Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Grocery Apps Why Do We Need Them?

When was the last time you saw an app for attaining services?

The answer is; a minute ago.

Yes, the mobile app's web has spread so widely and strongly that every single attribute related to our daily life be it booking a cab/ making an online purchase/ booking an online movie ticket or even the much ubiquitous action of our lives buying groceries.

Every aspect around us has turned into digital presence with a mobile app technology and remarkably these sectors are availing the advantages of apps due to umpteen number of advantages.

App technology has helped the businesses to reach the customers in no time and definitely have helped the businesses to build the amazing relationship with the customers.

Yes, this relationship has grown stronger with app technology and lets the businesses to cater the different kinds of needs of the people, including apps for food, medicine, banking, taxi, and this list is ever-growing.

The consistent increase in the usage of various apps has shown us the increased reliability of the people on the apps.

Despite the number of apps available for our benefit, with this post, we would like to discuss the most-commonly utilized service; grocery and how it has garnered the maximum attention from the audience.

So let’s begin…

How App Technology Is Benefiting The Grocery Business

We all know this thing very clearly that grocery items are the basic requirements of everyday life and we can feel the requirement of products at any time.

Sometimes the situation is so unavoidable that we feel helpless and do not find any way to tackle it, wherein you may fall into a situation of a surprise visit from your relatives or your office hours kept you hooked to your seat for longer that you missed buying the groceries.

I know these are some of the nightmares, but believe me, just like these or some other situation can happen to anyone.

But don’t worry, because in such uncertain situations, grocery apps work as a savior and can assist you with its quick delivery facility.

Last but not the least; you must get your app developed from a leading top mobile app development company in USA, to help it serve its purpose efficiently.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Can ASO Tactics For Your App Be Easy And Convenient?

I know thinking of ASO, always make you think of dealing and managing the technical capabilities of your application and it makes you feel sick in your stomach, as technicality is not always enjoyable, and one MISS can send your application to destruction pool in no time.

But the other part suggests that you can jump off from the ASO wall, given any situation, as it helps in various aspects which can upgrade your business visibility and reach to a wider and unimaginable platform.

You would be surprised to know that ASO can be done with convenience only if you decide to move ahead with the strategies, which are going to be a part of this post, just enjoy reading further…

    Before you knock you selected app development partner for the successful ASO plan, make sure that you have followed a very focused plan, which suggests that never ever pick the IRRELEVANT app name.

If your business deal in food then there is no point in giving it a name like tech-glam, it might sound extraordinary to you but it does nothing but only withdraws your users from the application.

The utilization of the screens, is not what always appreciable in certain apps, as these apps show the screens, not the functionality through the screens.

Pick only the pertinent and functionality focused app screen within your app.

 Description of the app is generally about what the app is??? Is this what you think??? If you think, then you are wrong, because if an app shows what it works, it falls flat on users, as they don’t want something which works, but something which works as per their needs.

Hence include the functionalities within your app description, so your users can relate to them and would find the application to be an unavoidable aspect of their lives.

I believe now you can understand that how ASO can be a convenient plan for your application, you just need to ask your mobile app development company  to help you with rest of the ASO aspects and help your application throw the fireball of competition effortlessly.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Image Optimization: A Valuable Step towards Success

The success rate of certain websites, can leave you flabbergasted and believe me the further details are much shocking even!!!

Are you wondering, what all am I referring to???

And why on the earth did I choose to start this post, with such shocking treatment???

Well, your questions are valid and you have all the reasons in the world to show your anguish, but you would be surprised to know that what made me bring here to write a post like this.

The 43% Success of Your Website Is Owed To The Image Optimization


Yes, this was my reaction, as well, when I was told by a leading web development company in UAE- Techugo, that how the right strategies picked in the process of web development can mark a huge difference and bring more zeros positively on your revenue chart.
The images which are the very much part of the website are significant for the SEO and user engagement further and if optimized well can help your revenue to be generated hugely.


