Monday, May 13, 2019

Mobile App Branding Helps You To Stay Rigid In The Market

It is understood by several marketers that they need to market hard to sell their apps in order to succeed. But can you tell me how the marketer becomes successful in his mobile app branding venture?

To achieve this marketing professional have to understand that rushing ahead and building the mobile application may not work in today's situation, they need to capitalize market first to ensure the success of the app. ou have to see your app as an extension of your business which represent your business in front of millions of users. 

So, give the customers what they are seeking by creating the proper branding strategy for your app. The consistent app branding results from the nurtured relationship between the customer and brand. Here we are list out the few things that you need to remember while branding your app.

User is the boss 

Which design do you think is good? 

The one which you like or the one which your user like, definitely the user one. So, create the design which your user wants, always ask their opinion and consider that because in the end only they can give you the business.

The visual treat 

Now you approved your designs and your app qualifies for the awesome user experience. But what will happen only if they choose your app and start exploring your content? To optimize this your app must be visually appealing that they automatically fall prey for it. As we all say that the first impression is the last impression so you have to build the design in such a way that confirms the sales. Always remember that second chances are unlikely in the app world. 


Before creating your app you have to do the research which includes customer research, market research, and many more. But UX research is the most important thing you have to do, it helps you to build a great user interface.

You should go through the other apps belonging to the same category and study them thoroughly. It helps you to understand the positive and negative points of them and you can learn from their mistakes. This way you can get a clear idea of how to design and develop your app.

Sell the brand 

The design your brand guidelines and always include these wherever you are promoting your app. During the promotion, you have to follow the brand guidelines, logos, colors, images, illustrations, and typography along with the main information that you want to spread. You don't need to put so many things on your structure, you just need to follow consistent approach user-friendly policies. 

Less is more
Designing something simple is a very difficult task, it is very easy to create fancy products by adding colors in design here and there. But having too much or complex designs can confuse your audience and somewhere you lose your app purpose. Remember that simplicity and easy usage can make your app more engaging and user-oriented. 

Sharing is caring

Make sure that the user downloads your app then he or she can have the option to share it with other people. You have to add a button or link for the users to the share the app with their friends, family, and coworkers, also add numerous platforms such as e-mail, social media, and texting.  

Ultimately value 

Application is not only the extension of the company, but you also have to take it as an integral part of the business. So, simple information should not be the sole criteria for creating the application, you have to build a have app that has high functionality and leads to the results.
For example, if you have a restaurant app that provides features like table booking, menu card, and intimates weekly deals, it means your app is only the resort for your customers when they want to make purchases or orders of any kind. 

Master of the speed 

Just remember that your app is not in a vacuum where no one is present to give you competition. So, if you want to stay ahead from your competitors you have to analyze your competitors to know where they score high. Remember that speed is the most important factor to attract the users so always test your app speed launch. If you still not sure about the speed of your app then just take feedback from your users. It can help you to know about your app speed and some other bugs also. 

These are the factors you need to consider before developing the branding strategy for your mobile application. Now you know the importance of the branding for your application so must be searching for the company which helps you in developing the branding strategy for your mobile applications, then Techugo is the best choice for you. We provide complete guidance for the mobile application development to branding.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Utilization Of Mobile Application In Restaurant Industry

Mobile applications are the basic requirements of every industry and restaurant industry is not the exception. In fact, the restaurant industry is one of those that get the major benefits from the mobile applications.

Once there was a time when restaurant apps were used just for finding the nearest restaurants and their menu. But the scenario is different now, you can use the restaurant app for the table booking, online food delivery, online bill payments, and so on.

So, as a restaurant owner, you must be thinking about the important features of the restaurant app. Just sit and relax, we are listing here the essential features of the restaurant app.

Push Notifications.
Push notifications are the most important feature for your restaurant app, it helps you to grab the users attention. But you have to use the push notification feature smartly, sending notification at 2 a.m. is not a good idea. Sending the push notification at the right time can increase your business. So, use these features smartly and increase your user base.

