Tuesday, February 27, 2018

How To Write A Winning App Description For A Successful Mobile App

A mobile app has to go through various stages and development is not just the end, but a start of a new chapter for the mobile app, where it begins its journey of convincing the users to download it.
You would be surprised to know that there is one most important factor, which makes the mobile app users stay, check and convert that stay into a download, and that is none other than Your app's description…

Yes, it might sound so astonishing and different to you, but actually this is the fact, that your app description helps your mobile app to get sold eventually, so don’t take the app description lightly or casually, but it needs a series of creativity and passion invested together to brush up the last stroke of selling tactic.

When a mobile app goes through the vigorous development process, every inch of it goes through a complete overhaul so it can come up to the expectation and the standard of users and trust me it is not as easy as it sounds, but it has to go through a severe transformation every passing minute to come out with flying colors.

The role of a mobile app developer is beyond your imagination since they give a reality platform to your app concept, but sadly the efforts invested in the mobile app can go wasted if no users come to download your app.

It is indeed a horrific situation to think about even, but you need to be much aware with this fact so you can take the required measures to rectify the situation, before it turns into a disaster for your mobile app and one of the most suitable measures to handle this need is by writing a good app description .

Why App Description Matters

App description works as a window a synopsis, an extract or a trailer for your mobile app, which gives enough reasons to the users to download the mobile app.

Worth to mention when users find your mobile app in the respective stores, the first thing which catches their attention, after the screenshots, is the app description, which is followed by the reviews.
Thus if you want your mobile app to get downloaded and appreciated at its best, then a good app description is much required.

Are you not aware how to write that sizzling and eye-catching app description? No need to worry, that’s why we are here today, to help you write a befitting app description for your mobile app so it can become hugely popular…just let's explore further…

App Description Must Be Captivating

I know it is a hard task to accomplish because whether it is Apple or Google Play, both have their own word limits, for instance:

Google Play, allows 80 characters preview field for the short description and for the Full Description, it gives you 4000 characters limit.

Whereas, Apple let’s 170 word limit for short description and for the long description the limit is 4000 characters only.

So getting a captivating app description falling into this word-limit set is something very demanding and needs extra care to be given.

The very first sentence of your app description must have the power to attract that targeted audience base without a fail.

Keep It Succinct

Your app description is something which has the word limit and it means clearly that you cannot go evasive about your approach and you have to use the words a very limited and accurate form.
Thus you need to understand what the main purpose of your mobile app is and how it can be written in the shortest and engaging form.

Don’t Talk About The Bushes

Your app description must cut-short the chaos of writing that we are a US-based company, directly hop on the main objective of the app, and make sure that you write only the benefits users would get from your mobile app.

Don’t make your app description pot-holes filled road to reach your ios application development, by mentioning the features, rather you should focus on writing the features in a way, that it can reflect the app’s usability to the users.

With this approach when you publish your mobile app on the stores, then the users’ attention is captured largely by your mobile app.

Remember your app description would help you to get noticed by the targeted audience, thus it is highly recommended to insert every possible discoverability factor in your app description and help it to gain success.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

How To Make Your Content Go Viral

A healthy content and its popularity largely depend on various factor, which ranges from quality to the engaging factor, and in between this range, there are many other segments which complete the process accomplished fully.

Your content can only go viral, only if your readers find it engaging enough.

Then what are the aspects which help your content to gain popularity…the answer to this question has many different versions, and one of the most obvious ones says that in order to make your content go viral, you must make it ENGAGING…

OOPS, I got your point, but unable to understand how to create it????  L
It is one of the most obvious questions raised by the marketers, since capturing the market with the best possible techniques, is always at the top of their minds, and abandoning the most crucial part of the marketing – Content is nothing less than a sin.

With this post, I am going to bring your attention towards some the best-practiced measures, to help you win the users’ hearts, so let’s read ahead…

Create A Community

The most beautiful aspect of the content is that it contains the power of the word, which can withdraw or attract anybody’s attention if used correctly.

If you are good enough in playing along with your words, then please make sure to create some posts, where you let the readers come up with certain inputs to share…

It can be in the form of tweets, hashtags or even the comment as well, but by doing this, you would give the authority to the users to voice their opinion through your content.

Be A Listener

The best conversationalist always turns out to be a great listener, so here you need to follow the same trick, you merely not need to be a writer or a speaker, who would only throw his/her opinion, but you also need to play ALL EARS to your readers’ comments.

Even if some harsh words are written there, don’t feel offended, but try to address the situation, this would not just help you build a loyal community but you also reflect to your users that how much you do care about their opinions.

