Tuesday, May 15, 2018

How Users’ Feedback Help Your Mobile App

A mobile app’s success largely depends on the users’ preference and the feedback they share on your mobile app…User feedback, which might sound an automated aspect on your mobile app, can eventually help your mobile app to gain success and thus it is highly significant for your mobile app to control the behavior of your users so some great feedback can be taken onto your mobile app platform.

You would be surprised to know that users’ feedback is highly significant for your mobile app, and it triggers the success rate for your mobile app to a large extent.

Now you must be wondering why and how????

Hmmm., a very obvious question, and to answer you on this, I have come up here today with this post…just read ahead and explore the ways feedback can actually shoot your mobile app’s success…
Customer Satisfaction is the key to success for your mobile app development, with a feedback you steer your product roadmap to make the changes your mobile app is in dire need of making, instead of juggling with what exactly went wrong with my mobile app…and also with the right set of mobile app feedback strategies, you can explore the functional and the engaging app product for your users.
Also, the feedback helps your mobile app to…

ü  Create a successful milestone plan
ü  Work and implement the changes in accordance with the users’ taste
ü  Help you gain more monetary benefits
ü  Your business gets more positive feedback to gain more number of users

Apart from this, when you decide to work on your users’ feedback, it ultimately creates a loyalty and trust factor between you and your users, and they start building a relationship with your services, which consequently leads to better revenue growth for your business.

You only need to compliment your mobile app feedback strategy with the right functionalities and the features with an efficient app development process, so your users would cherish the app experience for longer.

Monday, May 7, 2018

App Launch Mistakes Which You Must Avoid

Your app concept is marvelous, your app development process was accomplished by a leading mobile application development company, you invested your time and effort in the app development, but now it is the time for the official launch of the app, and you have every reason in the world to feel nervous about the app launch.

Yes, it is a very common aspect, that if certain points are mistaken, or taken for granted during the app launch strategy then the entire cycle of efforts and the passion invested on the app platform, will go waste and will help your mobile app to get rejected from its targeted audience.

Thus it is highly recommended that you must take care of certain aspects during the app launch and avoid certain mistakes to be a part of the app launch strategy.

Now you must be confused that which app launch mistakes am I referring to…then you don’t need to get tensed any further, and you must read ahead….

ü  Don’t skip targeted users’ market and their specific demands

ü  Delaying the app marketing for no specific reasons

ü  Crafting a poorly designed mobile app, which is highly complicated for the users to use

ü  Not giving importance to app launch strategies

ü  Not picking a leading app development company like Techugo, which can help your mobile app to become a success through its experts and skills

If you consider these points while launching your mobile app, then believe me your mobile app concept will turn into a huge success and will beat the odds of competition without any further ado.
So pick a leading app development company and help your mobile app to gain the success with a unique mobile app concept and its sizzling app functionalities

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Ways To Discuss Your App Project With An App Developer

I am completely new to this app development field but I really want to have a successful mobile app for my business, but you know something which bothers me is the app concept, which is only in my mind and is not translated on the paper, so am not sure how app developers would understand my concept…

I am confused, whether I should explain everything verbally or should I draw a rough plan on paper??? What should I do exactly??? Really it is pretty confusing and tumultuous as well, so I think I should not explain it every bit, it would only make them confused, but what if they don’t understand unless I explain everything…???

Yes, this is a very common problem, every new or supposed to be app owner juggles with, since the number of questions related to app concept is always too much in number, which only creates the trouble amongst the new app owners, then what is the best practice to address this issue???
I believe the best practice is only about following certain steps which I am going to scribble further in this post today. So let’s read ahead…

When a mobile app concept has to be transformed into a reality platform, then there are various aspects which you need to take into consideration, because if the app concept is not explained well to the mobile app development company then you can never expect your mobile app to turn out to be even closest to your app concept.

Also, the deadline for the app project would be disturbed largely and which will anyhow make your final marketing plan as well. So it is always advised to take the app development company comprehend your app plan accurately…
So the very first thing in this regard, you have to do is…

Explain Your App’s Major Aim Behind

Your mobile app is indeed a result of certain requirements from the users’ end and you need to understand that this aim must be clear to you and to your app developer as well. Thus you must create a clear plan which will explain to your app developer that what all your app is all about and what is the reason behind its development.

Once you have explained your app concept to your app developer, make sure that you also include your goal to be achieved with this mobile app, this will help your app developer to plan a strategy and add certain features which can help you win the business goal.