Online ordering and bill payments
Online ordering allows your customers to avoid the long queues or wait for an order to be taken and processed. The online bill payment provides the facility to enjoy the food without a wallet.

It is not only beneficial for your customer but it also improves your efficiency and accuracy for handling the orders.

Loyalty, reward, and discounts programs
Most of the users use mobile apps just to get discounts or earn loyalty points. Giving special attention to your regular customers help you to boost your customer engagement. So, give them special discounts and rewards to increase your transactions.

Table Reservation
If your restaurant is popular enough that customer find it difficult to get a table to walk-in, then this feature is very important for your mobile application. This helps your customers to avoid the long wait for the table and gives them an opportunity to perfectly plan their evening.

Social Media Integration
Social media integration has become an important feature for every mobile application. Your customers can log in with the social media credentials and uploads the pictures and their experiences onto their social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, etc.

Customers Feedback portal
Don't miss this feature for the mobile application. It helps you to find your weak and strong points and also gives you the idea for improvement. It allows your customers to share their experiences and helps you to know the customers demand that enhance your customer experience.

These are the few important features for the restaurant mobile application. Let's discuss the benefits of the restaurant mobile application.

Location-based deals
Location-based deals help you to offer the personalized offers according to the customer's location. Beacons technology helps you to provide the location-based deals. Basically, it is the small device which sends a push notifications to a customer who is near to your restaurant.

Better Discovery
Here discovery means to find all the existing and possible ways which makes your restaurant visible to your customers. Mobile application helps you to make your restaurant visible and suggest the best possible ways to reach.

Retain users more effectively
There are many ways to retain users but push notifications, and loyalty programs are much effective than others. Restaurant app owners can retain their users through loyalty programs, discounts, rewards, and table booking services.

On-demand delivery
Food delivery services along with the existing restaurant service become the best option for every restaurant app owner. Generally, this feature is not counted in the primary features of the restaurant but still it is one step towards the advancement.

Boost your Brand identity
The main focus of all the marketing strategies is to build brand awareness. Restaurant apps are not like social media apps, that's why you shouldn't hope that customer use your app every single day. Your main focus is to keep your app installed as long as possible.

Not uninstalling your app means customer find it useful which boost your brand identity. So, choose your app icon carefully and provides regular updates to make it useful for your customers.

Now you know the major benefits and essential features for the restaurant application. Keep in mind these points before making the mobile application, it helps you to achieve your goal. If you are looking for the top mobile app development company in india, then contact Techugo. We are experts in designing and developing the mobile application for both iOS and Android platforms.

Always feel free to consult our experts about mobile application development company. Our developers have years of experience in the development process that helps them to create successful mobile applications. Contact us if you want to know the importance of mobile application for your business.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Amazing Ways To Maintain The SEO Ranking After Website Redesign

Website re-designing is important to spruce up the website. Businesses need clean and attractive websites to increase customer engagement that's why they prefer to redesign websites. However, website redesigning can be a cause of declined website ranking. 

 Declined SEO ranking and organic search is the biggest nightmare for website owners.  The task of reconstructing a website without distorting the balance of your website presence is dreadful. There are chances to lose customers, website information and search result ranking, and the occurrence of such an event can disrupt your business for long term.

The risk of losing SEO ranking after redesigning is evident, that's why experts have devised some ways to mitigate the potential damage for your business. Here are some points that you must ensure while redesigning your website. These points not just help in retaining SEO ranking but also help in improving the organic traffic of the website.

Keep Track of Everything on Your Website
Before you rush into the website redesigning, keep complete track of data and information available on your website and related to your website. It can spare you from a lot of problems that might make you suffer. You must utilize SEO monitoring tools, and monitor key SEO metrics. You must observe keyword ranking, total numbers of backlinks, organic traffic, domain authority, spam score, Alexa global rank, speed, Citation flow/trust flow and more. Moreover, monitor Google Analytics to identify in which area your website is thriving and where it needs help. You can make these inefficiencies base of your redesigning and do significant adjustments in your website.

