Friday, September 22, 2017


Google gets over 4 billion searches a month (Smart Insights, 2017). Having a website optimised for popular search engines like Google is an absolute necessity in today’s online market. Consider some of the following statistics:
  • 81% of shoppers conduct online research before making big purchases. (Retailing Today, 2014)
  • 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine (Junto, 2017).
Below are some of the benefits of performing Search Engine Optimisation on your website and keeping up consistent SEO maintenance.
Organic SEO is low cost. It only costs an investment of time and patience on your part. When you find yourself on the top of organic search engine results, you can assist your SEO efforts by investing a small budget into PPC (pay-per-click) advertising. Alternatively, you can allocate budget to place text ads for that keyword you ranked for.
SEO is essentially the gift that keeps on giving. As your online content matures, is indexed by search engines like Google and you create backlinks to a piece of content, you gain authority on the specific theme or focus topic. The net effect of this is more organic website traffic is brought through your keyword rankings to your website.
In reality, many people trust the first listing they see for a keyword or search term they punch into search engines like Google. They see companies such as Google as reputable and by doing SEO your website becomes a brand name of sorts.
Google filters content based on strict content guidelines enhanced by its algorithm updates, which define how the search engine archives a top-ranking site. This means users receive the most relevant content when they conduct searches. This is why users trust Google’s top-ranking results and these rankings have much higher credibility.
75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engines (Junto, 2017). This means that if your website is not ranking on the first page of Google, or other search engines, you are missing out on potential clicks and overall organic brand awareness. By getting the top spot on first-page search engine results, you are guaranteeing yourself a continuous stream of organic website visitors.
By looking at your website analytics, you can see what products and services visitors are looking at on your website. You can also see the search terms and queries people are using to find your website via search engines. This type of customer data is very valuable and is easy to access with tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Using this data to your advantage is so beneficial in the long term for your website.
When compared to PPC and paid advertising, the effects of SEO are long lasting and do not suddenly stop paying off, that is until the next algorithm update from Google. So, always keep up-to-date with the latest information from Google and SEO experts and professionals. There is, of course, some upkeep when it comes to maintaining SEO and keeping top rankings on search engine results.
However, it will be difficult for competitors to best you when you keep practicing good SEO.
Now that you have realised the benefits of SEO and that it is extremely valuable, you need to know that your competitors are already on the SEO train and are taking full advantage of it to their benefit.
So, if your competitors are ranking on Google, you need to play catch-up and be certain that you are optimising website content for the correct keywords. Focus on long-tail keyword opportunities that attract modest volumes of website traffic and work your way from there.
Taking all of the above information into account, if you are not actively optimising your website both on-page and off-page to work well with search engines, then you are truly shooting yourself in the foot.

Your business could benefit immensely from following through with some basic organic SEO. Although organic reach on digital platforms such as social and search may be in decline, the benefits above show that SEO has some great benefits in the long run for your business.  61% of marketers say improving SEO and growing their organic presence is their top inbound marketing priority. (HubSpot, 2017). Add to this that 57% of B2B marketers stated that SEO generates more leads than any other marketing initiative (Junto, 2017), SEO should still very much be a concern for your start-up or small business.

Source :
Digital Marketing Services offered by Techugo, uplift your business to the greater apex of digital prominence. Our experienced and agile approach makes a perfect combination to deliver your goals through our unique digital campaigns. Techugo- Digital Marketing Company, focuses majorly on the unique digital marketing strategies to enhance the reach and visible

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Mobile App Development Agencies India

The ongoing need of mobile apps has led to an upsurge in the mobile app development field and people are looking for the ways to get a perfect mobile app solution for their businesses, but the chaos of excessive mobile app development companies in the market has added to the further confusion and it has gone tougher than ever before to pick the best out of the mobile app development agencies in India. Most of the mobile app development companies are offering the mobile app, without considering the actual need of the users and this makes the final app product a jumbled app solution with mixed thoughts which users detest to the most and prefer not to download further.

A mobile app must be able to portray the every possible detail based on the users’ requirements and you cannot pick any mobile app development company to give a reality platform to your dream app concept and must get a right resource to develop a mobile app for you. The mobile app development field has got many options offering the app development services, but your chosen app development partner, must be able to understand your customers and what they need in your mobile apps, because a mobile app must offer a solution to the users wherein they can get their problems and issues resolved while accessing your business.

