Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Mobile App Development Strategy

Building a successful app does not only require the app strategy, but there is a more pertinent step to perform to achieve the goal of the successful mobile app, that step is Mobile Analytics. Mobile analytics are an integral part of every business basics; the app analytics help any business to measure and assess the mobile app marketingfield.
What is Mobile Analytics
When we start a business, we do complete research on its pros and cons, mobile analytics work on the same parameter, it collects the user behavior data and from those metrics determines which action to be taken to implicate the best possible strategy for user retention, engagement, and conversion. This mobile analytics help you to attain the deep insights of your app. You get the robust data platforms before developing a mobile app, it has a pool of questions to understand your user’s behavior, such as: How often your users just visit pages then quit?  In which section you get a maximum user visit? How your users remain engaged and who are the users? These all questions, coupled with the best practices help your mobile app to turn into a successful app.
Why to Use Mobile Analytics
  • Mobile app analytics act as a blessing in your app development process
  • It develops an efficient mobile marketing strategy
  • Help you to understand the app features in terms of user experiences
  • You learn more about your targeted audience
  • You can learn and evaluate user behavior
  • App analytics help drive ROI over every aspect of performance
  • Measure user-acquisition performance
  • Support direct, customized user messaging
Mobile App Analytics Increase App Downloads
As per the reports suggest, by the year 2020, of 2020, there will be 6.1 billion smartphone users in the world, which clearly states that app downloads would surge up and users would get ample choices to download the different mobile apps from the pool of varieties. To combat this situation, business owners need to integrate mobile app analytics to understand the demand of their targeted users, it will also help you to the following points:
  • You would focus only on right audience and features and it will save time and resources
  • The metrics would help you to know the user experience of mobile app
  • You would understand clearly that app download is futile if app is not used frequently
  • You would develop and update the marketing strategy to create a brand identification
Top 5 Mobile Analytics
App Retention 
The mobile app analytics metric helps to engage the targeted users and retain your targeted users. For every business owner, the most important factor is to track the number of users who opened the app for the first time and constantly compare that to the number that return to the app. This key metric lets you integrate the pertinent app strategy to attain the targeted user’s attention and retain them by implementing the engaging app features.
In-app Referrals
This mobile analytic strategy, encourage and track the referral codes, which leads to the app’s success. In-app referrals are such an important factor in the overall success of your app that you should also track them separately. This particular strategy spread the word of mouth publicity of your mobile app through the digital mode.
App Performance Analytics
Even if your app has got a wonderful design and user experience, but its performance is not praiseworthy, then the success rate of your mobile is destined to be doomed. These analytics help you to monitor every time your app would perform poorly, crash, give errors, and take slow load times. If not taken care, then the poor app performance would lead to user drop.
App Ratings and Review Analytics
When your users rate your app, it is the clearest indication of the how efficient you are to improve your app based on the user’s feedback and ratings. A review and rating play a significant role in making a purchase decision. The app reviews help in the overall success of your business. This feature would give the unbiased approach of your mobile app to your potential users.
Targeted User
This mobile analytic is the most crucial for your app success. Users are not of one particular type, the variety of users demand for an app, which can be used by all. The multiple user types require the different ways to engage them within the same app. You can segregate the users based on their age, salary bracket, industry, gender.
The implication of mobile analytics within your mobile app is a discipline to be followed, if you’re building a new app, or need more insights for an existing one, this guide would assist you with creating a successful app recipe with all the tried & tested ingredients. App analytics help you to enhance and optimize every single app marketing effort not to go wasted and help you to achieve your personal business goals.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for the leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team has the expertise to create a unique variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
“You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.”
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo


hybrid mobile app development

Every industry wants to adopt the mobile app revolution to boost their business revenue, but get confused with the app development process of native or hybrid mobile apps. This blog is dedicated to the hybrid mobile app development and the benefits associated with this app development platform.
