Monday, December 12, 2022

Major Benefits of using Blockchain Technology in Mobile Apps

The uses of Blockchain have been tremendously growing among developers who want to develop a robust and secure mobile application. The technology ensures a safe way of payment for digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cryptocurrency, and Litecoin. 

Security is a primary concern today, and Blockchain enables the same by strengthening data privacy. The user controls all the transactions with a timestamp feature that restricts data manipulation. 

Also, anyone can access the information anytime with a decentralized system, thus restricting inaccurate transactions. 

Well, that’s not all!

There are lots more benefits that the tech trend can bring and digitalize the world. You can go through the rest of this post and learn more about the same. Besides, this tech will get more opportunities for your business to grow. 

So, ensure to connect with the top mobile app development company and develop your own app with this technology. 

Benefits of Blockchain

Proceed towards this section and explore several benefits of Blockchain: 

  1. Efficient Reliability

Blockchain ensures a secure way of conducting transactions, thus increasing users’ reliance on the application. Also, it has a distributed design that provides a shield against unauthorized data modification. Various data centres are located in different places leading to improved reliability and security. 

2. No use of Password

Losing a password means losing hold of every information and transaction stored in the app. Also, it increases the chances of data getting leaked and hacked. Every one of you has already gone through this issue. 

So, how to deal with it?

With the use of Blockchain technology!

The accounts related to the transactions go through an SSL certificate and make the information available to every involved person. Thus, you will still get access to everything and record the transaction. 

3. Simple Working Principles

Do you also think that blockchain technology is hard to tackle?

If yes, let us correct you, as this technology promotes simplicity and enables users to tackle every task with a simple procedure. That means you can provide your user with a unique solution that helps them conduct each transaction without putting much effort. 

Not only this but businesses can also save money, time, and effort incurred in the sophisticated technologies. Moreover, investing in this tech helps them gain security against all kinds of threatful and unfair activities at a reduced cost. 

4. Secure Digital Information 

The technology provides an extended level of security that does not let any threat get the decryption key. No matter how skilled the hacker is, It has all the capabilities to fight against it with several verifications.

With its dynamic and robust features, your device would make no threats possible. Also, you will still receive your data once the information gets misplaced or lost. 

To Wrap Up!

Instead of providing robust security, blockchain technology has these significant benefits discussed in the blog. Your product will achieve more success and growth when implemented with this. We hope that the blog has helped you find the pros of using this tech. However, if you want to learn further and have any queries or questions, let us know in the comment section. The team of our mobile app development company will surely help you out. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

iOS App Development: Technology Advancements Arriving in 2023!

As 2023 approaches, new and advanced versions of the existing technologies are taking shape. For you to prepare for the future, we have brought an excellent guide with the technological advancements arriving in 2023. If you are looking for Android or iOS app development, this guide will lead you to high-graded technologies that you can integrate into and build your own tremendous solution.  

The year 2026 can record the expansion of the mobile app market at $542.80 billion. That's huge! 

With such opportunities knocking at our door, investing in an application becomes much more interesting. That's why we have come up with this guide. So, with your excitement at the highest level, it's time to move into and learn what technological advancements are arriving in 2023. 

Also, don't forget to connect with the best iOS app development company for further doubts and queries regarding the topic. Our experts will help you while providing solutions to your every problem. 

Now, let's get started!

Top Technology Trends to Watch Out for in 2023

For iOS app development, here are what technology trends you can watch out for in 2023. Read further and explore. 

  1. Cloud Computing

What a great concept this is!

Yes, that's what you are going to say about this. 

Cloud computing is becoming popular as one of the best technologies that help developers create applications that can run across multiple platforms and web browsers. As the app is stored on a server, the data does not consume space on your phone, and you can access it with any device having internet anytime, anywhere. It also eliminates the threat of data loss. 

  1. Edge Computing

The evolved version of cloud computing is edge computing. As the data is centralized in the cloud, latency can become an issue. However, the use of edge computing can eliminate this issue. Edge computing joins the cloud when it is in excess usage and resolves the latency issue. 

  1. Predictive Analysis

Predictive Analysis is in massive use because it lets the business understands their customers' different needs and requirements. Predictive Analysis concludes and predicts future events using and analyzing the current data. Data mining, statistics, and machine learning are inbuilt into it, which makes the task easier and more convenient. The alliance with the best mobile app development company in USA will help you build an application integrated with Predictive Analysis. Whether your business belongs to a fashion, food, healthcare, and eCommerce industry, this will help you a lot in predicting your customers' requirements. 

