Tuesday, June 15, 2021

How Much Does It Cost To Develop An Mobile App In Qatar?

 In present times, apps get developed and only the relevant and reliable ones are used frequently. Even the best and most successful businesses are still strategically fighting in a highly competitive app market. If the competition is such, you and your team cannot afford to laggards, right?!

The key is to think, innovate and move ahead. Every successful application once was an idea only. The difference was the perseverance of the business ventures, that didn’t give up and finally succeeded! Many times, they didn’t even have to try multiple times and got the world going gaga in the first attempt itself!

All this stands as a testimony to the fact that if others can do it, you can achieve it too. So, drop the worry hat and read on to know about the development process and related costs.

Estimating the cost

Cost or the estimations for any application are never the same. Even those applications which are similar and cater to a similar niche, do not cost the same. The evaluation depends on a number of factors. To name a few:
- the functionality of your app
- the features you wish to embed in it
- its layout
- the UX and UI design
- front-end & back-end development
- quality assurance
- project management

Adding new functions or complex solutions to your application, course costs extra. Thus, it is advisable that entrepreneurs keep aside some money for such expenses. Though it is misleading to give an exact cost estimate for developing an application, it is possible to provide a range. 

An application may range between 50,000 USD to 1,000,000 USD; the cost can increase depending on the choices with regards to the before-mentioned pointers.
It’s an estimated range and the cost can go up depending upon the developers, designers and features you choose to go for. Undeniably, application development is a costly process, but it’s worth the money, time and effort considering the prospective profits it holds for your business!

There are hidden costs too!

A number of components, hidden in a way, also come into play! They weigh on the total cost of a mobile application. Thus, the above-mentioned factors are not the only ones that contribute to the app price. 

Consider having no QA on the team. You’ll then have to wait until the end of the development to get the product tested. The testing will not cost as much but yes, fixing the issues will do!


Also, business owners need to pay App Store and Google Play fees, admin, servers and backend support, customer support, legal, and further development costs.
According to Clutch, infrastructure-related activities like the initial setup and basic controls, data storage, third-party integration, access to enterprise data, data encryption, and scalability – drive massive costs! But they are usually skipped while considering the “development process.”

Adding to that, maintenance cost is never included in the price breakdown for initial application development. But still… on average, 15-20% of the original development money is spent annually on technical support! Very few, but some developers, offer short-term maintenance on their build price. 


Another crucial point to remember is - your intellectual property, which must be protected.
Getting a patent to protect your product and related ideas is a MUST. If your app becomes famous and that name sticks with users, get it registered as a trademark. All this is necessary yes, but it costs money too!

Final words for the readers

You must be wondering about approaching a company that develops amazing apps, offers great solutions, is a competent innovation hub and informs you about all kinds of costs, right? Don’t worry! You have your answer – Techugo! We are an application development company catering to businesses across the world. We are known for our creativity, fine deliveries and fool-proof, logical approach.

Connect with us today to have important information about app development cost in Qatar!! We deliver the best with finesse. Ours is a dedicated and talented team of developers, writers, programmers, experts, etc., having rich experience and expertise.

Reach out to us today to be a part of the successful clan. Success is just a discussion away; so… schedule a phone call with us today!! 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Ensure Steady Success With iOS App Development In Saudi Arabia


The web-and-app development industry is expanding. In less than a decade, mobile app development

has been able to leave an indelible mark in the business world. So much so, that both,

the new and existing ventures cannot even consider competing with the contemporaries,

without having an application to represent themselves!

The credit has to be given to the developers who have delivered the finest and are still doing so. They are coming up with new and better solutions every day. Users have a plethora of choices to choose from; and these choices are not mediocre but simply marvellous. Developers have successfully delivered which in turn has had a domino effect. The mobile application development industry is creating employment, new apps and technological feat!