Determine and verify Inbound Links
Before redesigning your website, you must determine and analyze inbound links. Inbound links are essential because search engines recognize the multiple and relevant links as a sign that the page content is useful.  You must verify that each link is working because a 301 redirect takes place. Lose of these inbound links can damage your SEO ranking.

Identify Popular Pages and Make a List of pages that need redirecting
Recognition of popular pages is important for your website, as you can work with the developer to retain the SEO value of the website and redirect these pages properly with 301 redirects. With 301 redirect SEO value of page gets transferred to the redirected page that's why its essential to make a complete list of redirected URLs.  So, before redesigning the website, begin listing the URLs that require to be redirected.

Implement 301 Redirects
Usually, developers try to keep the same URL structure, however, it's not possible every time. Mistakes in this process can cause major damage to the website SEO ranking. To eliminate this loss, you must implement 301 redirects to ensure that users land on the correct place.

Create a New Sitemap
Often, people don't create a new sitemap for the website because they believe that 301 redirect is enough for Google indexing. This is wrong practice, you must ensure to update your current sitemap because search engines can easily find your URL with the current sitemap. Monitor metadata, website structure and URL of your new website and compare it with the previous one to ensure that URLs are properly indexed and ranked.

Ensure 404 Pages
The 404 pages not found the message is an important part of the website redesign. You must utilize it because sometimes page links don't work and page gets lost in the shuffle. The 404 page helps users and search engines find the information they are looking for and place within your website. You can put a search engine box on the page to make 404 users and search engine friendly.

The mentioned points can help you retain the SEO ranking of your website. Besides, you must check the bounce rate after uploading the new site to check the response of visitors. If your bounce rate is higher than the bounce rate of the previous website, it means visitors are not liking your website. The well-experienced mobile app development company can help you get an attractive and engaging website design. At Techugo, web developers suggest that website redesign should be clean and user-friendly, so visitors will not face any difficulty to find the content. It also helps in increasing organic traffic on the website. In addition, you must ensure to practice the given points to retain the ranking of your website.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Common Mistakes You Can Avoid In Designing The App UI

User Interface design is one of the very important aspects of the mobile application. It seems that most of the people who worked in the UI/UX of the design field consider the app design is the simplest part of the development. But the reality is very different, designing the app UI is much more difficult than it seems at first sight.

If designers get to know the struggles and how to manage then it becomes easy and interesting. You just need to ask your clients for the opinion, so that you can make the app as convenient for them as possible.

What users generally expect from using an application?

Non-user friendly design is the worst nightmare for any designers because if a user fails to understand how to use it then he or she will delete your application. They prefer to download another app which is simple to use and attractive.

Generally, users are annoyed by the constant necessity of entering personal information such as likes and dislikes, so it is necessary to ask only once and save for future reference.

The primary goal of any mobile application is to meet the user's requirements. That's why it requires design optimization and following adaptive web development principles.

These are the points you have to consider when designing the app user interface. Now, we are going out to point out the common mistakes that can be easily avoided.

Inappropriate button size
This is the first thing that user notice in your app and if your button size is not appropriate then it is the most annoying thing. If the call to action button is too small to click, then it is going to frustrate your users. Clicking on something and getting redirected to somewhere else is very disappointing and especially if the person is performing important task.

So, while designing the app user interface pay attention to keep all the call to action buttons of appropriate size to allow proper functioning.

Typographical hierarchy
Typographical hierarchy is the system for organized typed text that established the order of importance within the data, allowing the reader to easily navigate through the content. If the hierarchy is not maintained within the design then it becomes difficult for the user to find what he or she is looking for.

So, pay special attention to these aspects during the application development so that the app does not look heavy on content and confuses your user.

No micro interaction
Micro interaction is the small design elements on the app that interact with the users. For example, when you hover over the button, it slightly vibrates or change color, this is called as micro-interaction. These small elements enhance the user experience.

They encourage the greater communication and also drive more actions. So always include these tiny elements in your design to enhances the developer's hard work.