Include Videos

I know it doesn't sound anything unusual to you, but believe me, this is one of the best ways to make your users stay hooked to your content.

Now the question comes, how to integrate the video within a written content, so here is the solution…
Let your blog filled with the pertinent videos related to that blog’s content, and make sure it is placed at one of the most attention-catching places within the blog.

Recruit Audience

It sounds so interesting to know that you can recruit audience as well to read your content…yes this is very much possible and you need to stay alert and active both to help this process comes into reality.

The moment you start your posting your blogs on different blogging websites, then don’t expect your audience ratio to explode, because there are very clear indication which suggests that your audience can not only on the blogging sites, but there are other social media channels as well where your targeted and potential set of audience is, thus it is very important to bring all the audience to your blog, you must utilize the different micro blogging websites to help you in finding the audience.

Don’t Speak But Talk

No, I am not aiming to be a grammar nazi to make you fall into searching out the difference between speak and talk.. J

But just for a quick introduction speak is more a formal and is supposed to be a one way of communication whereas talk, serves the complete opposite process.
Hoping back to my topic, in your blog piece it should clearly state that you are talking with your readers and trying to help them understand every bit of your writing in the simplest and the easiest way.

These techniques if followed well can help your content to score a well-deserving recognition and would make your users stay engaged with your content…
Content marketing strategies are proven worthy for every business domain and app technology is also not an exception in this league, but if you want your mobile app to be developed by one of the top mobile app development companies, then you must get in touch with leading iPhone application development company only.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Essentials For Successful Content Marketing

It is no more a secret that to enhance your business ranking the role of content marketing, which is an integral part of the SEO, cannot be avoided. Content marketing helps in various ways, whether it is making your business outreach to a larger audience or ranking your business on Google's first page, content marketing helps in every aspect.

The best part about content marketing is that it works on every business, regardless of genre and size of your business, either you are an enterprise or offering the mobile app development services, content marketing fits the bill for all business types.

Readers all across the globe love to read more about your business and its offerings and get a source to explore more about your services, yet it is noticed widely that many businesses have ample number of blogs, articles, small posts and every other content on the internet, but yet there are almost non-existent crowd and readers and it turns out to be a concern.

Then there must be a series of measures, which must be taken in order to make the content marketing works exactly as per the expectations of the marketers…to combat this issue and give a fool-proof solution this issue, here we have brought this post to help you find the essentials for a successful content marketing.

Essential #1
Make It Entertaining

Yes, this is the very essential, which you need to keep in mind, and must not forget…which says keep your posts entertaining. Well on reading this, many marketers raise eyebrows, since there are certain topics and the business expertise, which need some serious attention and there cannot be an entertainment dose given to it…right? No absolutely wrong….

The very first misconception you need to get rid of your mind is, that attention has to be drawn towards your content, and it can happen out of the fluke…

Even if your business is most interesting and is offering the best of the world services to the users, yet you need to create the writings which do complete justice to your business concept while providing the content to the users in a different way, it should not be boring and lengthy.

To make this strategy work, first, understand your users’ type and write the content into smaller paragraphs, which are easy to understand.

Use the real-time examples, to help the users to relate to your content, use easy language, and if using any tough word, then explain, so your users don’t require to take the help of tutorial to understand your content.

Essential #2
Clear the purpose of writing

You are writing with a sole aim to boost your business's online visibility...then hang on…because your writings must dictate not just your business offerings, but how these offerings can help in improving the issues faced by the users.

The purpose of your writing must revolve around solving the users’ issues through the services provide…as a basic idea, your writing must not dictate as a piece of advertisement for your users, but it should be a window, through which your users can peek in to find out the available solutions to address their issues.

Essential #3
Keep Evolving

Content marketing might sound very easy to some of you considering the platform behind it, but unlike it sounds, its a very much deep-linked strategy, which has the power to bring or shoo away the users.

Thus it is highly recommended that you keep evolving with your content marketing plan and keep giving your users sufficient reasons to stay hooked on your services.

I personally follow series of measures to address this issue, sometimes I change the font, the headings and sometimes the complete writing style, to bring uniqueness into my writings.

You need to bring the innovation and to make it happen, make sure to study your user type and their requirements closely.

Following these tactics, your content marketing not just become hit, but receive a huge round of applause and appreciation form the readers…so what are you waiting for get your content marketing strategies re-worked upon to attain a favorable and most cherished result.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Why Your Tourism Industry Needs To Have A Mobile App Platform

An app is nothing uncommon or exceptional considering the demand and the existence of mobile apps in the current era. You name the need and there is an app for it, this is a very common aspect in today’s time, where the most of our demands for the services are largely get accomplished through the app platform.