Upcoming ventures are more than willing to invest in the app development process for iOS. They are willing to put in money, time and energy, but are still a bit sceptical. The reason being that, there is some confusion about this development process. Worry no more! I am here to bust the myths and clear the air for you dear readers!

This blog will help you understand the basic aspects of developing iOS applications, know the respective pros and cons. It will enable you to finally make up your mind and get such an application developed!  

Let’s get at that!

What is iOS application development?

iOS is the operating system of Apple products like iPad, iPhone, iPod, etc. Apple provides the required resources and tools to developers for creating such applications and accessories for Apple devices. 

An iOS developer needs to know the programming languages like Swift, Objective-C, Python, C#, F#, etc. Since programming languages are the spine of this entire process, anyone with mediocre or sub-standard knowledge won’t be of any help.

The ‘oh, so wonderful!’ benefits 

The preference for iOS apps is for several reasons. We will delve into such reasons in this section. Let’s have a look!

  • They take way less time to develop, as opposed to Android applications. Saving time is as good as saving money, right?!

  • These apps are way more secure than Android applications. The reason? Apple keeps a thorough check on the entire ecosystem. This keeps the users safe from malware, viruses etc.

  • Apple is quite serious and thorough with the checking. Everything, from software to hardware is checked by Apple before the app gets published on App Store. This saves users from downloading malicious and problematic applications.
    Since we are discussing the seriousness with which Apple takes care of the quality, let’s discuss the publishing process, which is NOT easy! The creation is faster, yes, but apps have to go through a lengthy and extremely strict approval process before they get published on the App Store. ‘Where is the benefit in that?’ you may ask… allow me to answer.
  • The lengthier and stricter the process is, the better is the quality. Such a tedious and time taking procedure ensures that your application doesn’t lack quality and that your effort doesn’t go to drains. Even if you don’t get approval in the first attempt, you can work on the lacunae and then get the application published. Either way, it’s a win-win!

  • The development process is less complex than Android as there’s uniformity in devices unlike the latter, where the number of devices and their characteristics are different.

So… If you are looking to move ahead with that idea of yours about developing an iOS app… please do! Don’t sit upon it; you have all the more reasons not to do that. WHY? Because now, you can choose to go for iOS app development in Saudi Arabia!! Creating an application for the namesake never works… never! Hence, it is highly important that you choose the best app development company to make your idea a reality.

If you want to grow and earn better; if you want nothing but the best… then, reach out to us. We at Techugo have a talented team of developers with rich work experience in developing iOS apps. Don’t procrastinate! Connect with us over a phone call or visit us, for a detailed discussion. To make your dream come true, we are your go-to place. 

Let’s learn, earn and expand together!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Tips to Hire Finest Mobile App Developer in Australia


In a world packed with competition, it can be challenging to hire the best app developer in Australia, if you have a great app idea and want to go ahead with it. Well, even if you’re juggling to decide between a couple of options, a team of decent and smart developers is necessary.

Undoubtedly, not every application idea reaches the destination of success. Therefore, to avoid any pitfalls, opting for what’s best is exactly what you need to do.

Lost in a sea of variety? Don’t worry! This article is all about answering your queries on hiring the finest developers with exceptional knowledge in the domain. So, let’s get started!

How to Hire the Best Team of Application Developers?

1.    Developer’s experience

The very first question that comes to one’s mind is, what’s the work experience of the person/team that is to be hired? Well, if this is not the first question that popped in your mind, it better be! Experience is the most important detail that matters as it defines confidence and knowledge. An experienced candidate will be well informed about the challenges that can fall ahead and possible solutions to the same.

2.    Existing Projects  

Before assigning your project to someone, make sure that the team has handled similar projects in the past. Take a look at the past projects to gain an understanding of how well can the concerned team or the candidate can perform.

3.    Developer’s Point of View

No matter how good your app idea is, a developer’s insight is important to set aside all the hindrances, if any. Furthermore, appoint the responsibility to someone who gives valuable output and shows interest in your project.