What is Hybrid Mobile App
A hybrid application (hybrid app) is one that combines elements of both native and Web applications. To discuss the technical aspect of Hybrid mobile apps, these are designed with a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is accessible due to the combined elements of native and web and due to this feature, Hybrid app can be easily deployed across multiple platforms.
Why To Choose Hybrid App
  • Reduced cost of development across multiple platforms
  • Retain full use of device features
  • Easy maintenance
  • Offline working
  • Access to device data
Mobile marketing has become a vital part of any marketing strategy. The hybrid app comes with many benefits but has its own set of limitations as well, despite it covers certain challenges, on-going development in the technology is coming up with solutions to overcome them. At Techugo, we take pride in developing the hybrid mobile apps for the  leading brands to startups and our mobile app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of mobile app solution for your business needs, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our team of top mobile app designers is here to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. 
“You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.”
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Political App Development

To initiate the significance of political apps can never be confined to a few words, it has been proven its worth time and again and marked a bridge to cater the issues of citizens to political pundits in a less chaotic way. The very first time the mobile app technology was embedded with a political party, was in the year 2008 by President Obama for his presidential run, where Mr. President organized a person’s iPhone contacts to enable supporters to call any friends located in important electoral districts, the app also featured a donation interface, news feeds, local campaign events, and a list of Obama’s positions on major issues. Sooner the mobile app development spread like a wildfire and other politicians and political groups around the globe, developed apps to advance their issues.
In the digital era of today, the mobile apps for the political parties can be recommended for the following reasons:
  • Awareness- Creates political agenda much clearer to the public and spread the awareness
  • Fundraising – Increase contributions
  • Message – Easily accessible to everyone
  • Engagement – Increase supporter’s engagement
  • Media – Increase positive media engagement and coverage
  • Educate – Educate public about issues, events, and party goals
  • Social media – Expand social interaction
  • Surveys – Utilize opt-in surveys to find out what issues are important to constituents
  • A Sound Medium Of Interaction
The best way to reach and listen to one’s views is through interaction, but sadly, politicians who work according to the views and opinions of the public, are unable to reach all of them at  the same time. Politicians can’t rely upon their party representative or offices to communicate with their potential followers, and it turns more relevant during the election times. Political candidates need to express their ideas, discuss and seal partnerships, so they require a medium to share all the essential information with their voters, in such scenario a mobile app for their political party, acts as a blessing, where they can reshape how politicians communicate, raise money and get out the vote
  • A Great Tool For A Candidate
A political career graph of a candidate can surge up if there is transparency in his plans and goals for the country. A candidate is needed to be vocal about his values, background, for the identification purpose of his supporters since the supporters want to experience a connection with their leader. A mobile app for the political party or, for the particular political leader provides the candidate’s history, his professional political career, experience, accomplishments, etc., while social media connectors can be a window into his day-to-day activities.  It is not useful during the campaigning time only, even when the elected leader chooses the mobile app platform to discuss the public’s concerns and understand the community’s needs, an app can be as much a communication tool as a means to collect precious data to get ahead in the polls, fair and square, just for the instance Indian Prime Minister Mr. Modi chose to get an unbiased review of the nation regarding the recent commendable demonetization step and it created a stir in the nation, as the public got an open platform to share their valuable feedback directly with their PM.
  • Share Your Agenda
A mobile app for the political parties can weave an inseparable fabric of trust and values between a political party and the public. Through the mobile app, the local public can learn more about their favorite political party’s upcoming agenda or event. A mobile app lets the political representatives promote their upcoming events through a Calendar section and can schedule on their agenda, with a description of the event, the exact address, and other relevant information. For the later stage, the detailed reports of events can be published for the app users through an article or video to let the people know the party’s upcoming goal and benefits oozing from it.