Yes, this is a fact, and you need to understand the best ways to optimize the inevitable set of images in your website, to help it give a number of benefits…

So what are you waiting, let’s understand it further with this post… 
  • Image File Name Must Be Appropriate

Here I would like to narrate my personal example, where I tried to download an image from a website of a dress, but the moment I hit the download button, the default name it suggested was a Pixaby image.

This left me shocked, and for a while, I couldn’t understand that what happened, the moment I realized, I simply abandon my purchase and switched to another website.

Do you know why did this happen???

This happened, due to the negligence paid by the web developer, who didn’t bother to change the name of the image file before uploading it on their website, and as a result, just like me, many must have quit the shopping.

In the perfect path carving for your website or I should rather say your business success, you need to pay attention to every aspect attached to it, be it even the name of the images.

If you really want your images to be optimized, then you need to create image file names, which are not just descriptive but are keyword rich as well.

  •      File Size Must Be Monitored

I feel sad to accept the fact, that today’s users are highly judgmental, any flaw experienced in your website does not force them to stay glued, and wait for the improvements to happen, rather they prefer to take the harsh decision of walking away from your website, without any regret.

Hence, in order to survive in such a claustrophobic environment, you must beat the competition bug, with every possible way.

Just check whether the image file size is hampering the website’s performance? Is this the size of your website image which is slowing down the website loading speed?

If your answer to either of these questions is YES, then don’t wait any longer, get in touch with your web developer, and ask them to decrease the size of the images, to improve the overall website performance.

But here, you must remember, that none of the resizing is affecting the image quality.

  •           The Image Must Not Be Irrelevant

Do you think I am making no sense with this point, then I would suggest you go ahead and check on the internet, where there are ample of examples are present, which fit my point.

Sell what it aims to sell!!!

If your website is of kids’ wear, then there is no point in putting the bridal attire on the page, it sounds senseless, make your website to lose its real essence.

Don’t let this blunder to take place with your website.

At times your developer is in hurry, and post the wrong pictures, here you need to believe in your web developer's testing process not just for the functionality, but also for the visual appeal.

  •           Image Alignment Not To Be Ignored

A lot many marketers argue the alignment not to be a part of any SEO strategy, but you would be surprised to know that indirectly it is.

When a user comes on your website, and find the relevant content on your website, your website gives the mixed expression of the misaligned image, which falls out of the line or is not perfectly a fit in the content box.

The ultimate reaction your user gets, that you are not professional, or your services cannot be trusted.
Yes, this is the users’ psychology if anything which falls imperfect on their expectation ground, would declare you not worthy enough.

Hence you need to give the special attention to the image alignment, as it increases the final impact of your website on your users.

  •       Pay Attention To Alt Attributes

For a web developer, the utilization of Alt Tags, Alt Text, and Alt Attributes are nothing uncommon.

The alt attributes hold the special place in the heart of revenue generation for your website through the valuable aspects given to the SEO.

You simply need to add the right and the effective set of keywords to the images on your website, and you instantly get the chance to rank higher on search engines.

Although there are few key aspects, must be followed in order to take the maximum benefits from this strategy, such as:
  • Ensure every image is described in the comprehensive language and does not carry any fancy or high-end language.
  • The products’ model numbers or item codes, must be mentioned in each and every alt attributes.
  • Do not over-feed your tags with excessive keywords; this will only make it look creepy.

Note: excessive ALT attributes optimization can even lead to the Google penalty, thus play smart and safe enough to get the users’ attention effectively. 

The image optimization is a very minor stuff for your website, but paying attention to it can open the door to countless opportunities for your business.

Hence you must get in touch with the right top mobile app developmentCompany in Dubai to help you carve a seamless experience for your targeted audience.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Win Back Lost App Users With The Retargeting Strategy

Of course, an app can never be once developed and forgotten concept, and you always need to be on your toes to keep the users stay engaged and glued to your application.