4.    Availability of Resources

Developing an application might sound as easy as sipping tea; however, it’s not. Having excellent knowledge and skills is essential, but resources are one of the crucial factors. Make sure that the developer has the access to the latest software and tools.

5.    Ability to Develop Apps for Multiple Platforms

Sure, you have big plans for your mobile application and want to expand its reach by making it available on multiple platforms. But hold on! Does your developer have the skill to create the app for platforms, like Android, iOS, etc? Get assured by confirming the same before hiring the developer.

6.    Post-Deployment Support

Moving ahead step-by-step is essential to avoid chaos. Before opting for mobile application development services, make sure your developer has the plan to cover each and every stage, from planning to post-deployment. After-maintenance is important. Thus, make sure the developer is all set to work on post-updates and bug fixing.

7.    Get Regular Updates

Before hiring the developer, ask the candidate to communicate all the updates regarding the project. Staying in the loop will not only keep you updated, but you can take immediate actions about modifications.

8.    App Monetization Plans

Get insights on the monetization plan from the developer. Depending upon the plan and the working of your app, the developer must have effective insights about making money through the app once the development process is completed.

Wrapping Up  

The above-mentioned tips are very important if you’re looking forward to the development of an application that reaps your exceptional benefits. Remember, quality is what matters the most and will derive the customer’s attention. Compromising on the same due to your budget constraint shouldn’t drive you at this stage.

So, are you all set to filter the best developers and make the right choice? Connect with the finest app developer in Australia for the best insights and high-quality results. Until then, stay tuned for more!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Do Brands Need To Invest In UI/UX Designs During App Development

 Mobile app development is a time taking process, and one of the parts that need precise attention is UI/UX designs. Let us learn why companies need to focus on it more.

Mobile applications are the modern-day digital platforms that help brands to sell their goods and services online to a large number of the global user base. In a short time of 10 years, the app industry was able to establish a strong foothold in the market and became one of the top-most business choices for both small and large-scale entrepreneurs.

With time, the application industry expanded with the introduction of various technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Blockchain, Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, Chatbots, and much more. Honestly, the list keeps on extending. They now act as a bridge that eradicates the space present between the users and the process. Apart, from delivering utmost convenience to the audience, apps also ensure that they trigger a company’s sale. 

There are a lot of advantages that make apps ideal for the transforming digital world. That is why brands from different industries are moving ahead and embracing technology. But the harsh reality is that not all of the companies succeed in creating an impactful business. There are a lot of applications on stores that do not get downloads and eventually lose the grip.

For any company, it is a huge nightmare. Does it concern you too? If you are interested in creating your own business app, then you need a technique with which you can lock your success and growth. Today, in this blog we would be talking about UI/UX designs and why one needs to invest in this to achieve goals. Read the points thoroughly to eradicate all the doubts.

So without any further ado, let us initiate our journey of learning!  

1. Fetch better insights from user engagement

High user engagement is directly proportional to high sales. These metrics are important because they give better insights for finding out the techniques that impress your audience. One of the sure-shot ways to boost user engagement is through focusing on the design of your application.  

2. Relish better revenue generation opportunities

When you start planning a visitor’s journey on the app, you can easily figure out and optimize the opportunities to convert them into a loyal customer base. UI/UX designs will allow you to plan all the possible interactions and enhance the call to action for better sales.  

3. Optimize resources, cost, & development time

Investing in the UI/UX designs will allow you to solve a lot of usabilities issues, which might emerge after the creation of your application. Designing teams can smoothly anticipate the needs of their audience before moving to the development phase. Also, ensuring the scalability and flexibility of the app design would deliver better opportunities.  

serverpoint hosting banner

4. Increase user loyalty and acquisition

In order to achieve a vibrant competitive edge in the market, it is necessary that you naturally attract and retain the audience on your application. For this, you need a platform that creates a more aesthetic vibe and delivers better solutions to the audience.  

