;
        Internal business communication
        Healthcare scheduling 
        Mobile charting
        Remote dictation

Last but not least
Any kind of development in a new field requires the guidance of experts. Therefore, you need to connect with a top mobile app development company to carve a seamless mobile health app for yourself. So what are you waiting for? Get your dream app developed today!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essentials Required For A Successful Educational Mobile App

Education apps are gaining too much traction, as both students and parents are finding them too much interesting and easy. Indeed, mobile apps are very effective tools that enable people to learn easily. 
 For years, we have learned through books, but the practice needs to be revamped therefore, the idea for smart learning emerged out in the market so popular. The impact of this idea is so powerful, that now parents are providing toddlers with learning applications. 

 Altogether, students have also found mobile apps useful and amazing. But what all does it take to make a successful Education app?

 Unless an app consists of good quality, seamless interface and pleasant user experience, it never gains the recognition in the market, even if it is filled with great features.

Believe me, this is not the choice but a mandated aspect, every app has to follow, and in this wake, the education industry is also not an exception to be followed; rather it needs to be developed at a higher scale for the education domain, since a much serious and considerable factor is dealt with the education industry.

But every app does not become a success just by the app concept, but every app needs to have certain key factors to make it huge and popular.

We have collected a few of the key factors which need to be a part of the educational mobile app…
And here we are…

   Attractive app design and look
     Syllabus, planning, and scheduling
   Live presentations and videos
     Progress tracking and achievements

These factors are some of the essentials to be included in the educational mobile app, but if you have a feeling that how the education mobile apps benefit your education business, then followed are some of the benefits shared by the educational mobile apps…
   Enhance Interaction
Availability 24/7
  Free-Time Utilization
Systematic Approach of Learning
Track Progress

A complete planning and structured mobile app can give wings to your education business. Also, the intervention of the right mobile app development company to craft your app concept makes a difference.

Thus, if you still have not got a perfect app development partner for our app requirement, you can get in touch with the Techugo team and experience the difference your app would offer to your education business to boost the business revenue further

Monday, August 12, 2019

How Much Do Developers Make Every Year? Glean Insights

In the rapidly growing IT market, there is an aspect that makes always intrigues people - how much do app developers make? Indeed, this question worth giving attention to.

While the mobile application ecosystem is expanding and growing, technologies like Machine Learning, AI, IoT and more are joining this league. Altogether, the number of application developers is also growing, as people think that this is the most profitable stream where one can earn a lot.

It is expected that by 2020, the total number of global app developers will hit the mark up to 14 million, which is currently 12m. With this number, indeed a single question arises that how much an app developer earns yearly, or what could be his salary.

Here are some speculations that will shed light on it. 

iOS Developer Salary 

If I talk about app developer's earning on the scale of per hour, then North America rules the chart with the highest pay statistics. In this region, the mobile app developers ask $150 per hour, where Indonesia shows a huge decline in cost. In Indonesia, the cost goes around & 10 per hour. In fact, US and Australia are the two countries with the highest app developers' payment, as here developers cost more than $100 for one hour only. 

If you will see the annual salary of a beginner (0-5 years of experience) iOS developer, it goes beyond $80K for a year. While experienced developers with 5-10 years of experience earn $20-40k additionally.

Android Developer Salary 

The stats show similar inclination, but the amount exceeds the former. The hourly rate in North America goes up to-$168, while in India it varies at the bottom with $26 per hour. Rather, South America and Eastern Europe have the ration of $35/ hour and United Kingdom has $70/ hour.

These prices show how the market is profitable, though the decline is expected as the number of developers is growing at a constant pace.

Surely, from the above explanation, it would be clear that how much do developers make yearly. If you are seeking developers aid to bring your app idea into reality, you can get the best developers in different ranges though you would have to compromise on the region. At Techugo, we are providing both iOS and Android app development cost at a cost-effective price. To secure a great app solution, get in touch with us. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Luna- A Dual Syntax Programming Language For Data Processing & IoT

A Dual Syntax Programming Language For Data Processing & IoT
The programming language space is growing, and there is no dearth of languages that are aiding largely in the development of different types of application.  Though, the developers and industry experts are determined to develop more powerful, more efficient, more easier and extraordinary programming languages. That can go along with the changing practices and can bring a change in the current practices. 

I must say, these endeavors of experts include various hours of efforts, researches and hard work. And! then after they bring a technology that helps in creating different types of groundbreaking application. Luna is a result of all these practices and endeavors that accompany a vision to offer developers a great programming language. 


Luna is basically developed for data process and visualization, it is an enhanced environment that offers a library of greatly tailored and domain-specific components. Altogether, it is a framework for creating new components. Its name is inspired by “MOON” and also many people know it as "LUA".  

Actually, this language is designed in a way that it completely aims at data processing domains, including IoT, data science, bioinformatics, graphic design, and architecture. Evidently, these are the special domains of the industry that requires a language that can work in the collaboration, as for the prevalent languages are not able to accomplish the development effectively. Therefore, this language can be an effective solution for bringing these data processing programs into reality.  