You can get in touch with the Techugo team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.

You can reach us at:
Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo

Thursday, September 7, 2017

What You Should Know Before Hiring An App Developer

A mobile app is no more a fad, but a necessity, which has interwoven in our daily necessity fabric, and witnessing the growing need for mobile apps, businesses across the globe are marking its presence and giving us many more reasons to fall in love with the mobile apps, but this ever growing need is also creating a stress around the neck of mobile app development field, and the options to get better than before mobile apps are increasing as a consequence. The marketing environment for these mobile app development companies leaves no stone unturned, for the clients to get confused and get bewildered enough to pick the wrong mobile app developer for their dream concept.

Since the business owners are generally from the non-tech background, which adds fuel to the fire, and they just seem lost and completely going with the flow rather than knowing the actual reason behind any particular technology pick, many blogs and articles have grabbed the decent space on the internet, which clearly shares the idea for what you need to avoid in the mobile app development process, but I am going to address a something very different topic, which may help you get the information, which you may have always yearned for, that what you should know before hiring a developer. So here we start …

Understand The App Platform Requirement

This is the utmost aspect you need to learn at the initial stage and that is the app platform. Many app developers boast that they can develop for any device and operating system, but don't trust them since it is nothing but a hoax call, which would serve no purpose. The naïve clan of app developers gives you the numerous options, starting from hybrid, cross-platform, react native etc. etc. , but you need to be very précised with your approach and you need to understand your business requirement and targeted users, accordingly you have to choose the right mobile app platform for your mobile app, the best suggested is Native, since it offers lots of design options, optimal utilization of hardware and operating system, wonderful App Performance Speed, gives more control on the size, resolution and even orientation on every device, increases the odds of fixing the nastiest of bugs, since Native apps are natural extensions of the platform that smell, look and feel like the default apps, so getting a mobile app in Native would help you in numerous ways.

Does Your Developer Understand Your Project

A mobile app is an easy journey, only if it is initiated with the right mobile app developers, who understand your project and its requirements. It is not an easier task, but requires a huge deal of efforts, since it is not always possible that your development team understands what are you portraying and what you try to keep in your mobile app. The best practice to accomplish this is by getting a paraphrased version of your app concept's understanding from your proposed app developer, if you would find any sort of glitch in this, then you may get it rectified and give them the right direction. With this strategy, it gets clearer with your app developer and would get easier for them to add more creativity to it, and bring your exact thoughts to reality.

Ask For Their Work Exposure

You need to well-aware with the number and types of mobile apps, your proposed app developer has developed so far, and it is not wrong to ask for their work exposure and the work experience because it would help you to know that whether their said skills and experience, compliment their words as well. You may find a large group of self-proclaimed best app development companies in the market, who boast of their work just to get the work, so you need to be highly inquisitive and curious to know more about their work and app portfolio, so you would end up hiring an actual top mobile app development company.

Check Their Reviews And Feedback

The saddest fact of the mobile app development industry is that not everyone is as loyal and true to their work, which usually they boast off, during the initial stage to get the work. Many unfortunate events suggest that some mobile app development company or freelance mobile app developer disappeared after the work was awarded to them, on the other hand, some are highly irresponsible that linger on the work, instead of getting the work delivered, they prefer to sleep on it, turn a deaf ear to the client's cries. I suggest you proceed with only a reliable mobile app development company in india, which has the decent client base and presence in the market. There are various ways to get to know about the company, like from the listing websites: Clutch, AppFutura and many more.

These factors, I have compiled from my experience and the discussion I indulged in recent times with some of the top mobile development companies in San Francisco, which influenced me to share my thoughts through this blog. Although, these points are not many, but indeed are worthy to help you learning number of important aspects you need to know before hiring a mobile app developer, but there are certain questions as well, which you need to ask before hiring a Top mobile app developer, and certainly am going to address those questions in my next blog.

So till next time I come with another sizzling topic, keep reading and keep yourself tech-updated…as always JJJ

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Why VR Is The Best Option For Your Business

I don’t want to brag about my life journey that how I picked interest in technology and how in the past, I was left flabbergasted, after encountering any new technology, but to cut the story short, I can proudly announce that mobile technology is the sole reason, behind my unending interest in the different verticals of technologies and today I hop easily on any sort of technology without any hassle. To talk further, mobile apps and the technology associated with it, have already made me enter into the group of the tech erudite, wherein the intellectual discussion takes place on technology now and then to gain a better insight.