Color contrast
If you want to draw the users attention on to the particular segment, then use the high-level color contrast. This is generally used for the call to action buttons, but remember that if they are too many on a single screen, then they will affect the user experience.

Use the low contrast color for less important content or less used buttons, this eliminates the confusion. To keep the UI simple and attractive use color contrast smartly.

Neglected white spaces
White spaces are actually the spaces between two design elements and needs to be white. Actually, white spaces are important to organize the content on the app and it also balances out the designs. If you want to maintain the strong sense of the brand throughout the app, then use the white spaces smartly in that way cannot be neglected.

Faulty alignment and grouping
Having apps that are heavy on design elements and content will need better grouping and alignment for a calm experience to your users and alignment is not limited to your elements being right or left aligned, but goes deeper.

Placing all the elements properly with the respect of content is very important, it creates a lasting impact on the users. But it is totally in the hand of the designers to align them properly and most of the users prefer the grid system while others find it restrictive.

Development Feasibility
A lot of times designers thought something very interesting or out of the box but the development team is not on the same page. So make sure that design must be compatible with development point of views. It requires lots of communication between developers and designers.

System-centric features
Design the app users interface to solve the problems of the users and make it more convenient. In other words, we can say that all the features should be centered on a solution to these problems and not be system centric. These type of approach will attract more users with different level of expertise.

These are the mistakes you have to avoid during the designing of the app user interface. Now, we are discussing the constantly evolving trends.

Minimalist design
Nowadays mobile application is more often treated as the perfect mix of form and functions. People shifted from apps overcrowd with different stuff to sophisticated and contextual ones.

Explain to their users how they can reach their goals using the application to prevent them from leaving it. You can also say that your app design should be convincing enough to keep them using it. One of the techniques used for onboarding is the creation of empty states.

These are the constantly evolving trends in UI/UX designing. If you want to design the best application for your business then you have simple and attractive UI, then consider these points. At Techugo, we are developing the mobile application with flawless design and amazing user interface. So, if you are looking for the best mobile app development company, then contact us now.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Golden Web Design Hacks You Must Consider To Increase ROI

Whether you care or not, increasing returns on investment is very important for a business. In today's evolving market every business is striving to gain great revenue by beating the stiff competition. Websites are most admired and handy way to achieve unprecedented success, and it takes a great marketing strategy and flawless web development. Web development isn't about developing a website only, this includes various sub processes that need to be performed precisely.

The most important process is web design, it largely affects the revenue of business. Actually, web design is completely dedicated to user-experience, and everybody knows that great user-experience doubles the amount of revenue in minimum time. If you want to attract more consumers to the business, your website design should be opulent and user-friendly. Here are some web design hacks that you must consider in your website design strategy to increase returns on investment.

Utilize negative space wisely

In web design, unoccupied or white space refers as the negative space. While designing a website, beginner designers cram lots of components into the design and it leads to a very little white space. It is ineffective and makes an important element look unattractive. As a smart business owner, you must ensure that your web design has enough negative space. Negative space shows important components such as links and CTA eloquently.

Parallax Scrolling Effect

Today, there is a new web design trend available in the market, it is known as a parallax scrolling effect. This effect allows designers to create 3D scrolling effect. With the help of this technique, designers can adjust the design element as per the preference of user. If you want to provide an opulent browsing experience to your website users, then consider this effect in 2019.  

Don't use free template

Even general people have access to free templates. A free template can adversely affect your brand reputation. It isn't good for business because the website is an online identity that depicts your credibility & reliability.  You should get in touch with a good website development company and get a quality template.  

Animated CTA

Indeed, call to action is very important element of your website, as CTA guides user to perform a specific task. Now, designers are extensively utilizing animated CTA to stimulate desired actions. Actually, animation makes CTA more interactive and grasp the user's attention in the very first glance. Animated CTA receives great response rather than usual CTA on the website. 

Utilize High-quality visuals

Humans easily get attracted to an unusual and visually rich content. While designing your website, ensure that your web design has high-quality graphics. Utilize magnetic and vibrant videos and pictures with quality content to increase the amount of time users spend on your site. Visitors pay attention more on the pictures and videos with relevant information than general images. So, ensure to add value to the videos and pictures.