Bifurcate The App Into An MVP Strategy

Yes, an app concept you have can be bigger and huge with multiple functionalities and the features to go along with it, but you need to understand that every feature and the functionality would not be feasible to go in your very first app version, since it would confuse the users, and will take a longer time and much money to get the app done.

So you need to analyze which functionality and the features would help your app to go functional in the very first app version and discuss them further with your app developer.

When you initiate your app concept with the MVP, you instantly get an access to a portal, which explains that which functionalities and the features can do justice with your app at the moment.

Discuss The Expected Deadline

When you discuss the mobile app concept with your developer then discuss the deadline as well, you can share your marketing plan and how do you expect them to get accomplished with your app project.

Your developer after analyzing the app project would suggest you a deadline depending on the technical needs, which will give you an estimated idea of app publishing and the further plans related to your app marketing.

Apart from these 3 aspects, there are few other factors which you need to consider as well, for instance

ü  Communication channel
ü  Online presence of app developer
ü  Feedback and reviews from the clients
ü  Industries and the field served

Last but not the least, I would like to make a strong suggestion to you, which suggests that never ever pick the app development company on the basis of app cost, which you might find extremely alluring, but actually it is highly deceiving since the least charging companies often end up leaving your app project in a lurch, and you would end up taking the services from an efficient app development company, which would end up going beyond your proposed app budget.
With this, I bid adieu to you all today…take care…

Monday, April 23, 2018

Can A Color Theme Make Your App Successful

The moment I saw the app, I don’t know why but I instantly fell in love with the app, since the app had some magic in it, that even without using it any further, I realized that I am in love with but….I don’t know why…

Has it ever happened to you??? When you opened an app, and you realized that app is very special to you or somewhere deep within you feel related to the mobile app, without even experiencing the app features…

Well, it happened with me, and the only thing I could recall that the moment I saw the app screen first time, I felt I must use it…do you wonder why this happened ???

It has been said and discussed for a long time that color theme on your app design holds the significance and to cut the long story short, I want to inform you that, the app color theme works on your users’ psychology and plays a vital role in the app interaction.

Really this theory brought many revelations on me and I understood that app’s color theme helps the users to see and interpret the app’s content, interact and connect with the app’s functionalities and understand what exactly the app is made for.

OMG !!!!!

I never knew an app’s color theme has this much in store, and it can influence the users’ buying choice as well, but do you know this VERY MUCH significant aspect is mostly overlooked by the users and as a result of an app which could make big in the app stores, fails to impress even a handful of users.

A sad fact!!!! L
Then how to make the app’s color thee really work in favor of your mobile app’s future???
Well this is indeed a concern, and I cannot explain it in a mere line, thus you are requested to read this post ahead with me and explore the ways to get a perfect color theme for your app.

To start with, I need to explain few things, like every color holds its own significance and cannot be replaced with another, just for the sake of change, rather you must remember that every color denotes its own worth, thus you must pick in accordance with the app’s genre.

App Icon Color

The color of your app icon cannot be a simply 'first come and picked', rather it needs to be well-thought and researched color since it not just make the icon unique, but it gives an identification to your business and your brand.

Though many popular app icons are in blue shade, such as; Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter to name a few but it does not carve out a strict line that your app icon also need to be in Blue colour only, but you can pick any other color theme fitting your app’s functionality and believe me the moment you would be researching more about the business, ultimately one color fit for your app icon would occur to you.

Selecting The Right Color Scheme
I know the process of selecting the right and perfect color scheme for your app design is not a cake walk and it requires a series of different aspect to be considered, for instance, there are different types of color schemes used, like:

MONOCHROMATIC - The Simplest color scheme to create, it goes well with blue or green hues and offers a soothing effect.

ANALOGOUS- It is created from related colors that don’t stand out from one another; where one color is used as a dominant color while others are used to enrich the scheme.

COMPLEMENTARY- These are opposite colors, which contrast strongly, and can be used to attract the viewer’s attention.

CUSTOM COLOR SCHEME-  It makes you customize your own color scheme. You can add a bright accent color into an otherwise neutral palette to create a visually appealing design.

ADOBE COLOR CC-Also, known as Kuler, is extremely easy, where every color on the palette can be individually modified or chosen as the base color with a few simple clicks.

Compound Color Scheme - Another name split-complementary scheme, adds the base color with the analogous colors. It is contrasting but has no visual appeal.

What You Need To Keep In Mind???

You need to keep in mind the impact of Color Contrast because this is the area where color theory is crucial to the usability of a design and the readability of the content suffers. So in order to beat the odds, follow this…

ü  Small text must have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 against its background.
ü  Large text (at 14 pt bold/18 pt regular and up) must have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against its background.