The most interesting aspect is that this language is the world's first dual syntax programming language. 

Yes! You hear me correct this language has the dual syntax representation. There are plenty of interesting aspects about the Luna, that makes it a great programming language. When I heard about it first, I really find it amazing. Not just its functionalities but its name  has also inspired me to learn about it. Therefore, I decided to make you aware of it. 


Data Flow Modeling 

The luna has developed with a whiteboard for data flow modeling. This whiteboard is a great instrument that enables users to draw component along with the flow of data between them. It means that data flow and components can draw anything on a white screen and it would be easier to see the flow of data, even for users. 

Basically, luna components are nested data flow graphs and it is possible for users to access any component or subcomponent. The level of abstraction can either drop or rise. And as being a general-purpose programming language, it has two equivalent representation- visual and textual. 

Powerful Engine That Don't Adhere To Any Limit 

The main concept behind building the Luna is that people should not be restricted by tool they are using. The dual representation- visual and textual, makes it limitless, as the graphs and code both are potential components and people can switch between them with Luna. 

Visualization And Data Processing 

Another aspect that makes it great is the visualization of results. Actually, the components of Luna can visualize their results and further colors can also be used for indicating the type of data they are exchanging. Altogether, it is possible for users to compare all the intermediate results. Besides, they can easily comprehend the data flow by just analyzing graph. And! Users can also analyze each step of computation and parameter flow in real time. 

Zoom Out And Utilize The Complexity

 Luna is incredibly potential, as every component incorporates a hierarchical model. One component derives from the other component.  This design allows sudden and gradual changes in the abstraction level. With this, you can zoom out to see transformations in data from a higher perspective. 

Altogether, you can Zoom in to behavioral components. More importantly, it is possible to collapse components and mold a new one with extra potential, with a keystroke. You can also share it. 

Faster As Thoughts 

The two ideas behind the language creation are productivity and ergonomics. The visual components that luna analyses are just coded expression for displaying interface. This language allows users to express their thoughts faster and can use fewer nodes, unlike competitive solutions. Connecting component includes connection pen and auto-connection system. That reduces the distraction while cleaning and consice the design. Yet, it offers required information that users need. 

Luna Explorer

Another thing that makes it a ground-breaking product is its own search engine-Luna Explorer. This context-aware fuzzy search engine is ready to create a frenzy, as it allows users to query the libraries for accessing desired components and document browsing. 

This search engine makes it easy to understand the data flow for users and also can predict their intentions. Furthermore, it is also able to adjust the search result.  

These are not enough, this language includes many more aspects that make it a powerful solution for application development. Which includes automatic parallelism, advanced debugging, dual syntax representation, and more. 

Actually, there was not a single language that potentially works along with data processing and development. Therefore, to increase the use of technology domains like internet of things, data visualization and more, there was a great need for a great technology. 

The team of Luna includes Wojciech Daniło, Marcin Kostrzewa who are pioneer of this language. Though, it needs to see how long will this language go. 

Developers are engaged in development of languages and application that can bring a breeze of change and enhancement in this market. At Techugo, we are also using various data processing platforms and technologies to deliver high-quality applications to our large clientele. Such a programming language will be a great way to speed up our strives. Mobile application development companies in india all across the world are striving to utilize IoT, Luna can be an easy option and offer an efficient development process. I must say the language has the potential to shine like a moon and I am sure soon it will.  For more latest updated related to technologies, Stay Tuned!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

New Upcoming Exciting Features of NativeScript 6.0

NativeScript 6.0 is going to be the major release for this framework, the developers of the NativeScript framework put there maximum efforts to make world-class Webpack which provides a stellar development experience. 

Every release for the past 1.5 years was a step towards to achieve this goal and finally, preview of NativeScript 6.0 has been launched.

NativeScript 6.0 also brings support for AndroidX, this paves the road for many new features that will come in the Android system. Here we are going to list out some important features of NativeScript 6.0: 

      Webpack being the only way to develop. This also means that by default Hot Module Replacement will be enabled.
      Support For AndroidX
      "markingMode: None" is now the default option when you create a new NativeScript application. 

Additionally, all plug-ins are developed and maintained by the NativeScript team and used templates are already compatible with these changes. The team will continue to work on the amazing features as they progress towards the official release. 

How can anyone give it a try? 

First, you need to install the Released Candidate version of the CLI, you can use this command line "npm install -g nativescript@rc". After that it becomes so easy, this command line will perform all the required updates and packages and changes in the project that are needed to adjust a pre 6.0 project with the latest requirements. 

This means all you need to do is to update your project to execute the following in your existing project by using the command line "tns migrate". If you want to create a new compatible project you need to use the command line "tns create <your create option>  tns migrate". 

What if anyone finds a problem? 

As soon as anyone finds a problem please open an issue in the respective GitHub repository. You just need to describe the problem in detail, you are experiencing. A playground project or a sample application that demonstrates the issues will dramatically improve the time for resolution. 

This is all about the new upcoming version of NativeScript 6.0. If you want to more details about this then go and check out the official keynote.

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...