Besides, you must ensure to develop a responsive website, so that users can get the best look and feel at every browser. These all factors can help you increase your business revenue by inviting more consumers to your website. Designers at Techugo, are practicing these points and delivering customer-centric websites to businesses. Its team of designers utilize best tools for developing eloquent designs. If you need a website, an innovative web development company can help you. Design is a very crucial aspect for both web and mobile applications, that's the reason foremost web and mobile application development companies in india utilizes the mentioned hacks to ensure outstanding designs. If you want to know more get in touch with design experts. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

Everything You Want To Know About The Mobile Application Architecture

The mobile application is the need of businesses in this competitive era. We have reached at the stage where we need an application for almost everything. The growth rate of apps is fast and full of innovations with every passing day.

Traditional businesses are also adopting mobile application to increase the output. The reason behind this is the though competition, that does not allow them to stay at one target. You have to achieve the new targets every second to beat your competitors. The best to achieve this by filling the loopholes in mobile app architecture and development process.

Mostly ignorance of app development architecture is the reason behind the failure of mobility solutions of the businesses. To improve the mobile app architecture we have understood the app architecture first.

What is mobile app architecture?
Mobile application architecture is the set of techniques and patterns used to develop a fully structured mobile application based on industry. If you develop the architecture for your application, then must consider all wireless devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Basically, the layout of mobile architecture consists of three layers such as:
     Presentation layer
     Business Layer
     Data Layer

Let's take a look at the brief descriptions of each.

Presentation layer
This layer contains the UI components and UI process components, basically, it contains view and controllers. In this layer, the team has to define the way the mobile application will present in front of the user and the theme and the font size of the application.

Business Layer
This layer focus on the business front, in simple words we can say that its focus on the way businesses will be presented in front of the user. It includes business components, workflow, and entities under the two sublayer called as Service and Domain model layer.
Service layer defining the common set of applications that will be available to the client and end user. While the domain layer presets the expertise and knowledge associated with the specific domain.

Data Layer
This layer includes data access components, data utilities, and service agents. Remember that all three layers come under two subheads known as persistence layer and network layer.
You have to consider these layers before developing the architecture of the mobile application. But remember that there are several other things you have to consider before you start designing your app architecture.

Here we are listing other ways to develop the app architecture.

Determine the device type
There are lots of different type of smartphones available in the market, their orientation is different. So, it is important for you to evaluate the device type and its architecture. Consider these features of the devices:
     Screen Size
     Screen revolution
     CPU features
     Storage devices
     Availability of network devices

Bandwidth situation
It is important to consider the web situations in the regions where your target audiences live such as fluctuation in internet speed, it creates a negative impact on user experience. It may be possible your users cannot connect to the internet all the time. So, always prepared to deal with internet connections.
Consider the power consumption and speed when selecting the software and hardware protocols. Utilize the cache memory, state management, and data access mechanism it helps you in a slow and intermediate internet connection
     Stacked navigation bar
     Tag driver
     Modular controller
     Scroll view
     Single view
     Gesture-based navigation
     Search-driven navigation
So, these are the factors you have to consider at the time of designing application architecture. Now, let's discuss the principles of designing the architecture for the mobile application.

It is the ability of the system to react to the environment changes. In the case of mobile applications the change in the environment maybe frequent, it also depends on the technology and market demand changes. These changes include servers, database. etc. The good app architecture ensures the system to be portal enough to respond to those changes.

Requirement change due to change in environments such as market demand or the ease with which component can be modified to correct faults, improve performance, or other attributes these changes always require maintenance for the mobile application.
The good app architecture ensures the high maintainability of mobile applications. It reduces the complexity and efforts in the implementation of changes.

The manageability depends on how efficiently and easily application can be monitored and maintained to keep the system performing, secure, and running smoothly.

ReusabilityIt always leads to faster application development and structured development approach. Good app architecture always considers the aspects of reusability during the design of components and protocols.