Last weekend, while doing a casual chat with my ‘highly informed tech brood’, the VR- virtual reality was picked unintentionally, and I was impressed to know that in how many different ways, VR Technology has given a positive impact on our lives. Also, from the business perspectives, VR holds the robust eminence, which is helping the businesses to find their niche in this competitive era. If you wonder why and how VR is really making a difference to the businesses across the globe, I think the following points would help you get a thoughtful consideration to adopt VR. Let’s read ahead…

      Traveling Expenses

Let’s now talk about the most realistic situation, where your client is from a distant location and you need to meet him and visit the location, but due to prior engagement at your end or to avoid the financial burden you are unable to leave your place, in such situations VR actually comes handy for you, and you can conduct meetings and visit remote locations, without even leaving your office, even for once and improve the chances of better business engagement with a collaborative approach from a potential business prospect.

      Improved Training Platform

I remember the very first time I was given training as an intern in the year 2007, it was done through the projector and PPT presentations, which explained the services, but to gain the experience, I had to wait to hit the floor to get the real-time experience, which was both risky and challenging. On the other hand, in today’s tech filled environment, the training for the new hires/ interns can easily be conducted with VR technology, wherein the trainees can experience the real-world training and hands-on experience through Virtual and augmented reality technology. This technology is highly useful in the fields of the military, medical, teaching and many other verticals, which would allow the participants to feel, hear and see the real-time situations.

      A Great Tool To Learn The Usage

When you get an expensive piece of machinery at a workplace and want to teach your employees to use it appropriately, without causing any harm to the machine, this is easy to achieve through VR technology, which can let everyone know the itsy-bitsy of handling and managing the machinery step by step, giving real-world possibilities, to explore the device closely without causing any threatening situation to the machinery.

            Live Interviews

When it comes to hiring the best resources, Human Resource Departments leave no stone unturned, and don’t mind to go and approach the candidates from different cities, but it is not always possible for the candidates to make a personal visit to appear for an interview, so instead of losing a potential candidate due to certain limitations, a VR interview can be conducted to pick the best resource from a distant place. This is convenient for the Human Resources departments and for the candidates to get the better job opportunities. Also, unlike other calling software, there are no technical hiccups experienced during the interview process.

              A Boon For Tour & Travel

To deny the competition in tour & travel field is nothing more than holding a façade on your grinning teeth, to hide the embarrassment, because competition exists in every field and Tour & Travel is not an exception. When you want more number of tourists to pick your services, you can offer them the taste of VR tour of your trips’ destinations, through the VR integration in your mobile app, so they can experience the beauty of the tour in a broader and explanatory way.

Customers Can Experience Your Services

You might think that what’s new in this, every customer has to experience the services, before buying it, but VR comes out as a blessing for your business by letting your potential customers experience your services, at their convenience. Still unable to understand? Lemme explain further, if you are dealing with real estate, fashion, or any other services where your customer can not come to your brick & Mortar outlet, and then with VR technology your customers can experience the every bit of your services at their convenience, without even moving from their place.

Virtual Reality has crossed the border of entertainment and now is benefiting the businesses to boost their revenue generation. Yes, earlier VR technology was confined to the entertainment purpose only, but seeing the number of benefits VR has to offer to every business field, sooner it would engulf the maximum serves and industry verticals. Since VR is an advanced technology so you need to be cautious enough to get it implemented by a mobile app development company in UAE, to fit best as per your business needs.