We all know that every single industry has beautifully captured every possible industry and luckily mobile app has not just brought the convenience but also it has helped to bridge down the distances between services and its targeted audience. 

Today, we are going to discuss the benefits tourism industry can avail from the mobile app technology and how it carries the maximum potential for the tourism sector.

Don’t trust me…but I would only recommend you to read ahead and explore yourself the number of benefits mobile app technology has to offer to tourism industry…let’s read ahead…

§      Offers A Customized Solution

Travelling plans are not always fixed with a-z, but there are travelers who want certain services to be customized as per their taste and needs, in such scenario a mobile app comes for the rescue, and offer a platform to the tourism sector to provide a customized solution to the travelers, like accommodation, airline booking, hotel etc…

§       Bring The Travel Destinations In Limelight

There are many travel destinations which are worthy to be recognized but are not much popular with the tourist, due to the lack of marketing, but a mobile app helps the undisclosed and unexplored travel destinations to get promoted through the mobile app platform and gain instant popularity.
With the app platform, users can explore much about these destinations and get a feel for what these destinations, in reality, has to offer.

§        Easy Booking Process

This is one of the most favorable benefit tourism mobile app has to offer, where the travelers can make the booking with few taps on their Smartphone sitting at their own convenience. Users can take a look, match and get the best destination suiting their traveling destination, wherein every single task or the action would be carried out under one roof effortlessly.

§       Increases Sales Cycle

Every tourism industry offers a set of offers and discounts on several offered packages to allure a big chunk of users, but usually, this set of offers and discounts go unnoticed or are noticed when the time has already passed, due to the negligible resources to promote these events.

A mobile app comes to the rescue and a big-time reliever here, which allows the users to access the seasonal discounts/ offers to get easily noticed and responded by the selected and the targeted audience.

The users get the updates about the offers made by the service provider through push-notification and in return users can avail the services as per their convenience.

§       Give A Real View of The Destination

The app technology has gone to the net level of creativity and with the introduction of VR and AR technology, now users can get an insight of what their traveling destination actually looks like in advance and can explore more about the destination before heading towards the trip.

These are some of the benefits a mobile app has to offer to your tourism business, but the only point you need to keep in mind is that you must select a top mobile app development company in Abu Dhabi to craft a best possible app solution for your business needs.

The reason why I am advocating the point to select a top mobile app development company in Abu Dhabi because the app development market is full of different mobile app development options and picking one out of the large pool, is really a task.

The selection of the app development company for your app solution has to be done carefully while considering the technical expertise and the exposure your potential app development company has to offer, failing to consider these aspects, you end up hiring an app development company not the app development partner, which can only bring harm to your mobile app concept dream then bringing any good.

Thus it is highly recommended to check every inch of your potential app development company and make the right decision for your mobile app concept.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

How To Make Your Laundry App Stand Out In The Crowd

Life halts for a working professional, when the news of dirty laundry breaks at the end of the day. No I am not at all sarcastic, and being a working professional myself, I know the hardship one has to bear while cleaning the dirty laundry which not just come in countable pieces, but in a form of pile by the weekend, where a bigger chunk of life is wasted not invested in washing the laundry in big wash-dryer machines.

Let's be honest, this practice is tiring and somewhere down our brain creates a huge burden, which we want to avoid to the best since it interferes largely with the big plans made ahead in our lives, and we find the best ways to handle and get escaped from this situation.

To answer this situation and help you manage your life technology has blessed the best possible medium in the form of laundry app.

Laundry app???  the very first question comes how does it work and help you.

A laundry app is basically a channel for the small-medium size laundry business, with an app, a bridge is created between the customers and the laundry service providers, which in return offers a great revenue to the laundry service providers and customers receive a flood of convenience at their fingertips touch.

But every laundry app does not become a huge success just because of its concept, but there is a huge deal of features and functionalities which need to be imbibed together to make the laundry app works for you.

Here I have mentioned a few of the most significant features, which must be a part of your laundry app to make it successful and go bigger. Let’s take a look…

A Single Tap Request

Don’t make the app UX in a way, where the customer will have to cross many borders to place a simple request.

Remember the rule, an app is developed for the convenience of the users, and they opt to pick the laundry services though app when they are already in rush. So make sure your app offers a simple tap request, which your users can perform even while locking their doors.

A Simple Login Page

When you design a laundry app, your main focus should remain to the app login page, from where the users access your mobile app, so it needs to have a registration page, which only asks for relevant information, like name, address, email Id and phone number.

Anything beyond this set of information only irks the users and they feel highly dejected to use your mobile app any further.