Your application must go through the testing process to ensure the consistency of the application under several conditions. The good app architecture ensures that each component is separately tested.

Security of the data is one of the major requirement of the applications. The architecture is robust enough to secure the data used by the application, the app architecture must be sync with the organization's security system. Any data stored in the mobile device must be encrypted to ensure the security of the data.
Organizations must opt the Mobile Device Management (MDM) tool to impose the security constraints on the application. The app architecture should be able to accommodate any interface to such tools.

The performance of the mobile application decides the success and failure. So design the mobile application which has a quick response because if the application takes too much time to show details, then there is a high possibility that the user drops or uninstall your application. An app architecture must ensure to meet the performance expectations of the user.
These are the principles of designing the good architecture of the mobile application. Designing the app architecture requires lots of effort and expert supervision. So, if you are looking for the application development company for designing the best application for your business then contact Techugo.

We are expert in designing the application for iOS and Android platform. If you have any concerns regarding the mobile application development company then consult with our developers, they suggest you the best app solution according to your business. Feel free to contact, we always ready to help you.

Monday, March 18, 2019

A Glimpse Of Google Android Q Preview

Starting from Cupcake to Oreo, Android has always triggered that sweet nerve within our brain, and let’s accept this fact that Android has unintentionally though, but has always triggered the dessert concoction in our daily life. JJJ

I am assured, most of us out there would agree with me.
However, switching back to the main topic, lemme bring your attention to the BIGGEST news and that is…

Android and Google have released the first preview of Android Q to developers. YIPPPIIEEEE!!!

This has been done in the annual tradition of an early March, where every year new look of Android gets introduced. Indeed this release is largely and only meant for developers, and the changes which would make a difference to the users, are not here but don’t think that there are no changes, which would entice the developers.

To be précised, Google has brought some of the revolutionary changes, such as improved privacy controls and native support for foldable phones.

Android Q Availability
Now the first beta of Android Q is available only for the Pixel device, consisting of first-gen Pixel and Pixel XL.

Google has offered extended support to specific model due to popular demand.

 You can install it on the main device after some time.

Expected Features From Android Q
§  Eventually, one of the major changes Android Q will bring an additional privacy setting for location access, letting users limit apps to only pull that information, till application is in use.

§  Google has also brought new limits to the access apps, that will get access to different aspects like photos, videos, and audio along with any downloaded files on devices.

§  Also, Android Q has better support for foldable phones.

§  Q is getting much better support for resuming and pausing apps from running in the background.
§  There is an improvement in resizing apps for split-screen modes, which would fit the bill for the foldable devices like the Galaxy Fold and Huawei Mate X, which are about to get released by the end of 2019.

§  The new Settings Panel API is something which is garnering the attention most. This will allow the developers to get instant, pop-up access to phone settings like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and NFC without having to kick users out to the settings application and back.  This feature will ensure to set up a Bluetooth speaker, your configuration apps would be able to pop up the device’s native Bluetooth panel to be turned on the radios and connect it right away from the application.

§  There will be an improved share sheet in Android Q, letting developers to pre-publish their apps’ functionalities, which further means that the shared UI would load instantly instead, without getting manually rebuilt. Although this is a minor change, this smaller change would transform the game for Android Q and will make it more relishing.

§  The new photo and video options in Q would allow standardizing the depth of map images with work and will let the Android get a new Dynamic Depth format, consisting a JPEG image, depth metadata, and a depth map bundled together. These Dynamic Depth images can be picked by the developers form the main devices with cameras.

§  Needless to say, but this would ease down the woes of the third-party website to find the specialized blurs options.

§  Google has also made an announcement that Android Q shall support the next-generation AV1 video codec, offering enhanced streaming quality with less bandwidth.

What Will Be The Name?
As always, there are many speculations rolling in the market about the Q name, but there is no formal information from Google, whether the Q would represent and dessert or dish, but it would be something extraordinary and satisfactory as always.

This is all about the Android Q as of now, but certainly, Techugo team will ensure to keep you posted and informed about its related information. So keep watching this space to get more information.

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...