Rather if you really want your application to gain views and download constantly, then you need to feed your users with something special can extra all the time.

The strategy of giving users something extra comprises of retargeting the app users.
I know some of you must be getting confused enough to understand the very concept of retargeting your app users.

Don’t get panic, there is enough number of steps to be taken to perform this task efficiently.
Just read this post further to know more…


Before giving you an insight into the ways the retargeting gets done, the basic process behind the retargeting must be understood.

Let me take you on a ride, which can explain the best ways to demonstrate the process…so let's begin…

When a potential customer lands on your app, the expectations are always associated that this visit would end up in making the final purchase, but what you see suddenly that users leaves the app and abandons the process.

OOPS, what happened???

It is a very common phenomenon which is commonly sighted amongst the app engagement and it really creates a void in the business revenue generation for your business.

Here the beloved retargeting magic works and stops the users to procrastinate the buying decision.
When the user is on some other website doing some action online or simply searching on Google, the magical wand this process spreads the pixie dust of magic and your app’s ad pop-up, by clicking the ad brings those users back to your app and…rest I don’t need to mention even…
Now let’s understand the ways to retarget…

Other Site Retargeting
The very first type of retargeting is site retargeting, as the name suggests this type of retargeting lets your app gets promoted on the different website.

Here you need to choose the relevant website fitting your app’s genre, for instance, if your app deals in baby products, then putting the ad on the mother-to-be website would entice the users.

Social Media Retargeting
The social media promotion and social media retargeting are tow different aspects, don’t confuse them with each other.

In social media promotion you try everything to promote the application, but with this method, you need to pal safe and need to sound more engaging while considering the users’ behavior.
Yes, just like the promotion, don’t leave any social channel barehanded from the publicity of your app, but invest a good deal of time in developing the content for this plan.

You need to understand that users would not be interested to entertain any existing or boring content, hence you need to give a shout to your users through the right means of content marketing.
Let your words play the game and help your mobile app to win the battle.

Product Video Marketing

As the report suggests, 47% of approximate users love to spend their time watching YouTube videos.

These stats further prove that if you are going to address the app retarget aim with engaging video then t would only help the users to find it more engaging.

Now the biggest question comes HOW???

The app video has to be very succinct, meaningful and does not need to revolve around the app, but can also be around the products.

Have you seen the different products ads, which create hype on the social media and gain the users’ attention, for instance, L’Oreal Paris advertisement featuring celebrity ‘Eva Longoria’?
In this ad, the product is shown as the most significant factor used by the human face.

If you already have tried the video snippets of your app, then now this is the time to HIT the users with the product video and how it can benefit the users.

The model of development can be different fitting your app’s genre and your budget, but it must revolve around the product only.

I really hope that you must have got some valuable information pertaining to the steps which can win-back your app users.

But remember, mobile app development is a process not just the event and it must evolve to present something better to your targeted audience always.

Monday, July 30, 2018

In-App Marketing Blunders Are Enough To Kill Your App

Recently while attending an entrepreneur talk on app development, I was curious being told the gaffes app marketing strategies can bring to the app portal.

Although I was shocked to hear at the first but as they say one thing leads to another, so I decided to dig deeper in finding out the best possible reasons for this mass murder of every feature of the app.
So here are my findings…

Before I kick-start my discoveries, just for the quick update, I would like to draw your attention towards the other and beautiful side of the in-app messages marketing.

Basically, the in-app messages open the tunnel for further user engagement with your app and help the app to convert the free users into the loyal customers. It can be done through push notifications or the offer messages.

But in this journey, many hiccups are administered, which create a jeopardizing jerk in the path of your marketing success plan.

The basic reason behind this flunk is all about the right message sent to the wrong person at the wrong time.

This is one of the success-absorbing glitches, which causes enough spark of a nuisance in the expected success journey of your app. Thus I am going to mention further in this post how to deal with this, just read further…

§  Making All Users Sail In One Boat
An app is never limited to a specific age group, but it is largely been observed that apps have a wider audience base hailing from different age groups.