An Order Tracking Feature

Laundry app is one of the most popular versions of on-demand app verticals, and this genre specifically work on GPS technology, so no prize for guessing, GPS needs to be an integral part of laundry app, so the app users can track their order, and keep an eye on when and where their orders are been taken.

This feature turns out to be a blessing for the service providers as well, where they can keep a track on what is delivered and what is yet to be done.

App Reminders

I think this feature works perfectly for the setting of working people when they do get reminded of their clothes to be given for wash.

This feature would not just be a perfect call or the customers, but it would also create a balanced cycle where the clothes would be dropped and picked at the right time, eradicating any chance of MISSED-IT feeling in the event of the hectic schedule.

Creating A Clear List

I once used laundry service in a hotel, where it mentioned washing, and I presumed it to be containing ironing and folding as well, but I received my clothes in washed condition only, I took it as my mistake, where I should have asked the hotel services, but within an app, you cannot expect your customers to be well-learnt and assume that they would understand everything on their own.
Thus make sure that every service is clearly mentioned with any special charge or the sub-services to be a part of it.

Easy Payment Mode

What you need to understand that every app user does not come to your app with happy past experience, and some of them are just trying first to access your services and find the difference. Thus don’t be rigid with your payment modes, make sure that your services come with different payment options, like; COD or online payment.

Your flexibility in payment receiving would help your app and business to grab a larger user base effortlessly.

Cost Calculator

There can be numerous events where your users would prefer different services at one time only, so to help that set of customers, ensure that your app consists of cost calculator, wherein your users can calculate the estimated value of their opted services and place an order in accordance with.

Push Notification

The set of push notification which works best for your laundry app, states that you inform your users, that when you want to update your users with the information like the delivery boy is out to pick or drop clothes, and also if there is any offer and seasonal discount you want to provide to your users.

The combination of technology with our day-to-day demands, has opened a new door of possibilities and innovation to take place, and this league is well carried by the app technology, but something which remains highly important is the selection of a top mobile app development company, which has the required expertise and the technical exposure to handle your app requirement efficiently.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

How To Expedite Your App Development Process

My app is still in process, it has crossed the delivery timeline long ago, I don’t know how long more my app will take to get developed…these are some of the most common statements which we all get to hear from the people surrounding us, and it leaves us with one doubt to live with forever that does the app always get delayed?

Indeed the app delay is nothing but a concern, which needs to be addressed with a plan to execute the best ever policies to make the app get delivered on time.

But how to make it happen, because every single aspect of the app development is filled with the technology, and a most common belief suggests that something which echoes the technology can never be paced up fast, because a little haste play with technology, may lead to something catastrophic.

Getting your app delayed is something which is quite common and largely happens due to the halt which occurs in-between resulted from the technical hiccups, thus expecting the series of delay while utilizing any new technology, is something which is common and is expected.

But you don’t need to worry, there are ways which can really help your app development process to get expedited and nothing gets hampered, and in return, you receive a mobile app faster and no delays.

Here I have mentioned a number of steps if taken into consideration, can change the development time for your mobile app on a fast-track journey.

Grab A Hold On Wireframe

The wireframe works just like a blueprint for your mobile app, which lets you get a pre-planned strategy and give you a clear understanding of what your app needs to plan ahead by the team members involved in the app project.

The wireframe of the app works as a guidance tool for your team, which would help them to proceed with the step-by-step plan and keeping everyone involved in the app project to be on the same page.

Pick Native App Platform

Many times, it has been noticed that when a client approaches the mobile app development company, then most of the app development companies, come up with a pre-defined option to be suggested to the client, of Hybrid app development.

I seriously have no idea, that what makes the app development companies suggest the option of Hybrid, but eventually the perfect app platform for the app development is Native only.
Although there are numerous reasons which make Native mobile apps to take an edge over the Hybrid mobile app, out of which please find below some of the most obvious reasons to pick the native mobile app, please take a look:
  •   Lots of design options
  •   Optimal utilization of hardware and operating system
  •  Wonderful App Performance Speed
  • Gives more control on the size, resolution and even orientation on every device
  •   Cuts in development time and increases the odds of fixing the nastiest of bugs 
  •   Native apps are natural extensions of the platform that smell, look and feel like the default     apps
  •   It helps to utilize the specific functionality as well as design patterns like zoom and multi-touch, back button location vary according to the devices

I hope this all can help you a bit to understand the advantages Native Mobile app has to offer.

Security Testing

The violation of the security is the concern, which disturbs the every business owner and the users, and is one of the most vital concerns of the mobile app developers when they choose to develop the app.