  • How To Make The Political App Engaging
A mobile app for the political parties can be tricky if not handled wisely since it can grab or distract the users, based on the user experience if it is not pleasant enough. There are a few aspects you need to take care of while creating a mobile app for the political parties:
  • UI and UX of the mobile app needs to be unique
  • Make the features useful and entertaining with animation or emoticons
Apart from the technical view, there are a few non-technical aspects as well, which ought to be a part of every political mobile app. The following are the non-technical features:
  • Let public use the app to ask questions before an event, post photos
  • Offer the relevant news, in the form of Articles, Videos or even Audio sections
  • Make the app not merely focusing on delivering news about the party or the event, but also include the issues that are useful to the community in general
  • People are busy with their day-to-day tasks and don’t get enough time to open their mobile app frequently, therefore Push Notifications are essential for the long life of a mobile app. These notifications can be utilized to make important announcements or just to invite users to access the latest content posted on the app
  • A live chat section, within the app, brings the public closer to their political party and understand each other in a much better way.
The main agenda of any political party is to reach out to the public and share their agenda and beliefs for the development of the nation. App development has the potential to significantly influence democracy and mobile apps are reshaping how people learn about politics and interact with their elected officials. Politicians can reach out to the right audience at the right time and can help the people to come together and achieve their goal.
At Techugo, we take pride in developing the mobile apps for a leading political party in India and our political app development team  has the expertise to create a unique  variety of political application for your party, which would help you to showcase your idea, goal, and dream in the most informative and engaging way. Our of top mobile app development company is here to help assist you with every step of your political app development strategy. We consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market apps in the best possible way. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo 


mobile app privacyWith the ongoing mobile apps passion, people love to flood their mobile memory with all sorts of mobile apps. Mobile apps are a tradition these days rather than being a simple trend since mobile apps turn useful for the most productive task accomplishment and provide us knowledge, location, entertainment and many other things, which would cover the page if I would start to pen down. Apart from providing some of the greatest convenience, the loophole is that Smartphone apps can also invade your mobile app privacy.
Find it shocking? Yes, it is shocking and scary as well, but the harsh core fact is that apps can track your web habits, look into your contact list, track your location, and examine your files and more. They can also automatically send information such as location data to mobile ad networks. Once an ad network receives the personal information, then a hocus-pocus recipe of your genuine profile is served to the marketing companies.
How to protect yourself
After reading the first section, the first thing which has come in your mind is that how can you protect yourself and still enjoy the mobile apps privacy on your phone. So the answer is that there is no way to know whether apps are indeed sending your info to third parties, but you can protect your privacy with precautions, handled on time.
  • Be extra cautious while giving Permission
You must know that not a single app shouts clearly to invade your privacy, but they ask for permissions, such as a single-player game asks for permissions to send SMS messages, which is a clear warning sign since a game app does not require any need to send text messages. Just don’t simple tap on agreeing on the button, but handle wisely the permission section.
  • Your personal information
The “Read contact data” permission presents the actual privacy issues since it means the apps can view all of your contact information. Although, this information is highly needed by some of the apps, such as social networking apps, Skype, and many others, to function, so be a smart reader and then click the button.
  • Storage
Many apps such as camera, music, file management, seek the permission “Modify/delete SD card contents” but in many other apps, where it is not relevant, it turns out to be a potential privacy risks, because it allows the app to write information to your SD card, and access the data from it as well. 
  • Your location
Apart from the GPS-based app or network based app, seek your location details, never give it, since that would be a way to invade your privacy through your location identification. You can ensure the privacy from the above-mentioned steps, but for the existing or updated apps, your privacy is still on a stake but you can still be saved just by opting for few simple steps. Have a look :
For Android Device
  • To access the App Permissions settings
  • Select Settings
  • Select Apps
  • Tap on the icon to Configure Apps
  • Select App Permissions (here you would find a list of each permission)
To play safe, you can also turn off your phone’s location services.