5. Decrease troubleshooting and associated costs

There are a lot of errors that pop up later after the app has been made live. These problems can easily be avoided during the early stages of development. For example, some faults are simply the wrong assumptions about user behavior or navigation. There are also a lot of features that aren’t required and their inclusion does nothing but confuses the users. The efficiency of the UI/UX designs can help companies jump over this problem altogether.    

In A Nutshell

These are the major reasons why companies need to invest their resources in UI/UX designs. But this is not all, as there are several other aspects of mobile app development that one needs to master in order to deliver an excellent platform to the users. If you want to learn more about them, then make sure you reach out to the experts. The team that you would be collaborating with for your app’s creation will play a huge role in enhancing your market growth. Therefore, you need to make sure that connect with a brood of professional experts.

Applications are becoming the best options for businesses to reach out to their potential customer base in a short span of time. It also helps them to boost the user experience by simplifying the process of buying goods and services. Because of the pandemic, a lot of brick and mortar stores have shifted their process online with the help of an app or a website, and are gaining a lot of benefits.  

If you want to boost your online sales, make sure you embrace the app tech with open arms. So what are you waiting for, just jump on the bandwagon right away and explore the growing digital era!

If you have any doubts, then make sure you drop them in the comment section present below. We would love to help you out by guiding you to the best path. But until then, stay tuned to this space for more tech-related updates from all around the world. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Check Out The Forthcoming Trend Of IoT App Development


The world currently is experiencing a shift towards digitalization, and the complete credit goes to the rising technologies. Today we would be learning more about IoT app development and how it is shaping our future.

Internet of Things is the growing technology that is elevating the efficiency of different sectors. For businesses, it is crucial to embrace such a powerful transformation in order to optimize the process as per the changing needs of the user base. The best way to do so is by merging the IoT technology with the progressive field of mobile app development.     

The advantages that IoT delivers is inspiring a lot of budding and established companies to initiate the process of its adoption. But it is definitely not at all a cakewalk. For seamless incorporation, it is mandatory that you learn about its basics, upcoming trends, ways of merging, and the rest of the related factors thoroughly.  

So without any further ado, let us begin the process of learning with the basics.  

Brief Introduction To IoT! 

It is basically a network of physical objects or things that have integrated software, sensors, or the rest of the technologies. They serve the purpose of connecting or exchanging information/ data with other devices/ systems over the internet.

These internet-connected objects are able to transfer and collect data without any human intervention, over a wireless network. Companies are motivated towards incorporating IoT with an aim to trigger the revenue, boost functioning, and improve operating costs. Apart from the mentioned pers, this tech delivers the glut of data that is essential for the flawlessness of the workflows.   

What Are The Top Advantages Of IoT App Development? 

Here is the list of advantages that IoT app development delivers to both the businesses and their wide-ranging customer base. Take a good look and boost your understanding. 

1# Improved customer experience- The data and information collected by the Internet of Things would boost the performance of customer services and deliver a delightful experience to the users.  

2# Customer behavior- IoT-based tech can become your best technique to understand the drop in sales. With the provided data, you can study their behavior and act accordingly.  

3# Workplace safety- The smart system would help in making the workplace more secure. From apps to embedded sensors and wearables, there are multiple gadgets that will help the employee to feel safe and secure at all times.  

4# Less cost- This technology also helps in effective cost-cutting, without degrading the level of quality. 

5# Boosts productivity- Adopting this latest trend boosts the productivity of any business. They would then be able to access and manage multiple stages of development with the help of real-time data. 

What Are Major Upcoming IoT Trends In 2021? 

1# Progress in healthcare- The spread of coronavirus has made us realize the importance of tracking and monitoring our health on regular basis. With the inclusion of IoT-based apps in healthcare, every individual would be able to assess their own health at any time or place. 

2# Location data- With the rise in social distancing, location data has been able to gain more and more prominence. It has not become relevant and is one of the emerging Internet of Things trends. It would be elevating a smooth and effortless delivery experience for the customer base.  