 I know there are more factors which have to be considered while selecting the right color theme for your mobile app design, but I really hope these points would also help you get a clear understanding of the app color theme ecosystem.

BTW, I forgot to mention the app which really mesmerized me with its looks, was developed by a leading mobile app development in australia Techugo, which indicates, developing your next app from their team would be a beneficial decision.

Monday, April 16, 2018

How A Promotional Website Helps Your Mobile App

My mobile app, my rules…I really wish these tactics could work, but unfortunately, it does not since an app does not work according to your wishes, but has a lot more to do as per the users’ choice and preference.

This is shocking and quite rude as well…but can't help it, since if you want your mobile app to survive in the app market, hence if you want your mobile app to get noticed and picked by the targeted audience then you need to indulge into the marketing strategies which really suits the users’ taste and fits their needs as well.

Considering every factor, you must make sure that even the pre-app marketing strategy would be planned according to the users' taste, and nothing fits better on this requirement panel, that a promotional website

A promotional website, as the name suggests is all about the promotion of your app, through different means, much before the app officially gets launched.

But this is not exactly what explains the promotional website, but there are numerous benefits which are associated with a promotional website and can bring a huge round of attention to your app.

I know some of you must not be still convinced that how a promotional website can help a mobile app, so I request you to read ahead and explore…

ü  You can blog anywhere & anytime
ü  You can release app video teasers
ü  Let users take a look at your app’s feature
ü  You create curiosity among the users
ü  Help your users to understand the features and the functionalities deeply

These are some of the benefits you receive from a promotional website on your mobile app, but you must ensure that you get your mobile app developed from a leading iPhone mobile app development company like Techugo, which has every required technical expertise and the skills to transform your just an app concept into the sizzling app.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Winning App Launch Strategies

My app is all set to launch and I think it is going to cover the maximum appreciation from the users because my app has every possible feature and the functionality to make this app a perfect piece in the app market.

Isn’t it so exciting that a mobile app which is not yet launched, but it is pre-decided that it will make the stir in the app market….yes it is but it is surreal as it sounds, so you need to know that why a mobile app which is developed with the best ingredients in it but yet fails to make a presence in the app market.

I know I must have scared you enough, but despite hiring a leading mobile app development company in USA, you need to take care of certain essentials which have to be addressed during the app development process, which can craft a successful app launch strategy for your mobile app.
No need to get clueless, and get confused, rather you should read ahead this post with me and help your mobile app concept to win the hearts of the users efficiently.

Let’s begin the journey…

ü  You definitely need a promotional website
ü  Don’t skip the content marketing at any cost
ü  Take the help of social media promotion for your mobile app
ü  Extend your hands to influence marketing
ü  Healthy SEO practices

These 5 are the MUSTs you cannot avoid to initiate the journey of a successful mobile app and if you combined these strategies with a mobile app which is designed and developed by the leading mobile app developer, then the chances of gaining the sure-shot success for your mobile app is a ubiquitous plan.

So follow my advice, and instead of jumping directly towards the app launch plan, integrate these strategies into your app development process and help your mobile app to attain its deserving attention.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Can SEO Really Improve Your App Ranking

Long gone are the days when people yearned to find suitable strategies to promote their business, but with the time-evolution, it has become a worthy decision for every business to adopt the safe and proven methodology which is none other than the app technology.

An app technology indeed allows the users to try the different options and the opportunities thrown from the different business angles, and help your mobile app to become a successful venture for your mobile app, but do you really think it is really that much easier for your mobile app to come closer to the competition and make a known name in the app market?

Of course, it is not that easier, since the app market is already filled with the numerous options and it is pretty hard for your mobile app to get acknowledged by your targeted audience base and it is only possible when you would follow a specific technology for your app promotion and that SEO- Search Engine Optimization.

Now the next question in the league would be asked that how the SEO strategies can be proven worthy for improving the app popularity.

Well, SEO works exactly on 3 major key factors, and which clearly speaks the worth of SEO integration, like:

§  Keywords- With the SEO, you can utilize the keyword integration to help your app to get noticed.
§  Ratings & Reviews- SEO helps your app to receive impressive ratings and reviews.

§     Quality Backlinks- those incoming links to your app’s webpage, through which you grab the attention.
These 3 major SEO tips, help your mobile app to get noticed, but again you have to remember that whatever your SEO strategy is flaunting on the online platform, it must be well-complemented by the app’s functionalities as well, so you must achieve this by crafting your mobile app development from a leading mobile app development company and make the SEO efforts proven worthy.

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