  • Tap the Menu key
  • Select Settings
  • Select location
  • Turn it Off
It would turn off all location tracking, but you would also not be able to use any location services. Although you can turn on this service by installing a home screen widget that lets you turn services on and off. For the update part, you should check the permissions for the updated version, since there might be chances that the developer has changed the set of permission in the updated version.
For iOS
Apple is quite sophisticated with its security aspect. While reviewing every app, Apple verifies the minuscule details about the app. The hectic and rigid process of reviewing does work in favor of iOS apps. On the other hand, the liberty given to developers is very limited in iOS device, which improves the iOS app’s security. Although there are iOS apps which request to access your personal data, so here again, you have to play the safe game of reviewing the app reviews.
  • Do the proper research
Before you install an app, you need to keep in mind few important things and consider below-mentioned suggestions:
  • Number of downloads, app has got
  • Permissions- which set of permission the app seeks
  • Check the reviews app has received
Smartphone adoption would continue more in the future and apps from all the major platforms would go through the threat of privacy invasion less or more and users must be extra careful to protect their information being invaded by the unwanted elements. Undoubtedly, the mobile ecosystem is complex and multi-faceted, but the challenges for the ordinary users can be minimized by the simple evaluation of mobile apps’ security and privacy risks.
“We are a Techugo - Top Mobile Application Development Company in India. If you have got an idea of a secure and well-functioning mobile app, then you can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.”
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

Friday, December 9, 2016


top mobile app development company

The trail of fragrances kept on following me, since the time I entered the Middle-East pavilion in international trade fair. My sole reason to bear the mayhem of different people around the world in international trade fair was to buy the wonderful and exclusive perfume and attar range from Middle-East. I love fragrance and my love has bloomed further with experience of the exotic fragrances from all the top brands of perfume manufacturers around the world. I am fragrance aficionado and I think every girl is, we all love luminous fragrances coupled with fabulous accessories.  Let’s not divert to the full fledged coverage of perfume and girls, let’s resume, where I left…It was already 2:30 pm and since I knew I was running late due to my never-ending responsibilities of CTO profile with Techugo – a top mobile app development company (I mentioned my company, since astonishingly, I laaahv (sic) my job a lot), I had to almost run at the Olympic speed to the pavilion, which was set at the other corner of the world from the parking area. I reached and almost in the midst of puff and blow I asked the pavilion owner for my favorite ‘Senora for Women’ by Ajmal, and he instantly picked my favorite perfume bottle in that most beautiful violet shade, then suddenly I eyed on another perfume bottle of some different brand in the mid-row of the pavilion table, and it was a wonderful perfume from Arabian Ouds and was simply mesmerizing, I did not waste the time to pick it also and then being highly excited, the pavilion owner, kept few more bottles in front of me and started showing me the testers.
My Job Helped
I could not resist the fragrance oozing from the tester bottles, but had to stop at two only, since did not want to be laden back from my budget crisis at mid of the month, I gently told him, “no, will buy later,” on which I got a static reply in the typical gulf accented English from him, ”Ma’am, some of these perfumes are not even available online but are very popular, so buy now, else you would have to wait till next year.” On hearing this, the actual CTO from a top mobile app development company in India, awaken within me and I could not resist myself from asking him, “Are you sure, now everything has an online presence” and he interrupted me in between and said, “Agree, but many perfume owners are selling their products through third-party shopping carts and don’t have their own website or mobile app in my city.” After formal exchanging of our business cards, he showed me his website and asked for my review, hesitantly I told him about the flaws and he accepted whole-heartedly by saying, that there are not many good web designers in his city in the UAE and asked for revamping his website…I was confused since I came to spend but surprisingly I grabbed a business deal. Although, it was a glad-tiding affair, but I was somehow, not sure enough with the aspect that not many perfume brands have a valid online presence in Middle-East, so to comprehend the scenario more clearly and before to start with the perfume project website revamp, I decided to pick my own set of research to get a clear picture of the perfume industry in the Middle- East.