3# Upheaving predictive maintenance- Are you thinking why we are discussing an AI tech concept? Well, predictive maintenance would not be confined within the walls of AI anymore. We would soon over the increase of predictive analysis in IoT-based tech as well. For example, in a manufacturing company, the smart system would alert the authorities when it would be time for machine maintenance. This would definitely simplify the tasks on a greater level.     

4# Better workspace initiatives- The pandemic has made it necessary for the companies to operate from home. Because of WFH advantages, many will be continuing the trend even when things get normal. This will give rise to smart working environments. IoT-based apps will allow employees to relish smart lightings, electricity, security, and much more.   

5# Remote operation- Every industry is currently managing operations remotely. Eventually, industries would be experiencing an increase in demand which would push brands to trigger their remote operations as well. It would minimize the downtime without even putting a halt on the production. The use of connected technology would rise with the rise in IoT-based apps. 

In A Nutshell 

These are the related factors that you must know about IoT app development. This information will help you to identify all the hurdles in your way and will guide you in the right direction. For businesses from a technical background, it would be a little easy to understand, but for businesses from a non-technical background, the process is very complicated. Therefore, we recommend that you reach out to the brood of prof4essionals for a detailed guide and initiate the process of development.  

The use of the right tech in your business can help you to eradicate the persisting competition, and move in a direction that would yield larger profits. So what are you waiting for? Dive into the pool of emerging technologies and choose the best suited for yourself. But make sure that you choose to collaborate with experienced experts from that domain, as success is unattainable with the help of a bootless team.  

If you have any queries related to the Internet of Things or mobile application development, then feel free to connect with us. You can also reach out to us, by dropping your views in the comment section. For more content based on technology, stay tuned to this platform. Until then, happy reading!!!



Thursday, November 19, 2020

Reasons Why India Is Globally Known For Mobile App Development?


Mobile app development is very popular worldwide, as this tech represents a perfect combination of convenience and quality. A lot of businesses consider this a great opportunity to take themselves online. The wave of digitalization is inspiring a lot of budding and established entrepreneurs to get steps ahead of their current market competition. Mobility not only helps in decreasing the market competition but it also boosts the reach of one's brand. It helps companies in shattering the boundaries and getting the business on another level. 

Applications are known to bridge the gap present between the process and its user base. Since generations right now feel more comfortable using an application for any services, businesses too are directing their attention towards the same. While the global companies are busy creating their own custom brand application, India is constantly emerging out to be a hub for mobile app development

But why is that so? 

As we witness a universal incline towards technology, why is it that India is becoming the most favorite destinations for outsourcing application projects? Today, in this specific blog, we would learn about the reasons to justify the growing hype. We would thoroughly discuss several parameters to support the fact, and will also talk a bit about the opportunities in the app industry and how one can find the right development team in India.  

So without any further ado, let us begin our discussion!   

 1. Pocket friendly 

App development services that are provided in India do not cost too much. It would definitely vary from company to company, but as compared to the global alternative the price here is actually very reasonable. 

2. High quality 

Technology here is one of the most favorite passions of the youth. Thus a lot of brains work in mobility that thrives to develop exceptional apps. Therefore, the quality of applications created here is better than most of the developed countries.        

 3. IT Sector and the Government 

Almost all governments have focused their attention on enhancing the IT sector. Thus there are a lot of policies that support technocrats and make it easy for them to start their own business.  

4. Love for technology 

Every year, India produces top most tech graduates, who dedicate their lives to inventing better alternatives for a specific system or even a better way to conduct a specific operation. The love for technology here plays a huge role in the increase in the number of outsourcing projects. 

 5. Professionalism 

Professionals here consider their work as worship. This means they perform their tasks with 100% efficiency that brings great results.  

How To Find A Good App Development Company In India? 