So what works and really fits the bill is creating every user base as per their specific demand and needs.

Albeit, it would be a difficult journey to send ten different messages and organize them, but this journey has an incredible destination, which is filled with users’ appreciation and consequently into a successful app product.

To attain the benefits from this, study your users’ behavior and bifurcate them into groups on the basis of product preferences, their app interaction and specific demand.
Accordingly, keep the users updated for any new offer or services which can benefit them further.

§  Don’t Follow ANY TIME Strategy
Your app but your users’ rules…
Yes, don’t take me wrong, but I am speaking the factual situation here and that includes the timing of your app messages as well.

If you picked the sending time as per your convenience then 99.9% chances are that they will be dumped without seeing, and in the worst situation, it would even lead to app uninstall too.
Consider these aspects before making a shout out to your users in their inbox.

  Conduct a research.Understand which day and time user remains active with your app?  Is there a different time zone?

You might have to invest HUGE time and patience in looking out for the right ways to reach your users at the RIGHT time. But the efforts invested here would really help you in abundance.

§  Lazy Content Stops The Growth
Many marketers find it a lazy day job to write new content, so they practice the CUT, COPY and PASTE guilt-free.

To them, it is an easier an effective to pick something from their own old-aged written content but eventually, this all sums up to the lazy marketing tactics and goofs up the succession plan.
Every in-app message you share with your users must have something UNIQUE and something NICER mentioned within.

The in-app message content must be able to encourage the users to come and make a purchase. Hence use the best words, to make it really work in your app’s favor.

Don’t stay in a shell, that everything is all well, with your app message, but take a look from the users’ perspective and ask yourself a clear question that whether it really drives you to BUY and if there is something in the content which you find as a user “new or interesting”.

If not then the simple option you have is to change your content strategy without letting any further delay.

If you really want your app to have a successful in-app message service, then take more suggestions and set of advice from the team of marketers of your selected mobile app development company , and help your app receive its deserving recognition.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Assured Assumptions Murder Your App Concepts

Maybe the reason why many mobile apps are liked by the users, not simply because the technical uniqueness these apps possess, but also due to the ways these apps are planned and executed to portray the required information through the magical effects of development.

But this does not set the mobile app development companies in india to sit on their laurels, but the leading companies always try to find out the ways which can improve their skills to perfection.

 This is one strategy, where every sort of trick is tried from the book of success to plan out the excellence, and I don’t need to exclaim but the efforts invested here result in a successful mobile app.

On the other hand, there is widely popular but notorious strategy which speaks only to follow the set of vicious trap of app development assumptions and let your app to get drawn towards the dark alley of app rejection.

Are you surprised???

I too was although my emotions were more led by the shock, when I heard of this concept for the very first time since I always lived under the impression that technology can never be accompanied by the hypothesis of wrong concepts, but I was proven wrong.

It didn’t happen overnight, but yes the observation from the existing examples in the market, has cleared the air of doubt around me and the real picture turned out to be disastrous.
Now the question is who holds these assumptions???

App developers???


The resource of this mal-functioning is clients or the app owners, who by mistake live in the bubble of misconceptions, which gradually turn into the beliefs, which are further supported by the app development company.

How SAD!!! Alas, but a fact as well…

I intend to eradicate the top such myths with this post, hence stay glued to comprehend the areas which need to be worked upon.
Let’s start the campaign J

#1 - My App Concept Is The BEST of All

You find your app concept and ingenious output originating from the needs of your business and that is not at all wrong to think like that.

You do your own set of research and present the app idea to the developers, who turn into YES man and give a nod to your concept considering the monetary benefits to be yearned from it, and in this run, they skip largely to carry out the conceptual testing for your app.

And without conducting any test or sharing the valuable advice to make the app concept better, directly the development process kick-starts which turn out to be an app, not the SUCCESSFUL mobile app.