Global Hub of Perfume Creations
It would not be wrong to say, in spite of sharing the space with the international perfume brands: Yves Saint Laurent, Prada, Gucci, Dior, Versace and many more, yet the perfumes and attar range from  the Middle East region is unavoidable. It has become a legendary destination for fine fragrances and exotic ouds, attracting the international and national buyers more frantically. The fragrance industry was calculated for 19.6 percent of the Middle East and Africa’s beauty and wellness market in 2014, with a retail value of $5 billion for the year, according to global analysts Euromonitor International (EMI) and the sector is expected to post an annual growth rate of 6.3 percent to be worth $6.4 billion in 2018. Saudi Arabia and UAE are the two leading markets in the gulf region, followed by the upcoming markets in Bahrain, Oman and Qatar.  The fragrance sale in the UAE was recorded $401 million in 2014 according to EMI and is expected to grow 5 percent annually to reach $485.5 million by 2018.
International Brands In The Perfume Industry
It is surprisingly interesting that the most of the international perfume brands work and adapt the gulf consumer closely, and have introduced the customized and modified some of their exclusive product range to fit in gulf culture. While travelling, you can easily encounter the Arabian-style glass bottles carrying the brands, such as: Clive Christian, Armani Prive and Tom Ford. The particular range is developed specifically for this gulf region, and they are able to make an impressive impact over the local perfume industry in the region, since the local perfume manufacturers are struggling to achieve their international ambitions because they do not comply with global marketing requirement and lack of online presence.
Perfumes Are No More A Luxury
The Arab world has a strong connection with the fragrances from religious to social platforms and perfumes are used as a mainstream component in the cosmetics, and personal care industry, people use this essential as a trend of appearance and personal care, part of pride, self reliance, and confidence. In the Gulf, the fragrance industry has a strong representation, perfumes or attar is developed from Agarwood and oil that can compete with the western perfumes which are produced from flowers. Perfume industry is driven by the consumer’s unique cultural attitude to “fragrance” and luckily fragrance industry in gulf, has created an uncritical concept of fragrance from their production.
Marketing Mechanism
The Arab world is the land of mysteries, beauty, food, fragrance, adventure and many more glorious aspects, to be associated with it. While researching about the perfume industry in the Gulf, I found numerous and wonderful perfume brand names and resented not to try them at all, but was appalled to know, they don’t have a worthy online presence, maybe this had been a reason for my negligence. The digital revolution has shrunk the globe and has made every product made available at our fingertips, but except a few of the top perfume brands in the gulf region, none has the online presence on mobile app or a worthy website. The digital existence is the robust marketing mechanism for any industry to go global and access the consumers at any point of the day, regardless of their time zone. My job as a CTO in the top web & mobile app development company – Techugo, has given me an opportunity to meet numerous clients across the globe, who have been unable to scale top on the chart of revenue generation, just due to the lack of mobile app or a valid website, which could exemplify their products’ visibility to the consumer’s across the globe.
How Online Presence Helps
Dealing with the challenges of daily life, it turns almost impossible for us to plan a trip frequently, visit the website, or pick the products from the physical stores. We all need a compact and convenient solution for our needs and Smartphone is the answer for the same. We can access the mobile app and make shopping at any time, at anywhere and without disturbing our demanding schedule. A perfect mobile app or a refined website version for the perfume brands in the UAE can get the advantage of being highly accessible to the consumers across the world, and would make their product a worthy brand with the online presence.
We at Techugo– a top mobile app development company, have already catered to various eCommerce platforms, such as: fashion, restaurant, perfume, hotel, travel & taxi, with our top mobile app development services and have revamped the websites for some bigger and top-notch brands across the world. If you also have a concept for your eCommerce sector, you can get in touch with our team. I assure you that we are the top web & mobile app developers in India and all over the world and your concept discussion with us, would help you to gain a better insight of your requirement to fit your business requirement.
You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...