We know that India a hub for outsourcing mobile app development projects. Due to the rise in demand, there are many companies providing the same services. So let us now discuss how you can find the perfect fit for yourself. Take a look at a few pointers. 

1. Do the right keyword search- Get on Google and type in the most appropriate keyword as per your need. Once you get the complete list then pick the ones that you like the most. 

2. Visit their websites- It is a must to find out the right mindset of the company, which one can understand only after thoroughly viewing the website. 

3. Go to popular business listing sites- You can visit Clutch, Good Firms, Your Story, or any other business listing websites to get more details about the companies. There you can check out their price, team consistency, number of projects, etc.

 4. Previous clients- It is necessary that you check out the reviews and testimonials of each companies previous clients in order to get a clearer understanding. 

5. Portfolio- Download and go through the applications that companies have created earlier. From there you would be able to finalize a lot of things.             

 Apart from all the above-mentioned steps, it is crucial that you initiate the discussion. Once you start discussing your plans and ideas, only then you would get a right hint of the approach that the company follows. 

What Are The Trending Mobile App Business Opportunities In 2021? 

Here are some of the popular business app ideas that one can adopt to start new in this domain. Take a good look for inspiration.

 1. Traveling- Providing solutions for A to Z problems of a traveler can give the needed push to your business. From booking to suggestions, it can be a one-stop answer for anyone. 

2. Online books- There is a specific community for readers and you can target the same with this concept idea. Make sure to deliver audio and e-books to the users with the rest of the interesting features.

 3. E-commerce- Selling goods and services online can take your business to its heights.

 4. Social media- Even tho we have several networking apps, but the audience is always looking out for a better platform.

 5. Online gym- It is actually a great alternative for people looking to exercise from their homes.

 6. Online streaming- Netflix and Amazon Prime are two of the popular examples for the same. But you can always create a unique strategy for it and get on this platform.

 In A Nutshell 

Now you know the top reasons why India is the hub for app development, and how you can find a team for your own business idea. If you need any help regarding the same, then make sure to reach out to us. 

Technology plays a huge role in development. If you figure out the right way to walk hand in hand with it, then you can make lots and lots of profit. So what are you waiting for? Dive into the vast world of mobility right away! 

For more information about tech-related topics from around the world, stay tuned!       



Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Why Mobile App Development Is An Essential Part Of Your Business During Covid-19?

Mobile app development has eased down the woes of pandemic conditions. This could only be possible with the integration of mobile apps in the business model. As we all know COVID-19 has brought us to a situation, where accessing services has become a daunting task.

Due to global lockdown, it has turned out to be a disastrous situation for the businesses where they have experienced a decreased footfall. This has affected their ROI to a larger extent, leading to a much disturbing situation.

Can there be a solution to this issue?
Yes, it is very much possible with mobile app technology!
Read this post to understand how well app technology is going to resolve this hurdle…

App brings the convenience of ordering
Amid pandemic when everyone is facing the brunt of the virus outbreak, the social distancing has become a norm for everyone out there. However, meeting daily requirements in this tumultuous environment can only be done with the app platform. Apps allow users to order their required services without stepping out.

App allows businesses to increase ROI
For a business to increase its revenue during Coronavirus time is an achievable task. As there are fewer physical visitors to the stores, and this leads to chaos. However, with the help of app technology, it is no more a demanding task for your business, you can simply reach out to more number of users and meet their requirements, and increase your revenue.

App lets your business grow out of bounds
It is very much evident that COVID-19 has put a halt on the expansion plan of the businesses, and this is where the application comes as a savior for your business model. With the help of a mobile app, your business can reach out to various destinations across the globe, and increase your visibility.

The spectrum of mobile app development is very vast and holds the capability of transforming the nature of any business. When our world is facing the virus outbreak, your business must brave this crisis with an app platform.

You can reach out to our team of experts at Techugo, and help your business to survive during and after the pandemic.

For customized mobile app development services, give us a call today

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...