  1. Progressive Web Apps

The next big technology emerging in 2023 is progressive web apps or PWA. These applications provide an interface to both native apps and web pages. Moreover, they only require a little time to load, provide much space, and a strong network. These could prove helpful for enterprises who want to achieve the milestone in a budget. Instead, the app design proves seamless, more versatile, and interactive. 

  1. 5G

5G is the revolution of tomorrow that will improve the reliability and speed of cellular networks. It is ten times faster with a 50% lower rate of latencies. While amalgamating with other robust technologies, 5G can bring lot more advantages to any business. For instance, it can be used with AR/VR self-driving cars and other dynamic technologies. One of the significant benefits of 5G is that it has shorter wavelengths and higher radio frequencies that will let mobile phones run precisely in geofencing and geotargeting. 

  1. AR/VR

Augmented reality and Virtual reality have always surprised us with their dynamic abilities. Various companies have already used them to derive their customers and provide the best experience. In addition, many companies believe that integrating these technologies has reduced operational costs and increased productivity. The future will see an extended version of it.

To Sum it Up!

So, these are all the dynamic technologies coming in 2023, bringing many more opportunities for businesses to grow and expand. Although we have included some new trends, existing technologies like Blockchain, AI, and IoT are also being modified to let enterprises widen their reach and improve their brand visibility. 

Connect with the best iOS app development company if you have picked the best technology to integrate into your application. Also, don't forget to consult with our experts at Techugo if you have any other doubts or queries. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Steps to Outsource Mobile App Development without Failing?

Outsourcing is the prominent choice for every entrepreneur who wants to invest in their own mobile app. It reduces the cost, improves the quality, and decreases the time to market, thus making it a convenient choice for newbie entrepreneurs who want to develop apps within the decided timeline. 

Today, everyone is using apps, and investing in the same means immense opportunities for your business to grow worldwide. However, providing the task to a team of non-experienced developers will not help you meet the desired outcomes. 

That's where the need for outsourcing appears.

So, are you all set?

Here, in this guide, we will learn about the best ways of outsourcing the top mobile app development company in Dubai

Therefore, move ahead if you want to learn about the same. 

Procedure to Outsource the app development company

Get into the steps below and outsource your dream project to the best company. 

  1. Project's requirements

The first thing that a user needs to consider is to understand the project's requirements which can be done in three simple steps; basic needs of business, user expectations, and user requirements. These requirements help you outsource the most relevant partner. 

  1. Find development team

There are three types of development teams includes onshore, offshore, and nearshore. So, while finding the appropriate partner, consider what types you need for your project. 

  1. Check portfolio and clients testimonial

Also, try to check the company's portfolio to understand a lot more about the services they provide. You can go through their technology and services offered section, past projects, and clients' testimonials to learn more about the duty they play while building the project. This will also help in differentiating between the experienced and inexperienced too. 

  1. Pick the Service model

You need to set your requirements to pick the most appropriate partner among models like project-based, dedicated teams, or out the staff working. 

The first model is appropriate for all who want to assign their projects to the vendor. While a dedicated team is supervised by the outsourcing company that you pick. And the last one integrates with the in-house development team to build products. So, consider these models while picking the service model. 

  1. Select the payment method

If you opt for the dedicated or project-based service, then material or fixed price paying modules would be convenient. 

To Wrap Up!

So, these are all the steps that help you outsource the top mobile app development company in Dubai. Consider each step and digitalize your business with the best support and assistance. 

However, if you have any queries, let us know in the comment section. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Social Media App Development- 5 Features Businesses Can't Ignore!

Businesses are exploring economic opportunities through trends that are redefining their conventional process. The most significant example of this transformation is mobility. 

Offline or conventional businesses have realised the importance of embracing the digital world and have initiated the switch. One of the popular verticals is social media app development.   

Let's learn more about it!

Social Media App Development- Here's What You Need To Know!

For businesses, social media app development is one of the promising markets. Almost everyone is connected with their friends and family through one social media channel, presenting a great chance for any entrepreneur.

With right monetisation and development techniques, one can unravel the advantages that is currently being relished by few of the  dominating channels. But in order to make a difference, one needs to develop an application that is different from the ones that are present in the market. 

How can one be different?

Deliver These Unique Features Through Social Media App Development!

If you are planning to create your own social media mobile app, then the best way to stand out from the crowd is through interactive & unique features. 

There are a lot of applications present on Play Store or App Store but the number of people using those applications are negligible. Therefore, if the goal is to deliver an app that can sustain and excel against the giants, it is important to add features and functionalities that trigger the interest of the user base. 

But with so many apps in the market, almost every other feature is already integrated!