Well, I am completely hooked to VR technology and would keep you all posted with any new advancement in the VR technology, so till then, relax and integrate VR into your business, without a fail, to surpass the competition and create better business opportunities…

Till then keep reading and keep yourself tech-updatedCIAO

Friday, July 28, 2017

Mobile Ux Design Tips To Boost Your Mobile App Success

Studies reveal that almost 35% of mobile app engagements last less than a minute due to app UX at large…it clearly speaks that


When I install a new app, the very first aspect much before its usability even mesmerizes me is the app UX, something which helps me to connect with the mobile app with a visual language. The visual language works directly on your user’s psychology and helps your mobile app to create a bond with your users. I have largely observed that visuals work faster than content, or in other words, visuals create a platform for the content to be read further. If a mobile app fails to catch the attention of its targeted users, then no matter how well the app features and the functionalities are imbibed within the mobile app, it would fail to gain the attention it deserves. So you need to spend your efforts and need to be specifically dedicated to create a strong laying foundation for your mobile app. Following I have picked some of the essential factors, helping your mobile app to get a praiseworthy UX…

Give A Reason To Your Users

Your users are actually very smart, they cannot accept anything which you offer to them, since they have plenty of options with them to proceed with and they want something best, so as a priority you need to ENGAGE your users, and need to create a reason so your users can use your mobile app. A reason which allows your users to get attracted to your mobile app, but you don’t need to turn evasive with your approach rather try to be succinct to portray your creativity in UX. So, it is advised to do a thorough research of your target audience and then devise a strategy to deliver the most delightful experience. 

Minimum Is Maximum

When it comes to a mobile app, users look for something which is minimal, but speaks the app interface clearly. Try to keep the design as clean as possible with no cluttered look. Users prefer a mobile app which has least, but worthy design elements, the more number of designs only confuse your users and they would not prefer to use it further, so let there be a seamless transition between practicality and purpose, this would let your mobile app to raise the user experience to the next level.

On boarding Experience

A mobile app is a playground, wherein your users come and judge the quality before hitting on their favorite game, which means your mobile app has very limited number of time to slay the completion with the first impression. The very first few seconds your users spend on the mobile app after the installation process gets over is called ‘on boarding experience’ and works on breaking and making the life cycle of your mobile app on their mobile phones. Unfortunately, around 80- 90% of the downloaded apps are used once to be deleted further, due to poor on boarding experience. Keep this experience simplest, do not stuff the app intro with huge numbers of screens, this would only irk down your users and they would not remember everything your app tutorial has tried to teach them. Also, it is always better to follow better ways to welcome users instead of bombarding them with tutorials, like guiding users to the next actions they need to do for performing some specific tasks within your app, it is an interactive way to connect with your users.

Let There Be A Confirmation

I personally like the two blue ticks, which pop-out on popular social media platform WhatsApp, when somebody reads your message, it gives a very personalized treatment, that a mobile app is helping you out to reach others, as a matter of fact, a mobile app has no role in forcing the reader to convert that one tick into two blue ticks, but it helps a lot in confirming. In the same way, you also need to think of a way to give the confirmation to your users, when they finish a task, it can be in the form of visual hints and messages to speak the confirmation. This actually helps your users to come to know how your application actually works.

Choose Smartly

I personally have felt that certain mobile apps with high usability consume more battery than others, this happen due to the amount and choice of colors you have picked and background services such as location detection are the major culprits behind the battery drain. Your users can never be willing to use your mobile app by keeping their mobile battery life on stake. So keep the UX simple with the color theme, short navigation, and limited background services.

Don’t Make A Clone

At times, many apps are just the clone of others and it is expected that these apps would carve a niche for themselves. HOW? I think it is a crime even to expect, that two different mobile apps, with two different names, but same looks and functions would gain popularity. Remember, it is good that you study your competitors, but you don’t need to adopt everything your competitors have to offer, invest your creativity in the UX and try to find a sensible balance between your app and your competitors’ mobile apps to provide a compelling user experience to your users, to stay one step ahead in the competition race.    

You need to understand that mobile app UX is never a one-time process; rather it is a progressing work, which needs to be upgraded on the basis of users’ likes and dislikes. You need to be proactive to conduct the requirement analysis of your mobile app’s usability and improve the UX accordingly. It is sad to know that in today’s time a very limited number of mobile app development companies pay serious attention to UX and its significance, which usually lead to app failure. So you need to pick a right mobile app development company, which is filled with every required ingredient of mobile app success, I know it is tough and stressful to choose such mobile app development company in this competitive era, so I have brought down the solution for you in the form of a leading mobile app development company – Techugo.

Techugo team consists of top mobile app designers to help assist you with every step of your mobile app development strategy. Their team members are dedicated to consult, brainstorm, manage the project, design, develop, test, launch, and market your mobile app in the best possible way. You can get in touch with the Techugo team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.

You can reach the Techugo team at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...