The app has to be worked upon many aspects and security is the major point, to be worked upon, so the app needs to be reviewed from every possible angle for any type of welcoming security threats.
In an expedited process, the app needs to rely majorly on the automated testing and if possible then let the manual testing also happen simultaneously.

Focus on MVP

It is a very obvious fact that every business owner wants to integrate the best possible functionalities and the features in the app to gain the attention of the users, but the more number of functionalities always lead to a maximum time to be consumed on the app development process.

Thus, if you are looking for the faster app development process, then you need to work only on the most significant app features, which can help the end-users to understand the app functionality and compliment your business revenue generation goals, rest of the features should be kept as a part of the next app version release.

This strategy would serve two purposes: first your app would be built a little faster and second, by keeping only a few and relevant features you can get a great grasp on what your users actually are looking for and according to their choice and preference, you would be able to modulate the app features and functionalities as per the taste of end-users.

These are some of the steps if you consider and integrate into your app, then believe me your app would not just get developed on the faster mode but you would also be able to release your app on time to meet your business revenue goals.

Also, worth to mention the role of a right Android application Development Company plays the BIGGERR role in this league, wherein they can understand your app requirement and build a mobile app fitting to your business goals without leaving any stone unturned to create an impeccable app piece fitting and accomplishing your business goals.

Indeed there is a pool of Android App Development Companies uae, but you need to pick only the leading app development company which has the sufficient online presence, impressive client list, positive reviews and most importantly the required technical exposure and experience to handle your app requirement.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

App Marketing Mistakes Can Cost You App Success Forever

Staining your business with the ill-marketing strategies is nothing, but a nightmare, and not a single business would prefer to live up to it. The ill or poor marketing strategies often give a rosy image at the initiation, but it always ends up in the despair and agony relenting from every wall of your business.

Have you ever seen any single business surviving with the most gruesome marketing strategies? I can bet you would never have, but as they say, we humans always look for the logic and reasoning before accepting anything, thus my writing comes into existence, wherein I am going to mention herewith that what all you must keep at the arm’s length.

Reading the real-time incidents and the marketing crashes which kill the app, tempted me to pen down today’s writing, which only relates to the fact that what all you need to avoid to have a successful app marketing strategies…

Although there are many factors, which have to be considered fully to make a healthy marketing bridge for your mobile app, but in this writing, I am going to be vocal about certain important segments which affect the marketing largely, so without wasting any further moment, let’s take a look…

Exaggerating The App’s Features

Your app’s features need to be discussed with the targeted users but in a controlled manner, not the manipulated one. You don’t need to give a shout to those features or functionalities, which are not even the part of your mobile app development services in the marketing game.

Your users are smart and have many options available to them, thus don’t give your users a reason to get aversion from the mobile app and choose something from what your competitors have to offer.
If your app, does not feature some functionality then don’t boast it off, just to grab the targeted audience's attention, because it might make your audience to download your app, but on no finding the features available in your app, they would not leave a moment behind to uninstall your app and would leave some of the most acerbic comments on your app, which would further vilify your brand image and users would never find you loyal.

I suggest picking only the available features and functionalities in the mobile app and promoting them in the marketing strategies, this can further be done by showing the relevant app video and teaser to the targeted audience to grab their attention.

Avoiding The App Reviews

You can never deny that we buy or pick something on getting a social proof for everything and when it comes to a mobile app, you cannot buy or download even the free app, after reading the reviews about it.

It is quite obvious and I think we all can relate to this situation, where the significance of positive reviews for the better and hassle-free marketing journey, can never be given a skip. Your existing users if find your app engaging and informative, they would always leave a positive review, but if they find any bug/crashes or any other disturbing element in the app, they would not just abandon the app, but would also leave a bad word about your app, seeing which your other potential app users may get affected.

Thus, it is very vital to keep a note on the reviews and make them healthy so they can allure the potential users.

Not Getting A Promotional Website

If you live with this misconception that solely your app can do wonders for you, then you need to be awake and need to understand that there is a term which is popularly known as pre-app launch marketing and giving a nudge to pre-app launch marketing strategies, make you lose a big time in the app market success.

The promotional website works best for this system, which works gives a smart sneak-peak to your users about your app, through the app video teasers and the screen-shots which would be reflected on the promotional website, and would give enough reasons to your targeted audience to fall in love with your app.

As discussed earlier, this indeed is not the exhaustive list of app marketing DO ’s, but are some of the most relevant ones, which you cannot afford to miss.

I personally suggest you to get indulged into healthy app marketing strategies for before and after the app launch and trust me this methodology really works in the favor of your mobile app to make it more successful.

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...