Don't panic! 

There's still a lot that one can do in order to stand out with the help of technology. 

Here are 5 most interactive features you can choose from:

1. AR/VR chat rooms

Integration of Augment and Virtual reality can spike up the interest of the users. These technologies will allow users to interact in a 3 dimensional world. 

2. Audio sharing feature

Apps like Clubhouse gained a lot of popularity because they delivered a unique concept of socialising through audio sharing. Since this feature is in trend, one can try to integrate it in the app. 

3. Personalised News feed

With integration of AI-based algorithms, one can enhance the value that social media apps deliver. For example personalised news feed can be an interactive feature to integrate.  

4. Ad-free  

There are several techniques to monetise any app these days. But the most common one used by popular social media apps is running ads. Since many users are looking to opt out of the same, a platform that does not run ads can turn a lot of heads. 

5. In-app marketplace

If you want your user base to keep coming back to your application then try to integrate a marketplace where users can monetise their businesses. 

Wrapping It Up!

Now that you know the features you want to add during your social media app development, your next step should be finding the best team of app developers. 

Choose a team that not only works on your idea, but also shares possible upgrades after market research. 

For more information on social media app development feel free to connect with the experts or simply drop a comment below. But until then, stay tuned to this space for more details.

Source By:

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Get Back In The Game With The Best iPhone App Development Companies!

It’s the mobility era, and mobile apps have become an essential part of our routine. Just as food and water are vital for our body to function, applications are vital for our daily life activities. 

Talking about the businesses that emphasize mobile app development, undoubtedly, they are reaping exceptional benefits. 


Well, any business requires a solid consumer base for higher sales. Before the pandemic, people did not pay much attention to developing mobile apps as they preferred operating their business from a brick-and-mortar store. It was only after the pandemic that people started to understand the value of DIGITAL PRESENCE! 

You all are well familiar that after the COVID-19 outbreak, all the brick-and-mortar stores shut down temporarily, meaning no more physical operations. Therefore, businesses started adopting the digital approach. 

Fortunately, mobile app development has the capability to enhance audience base, increase sales, brand popularity, and more. Therefore, it is precisely why the firms get inclined towards the same as it offers the perfect growth opportunities. 

Did you know?

There are about 900 million iPhone users worldwide.

What could be a better opportunity to build an exceptional iPhone app to intrigue your customers? 

However, it is not as easy as baking a pie! iPhone app development comes with complexities that must be handled by professionals. Not only this, but an experienced team of experts must be hired for the app development process. 

DON’T WORRY! We understand that it might be your first time building an app. Therefore, we have some of the top-notch suggestions of the best iPhone app development companies for you. 

So, are you excited? Then, take a look! 

Best iPhone App Development Companies 


TECHUGO Pvt Ltd is one of the leading iPhone app development companies with about five offices worldwide. The brood of professionals is well trained to work with technologies like AI, ML, AR/VR, IoT, and more. 

The company is known for its efficient product delivery, which is one of the primary reasons it has developed apps for some huge brands. 

What’s more? TECHUGO prioritizes the requirements of its clients, along with the integration of their idea and creativity. 

Do you want to know more? Then, schedule your first consultation today!

  • Hyperlink Infosystem 

Another renowned iPhone app development company is the Hyperlink Infosystem, based in New York, India, and the USA. The Hyperlink has worked for over 2300 clients and has delivered about 3300 mobile apps. 

The company holds a team of 250+ professionals giving their sweat and blood to work on the complex projects and succeed. 

  • Fueled 

Fueled again comes under the top iPhone app development companies and is an award-winning firm. Along with app development, the company specializes in UI/UX design, chatbots, blockchain, and WHATNOT!

From startups to big names, the company has offered exceptional services to all the clients, and their testimonials are a witness. 

  • MobiDev

Mobidev works on the vision of the entrepreneurs to turn it into reality! Again, the company works with numerous technologies, including Augmented & Virtual Reality, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and more. 

It is a core development team that supports its clients with a reliable product and creativity. 

  • Itexus 

Itexus is a custom app development agency that specializes in web and mobile solutions. Apart from the development procedure, the company emphasizes UI/UX design, management, post-production maintenance, and more. 

The firm has already delivered about 220 successful projects across 23 countries. Interesting, right?

  • Exaud 

Exaud specializes in designing and developing custom solutions for mobile, IoT, Embedded, and wearable devices. 

The team has partnered with some of the top clients, including Nissan, Essent, and more.  One of the primary objectives of the company considering its clients is to increase their leads and generate demand. 