The difference lies between the app and the successful app, thus cannot be covered further with any plan or trick, because the harm has already taken place.

Users visit your app, with a larger horizon of expectations and if your app despite having the potential fails to deliver as per their standard, then I am sorry to say, but no one can save your app further.

What Can Be Done???

It’s a very simple process, which has to be followed by the client and the developer both.
As a developer, if you find something is not right in the concept, then feel free to share and discuss with the client

Conduct conceptual testing; share the feedback with the client
As a client, do not enforce the app concept on the developer, by pre-assuming that your app concept is already a GREAT product

Listen to app developers and find out the best ways to make the app really a GREAT product

#2 -Following Competitors Blindly

I agree that competitors are the best teachers, and help you integrate something good into your mobile app.

Competitors Can Be Wrong As Well L

Yes, you heard me absolutely correct, competitors can teach you in lot many ways; what to do and what NOT to even.

But you need to have that vision to understand that what must be picked and what must be avoided.
There are two reasons behind this; first, it brings only harm and not any good for your app concept and second, users don’t have time to entertain a plagiarized version of the pre-existing app.

What Can Be Done???

§  First and the foremost, don’t be an ape, and use your brains and analyze what all good is there on your competitor’s website through the number of analytical tools available online. In accordance with report, try to pick the features but with a personal taste of your business.

§  Don’t copy exactly; else it would incur no interest from your users’ end.

#3 – Considering Kith And Kin As The Best Critics

My mom loves everything I do, my cousin always praises me and my friends encourage me to do always better this list is all long; but this happens with all of us and I am not the exception.

It’s human nature, we get the best things to hear from our loved ones, because they want to encourage each of actions, and cannot find any trouble with anything related to us.

Hence if you expect your app must be reviewed by your friends and family members, then BEWARE, because you are never likely to receive the accurate and the right review from them.

What Can Be Done???

§  Widen u your vision and try to figure out who is your targeted audience???

§  Set your app reviewing strategies and the turf expanded to a broader audience base and get your app tested by different people hailing from different industries and seek their opinion.

§  Once you get in touch with such user base, try to find out what does your app help the users to get the reason to buy from your app?

The set of these assumptions cost your app’s success and make you face the bitter face of the business, so follow my suggestion and pick a leading mobile app development company  to help your mobile app concept transform into a success plan.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Choosing The Right App Analytics For Your App

App users and their behavior are always mysterious and it is very hard to predict the right set of user acquisition strategies to help you win. But that is possible with the right set of analytics to build a secure foundation for the future success of the app.

Instead of keep you waiting any longer, with this post I would like to bring your attention towards the selection of right analytics and core benefits your app can receive from it eventually.
Just read ahead the benefits first…

ü  You must learn that why your app needs the app analytics.

ü  The app analytics let you hear and listen to your customers to improve the app’s performance.

ü  The data taken from the analytical tools help you send push notifications to a user, which are more personalized and are more appropriate.

ü  With the app analytics, you can monitor app-crash and its reasons effortlessly.

ü  The app analytics help you analyze the network-request round-trip time to fix the back-end problems.

ü  Helps you to plan and work on a sustainable ROI strategy.

How To Choose One Perfect Option

 First and the foremost, create a list of most important ROI factors; the number of downloads, referrals to the application and the number of social media shares.

Once this qualitative analytical approach is done to understand the influence of the competition on the app and what are the facts which can drive it further.

 Strategize and plan your future business goals. With this step, you can get a clear idea, about your business revenue needs and how you want to address them with the help of a mobile app and finally pick a right analytical tool for the further success of your app.

Eventually, there is a number of benefits with the app analytics and your selected iphone application development company  would help you sail through this hurdle with an ease.
Hence, you can experience the stronger dose of the success through your mobile app.

The Evolution of Mobile App Development: How IoT is being Impactful

You can imagine how many devices you have connected through a single app, like TV sets, WiFi, AC, baby monitors, and many others, which can&...