  • 7Edge 

7Edge efficiently contributes to the digital transformation of businesses by developing some of the top-notch apps for them. 

The team is committed to providing a seamless digital experience to businesses by offering them strategic consulting. 

In a Nutshell 

Mobile apps are important for businesses due to numerous reasons. Some of these reasons are:

  • Increased brand awareness
  • Acts as a marketing tool
  • Helps in gaining consumer loyalty


Therefore, more and more businesses started shifting online, and some of them have become tremendously successful!


Don’t get surprised! It is because to build an efficient app, the best app development companies must be hired. While some businesses might have collaborated with the best in town, others might have missed their shot! 

BUT NOT ANYMORE! Because the above-mentioned names are a few renowned app development companies that’ll help you climb the ladder of success.

So, what are you waiting for?

Monday, September 20, 2021

How can funding help beauty apps – Booker sets an example!


With app development processes taking center stage, a number of applications are being developed. Be it shopping for clothes, shoes, groceries or other services; everything can be taken care of with the help of an app!

The present times are witnessing an increase in the numbers of beauty salons, with a huge clientele. This has further given an impetus to the app development industry – beauty and grooming apps in particular. The beauty and salon industry is doing great and is expected to grow to 87 billion US dollars in 2023 from 69 billion US dollars from 2016.

It is of utmost importance to survive the cut-throat competition and make services unique. Therefore, salons have considered the digital way and it has proved highly beneficial for them! 

The digital marketing techniques are helping all kinds of businesses aim for a notch higher and reach notches higher. So, without further delay, let us discuss beauty salon apps and their fundamentals.

Let’s get started already!

The importance of beauty and grooming apps

  • They help manage customers list on one screen

By opting for such a platform, grooming businesses can easily manage and maintain a record of their customers – wait for it – on ONE screen!

  • They help in reminding customers through notifications

Customers love an app and shower it with their love too. But everyone’s schedule is super packed in present times. Therefore, they need to be reminded of their favourite applications, right! 

Push notifications automatically send reminders to customers. This not only works to keep the users updated but also aids an impressive notification system. In addition, to better target the customers, geofencing technology can also be used.

Essential updates and information, this way, can be shared with customers regularly. The salon business can thus ensure continuous revenue flow!

  • They are time-saving!

Of course, they are! The essentials of an entire business, from booking, calls, sessions, grooming, etc. – all fit in one small tool. Therefore, it is bound to save time for both the business owners and the clients! 

Such applications offer real-time information and also enable their clients to schedule appointments as and when they like. The long queue for waiting, is a bygone tale now!

  • Increasing brand reputation becomes easy

Applications work as wonderful representatives for any business! The brand starts getting recognised by a greater number of people as an application increases the reach – it isn’t territorially confined to a particular area. So, steadily, the brand image improves and gets stronger with time. 

Therefore, an app is a must-have ingredient for a successful business recipe!

What happened with Bookr – a Kuwaiti beauty application?

Bookr is a Kuwait-based platform that helps users to find and book spas, beauty salons, freelance make-up artists, etc., that are nearby. It also offers all beauty service providers an all-in-one SaaS solution as it facilitates the management of the inventory, financial data and clients’ appointments.

Zaina Al Bader founded it in 2018. It is a beauty-focused venture and positions itself as a mediator between salon services providers and clients.

Bookr targets the rapidly growing beautification market globally. The salon industry is growing at a CAGR of 9.4% in the Mena region and Bookr aims to bank on this! 

Recently, because of its promising future, this platform managed to raise a whopping $1 million in a seed funding round by Desert Ventures.

To wrap things up

Evidently, beauty and personal grooming apps are loved by people and they are here to stay! Entrepreneurs have realised the importance of this domain and are thus, willingly investing in the same; why should you not participate, right?!

So, if you have an outstanding idea that is on similar lines, yet unique, get that transformed into a reality as soon as possible! How you might ask! By connecting with us at Techugo! 

We are an app development and web solutions company catering to several business enterprises across the globe. We have a highly talented team with expertise on board and they are known for delivering the best! We provide the finest end-to-end solutions and thus have the biggest brands on board!

So, don’t delay things further and create your own beauty app in Kuwait, just like Bookr – reach out to us today!

Happy innovating creative minds!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

What Are The Reasons For The mhealth Apps Explosion?


Wish to know all about mHealth?

Do you think there are several questions surrounding this topic and want them all answered?

Healthcare providers are looking forward to establishing better and more robust strategies and mHealth has emerged as a potent tool in this regard!

Using mobile health strategy to help patients and increase engagement seems as THE option to rely on – especially in present times. 

These apps allow healthcare providers to connect with patients and staff in a better, quicker and more dynamic manner. Reaching out to the ones who need assistance with convenience has become possible with them!

Apps designed for smartwatches, tablets, smartphones, and other such devices let users access information when and where they need it, reducing time wasted searching for that data and boosting both engagement and satisfaction rates.

What are these applications?

mHealth stands for Mobile Health. Recently only, WHO gave the definition of m-health, which is “the use of wireless technologies to support the achievement of healthcare objectives.”

The related apps serve the purpose as mentioned earlier. They are tools that help in monitoring and sharing healthcare data and information through mobile technology. In addition, they help to deliver prescriptions and care more quickly as well. 

These apps are designed to support diagnostic procedures, aid physician decision-making for treatments, and advance disease-related education for physicians and people under treatment. The development process of such applications is known as mHealth application development. 

Let’s talk about the explosion!

According to Statista, the mHealth market will continue to grow in the near future and it is expected to exceed 300 billion USD by the year 2025. The use of these applications will also grow and change in sync with health trends and will fluctuate accordingly, too.

According to the data provided in a report published by Fortune Business Insights, this market was worth around 11.17 billion in 2018 and will exhibit a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 21.1% during 2019-2026 – the forecast period.

Further, the global market size of these healthcare applications market is predicted to reach 57.57 billion by 2026. Thus, it is expected to witness an impressive growth rate in the coming years!

“Trending mHealth Apps Market” report offers an elaborative analysis of several factors having an impact on the global market. These include opportunities, growth drivers, threats, key developments, and restraints. 

Moreover, this report further helps in analysing and defining the market based on different segments. 

It strategically analyses several strategies like - product innovations, mergers, alliances, joint ventures, and acquisitions adopted by players in the industry.

How useful can they be to different groups?!

These apps are the future of the medical sector. The convenience, comfort and ease with which users can use them is nothing short of impressive! The best part, they don’t benefit one sect or group. 

They are indeed very helpful! They can help in all possible ways. Let us move ahead and understand this better. 

For patients 

1. They can schedule appointments through such platforms without requiring to stand in long queues.

2. Emergency cases like pregnant women can call for assistants and ambulance using a mobile health application.

3. Telemedicine is another boon for users.

4. There are applications to care for elderly and sick people.

5. Incorporating the Internet of Things on such platforms can also help ailing persons.

6. Such apps allow patients to self-diagnose too.

7. The sub-category of mental health applications helps spread awareness about the issue. Moreover, they help patients dealing with such problems.

8. Health management apps are another type that inform people about their calorie intake, water consumption, diet tips, etc.

For medical professionals

1. Doctors can use these apps to schedule, postpone or pre-pone appointments.

2. It is now possible for professionals to diagnose and monitor patients remotely. Thanks to mobile-health technology.

3. Informational applications (type of mHealth) inform users about medicines, medical articles, diseases, symptoms, etc.

Benefits of the titular application development

This is how these apps can prove to beneficial for you, as a business owner:

  • They can increase integration and engagement with the customers. This can help you build a more substantial and loyal clientele. Moreover, your services would be promoted by your users to others who need assistance.
  • Services digitally and such technologies enable patients to manage their health conditions on their own. 
  • They have even reduced the dependence of patients on others.
  • An app can help you attract new customers – not just the ailing people, but institutions, NGOs, etc., who provide help and assistance in this regard.
  • More than just an option to promote and enhance your business, it will help you save people’s lives!
  • Since everything is done automatically, it is the easiest way to gather customer information.
  • Medical tech-solutions reduce disease management costs for both patients and health facilities. 
  • They also help in building communities that encourage and engage people dealing with similar kinds of health issues.
  • Tech innovations have reduced administrative and other kinds of burdens on health care professionals. This, in turn, increases the time they can devote to patient-doctor interaction and better, faster health monitoring.
  • The health status can be quickly and directly shared with medical experts. It thus results in an increased level of trust, transparency and partnership between doctors and patients.

A few final words for the readers

Healthcare services are available on smart devices, ALSO! Such options are helping both – medical professionals and patients along with their kins. 

Yes, it is your decision whether to opt for a healthcare application or not for your venture. But for once, just consider the huge demand that is presently there for such tools. Investing on them is profitable and socially helpful, both!

Do you have an idea, query, dilemma or question on similar lines? Do you wish to opt for mHealth services or get a corresponding app or website developed? 

Then wait no more and connect with experts today! Since the pandemic hit, healthcare services and related tools are in demand. So, build a successful business – make profits while helping others out simultaneously!

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...